TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 76 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question INcomplete Demuxing Problem Megan 1 2004-03-20 13:00:11
Question ClassFactory error with an avi file... rico 0 2004-03-20 00:14:07
Question Video Problem preciousbamboo 0 2004-03-19 22:01:17
Question INcomplete Demuxing Problem Megan 0 2004-03-19 21:00:24
Question What is file serving?... ASD-123 2 2004-03-20 21:04:56
Question options /batch and /close -> skip the result log window rolsch 0 2004-03-19 13:08:58
Question ntdll.dll error asd-123 3 2004-03-19 19:02:27
Question menu and new background problem colinpost 1 2004-03-24 18:24:22
Question mr colinpost 2 2004-03-20 02:14:50
Question Why does TMPGEnc stop at 1 hour and 30 min? brivers 0 2004-03-18 03:41:17
Question multinode pc cluster vert 1 2004-03-19 19:24:13
Question What about "judging field order" Taurus50 5 2004-03-20 00:05:22

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 76 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - INcomplete Demuxing Problem No.41240
Megan  2004-03-20 02:12:03 ( ID:nafc1/jc24r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello there!

I'm using TMPGEnc to demux an mpeg2 stream that I have on a DVD.

I am using the Demultiplex function, and navigate to my VOB, and then begin the process.

I have gotton the full .ac3 file (5 minutes) but only the first of 3 video files. (All the audio is there, just no video).

Any idea what I can do to get the complete video file?



ashy  2004-03-20 13:00:11 ( ID:cib90j3svn2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you want to demux VOBs you should use VOBEDIT.
This program will either demux individual VOBs or the whole set to complete seperate files.

Question - ClassFactory error with an avi file... No.41239
rico  2004-03-20 00:14:07 ( ID:kstm8pfhz8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all

Maybe do you know why a have "classFactory could not found the codec" to read an avi file. I did this avi file with vfapi. its a fake avi made from a d2v file made by dvd2avi.

What i need to read this avi file?


Question - Video Problem No.41238
preciousbamboo  2004-03-19 22:01:17 ( ID:splun/mrgrc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just downloaded TMPGEnc and I tried to convert a .avi to a .mpg file and when I played it the sound worked fine but the video is just black (and sometimes flickers green) so I can't see the picture. Did I do something wrong?

Question - INcomplete Demuxing Problem No.41237
Megan  2004-03-19 21:00:24 ( ID:nafc1/jc24r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello there!

I'm using TMPGEnc to demux an mpeg2 stream that I have on a DVD.

I am using the Demultiplex function, and navigate to my VOB, and then begin the process.

I have gotton the full .ac3 file (5 minutes) but only the first of 3 video files. (All the audio is there, just no video).

Any idea what I can do to get the complete video file?



Question - What is file serving?... No.41234
ASD-123  2004-03-19 17:03:33 ( ID:caoafwsoeyf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello.. everybody say use file serving to fix problem with ntdll.dll but what is that.. I have VirtuaDub but i dont know how to do fileserving

Video Guy  2004-03-19 18:57:27 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is called frame serving....

To do frame serving in virtual dub, go into the virtual dub folder and open auxsetup.exe
Here is a link that explains it:

I prefer to frame serve using AviSynth rather then virtual dub. Head over to to download it. It comes with much ducumentaion to explain how to use it.

Video Guy

Sakuya  2004-03-20 21:04:56 ( ID:6y4cusar5hr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What's the difference?

Question - options /batch and /close -> skip the result log window No.41233
rolsch  2004-03-19 13:08:58 ( ID:t.pdb7megpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi TMPGEnc-User!

I start TMpeg with the options /batch and /close it will display the result log after encoding and waits for me to OK it.

After that it will close as expected.

I think if you want it to close you don't want to say OK before, do you ?

Is there an option to skip this log (as Tmpeg does when selecting "shutdown" manually)?

Or is there a commandline option to shutdown?

- i use the TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 Version 2.521.58.169-Plus-EN (buyed & regged)



Question - ntdll.dll error No.41229
asd-123  2004-03-18 23:05:05 ( ID:caoafwsoeyf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi i am new at this but i used TMPGEnc few times and now i cant use it because i am getting all the time same error with ntdll.dll before converting..

asd-123  2004-03-18 23:07:09 ( ID:caoafwsoeyf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok hold on i am trying to find it first in this huge posting database

asd-123  2004-03-18 23:18:00 ( ID:caoafwsoeyf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1: Ok i just found that i should serve that file with VirtuaDub to TMPGEnc.
2: I found that every thought that problem is in XviD videos. I dont think so bacause.. i have this problem with DivX video
3: And what is strange i have this problem with same videos that i already converted before (so it was working yesterday) But not today.
4: I think this is very IMPORTANT PROBLEM. so i think you should Put it to FAQ

Video Guy  2004-03-19 19:02:27 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You could try to install ffdshow and use it to decode your divx and xvid files. Using it seems to fix the ntdll.dll error.

Video Guy

Question - menu and new background problem No.41227
colinpost  2004-03-18 13:14:49 ( ID:gjgp4ismbmf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

using tmpg (trail version), i've built the dvd video and menu. when i play the files (via laptop/powerDVD) the menu has large noisy horizontal stripes through it ! I can still access/see the chapters and films ok, and they view/play cleanly as expected .... (The background has an image from the mpeg and has replaced the original on the template) ....any ideas anyone ??

ps this problem does not occur with an original template, only with a new image!)

Video Guy  2004-03-24 18:24:22 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have posted in the wrong forum. This is not the dvd authoring forum.

Question - mr No.41224
colinpost  2004-03-18 13:13:43 ( ID:gjgp4ismbmf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

using tmpg (trail version), i've built the dvd video and menu. when i play the files (via laptop/powerDVD) the menu has large noisy horizontal stripes through it ! I can still access/see the chapters and films ok, and they view/play cleanly as expected .... (The background has an image from the mpeg and has replaced the original on the template) ....any ideas anyone ??

ps this problem does not occur with an original template, only with a new image!)

ashy  2004-03-18 21:11:44 ( ID:kdsejfgvs6l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think youve got the wrong forum you need the TMPGdvd author forum this is the TMPG encoding forum.

Megan  2004-03-20 02:14:50 ( ID:nafc1/jc24r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've had that problem at times too on different authoring tools.
I have found that a field encoded file plays back as you have noticed, on computer monitors: which are progressive scan. They play fine on ntsc monitors.

However, if you re-encode the file with frame based encoding, that may solve your problem.

Also, whatever software you use on your computer will effect playback. Different decoders react differently.

Hope that helps.

Question - Why does TMPGEnc stop at 1 hour and 30 min? No.41223
brivers  2004-03-18 03:41:17 ( ID:bpsfw8lc8fg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm trying to use TMPGEnc to encode a file that is an AVI in the MS-MPEG4 V2 format to DVD. I've pulled out the audio stream using VirtualDub, so my source video is the AVI and my source audio is a wav file. Every time I try to encode it to DVD, it stops encoding at exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes into the movie.

Any ideas why?

Thanks in advance.

Question - multinode pc cluster No.41221
vert  2004-03-16 21:51:50 ( ID:eyyjidc5ovl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is there any multiple processor or parallel processing support...

is there a possiblity of a pc cluster version...

i have several pcs and i am concidering a win2k pc cluster to utilize all of the resources...

it would be nice to have a tmpgenc encoder that would take advantage of this setup for faster encoding...


Video Guy  2004-03-19 19:24:13 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is possible, you need win 2k advanced server, not the standard win 2k.

You might also want to look into win 2003 server. (I'm not sure of the edition you need.) Do a google search.

If you configure it correctly, the server would then split the process and it would "emulate" a multi-processor system.

However, if you use two computers don't expect to encode twice as fast. There is some overhead.

Question - What about "judging field order" No.41215
Taurus50  2004-03-16 19:04:46 ( ID:y3vy.4vwipr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I record TV programms with Virtual VCR and use the Huffyuff encoder. Audio is recorded in PCM and the output is an avi file. When I use the TMPGEnc wizard, a window comes up that says "judging field order". For a 45 min tv-programm it takes about 90 min to "judge field order". After that another 2h 40min to encode it into an apropriate mpeg dvd file.
Question: are these converting times normal?

I am using a AMD XP 3000, 512 MB

ashy  2004-03-16 19:58:20 ( ID:cib90j3svn2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

NO. It should only take minutes to judge the field order. The encoding time is OK.

There is either a problem with the file or TMPG has a problem and needs re-installing.

First try raising the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2 or 3 in the VFAPI plugins.

Taurus50  2004-03-17 07:07:23 ( ID:y3vy.4vwipr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'll try, thank you.

However, last night before reading your reply I tried without any change and a 45 min program took 6h 10min to encode. I did not use the wizard.

Now, how can I deinstall TMPGEnc properly before reinstalling it? Do I have to watch out for something special? Just delete the file?

Taurus 50  2004-03-17 12:31:07 ( ID:y3vy.4vwipr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There also was a message which said:

"read error occured at address 019029C4 of module 'Resample.dll' with 0000001C"

What about it?

Video Guy  2004-03-19 19:12:38 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Resample.dll is being used to convert the audio frequency. If you are having problems, download SSRC and specify you want to use it in the "environmental options".

VCD uses 44.1 kHz
DVD uses 48 kHz

You do not specify what format mpeg you are conveting to.

I always try to advoid the conversion.

If I want to make a VCD, I set my capture card software to capture the audio in 44.1. If I want a DVD I set it to 48.

Video Guy

Taurus50  2004-03-20 00:05:22 ( ID:itpxpvnfosk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks, but where do I get SSRC? And what is it?

My avi-files are already in PCM mode and as I understand it in 48khz. What I do in converting is depending on the recorded program to set the bitrate for audio to normally 224 or in case of speech only to 160. Both modes are offered by TMPG, so there should not be any problem. But .....

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 76 / 680 ]   Next > >>

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