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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 'Write error occured at address xxx of module ntdll.dll with 00000000' error message MrD 1 2004-06-24 23:30:52
Question TE25 error: "file cannot open or unsupported" SimonHearn 3 2004-06-29 15:00:17
Question TE25 H.264/AVC codec sven-ture 0 2004-06-24 07:56:52
Question TE25 Message "audio header does match video source" buffist 0 2004-06-24 07:24:49
Free talk TE30 license renewal & zonealarm radiotaku 2 2004-07-15 14:26:40
Question TE25 Can't Open .AVI file Dayclone 1 2004-06-25 05:26:02
Question TE25 screen size problem blackout 3 2004-06-24 21:24:12
Question TE30 tmpgenc express pcboo 4 2004-07-14 04:50:06
Question TE30 AC3 radiotaku 2 2004-07-21 01:12:09
Question TE30 interrupt of encoding errut 1 2004-07-12 06:24:02
Question TE25 WTH is Going On with TMPEnc Audio Extraction? Muzzle Flash 6 2004-06-21 05:06:44
Question TDA1 Output file size incorrect DNT 4 2005-02-07 13:15:38

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Question - TE25 - 'Write error occured at address xxx of module ntdll.dll with 00000000' error message No.41859
MrD  2004-06-24 17:09:53 ( ID:a6hyap1bbm6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to encode some DIVX & XVID files (.AVIs) with the TMPGEnc 2.5 (freeware version) on a Win2000 PC. I use the wizard to select the video file & then I get the error following error message after I select the start/end points of the mpeg clip or when the program starts the conversion. The error message is: 'Write error occured at address xxx of module ntdll.dll with 00000000' where xxx is a hex number like 77FCC8E1, which changes sometimes. I do a search for the DLL file & it seems to have been upgraded when the PC was service packed (runs Win2000 service pack 4). I have reinstalled the program (or copied it as it does not install) & still get the same messages whenever I try to do things.I also get the no sound problem, that a lot of people seem to be having with the program, even though there is sound on the video itself.

Has anyone seen this error before? I am trying to split a DIVX or XVID film into 2 & burn it on to SVCD with VCD-Easy. Thanks


ashy  2004-06-24 23:30:52 ( ID:zawftnejbkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Install FFDSHOW.

Question - TE25 - error: "file cannot open or unsupported" No.41855
SimonHearn  2004-06-24 14:02:53 ( ID:jjeru5efpxc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I'm trying to convert an mpeg-2 file from ntsc to pal (basically need a frame rate or 25 fps to be consistent with other video files i am editing). I understand that TMPGENC can do this. I downloaded version 2.521.58.169-Free. When I tried to open the mpeg i got the error message : file cannot open or unsupported. The file is a DVD-quality mpeg captured off a Sony digital-8 handycam using Pinnacle Studio9 - it plays fine in windows media player so I can't understand why it can't open the file.

Any help would be appreciated.


Simon Hearn

Dayclone  2004-06-24 15:21:04 ( ID:ux.g8aiv4qw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Simon i'm having the same problem but except mines 14 fps and it has a weird codec for the aduio it's like Mpeg43. If anyone can help us please tell us why it won't open the files.


ashy  2004-06-24 23:28:08 ( ID:zawftnejbkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Simon, TMPG free does not support MPEG2 decoding. You either need the PLUS version or an suitable MPEG2 codec.
This one should be fine:
You must put the m2v.vfp and m2vconf.exe into the TMPG folder.

Dayclone you need a suitable codec, install FFDSHOW then run TMPG and go to Options>Enviromental settings>VFAPI plugins then raise the priority of the 'Directshow multimedia file reader' to 2 and make sure it is top of the list.

Simon Hearn  2004-06-29 15:00:17 ( ID:8y1lyoqjl.j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - TE25 - H.264/AVC codec No.41854
sven-ture  2004-06-24 07:56:52 ( ID:ovsfuerzj7m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when will TMPGENC contain the H.264/AVC codec??


Question - TE25 - Message "audio header does match video source" No.41853
buffist  2004-06-24 07:24:49 ( ID:5ur4qxqjw.w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello out there,
I'm frameserving via Ulead-Video-Server to TmpgEnc. I can create the avi-file but when I open this avi in TmpgEnc it will give me the followin error:
"audio header does match video source".
Can anyone help me?
Thnx a lot

Free talk - TE30 - license renewal & zonealarm No.53188
radiotaku  2004-06-24 03:20:40 ( ID:zswl2pempvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had a problem renewing my T3Xress license last night. It took some mesing around and help from the TMPGenc support person, but it's working again.

The license renewal had been working perfectly, but last night I began getting a message that there was an error in the license file. It turned out that even though I'd turned off ZoneAlarm (latest upgrade), it was still doingsomething to screw up the reneal process.

The solution was to reset ZA so it wouldn't autostart at boot-up then reboot the machine, renew the license, then turn ZA back on.

I hope this is helpful in case anyone encounters a similar problem with their license renewal.

anton  2004-07-09 00:58:32 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

that is silly, I would refuse disabling Zonealarm for license renewal, I would rather uninstall and destroy Tmpeg 3.0 Xpress than disable a firewall.

radiotaku  2004-07-15 14:26:40 ( ID:mp2nxs/vwtj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It appears that the problem was related to a particular ZoneAlarm upgrade. Since I wrote the note, I've upgraded a couple of versions of ZA and have not had any license renewal problems since.

Question - TE25 - Can't Open .AVI file No.41851
Dayclone  Home )  2004-06-23 22:02:14 ( ID:ux.g8aiv4qw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Okay I try opening a file and it dosen't work like it says it's unsupported. I was wondering if anyone can help me please! Thnx here's a screenshot.

Sakuya  2004-06-25 05:26:02 ( ID:6y4cusar5hr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You should go to "Options", "Environmental Settings", and then "VFAPI plug-in". Locate "DirectShow Multimedia File Reader" on that list and right-click on the number on the same row. Select "Higher Priority" until it is on the very top of that list. Then try opening your AVI again.

Question - TE25 - screen size problem No.41847
blackout  2004-06-23 17:50:33 ( ID:h4by/ap.6f6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i play the converted vcd on pc the screen is perfect but when i play it on an actual vcd player it expanded. i selected full screen (keep aspect ratio) in encoding. what do i need to do?

Dayclone  Home )  2004-06-23 22:04:40 ( ID:ux.g8aiv4qw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you mean it's all pixellated when you expand it and your trying to get rid of that effect? ( Sry i'm new to this )

blackout  2004-06-24 00:57:27 ( ID:h4by/ap.6f6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

nah.....i mean the top, left, right, bottom part of the video were out of the screen (not removed).

ashy  2004-06-24 21:24:12 ( ID:zawftnejbkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's s problem with your TV that has too an agressive overscan.

Question - TE30 - tmpgenc express No.53183
pcboo  2004-06-23 13:05:56 ( ID:5z3z1qeev/. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when loading an avi file i get the message vfapi frameserver has encountered an error and needs to close. crawled the net and got nowhere. also error comes up on tmpgenc 2.5

radiotaku  2004-06-23 17:33:32 ( ID:mp2nxs/vwtj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is the same message I get when trying to work with avi files with AC3 audio. Do you get that message with all avi files or just particular ones?

MARCUS1952  2004-06-24 01:21:59 ( ID:wtff6c3jyyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I get the same error when I encode any avi with Xvid as the codec only using TMPGEnc Express

MARCUS1952  2004-06-24 03:19:24 ( ID:wtff6c3jyyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Install ffdshow and it fixes the problem

toto  2004-07-14 04:50:06 ( ID:ebrkm.fuvgk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I get the same error when I encode any avi with Xvid as the codec only using TMPGEnc Express

Question - TE30 - AC3 No.53180
radiotaku  2004-06-23 03:51:44 ( ID:zswl2pempvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi! I have an avi file which was encoded with AC3 audio. It plays back fine using the freeware AC3filter. I can't seem to get it converted to an mp2 file for dvd burning through TMPGenc. (I have the TMPGenc AC3 installed as well).
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

charlieg  2004-07-11 14:02:18 ( ID:2qjnbmyzxhk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem. GSpot says the .avi's AC3 is 2-channel stereo, and it does play fine with the freeware AC3Filter, but I have not had any luck getting a DVD made with the Pegasys tools (I bought the AC3 plugin too), which was the only reason I bought the AC3 plugin. I just don't get any audio on the resulting DVD.

radiotaku  2004-07-21 01:12:09 ( ID:zswl2pempvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

user comment on the AC3filter forum indicates that TMPGenc will not work with AC3filter. AC3ACM is suggested as a possible decoding codec which will work with TMPGenc.

an alternate method to retain full quality is described in the AC3filter forum

Question - TE30 - interrupt of encoding No.53178
errut  2004-06-22 18:31:05 ( ID:kmuinhlsjww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

since the program is very slow, can one interrupt the encoding process and resume it at the same position of file?

LPDad  2004-07-12 06:24:02 ( ID:otiue5u5nsa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you stop/interrupt the encoding process you will then need to restart the encode from the beginning.
Try using BATCH MODE, that way you will not have to reset everything, just restart the batch mode.

Question - TE25 - WTH is Going On with TMPEnc Audio Extraction? No.41840
Muzzle Flash  2004-06-20 13:31:41 ( ID:yhzpmzuegur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have used TMPEnc before without problems, but for some reason now, whatever avi I choose to encode, it will not extract the audio. I have Divx 5, FFDshow, AC3 audio, Xvid codec, all installed, I have tried multiple times with different combinations of these codecs, and at one time, I can't remember what combination I had, it finally showed the source location of the audio, but when I would start to encode, TMPEnc would just hang and had to be shut down via Task Bar. I am so frustrated. Can anyone give me a list of necessary codecs for TMPEnc to work properly? I tried the search field, but to no avail as my question is too broad I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Muzzle Flash  2004-06-20 13:43:05 ( ID:yhzpmzuegur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I forgot to add that these AVI's I am trying to install were created with the Xvid codec, not divx, so if that makes a difference please let me know.

ashy  2004-06-20 13:57:20 ( ID:zawftnejbkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the audio is AC3 then you will need to install this codec.

Muzzle Flash  2004-06-20 16:16:58 ( ID:yhzpmzuegur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy, I guess that was it. This is what I have installed, Divx 5, ffdshow, Xvid, ac3acm. Now should that be good for most avi's I get? One last question, I have in my environmental settings, directshow on priority 2, and the 2 listings of AVI priorities on 1, I left the others alone, does this sound right? I want to know so I can write it down incase my pc crashes again so I can remember how to set it all back up, thanks for you help.

ashy  2004-06-20 19:50:03 ( ID:zawftnejbkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why do you have DIVX5, FFDSHOW and XVID codecs installed together?
FFDSHOW takes the place of all these codecs and is quite often better at decoding than the original codecs themselves.
Unless you actually do any AVI encoding yourself I would uninstall all AVI codecs except FFDSHOW. This will maintain better compatibility and cause less conflicts on your system.

I would set all priorities to 0 apart from the 'Direct show file reader' which I would set to 2. This will ensure that Directshow is used before any other method of decoding the AVI. If you do any encoding from MPEGs then I would set the MPEG decoder you have installed, I.E. The 'CRI Sofdec decoder' to 1.

If you get any problems with decoding AC3 in AVI's then set the 'AVI VFW reader' to 1 if not then leave it a 0

If you need to save your settings for TMPG then simply save the TMPGEnc.ini somewhere then put it back in the TMPG folder if you ever need to reinstall TMPG.

Muzzle Flash  2004-06-20 22:18:17 ( ID:yhzpmzuegur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Awsome advice Ashy, thanks, that was a cut & paste reply forsure. So what you are saying, is that I should only have FFDshow and that AC3ACM* (the one you told me to get earlier)installed to convert avi to mpg?? Ok, I will try uninstalling DVIX and XVID as I am about to go and try now, I will let you know how it turns out, and thanks for the info about the Environment settings.

Muzzle Flash  2004-06-21 05:06:44 ( ID:yhzpmzuegur )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So far so good.

Question - TDA1 - Output file size incorrect No.49171
DNT  2004-06-20 12:58:16 ( ID:1u692glijul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ive been using this program to author some of my dvds, mostly they are composed of 2 files/tracks (each mpeg file being approx 600-700mb) resulting in the total size of the two mpeg files being around 1.3GB.
However, recently Ive been noticing that after converting the mpegs to the dvd format, the VIDEO_TS folder is only around 900mb in size, sometimes less.

This doesnt happen all the time but regularly enough to be annoying as it takes just as much time to produce this as it would a full 1.3gb normal one.
Even TMPGEnc states the capacity of the file its just outputted to be 1393mb.

Has anyone else experienced this problem with TMPGEnc DVD Author?

Newbie  2004-09-06 21:04:29 ( ID:5ck59pzbanh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Same problem here:(.
1 mpg (1gb) = 1 vob (690mb). Why?

Spassvogel  2004-09-15 00:21:47 ( ID:oprmp4qk3pc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My problem was just the opposite...the project said it was 4.1gig and when I authored the DVD files it was 4.5 and apparently too large to burn to a blank disc. Very frustrating!


warehouse678  2004-10-05 23:02:39 ( ID:/ygaeoxtjpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Same here, and I noticed that the video quality of the vob files were worse than the original mpegs. This has been killing me for weeks now and if anyone knows why please, I'm beggin' help. Thanks.


petr  2005-02-07 13:15:38 ( ID:qasohvzdab6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The same here, the program changes the bitrate of the original mpeg. Any ideas ?

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