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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
trying to get to grips with converting my downloaded movies to KVCD. Have TMPGEnc and the kvcd templates, however when i try to load the video and audio files, a message appears saying that the file cannot be opened or is unsupported. Where am i going wrong?
Green as the grass at the moment about this, so make it simple for me..
I have D2V & Wav Files (which i made with DVD2AVI and HeadAC3)and want to Convert to MPEG1 with TMPGenc Plus 2.5 for my Ipaq. I tried to use my owmn Template with these settings: Video 352*288, Constant Bitrate 600, Audio 128,44100 Joint Stereo. Source File is 108 Minuts i.e. when i start Wizard and take my Setting (Template) it shows me "Produces 5,30MB average / Minute. But the MPEG1 file becomes almost double /ca. 10,23MB / Minute. Even the last Wizard Window Shows the Estimated file Size = 575,86 MB but after 5 Hours Job it produce 1,2GB File. Now i went with this problem to one of my freiend who has the same Version (Tmpgenc) and we tried the same Files / same cofiguration also same Windows (2000) and i was so surpriced this time the MPEG1 File is correct as the wizard shows (575,86) Now at my PC i tried it again and again but the size is always double. Even i tried with different files but result is same.
Any Ideas ???
>I have D2V & Wav Files (which i made with DVD2AVI and HeadAC3)
Why did you use HeadAC3 when DVD2AVI creates it's own wav?
The next time you want to change the bitrate of an MPEG1 from standard VCD settings make sure you change the stream setting to 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard)' under the 'system' tab in 'settings' or padding will be added.
To remove this padding from your current MPEG1 file just run it through the 'simple multiplexer' with the above setting and the padding will be removed. Your file will then be the size it should be.
thanks for Mail..
Why I use HeadAC3 tool for WAV because I had Synchronise Problem with MP3 File (From DVD2AVI)
My main problem is still not solved. I tried just now the same way as you wrote. I Used Standard VCD Template and change in System to "MPEG1 VCD (Non Standard). This MPEG1 File I run with MPEG Tools / Simple Multiplex / Type - MPEG-1 VideoCD (non Standard) Video/Audio Input - MPEG1 File and output saved with another name.
But it didnot work out. My File Size has become from 7,824 MB to 7,819. This should be almost half. Because 352*288 Resolution / 520 Bitrate/ 128kb Audio the File schold be approx. 5,67 MB (Project Wizard calculate 5,30MB per Minute) The Quality is exellent and all other setting are very good only the File Size becomes almost double.
It will be great if you can send me few other tips...
>I Used Standard VCD Template and change in System to "MPEG1 VCD (Non Standard)
Did you unlock the template first and then change to 'MPEG1 VCD (non standard)'?
If this did not work then you have not encoded the MPEG at the bitrate you think you have, but have encoded it at standard bitrate. I can guarantee to you that if your MPEG was indeed encoded at 520 Mb/s then the above setting would create the correct output size.
Do NOT use the wizard.
Just load your d2v and wav into the main window, click 'Load' and select the VCD template. Then do as suggested above and unlock the template by double clicking the 'unlock.mcf' in the 'Extra' folder.
After that change the stream type setting to 'MPEG1 VCD (non standard)' as previously advised.
Yes i unlock the template otherwise i cannot change the settings.
Yesterday i tried another film and as you said with "MPEG1 VCD - Non Standard" and it worked out very well.
This was a 124 Min. and with my MPEG1 Settings (352*288 ,Constant Bitrate = 520, Audio =128 Joint Stereo) Estimated File Size was 585,93 and Finally it became 597,54. Actually i wanted a MPEG1 File less than 600 MB (Rest Space on my Micro Drive)and i played this MPEG1 File (with PocketTV) on my Ipaq H2210. The Quality is excllent just like DVD.
This time File size has become just 2% more than estimate which i quite OK.
I will try some more films and let you know on Monday..
Thanks again.
I am trying to convert a DVD to MPEG1 Format. I fixed all the settings with Tmpgenc and saved it as "Template". Now i start my project and Load my Template with Project Wizard which show me in the last window that Estimated file Size will be 575,86 MB and after 5 Hours Work the File becomes 1,2GB Big. Movie is 108Minuts, Video Resolution 352x288, Constant Bitrate = 600, Audio 128/ 44100Hz. Joint Stereo.
I tried the same File with one of my friends Computer with same Fim Size, same Tmpgenc Version (Plus)with same settings as i did before, now encoding file is correct and MPEG1 Size is perfect as Estimated.
The problem is at my computer same File becomes fast double.
Can anyone give me a tip....??
After upgrading from windows Me to XP-prof, I now have problems with the batch encoding. Tmpgenc shuts down after one file without any error message (the produced file is OK). This happens also on my laptop with XP-prof. I have enough memory (640 MB) and enough space on my HD. I tried also earlier versions of Tmpgenc. Is there a problem between Tmpgenc and Windows XP-prof. Who can help?
kind regards
...have very similar problem. Seemed OK on W98SE but on WinXP my TMPGENc just suddenly disappears while encoding...
...I've found an info that TMPGEnc doesn't support DV type-1 (only DV type-2)
- the strange thing is that TMPGEnc supported DV type-1 under Win 98 SE without any problems - and since I'm using WinXP - this problem became very frustrating.
..any help or comments would be appreciated
WHY TMPGEnc just disappears while encoding under WINDOWS XP??
I posted a message a couple of days ago about not being able to convert AVI files from my camera to MPEG files. Thank you for the responses, but I'm still not sure about the following advice:
"raise the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2." How do I do this?
I have Windows Media Player 7 and it can play my AVI files. I have Win 98 and TMPGEnc version
Apologies for my total ignorance; I do not wish to have people guessing and wasting their time. Perhaps I'll just ask this, how do I access, enable (or adjust) Direct Show settings? Do I need a particular version of Media Player? Oh, and in response to your request, the camera captures to a compact flash card. Just a normal compact flash card.
Thank you for your reply and your patience! Yes I finally worked out how to convert my AVI files, it's a bit of a steep learning curve for me... maybe TMPGEnc needs a bit more information in its help files...?
I'm trying to figure out how to convert a movie on my pc from .asf file to a vcd so that Nero will burn it on my dvd+r disc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a newbie.
>I'm trying to figure out how to convert a movie on my pc from .asf file to a vcd so that Nero will burn it on my dvd+r disc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a newbie.
It would help if actually tell us what problem you are having or is it a guessing game?
what else do you want to know? I keep trying to burn movies usig nero. It says I don't have enough room on a maxell 4.7gb. But, when I check the amount of space I'm using it says 3.7? I can't remember the last number. I wan't to know if I have to conver all my .mpg's or do I just burn them. If anyone know why Nero won't burn my clips please let me know. They're all .mpg's and like I said the program says I don't have enough space on the dvd+r but I do.
>I'm trying to figure out how to convert a movie on my pc from .asf file to a vcd so that Nero will burn it on my dvd+r disc. ^^^
asf file you say?
>I wan't to know if I have to conver all my .mpg's or do I just burn them. If anyone know why Nero won't burn my clips please let me know. They're all .mpg's and like I said the program says I don't have enough space on the dvd+r but I do.
u want to know if you have to convert ur files to mpeg, but their all mpeg's
You're gettin' us all confused with what you are actually doing here. You're gonna have to explain the steps you are taking in detail.
Are you saying you are simply loading the ASF in to NERO and then trying to convert to DVD or have you already converted the ASF to MPEG1 or MPEG2 (which?) with TMPG and are now attempting to burn those files to a DVD with NERO? (Nero burning or Nero express?)
Either way you are missing an important step and until you explain what you have done, we can't help you.
If you want to kow the steps you should have taken read on below:
1. Load ASF into TMPG
2. Select appropiate DVD template or use the Wizard
3. Encode
4. Author the resulting MPEG from TMPG to VOBS using a DVD authoring program such as TMPG DVDauthor
5. Burn VOBS from DVDauthor with NERO using DVD-Video mode
If you didn't do the steps above then you have the answer to your problem.
i am trying to make a Battlefield 1942 clan video. i got fraps, then i took it to Virtualdub and edited the scene i wanted. then i followed these steps to the letter...
" 7: Now, as you may have noticed, our movie is huge, more than 100 MB. That's because it's still Raw, Uncompressed AVI. Now we're going to use that Divx codec I made you download. Open Tmpg Enc (If that stupid "Wizard" pops up, click Cancel), then look at the 3 bars at the bottom that say Video Source, Audio Source, and Output File Name. Click the Browse button next to the Video Source box, and select your movie. The Audio Source box and Output File Name should automatically be filled in to your movie path when you select the movie in the Video Source column. If not, copy and paste the path from the Video Source to the Audio Source. Then, in the Output File Name Column, rename your file to what you want it to be called."
when i do that i get "annot open p3package.dll"
i am at an absolute loss with this..beginning to annoy me slightly:/
any help would be great, cheers
Step 8: Now, we compress. Click File, Output To File, AVI File. A little menu will pop up. If you don't see "Divx codec" in the Video box, click the Setting box and select it from the pulldown menu. Click Save, and relax. You're done.
Search this BBS for your answer. Just type p3package.dll.
It's been answered 1,00000000000000000,0000000000000000,000000000000000000,000000000 times already
I have just tried to convert piglets big movie avi. When playing the avi file in media player the sound is fine. But after ripping the audio to a wav file in virtualdub and converting to mpg in tmpgenc the audio goes out of synch by about 1/2 second over the length of the movie. ??? any fixes welcome thx
hey all, ok i just converted avi to mpeg, 4:3 525 line ntsc,non interlace, mpeg setting on high quality,and when im finished the audio goes outta wack. the mouthes move, but there is a delay in audio. im 99.9% sure that the origanal source was good, but of course i delited it..............DOH!!! any suggestions? thanks t t f n
sorry but this may not be anything to do with tmpgenc at all, but when I encode using an SVCD format and try to play the audio back in windows all I get is bubbly squeeks (yum) for sound. When I play on a dvd player the sound is fine.
I looked at the audio settings for VCD and SVCD templates and they are both 224kbps mpeg 1 layer II but my VCD files play fine (sound is fine) on my computer and the DVD player.
Has anyone any idea whats going on?, if this is anything to do with tmpgenc encoding or not ? like I say it only happens when the audio is packaged with a mpeg 2 video stream so I dont know where to look...
Use a real MPEG2 player like WinDVD or PowerDVD. Mediaplayer is crap for SVCD.
How's the picture when playing, OK?
What speed of CDROM drive do you have?