TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS

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TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 29 / 40 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Application error rumek7 3 2012-06-17 14:17:05
Question divx quality Windows 7 2 2011-10-10 02:58:38
Question Encode options ivan Ivanov 1 2011-10-04 03:01:38
Question 100%CPU usage Bardy 4 2011-10-11 23:56:10
Question DTS support please Xtof 0 2011-09-27 05:44:02
Question Nvidia CUDA Not Work Micro 2 2011-09-19 12:26:15
Question CUDA encode not working Samsung Galaxy SII dazzaling69 1 2011-09-17 10:10:17
Question WTV to MP4 or MKV Rafale 1 2011-09-15 05:10:06
Question wtv files gordoncanada 6 2011-12-01 02:12:08
Question Slow startup under Microsoft Security Essentials bmcfarl 1 2011-09-11 13:47:01
Question CoreAVC ??? ecliptic 0 2011-09-08 12:15:21
Question Sharpen Filter affects subtitle too GeneAriani 3 2011-09-29 01:42:22

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 29 / 40 ]   Next > >>
Question - Application error No.65286
rumek7  2011-10-09 07:20:45 ( ID:wbxtlbqunxr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


after starting the program the error:

"Application error: EAccessViolation occurred TMPGEncVMW5.exe-module / 689E99E9. 689EA9E9 At address, Loading error occurred against 689EA9E9 address."

And then:

"FastMM has detected a GetMem FastMM call you after you uninstalled FastMM"

In the task manager process occurs TMPGEncVMW5.exe and its CPU load is almost 100%. Let me add that I have uninstalled and then re-installed the program but it did not help.

Please help.

rafale  2011-10-09 22:42:52 ( ID:9wqsiuqzgm. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


what your processor model and RAM ?

mdisante  2012-06-17 14:07:45 ( ID:v7xrxbg/her )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am also seeing the error "FastMM has detected a GetMem call after FastMM was uninstalled." After upgrading to Windows 7 64bit, I was running find with version 4 of DVD Author. Then, about a week or so ago, I tried to launch the program and got this FastMM error. When I went to the web page, I found that version 4 was no longer supported, so I upgraded to version 5. I have tried an upgrade installation and a full uninstall / registry clean / full installation of the program and still get this error. Any idea what is going on?

mdisante  2012-06-17 14:17:05 ( ID:v7xrxbg/her )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I forgot to specify my system configuration.. Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Intel Core I7-920 CPU. 6 GB RAM. 3 TB disk. AMD 6970 video card.

Question - divx quality No.65284
Windows 7  2011-10-07 12:11:44 ( ID:vrrtquvhzr2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The quality of a divx is not as good as the older version of express or authoring works. I am using the same settings but when I play the movie it is blocky. i am using 2500, insane quality and still not a clean conversion. What am I doing wrong?

tkrave  2011-10-08 02:57:21 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What are the settings you used before and what are the settings you are using now? Are you using the same source file for both conversions?

WINDOWS 7  2011-10-10 02:58:38 ( ID:vrrtquvhzr2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - Encode options No.65272
ivan Ivanov  2011-10-02 18:34:22 ( ID:yjugllmhu1w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to ask a question.
I want to make as an AVI video ,but there are so many encode options.
What do i choose for video(cinepack,intel 5....) and audio (56kb 22000hz....)settings?
Also is this sharp filter really works?If my video is blur will it make it clear?


tkrave  2011-10-04 03:01:38 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's really up to you which one you choose. What is the intended use of the video? That can help inform what codec you should use. If you're not sure, you may just want to use the DivX codec.
Does it have to be AVI? MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 output might be another format to take a look at.

Settings are also up to you and should really depend on the intended use of the video and the quality/format of the source file.
What are you going to use the video for (portable device, viewing on computer, etc.)? Is file size an issue (does it need to be small, or does it not matter)?
What is the source file's characteristics? Use a program like MediaInfo or GSpot to check the file.
Are you changing anything about the video? Resizing it? Changing framerate? Etc.

Question - 100%CPU usage No.65259
Bardy  2011-09-29 23:22:23 ( ID:5/.exzzb0q6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When running TMPEng video mastering 5 is it normal to be using 100% cpu.
I'm running windows ultimate 7
2gb ram
any reason for 100%cpu which overheats the computer, I get the overheating buzzing noise.I installed a program called speed fan which stops computer shutting down.
This is the only program I have this trouble with.
Please help.

tkrave  2011-09-30 01:57:59 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Most people complain when it doesn't use 100% of the CPU (they want it to use 100%). Encoding is CPU intensive and the more of the CPU it uses, the faster the output will be.

Anyway, try lowering the CPU priority and run it in the background.

Rafale  2011-10-02 15:26:32 ( ID:2x4mtg0ob2. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Speedfan is a program that monitors voltages, fan speeds and temperatures in computers with hardware monitor chips. Do you know the temp of CPU ? It's perhaps a cooling problem...If the CPu Temp temp for a COre 2 Quad is over 70°C you have a problem if they are at 89°C the system shut down...I had the problem with my "old" Core2Quad 9450 when the CPU fan had a paw broke...

Bardy  2011-10-03 20:01:47 ( ID:5/.exzzb0q6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your responses.I will lower priority and I will check the fan out.

goldstar_one  2011-10-11 23:56:10 ( ID:9jxv5frov6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you seem to have a cooling issue with your CPU, I have a AMD phenom X6 and when ALL 6 cores are running at 100%, my CPU temps only reach about 48c with the stock cooler. You should REALLY look into fixing this problem as multiple overheats will reduce the life of your CPU. Check your BIOS setting to make sure the the voltages are set correctly for your CPU. You can also try to "undervolt" the CPU, will really reduce the temp, if those things don't work, it's time to get a better CPU cooler

Question - DTS support please No.65254
Xtof  2011-09-27 05:44:02 ( ID:cjpbtyp7gam )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


When will TVMW be able to read DTS audio directly from a source file. I have a few BD's with DTS only audio tracks and I really don't want to spent time extracting the audio track, converting it separately and then re-adding this to the main video file in TVMW.

Frankly, with the number of Blu-Ray's coming out with DTS audio, I just find this to be a basic feature (basic = I won't buy the soft if this is not there).

Tx a lot.

Question - Nvidia CUDA Not Work No.65217
Micro  2011-09-19 12:03:17 ( ID:i3i1h1sfuw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Intel Core2Quad Q8400

Nvidia GTS250 DDR3 1 GB


WindowsXP SP3

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 50638

Other Encode Program it's Work !!! [ Ulexx , Sonxx ]

Micro  2011-09-19 12:22:47 ( ID:i3i1h1sfuw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I.m Sorry , It's work now.

Dont't forget check this option ^^

Micro  2011-09-19 12:26:15 ( ID:i3i1h1sfuw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I.m Sorry , It's work now.
>Dont't forget check this option ^^

Question - CUDA encode not working Samsung Galaxy SII No.65204
dazzaling69  2011-09-16 19:56:27 ( ID:r1p6jnl66cw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I can create CUDA encodes on my machine with no problems and they play on PCs and other media devices. However, my Samsung Galaxy SII refuses to accept the files, regardless of encoding conditions, resolution, bitrate, etc. It merely reports an unsupported file format. Encodes using other software, including Handbrake, work fine. WMV encodes from within VMW are fine (but slow to encode).

Any suggestions about what the problem might be? Generally this phone is reported as playing anything thrown at it.

tkrave  2011-09-17 10:10:17 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What settings have you tried in TVMW5 and what settings worked in Handbrake? Be specific.

Check the manual for more specific specs. For instance, Sprint's Galaxy SII's video specs are as follows:

● H.263 profile 0 @ 30 fps, WVGA (800x480), max 2 Mbps
● MPEG-4 simple profile @ 30 fps, 720p (1280x720), max 6 Mbps
● H.264 baseline profile @ 30 fps, 720p (1280x720), max 6 Mbps

Question - WTV to MP4 or MKV No.65199
Rafale  2011-09-15 05:03:13 ( ID:9wqsiuqzgm. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a problem between the demo version and the retail version. When I'm using the demo version I could use toconvert without problem my WTV file and MP4 or MKV . Since I 'm using the retail version I couldn't !!! I haven't got any error message ...

Rafale  2011-09-15 05:10:06 ( ID:9wqsiuqzgm. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have forget, the freeze of picture are always between 37 or 40% . For the support it's a conflict with Quictime or FFDshow or Xvid...I don't understand why the demo version work without problem not the retail !!!!

Question - wtv files No.65181
gordoncanada  2011-09-11 21:47:45 ( ID:.g5g8jv545o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have not been able to import wtv files since purchasing VideoMasterworks 5. The files seem to import, but the converted files freeze part way in. When I originally purchased TMPGenc Express, I had been using Videoredo to convert my dvrms files. I stopped using it when I switched to Pegasys software, but now I have to use Videoredo to convert wtv files to dvrms. Am I the only one having trouble converting wtv to dvrms? Support doesn't help, but only tells me it must be "some kind of conflict." Videoredo converts them perfectly. I hope a future version of Masterworks 5 fixes this problem.

tkrave  2011-09-13 03:55:42 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you convert the file to dvrms (by checking the box when importing)?
Whenever one of my wtv files freeze, there is usually video corruption due to a poor broadcast signal. Check the clip editor and see if there are visual breaks around the point where it freezes.

davidv  2011-09-23 21:59:01 ( ID:dfditwmikpk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I also cannot encode WTV files, I select my WTV file, I edit out the commercials, by doing this I verify my source recording it fine- no corruption. I am trying to convert to divx. I dont want to convert to dvrms as this is one of the reasons I purchased this software. The first 20min of the encoded video is fine but then it freezes. The encode should take approx 1 hour but finishes to quickly after 20min and the file size it too small- 400MB when it should be 1GB. This happening to all my WTV files, if I convert then to DVRMS first encoding works.

tkrave  2011-09-24 02:07:49 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you know if the wtv file is MPEG-2 or H.264 encoded? I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it. Broadcasts in my area are MPEG-2 encoded.

As a test, I would suggest checking the convert to dvrms box. If an error comes up during that conversion, then there will definitely be a freeze when you try to encode it later.

Rafale  2011-09-25 00:38:16 ( ID:z4qfz5mi4m2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Whenever one of my wtv files freeze, there is usually video corruption due to a poor broadcast signal. Check the clip editor and see if there are visual breaks around the point where it freezes.

I'm not agree !! There is no problem with poor broadcast signal on the DEMO version !!! It's a bug of the retail version !!! The same WTV file are ok in the demo version but bug in the retail !!!

PS: There no problem with MPEG 4 in WTV µI'm leaving in France and use DVB-T
who use MPG 2 and 4

Rafale  2011-12-01 02:10:33 ( ID:z4qfz5mi4m2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have found a soft for convert WTV files to TS files

After convertion any problem under TMPGenc 5

Rafale  2011-12-01 02:12:08 ( ID:z4qfz5mi4m2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using this software with WTV in MPEG4 Full HD with E-AC3 in 5.1. (French DVB- T)

Question - Slow startup under Microsoft Security Essentials No.65179
bmcfarl  2011-09-11 13:40:37 ( ID:xibxxzapizo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Guys,

I've noticed Video Mastering Works 5 taking over a minute to load when I have real-time protection turned on in my anti-virus problem, Microsoft Security Essentials.

When I turn real-time protection off, the load time is normal, around 10 seconds.

Anyone else running into this problem? Thanks for any help given!


bmcfarl  2011-09-11 13:47:01 ( ID:xibxxzapizo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Whoops! I forgot to give my system specs...

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
4Gb ram
AMD Athlon X2 4800 processor


Question - CoreAVC ??? No.65164
ecliptic  2011-09-08 12:15:21 ( ID:iis.nizphpc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do I get Video Mastering Works to utilize my CoreAVC?

Question - Sharpen Filter affects subtitle too No.65148
GeneAriani  2011-09-04 03:11:04 ( ID:87ws7mt8cx2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It seems that when I use sharpen filter along with Subtitle, the subtitle font also gets sharpened. Is there any way to avoid this?

GeneAriani  2011-09-04 03:11:59 ( ID:87ws7mt8cx2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The above was with the subtitle SRT file imported and not hardcoded subtitle.

tkrave  2011-09-13 05:35:12 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the Filter window, click on the "Edit filter list" button. The filter list editor window will appear.

Then, select the subtitle filter in the Filter list on the left hand side of the window.

Click the "Down" button until the Subtitle filter appears BELOW the Sharpness filter. That should fix the problem. Apparently, filters can affect all filters above them in the list.

geneariani  2011-09-29 01:42:22 ( ID:timdfjjbdja )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks tkrave I will gice it try

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