TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 604 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question 720X480 VS 480X480 MadBoy 1 2002-04-29 21:56:51
Question where can I find instructions on openning TMPGEnc after download? stonehelix 4 2002-04-29 19:55:23
Question tmpg on xp johnny5 1 2002-04-29 16:41:27
Question Audio Sync jdagreek 0 2002-04-29 15:50:10
Question VIRUS ALERT!!! ASHY 3 2002-05-01 06:02:15
Question avi to vcd kim 2 2002-04-30 03:57:52
Question DIVX Myth ASHY 5 2002-05-01 06:12:03
Question have downloaded, what program to open tmpegnc? stonehelix 0 2002-04-29 14:30:32
Question converting .avi to .mpeg ????? kell.rick 1 2002-04-29 14:11:14
Question illegal floating decimal desiree 2 2002-04-30 14:32:04
Question Best CD Rewriter for VCDs without Jerks Flash 8 2002-05-01 21:07:12
Question Index of scan line is out of range (240) matt 0 2002-04-29 10:30:44

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 604 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - 720X480 VS 480X480 No.20196
MadBoy  2002-04-29 16:25:39 ( ID:5saay2sgxpa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My DVD player apex AD1500 will play about anything and I was woundering if there is much of a visual advantage to setting res to 720x480 over 480x480. Looks like my file size stays the same! It plays fine but any drawbacks to doing this. Comments

Minion  2002-04-29 21:56:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the reason that svcd is 480 by 480 is cuz that is the standard, but if your player can play svcd"s at 720 by 480 the more power to you........

Question - where can I find instructions on openning TMPGEnc after download? No.20191
stonehelix  2002-04-29 16:24:36 ( ID:6ic6hjkzlxg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have downloaded both current files can not open them, tried in Open with: and now have downloads stuck in Cinestream and can't get them open or out. Have searched for hours on this and site that recommended this site. "Search" brings up nothing. Have deleted and re downloaded still only tries (and can not) to open in Cinestream.
What program is used to open the downloads and where can a newbie read instructions?
Also : how can I make the download not automaticly become part of Cinestream?
Thank you.

ASHY  2002-04-29 16:31:43 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What the hell is Cinestream when it's at home.
To open the files you need a file decompression program such as winrar or winzip. I suggest winrar as winzip seems to have some problems.

Install winrar then right click on the .zip file and choose 'extract to.. (name of file)' and the file should extract.


stonehelix  2002-04-29 17:01:13 ( ID:6ic6hjkzlxg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy,
Where can I find winrar and/or winzip?

Went to microsoft knowledgebase and no documents found.
If most usuers can download these files, are these decompression programs part of most systems? Wouldn't my system have this already? How do I find out if I have a decompression program currently?

ASHY  2002-04-29 19:18:12 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Here is Winrar and no, compression programs aren't standard on operating systems unless less you have Windows XP which does come with a decompression utility or if you have Windows Me, but in ME you will have to go to add remove programs and look in windows setup. You will see an option in accessories to install a zip compression utility.


stonehelix  2002-04-29 19:55:23 ( ID:y0s1bg94v7n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello and Thanks Ashy,
we'll go there now.

Question - tmpg on xp No.20189
johnny5  2002-04-29 16:07:20 ( ID:52p3j7ah29h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have 2 pc's one with 98 the other with XP. When i downloaded the latest version of tmpg i tried to merge two mpeg's together, works great with 98 butwith XP i get this error
"At address 73F91D04, Read error occured against address 73F91D04"

i have tried loading in the VFAPI plug in but still no good so why does it work on 98??


ASHY  2002-04-29 16:41:27 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ignore this error.
It's simply a bug and won't affect your movie at all.
I get it every time on my XP system and so do many others.


Question - Audio Sync No.20188
jdagreek  2002-04-29 15:50:10 ( ID:7e6npeg19ww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using TMPGnc plus 2.53. I've noticed not all the time not with every avi but at times when encoding to MPG I split the file, using the option of setting the start and end frame, usually I set 0 - 95000 for part 1 and 95000 - [end] for part two. On multiple tries with different avi's but not all when I do this the second part audio is not sync'd, the first part is always correct.

This gets to be annoying.

I wish also they would do a few things to clean up the usability of this GREAT program, ie.

1. clear project list, sometimes it seams that old projects keep appearing even after I clear it out.

2. just some ergonomics ...

thanks for listening ...


Question - VIRUS ALERT!!! No.20184
ASHY  2002-04-29 15:49:51 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Over the last few days I have recieved the Internet worm W32/Klez.I. virus. and is one of the worst viruses of this year.
This virus has come from someone on this board who has my email address in their address book and is either knowingly or unknowingly spreading this virus to other people in their address book.

The first time I recieved this virus it was unknowingly opened by the a weakness in Outlook express which allows the virus to be activated bt simply previewing the email in the preview pane.
I recieved this virus about five times the first day and had literally infected about 70 of my files within 10 mins and I now recieve this virus about 4 times a day.

I only noticed something unusual because after closing oulook express my hard drive was going ten to the dozen.
So straight away I realized something was amiss. When I tried to do a check with my Antivirus software the program just kept closing down after a few seconds and wouldn't scan my machine. I found out this is due to the virus which closes any attempt to detect it, including the task manager.

The only way to scan my machine was using the Panda software online virus checker which can be found here.

In the end I had to reinstall my operating system because the virus had caused to much damage to be repaired.

So my advice is if you are having any problems with your machine such as hard drive activity for no reason or not being able to access the task manager or have received any unexplained emails with extensions such as .pif or .bat from an unknown source then check your machine now!

Here is more info on the virus and steps how to remove it.


justme  2002-04-30 05:10:28 ( ID:d.gjzvh.xq2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got the same virus

Norton antivirus 60 found it and killed it before i got killed

ASHY  2002-04-30 12:45:23 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Unfortunately like a pillock I didn't have mine installed. A lesson well learnt I think.


jim5055  2002-05-01 06:02:15 ( ID:e9m6bhblyfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ] has posted a cleaner on their web site.

Question - avi to vcd No.20181
kim  2002-04-29 15:37:34 ( ID:yuyoe3em3sg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

tried to convert avi to vcd using tmpgenc app.I did a trial run for a few minutes to see if my new dvd machine would recognize it before converting the entire movie. It doesnt ! panasonic Rv32 is the model i have. says "no play" on the screen.
I selected video cd( ntsc0 and it doesnt play the movie.

ASHY  2002-04-29 16:25:44 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First make sur you have selected the right VCD template for your TV sytem.
If you use the NTSC system select the NTSC video cd template then encode.
After encoding burn the file with nero making sure you select the 'Video cd' option and not standard 'CDROM-ISO'

If Nero doesn't give you any compliance warnings then go ahead and burn the file at 4x or lower.


DaHauNteD  2002-04-30 03:57:52 ( ID:xyq6o3ujrsc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a Panasonic RV-32 wich is an excellent DVD HOME PLAYER.. but it cannot play SVCDs.. but anyway.. VCD works with it.. well here's what u can run with it.. VCDs, MP3s, WMAs(Windows Media Audio) ..

Question - DIVX Myth No.20175
ASHY  2002-04-29 14:35:17 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I must explain this to everyone.

It is repeatedly said on this BBS that DIVX 5 is not supported by TMPG.

In reality there are no Divx files supported by TMPG, be it 3.11 4.12 or 5.
The Divx file is opened using the Directshow engine which is included with DirectX. For DirectX to be able to read these files is must have a codec installed.
TMPG merely makes are request to the direct show engine to open this file using the Divx codec to decode it. It doesn't matter what the file is encoded in as long as the required codec is installed so the Directshow engine can read the file and pass it on to TMPG.

Therefore the problem is not the codec itself or TMPG, but a problem with setup on your machine.
It is more likely that there are more codecs installed on your sytem which are causing the problem and/or corrupt or early version of DirectX.

For full compatibilty with DIVX 5 DirectX 8.1 is needed.
So anybody with Windows Me/98 or Windows 2000 needs to upgrade to the latest Version of DirectX.

I hope this clears up the myth about TMPG not supporting DIVX5 because I mean after all it works fine on my system, two of my friends systems and many other systems out there.


Minion  2002-04-29 21:44:55 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanx ashy,but I have direct x 8.1 on win me and divx5 movies still come out black with sound,Is there anything else that i need to get divx5 movies to encode on my computer? thanx Ashy you rule

Minion  2002-04-29 21:47:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ooohhh: and I un installed all other divx codecs from my machine,and I am on a clean install of my os.......

Jules  2002-04-30 02:14:27 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am having the same problem too...I cannot play divx5 movies either, black screen and no sound. If anyone knows why this is happening I would appreciate it if someone would email me!


ASHY  2002-04-30 22:23:31 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try this. Go into your TMPG folder and delete this file CurrentCfg.tpr then try again.
If not uninstall the DIVX 5 codec and install 4.12 then have another try.


mikehg1  2002-05-01 06:12:03 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Check your setting in Tmpgenc under Vfapi plugin and move the directshow filter to the highest priority. This works for me...

Take care,
Mike H.

Question - have downloaded, what program to open tmpegnc? No.20174
stonehelix  2002-04-29 14:30:32 ( ID:6ic6hjkzlxg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have downloaded both tmpegnc downloads can not get them open. What program do we use?
(W98se,PII,Dell R400,Cinestream)

Question - converting .avi to .mpeg ????? No.20172
kell.rick  Home )  2002-04-29 13:50:36 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone out there help me with this one I know it is simple but i can`t seem to figure it out. any help would be appreciated.

ASHY  2002-04-29 14:11:14 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - illegal floating decimal No.20169
desiree  2002-04-29 13:03:11 ( ID:vvy73mzdtyw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

while trying to switch a divx/avi to mpeg1 I get this error message at 47%"illegal floating decimal point calcuation order' can anyone tell me what this is about and how to fix it please. Thank you.

ASHY  2002-04-29 13:41:52 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You must do a search on this board first for your answer.
It has been answered far too many times already.

Type this word in to the search box > floating


desiree  2002-04-30 14:32:04 ( ID:vvy73mzdtyw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashley, I have typed in floating and nothing but your message comes up, can you help me?

Question - Best CD Rewriter for VCDs without Jerks No.20160
Flash  2002-04-29 10:31:09 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi I've found the cause of my jumpy/jerky VCD problem. It was my old HP8200i burner (24x4x4). I burnt the same file to VCD on someone elses burner with excellent results. However the resultant VCD being excellent on his DVD player (my original VCD played jerky on this) they still jerk slightly on my Napa VCD player. Now I have some VCD from a friend that were burnt which play fine on my Napa so that is not the problem.
So my question is can someone please suggest a good burner for producing VCD and what should I be looking for in the specs on a new burner.



ASHY  2002-04-29 11:14:15 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My advice to you Flash is to go with the Plextors. These are hailed by many as being the best drives and I agree.
Yamaha also make excellent drives.
I currently own a SCSI Yamaha 6x4x16 and have never had a burning problem with it yet and this little writer has burned over a thousand disks easy.
I know a few people who own the Plextors and they praise them very highly.
Just do a search on the net for some reviews 'CD burner reviews'
Here's one for you to look over.

If you can go that extra mile I would recommend going for a SCSI drive for maximum reliability.

I just want to make one further point about your VCD player before you change your burner.

It may be a good thing to try and multiplex the movie with another program such as BBMPEG as TMPG doesn't make 100% VCD 2.0 compatible video CD's.

BBMPEG is free and here is a guide on how to multiplex with it.
The guide is actually refering to SVCD, but the principle is the same and I'm sure you will work it out.
Here is BBMPEG


ASHY  2002-04-29 12:35:34 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is a copy of the reply to your other post, seeing as you like double posting.
I thought you shoyld read it before going ahead.

I assume you are using the PAL system in your country.

The PAL system requires that the format is 25 fps at 625 lines a second.
What you need to understand is that it won't make any difference if you encode at the same framerate as the original as what will happen is your player will automatically convert the 23.976 internally to 25fps to make it compatible with the PAL system which as you have noticed will give the same result as you got using TMPG to convert it to 25fps.

Encoding 23.976 to 25fps MPEG will definitely give the jerky result even in media player, so look closely and you will see the jerks even if only slight.

As a test convert a test piece of the avi to 25fps using virtualdub.
This will however desync the audio but this doesn't matter as it's only a test.
Put the converted test file in TMPG and proceed to create a standard PAL VCD at 25fps using the template.
Make sure it plays smooth in mediaplayer even though the audio will be off.
If it does burn it with NERO using the VCD option.

Let me know the results.


Flash  2002-04-29 14:22:00 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the advice. I will give it a go and let you know the results.
Sorry about the double posting.


Flash  2002-04-30 15:31:34 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hmmm yes getting frustrated now. I did the virtual dub thing to change the frame rate then to Tmpgenc and Nero all for another coaster (and yes audio was out of sync).
I've seen a nice Plextor now wheres that credit card?


ASHY  2002-04-30 22:18:31 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Seems like only one solution then.
Bin that burner!!


Flash  2002-05-01 02:52:50 ( ID:7kjd/8/p7bh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just one more question
I have been using Verbatim CDrs to burn.
Are there any CDrs that are specifically good for VCD burning in your opinion.

Thanks for you help


ASHY  2002-05-01 15:25:48 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Verbatim disks always seem to give good results on my player.
Try and stay away from the cheap brands such as prodisc, mirror,traxdata.

Very good disks I have found are any disk made by the Taio Yuden company, TDK, Kodak, Phillips, Sony and very suprisingly to me as I always thought they were bad are the 'White Label' brand of Ritek disks. I have just recently started using these disks and all I can say is they are excellant, best disk I have used so far.

Apparantly these disks are of much higher quality than what Ritek used to produce and use a better dye and are Grade A professional disks with 2x-32x burn speed and are suited to higher burn speeds.

I always used to have to burn at 4x times as anything above always gave me jerky results even with high quality media and the cheap media always gave me jerks and dropouts at all speeds, but with the White label disks I can burn at my burners maximum 6x and I haven't seen a jerk, a skip, a squeak or dropout ar anything yet. I'm truly amazed at these disks because they are also very cheap.
I have burned 4 movies with these disks now and not had one problem whereas all of these movies would jerk and stutter with the mirror disks.

Hope that helps.


Flash  2002-05-01 21:07:12 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks again and I will let you know what results the Plextor gives (its on its way)


Question - Index of scan line is out of range (240) No.20159
matt  Home )  2002-04-29 10:30:44 ( ID:raglol2cjok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there, I'm getting the above error message (" Index of scan line is out of range (240) ") when I try to encode an AVI I took with my little digital camera... can I get round this?!?



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