TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS

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TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 18 / 40 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Encoding with multiple audio streams Stephane 1 2012-12-04 10:32:47
Question Audio delay rap2 1 2012-11-25 04:09:28
Question Open Blu Ray - Cannot decode some titles Jayar 1 2012-11-22 07:16:25
Question Quicktime reference file not working Drbgaijin 1 2012-12-10 19:40:21
Request The New Filter "Technicolor CineStyle" for TVMW5 smartfinder 0 2012-11-20 12:43:18
Question Problem with distorted images in DVD files gmstraub 1 2012-11-15 08:10:10
Question Display size rap2 0 2012-10-21 03:08:47
Question Can I convert just Audio (pass through vid) from MKV to MP4 Gene Lati 1 2012-10-16 02:16:52
Question License validation problems cwong 0 2012-10-12 04:52:09
Question can selective subtitles be Bold or different color etc kimberley 1 2012-12-16 04:21:24
Question Lock video size option Daniel Doveton 0 2012-10-06 18:40:27
Question H.264 CUDA encoding FayeKane 1 2013-01-05 02:53:21

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5 BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 18 / 40 ]   Next > >>
Question - Encoding with multiple audio streams No.67040
Stephane  2012-11-26 05:42:48 ( ID:uvtf6/m.c2g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I would like to encode from a DVD Input to MKV x264 with multiple AAC audio streams and Subtitles...

I own TMPEnc Video Mastering Works 5 wich is limited to one audio stream, i've thus buyed Authoring Works 5... but it seems that Authoring Works does not allow to fine tune x264 settings, does not allow AAC audio output nor MKV output :(

Is there any solution with TMPGEnc products to output to MKV x264 with Multiple AAC Audio Streams, with full x264/AAC manual configuration like in Video Mastering Works ?

tkrave  2012-12-04 10:32:47 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You might want to try TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 4. It's not really an encoder, but I believe it can output multiple audio streams and MKV. However, I'm pretty sure the program doesn't support subtitles.

Authoring Works 5 is only for DVD/Blu-ray and MKV and AAC are not compliant with those formats, so that's why it won't let you output in those formats.

Question - Audio delay No.67027
rap2  2012-11-24 03:51:01 ( ID:bxeyjzjobh2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to make a photo slide show; however, the audio does not start until 12.5 seconds after the slide show starts. The Audio file is much longer than the photo show and I have checked both options ("Do not match" and "adjust duration") with same results in each case.

How do I get the audio and slide show to start simultaneously?

Thanks for any assistance...

dave_socal  2012-11-25 04:09:28 ( ID:pk8ltt7jtmj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Perhaps your audio clip has 12.5 seconds silence lead-in?

In the cut-edit panel you can see the audio waveform.
If there is a flat line at the start of the audio clip
then you have silence in the front.

If this is the case you can fix by either edit the long
lead-in out of the audio clip using an external audio
editor such as Audacity or you can delay (audio gap)
your audio in TVMW5 by -1250 mS.

Question - Open Blu Ray - Cannot decode some titles No.67022
Jayar  2012-11-21 18:28:34 ( ID:aclnqht.zk2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i open a blu ray from the disk folder, i get the following message:

The selected disc contains titles with audio that cannot be decoded.
Since audio that cannot be decoded does not display in the selector, some titles may not have a selectable audio.

After that, the main audio stream is not available. I think, it is a DTS stream or 5.1 stream. Isn't it possible to choose these streams?

Thun77  2012-11-22 07:16:25 ( ID:tzkiqcq/bqj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The way i deal with that is:

1: I make a mkv file of the movie with makemkv and export the dts audio file from that with MKVExtractGUI2, so i have the audio file in .dts format

2: In TVMW5 I then choose the titel and subtitel but no audio, and import that.

3: I then click brows in the empty audio box, and brows to the file i exported and import that, but you have to chose "All files (*.*)" in the brows window to be able to see the file, as .dts files are not official supported. I then click "no" to reset the cut-edit and keyframe lists.

Now you can re-encode the audio to a new supported format, like Dolby-Digital

In order for this to work, you need to have installed a directshow filter, i use the one in K-Lite Codec Pack, it will then use "DirectShow file reader" for the import, insted of the default BD reader

If the audio you imported is shown as "2 ch" or other than "5,1 ch" you need to open the DirectShow filter which you can do by double clicking the FFa icon in the Systray. You then need to disable mixer, by removing the checkmark in the box next to mixer. Now you re-import the audio file and it should be shown as 5,1 ch

Question - Quicktime reference file not working No.67021
Drbgaijin  Home )  2012-11-21 17:09:59 ( ID:c0rj84devra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It may just be my own bad memory, but I think I have been able to import Quicktime Reference files (created in Media Composer) and bring them into VMW5 until today.

Today when I imported a QTref file, there was no video showing - only a black screen. The ausio was fine.

Is it my memory, or can something have happened now that prevents the video from appearing.
It sounds like a missing codec, but the same QT ref file can be imported (with video) into a couple of other applications I have.

Drbgaijin  Home )  2012-11-23 06:24:50 ( ID:mrfg5z8inac )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Answering my own question.

I have found the problem.
I have installed a codec in Avid Media Composer to allow the direct creation of a QT reference file from HDV Long GOP clips.
TMPGEnc does not see that codec on my system and therefore cannot show the video.


Request - The New Filter "Technicolor CineStyle" for TVMW5 No.67016
smartfinder  Home )  2012-11-20 12:43:18 ( ID:qdm08jb1tfc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My Camera HDR-CX700 with "color cinema", but is not so notorius the effect.

The new filter "Technicolor CineStyle" of 5DtoRGB, is wonderful, I want this filter effect in TVMW5, to improve the appearance of my recordings, I hope soon PEGASYS meets my wish for 2013.

My card delivery SpursEngine more vivid colors, but I would again enchant with my films, color filters I get the impression they do lose some detail in the image, the RGB to YUV process is perceived in the filter.

Question - Problem with distorted images in DVD files No.66990
gmstraub  2012-11-11 22:45:46 ( ID:rxozfdklblg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am having trouble with DVD files that I input or import into MasteringWorks 5. A DVD file will input normally as before, but it now has a terribly distorted, psychedelic effect. It is almost impossible to determine what I'm looking at. The encoding will work, but the outputted result has the same distorted look as the input. Was something occurred with my codecs or something to alter DVD files once on the computer?

Can someone help me fix what has gone wrong?

tkrave  2012-11-15 08:10:10 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's possible TAW5 is using a different file reader than TAW4 did. In the Clip Properties window, it should say which file reader is being used under the video stream info.
See which one it is and you can try disabling it in the Preferences. Once disabled, re-import the clip and see if it looks OK.

Question - Display size No.66921
rap2  2012-10-21 03:08:47 ( ID:bxeyjzjobh2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do I increase the display size when encoding the final file?

Question - Can I convert just Audio (pass through vid) from MKV to MP4 No.66877
Gene Lati  2012-10-13 06:44:10 ( ID:6akalx7zton )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need to convert the audio in an MKV to aac and just mux to MP4. Is there a way to do this without rendering the avc video?

tkrave  2012-10-16 02:16:52 ( ID:esk4fdefcg2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You might be able to use the demultiplexer to separate the audio. Go to Start-->Advanced Tools-->Demultiplexer.

Question - License validation problems No.66871
cwong  2012-10-12 04:52:09 ( ID:a108et./usm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

While I'm sympathetic to the need for the software to validate its license periodically, is there a specific schedule for when it does this? Where I work, the software is installed on kiosk computers that are meant for video editing only and should not have internet access. I have to manually connect them up to validate the software and then I disconnect them after. Is it possible to get the address of the server they dial in to? I was thinking of just leaving them connected without a gateway and then manually adding a single dns entry on the local hosts file so that the computers can only access the internet for that one thing.

Question - can selective subtitles be Bold or different color etc No.66842
kimberley  2012-10-07 04:48:24 ( ID:uck.xvsbavc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1) I cannot make individual subtitle lines or words in bold or colored
is it possible?
How can it be done?

2) also imported .srt files have format details such as bold or red in color do not have any effect on the outcome through TMPGenc

3)and default centering or individual centering the subtitle lines do not always necessarily center the subtitles, any solution please?

Ranma  2012-12-16 04:21:24 ( ID:jr7aqprafbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use multiavchd for your authoring. Much friendlier and will auto encode whatever files you have. Works with every subtitle format and keeps colours and annotations.

Question - Lock video size option No.66841
Daniel Doveton  2012-10-06 18:40:27 ( ID:vydhwbywbkc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I encode using TMPGEnc and the settings give you the option of locking the video size (default is off). To me it makes sense to lock the video size but I am not totally sure as to whether I am right or not. Can anybody enlighten me please?

Question - H.264 CUDA encoding No.66826
FayeKane  Home )  2012-10-03 03:55:10 ( ID:tzr0uyj/zsf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think CUDA is the coolest thing since the Lisp 3.0 intrepreter! But I'm wondering if my GPU is actually being used during H.264 encode.

I select a different H.264 encoder because Nvidia doesn't allow 2 pass encoding (and why is that, BTW? Were the Nvidia programmers lazy?)

Do I have to select the Nvidia encoder in order to get GPU vector processing horsepower, even though the encoding status bar says that CUDA is doing 99% of the work?

If so, do you think that reporting "99% CUDA" when the GPU is not being used is a bug that I should report? I hate to bother these people.



bullhead  2013-01-05 02:53:21 ( ID:43.7gwcotnh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not problem with Nvidia, but in PEGASYS!
- other encoders use REAL CODING ON GPU AND 2 PASS ON CUDA
- TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5, if select CUDA, coding on GPU ONLY(!) FILTERS (and yet not all), x264 ALWAYS on CPU!
...= no 2 pass encoding on PEGASYS

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