TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS

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TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 40 / 40 ]  
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question x264 CRF? Y0tsuya 5 2012-04-13 10:25:22
Question MKV won't play on PS3 gordoncanada 0 2011-02-05 09:07:08
Question Quick Sync Y0tusya 4 2011-02-08 09:43:34
Free talk TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 is available NOW! Development team 11 2011-04-26 04:49:35

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 40 / 40 ]  
Question - x264 CRF? No.64203
Y0tsuya  2011-02-05 12:43:27 ( ID:idf/b5o2elk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Since the new AVC encoder is supposedly based on x264, anyone know how the CQ control relates to x264 ones? When using x264 I prefer to set CRF between 18 to 22. How do I do something like this here? Also can't seem to find any settings for the quantizer. Seems to offer less control than v4. I'm kind of underwhelmed so far.

xmagic  2011-04-05 15:22:57 ( ID:5myapvjve5o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


The x264 in TMV5 actually uses the crf factor when set in Constant Quality (CQ) mode. The relation from the 0-100% quality scale to CRF is :
CRF = 1 + (100 - Q)/2
So in your case, if you want CRF between 18 and 22 you would use Qualities between 66 (CRF=18) to 58 (CRF=22).
You can always check the actual CRF value used by the x264 encoder with the MediaInfo utility.
For the advanced x264 parameters, hit the "MPEG Output" button.

Hope it helps,


Y0tsuya  2011-06-18 05:37:00 ( ID:idf/b5o2elk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This clears things up. Thanks for the help.

africanmarty  2011-06-29 16:29:28 ( ID:nhpjw.3ta/j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i tried but couldn't work it out ( not the best with maths ) could you please tell me the numbers for the following CRF values for x264 in tmpgenc mastering works :

CRF - 18
CRF - 19.5
CRF - 20

thank you.

Regards Marty.

africanmarty   2012-03-28 19:30:37 ( ID:xxokpttgh.m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I figured it out :

Crf 18 = 66
Crf 19.5 = 63
Crf 20 = 62

Those are correct values.

PS: your math equation was wrong... That's why it wouldn't work for me... But I found the right equation online and worked these values out.

davesocal  2012-04-13 10:25:22 ( ID:pk8ltt7jtmj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The formula posted above is fine, I'm guessing the way it was interpreted may have resulted in some errors.

The other way to calculate between CRF and Q is using the formula (same as above but by calculating Q from knowing the desired CRF):

Q = 100 - 2(CRF-1)

Hope this helps.

Question - MKV won't play on PS3 No.64200
gordoncanada  2011-02-05 09:07:08 ( ID:.g5g8jv545o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello everybody,
The upgrade to Video Masteringworks 5 was worth it for me. It takes .wtv files directly, it has the option of timeline editing, it seems more polished, and the output seems a bit sharper. My only problem is that video files converted using the mkv option won't play on my PS3 using PS3 Server. I never have a problem playing downloaded mkv files, or mkv files converted using Handbrake. Anybody know what might be going on or what options to select differently from the default ones?
Thanks, gordoncanada

Question - Quick Sync No.64195
Y0tusya  2011-02-05 04:52:13 ( ID:idf/b5o2elk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm trying to test the difference between x264 speed and Quick Sync. I have a i7-2600K on H67 motherboard with both GMA graphics and discrete card active and working with plugged-in monitors. Using a random 5 min VGA-size clip I'm able to encode that in 2 mins with x264. However encoding through "Intel Media SDK" takes 13 minutes! Any idea what's going on?

tkrave  2011-02-05 09:06:28 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hmmm, that seems way too long. I wonder if it has to do with the flaw Intel found in their Sandy Bridge chips?

Y0tsuya  2011-02-05 11:38:02 ( ID:idf/b5o2elk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No that's the SATA port. I realize there's an issue with using the Quick Sync if a discrete GPU is plugged into the H67/P67 chipset motherboards, because it disables the on-chip GMA. But in my system both the on-chip GMA and discrete GPU are working. When using x264 all 4/8 cores are pegged to 100%. When using the "Intel Media SDK" the CPU cores are pretty much idle, and looks that way for the GMA too.

henry_21pc  2011-02-06 06:35:06 ( ID:fuvdq/qpjjg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same setup and got the same problem. Tried using other software that support quicksync and it works.

Can convert 1hour long 1080p clip to 720p in 6 minutes compare to 3.5 hours tmpg did

Y0tsuya  2011-02-08 09:43:34 ( ID:idf/b5o2elk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can't believe they let this get by QA. Quick Sync with discrete GPU is a big deal for many people.

Free talk - TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 is available NOW! No.64190
Development team  Home )  2011-02-04 12:59:05 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 is available NOW!

The successor to the award-winning TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress is here. Among its features is support for many input and output formats, detailed parameter settings, fast and precise cut-editing, video format conversion, compression, material creation, and much more! This is the high-quality encoding choice of video enthusiasts everywhere.

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 includes improved editing or filtering functions, popular MKV or WebM format support, and other new features, which are expanding the limits of the encoder, becoming a complete encoding solution. It also supports many input and output formats, detailed parameter settings, and offers a fast and precise cut-edit function, video format conversion, compression, material creation and more.

Input related:
* MKV container file support;
* H.264 stream FLV file native support;
* Dolby Digital Plus audio support;
* Integrated HDV/DV camcorder capture function;
* MPEG-2 TS file analyzer capable of recognizing multi-stream video with different resolutions;
* File reader selector function when importing a file;
* Audio only importation;
* Select closed captions or subtitle data from MPEG-TS files, Blu-ray or DVD-Video (when several are available);
* Import Blu-ray or AVCHD file video by the title (VC-1 video not supported)

Editing related:
* Layer editing in a timeline;
* Integrated clip transition effects;
* Setting a blur or mosaic mask while playing the content;
* Vintage image filter;
* Playback speed changer filter;
* Multi-channel audio level meter with each preview;
* Undo/Redo option in almost all editing windows;
* On top of this, integrates our advanced Intuitive Draw Technology for fast preview rendering. NVIDIA CUDA decoder now available.

Output related:
* Uses the x264 encoder;
* Supports the Intel® Media SDK H.264 encoder;
* Supports the NVIDIA CUDA hardware H.264 encoder;
* Supports MKV container file output.

* Access the Tools from any stage of the main window from the Start-up Launcher;
* Proxy editing file creation function;
* Batch encode tool Task tray minimization.

For more information, visit the TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 webpage and try it today with 14 days free Trial!!:

michaelshk  2011-02-04 21:36:52 ( ID:kc3bhgoufgc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I bought TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress a few days ago, so I am eligible for a free upgrade .
The question is: how do I do it?

Tourist  2011-02-04 22:31:27 ( ID:ikirhkezxrr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It was not hard to find the free upgrade
Go here
select upgrade and go to store where you find it

Mark N  2011-02-05 04:10:52 ( ID:u./yezmgckr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. I am after the first test of this program. "Cuda" do not work without a filter, Adobe encore CS5, then the material encodes (untrancoded). It makes no sense to buy this program.

doppler56  2011-02-05 08:49:42 ( ID:y5o7ynycnll )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

New and broken right off the bat.

Start trial, and ends with "illegal floating decimal point calculation order" message box

tkrave  2011-02-05 09:04:14 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Hello. I am after the first test of this program. "Cuda" do not work without a filter, Adobe encore CS5, then the material encodes (untrancoded). It makes no sense to buy this program.

CUDA can be used for H.264 encoding as well, filters don't need to be enabled for that. Or maybe I just don't know what you're saying.

Remington  2011-02-05 15:44:57 ( ID:fb.jfddyo.o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nice product but VMW5 falls short of including SRT subtitle support. It made no sense to exclude SRT while they include support for closed-caption. I'll have to use a free third-party software to do this simple task of merging the SRT into my videos.

Remington  2011-02-05 16:31:10 ( ID:fb.jfddyo.o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ahh... while I was researching this some more and they do indeed support SRT.

What I did was...
1) Open a New Project
2) Select video file
3) In 'Clip properties' select Filters button
4) Click 'Edit filter list' button at the bottom
5) Add 'Subtitles' from Filter catalog and press OK
6) Select 'Subtitles' from the filter list and 'enable subtitles' should be checked.
7) Click 'Edit menu' at lower right and 'Import subtitles'
8) Now you can do the videos with subtitles.

Nice thing about this is that you can edit/resync the subtitles and save the subtitle without merging into the video.

Great work TMPGEnc team!

Wont_Buy_This  2011-02-05 21:37:36 ( ID:dskuvn2gmn. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Won't buy this until you support SMART RENDERING.

Good job downloaded trial, and found that it ALWAYS has to re-encode video !

WTF? Other TMPG products use smart rendering.

Avoid this product until they update it unless you like compression after compression from re-encodes where it's not required !!!!

tkrave  2011-02-08 03:11:15 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Won't buy this until you support SMART RENDERING.
>Good job downloaded trial, and found that it ALWAYS has to re-encode video !
>WTF? Other TMPG products use smart rendering.
>Avoid this product until they update it unless you like compression after compression from re-encodes where it's not required !!!!

Other TMPGEnc products use smart rendering for MPEG-2/DivX Ultra ONLY and those are for specific uses such as DVD-Video/BD. It's easy to implement smart rendering when you know a file has to conform to a certain standard (DVD-Video standard, for example) but if it were easy to implement for any old file and any format, then every software company out there would be doing it.

Nevermind the fact that this is an ENCODER. That is it's PRIMARY purpose. It is for re-encoding video for other purposes. If you're buying it to edit your video, then yes, don't waste your time.  2011-04-23 03:00:50 ( ID:a8bxzhikpf. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I bought this updgrade, but it does not work on Windows XP Pro 64bit. Wish they told me that before wasting my money. Now they have blocked the licence on my version 4 software and refuse to refund my money. A BIG RIP-OFF. DO NOT BUY.

If you are looking at this for a 64bit system, it does NOT work.

tkrave  2011-04-26 04:49:35 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's in the system requirements that 64-bit is only supported for Windows 7. If you didn't read that then it's on you.

It works fine on Windows 7 64-bit, so stop being so dramatic.

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