Pegasys Products BBS

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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 32 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TAW5 BBS Why STILL no DTS? KevMull 1 2016-11-14 21:55:03
Question TAW5 BBS Manual Philip Kruger 0 2016-11-04 15:34:22
Question TAW5 BBS What happened to support Lloyd61 4 2017-04-28 09:18:17
Question TVMW6 Edius HQ HQX Files Lou 2 2016-10-22 08:04:18
Request TMSR5 Variable framerate of mp4 avc Al 1 2016-10-21 15:39:49
Question TVMW6 Audio JonMoore 0 2016-10-04 18:32:22
Question TMSR5 Smart Commercial Candidate Detector Dennis Hartley 3 2016-09-25 23:19:30
Request TMSR5 Enchancement of Smart Rendering Analyzer Inapickle 1 2016-09-20 23:54:54
Question TAW5 BBS avchd prog. 50p julian 0 2016-09-13 01:26:24
Question TMSR5 Split Mp4 video into clips seen as rescue barbara Watson 1 2016-09-16 14:05:11
Question TVMW5 BBS Can I encode part of timeline? Meddle Earth 0 2016-09-08 14:38:40
Question TAW5 BBS UHD BD authoring Eugene157 1 2016-09-15 14:47:00

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Question - TAW5 BBS - Why STILL no DTS? No.70519
KevMull  2016-11-08 05:42:55 ( ID:zqkpo9x8l/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

STILL there is NO DTS/DTS HD or Dolby True HD support....WHY????

DD5.1 640kbps went out with DVD.

Time to get with the times Pegasys your products are looking dated

Persen  2016-11-14 21:55:03 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Because if they had the support for DTS and HD audio, then you would have to pay up to 5 times as much for the Pegasys software.
Why do you think that all the other editor and authoring software who do have the support is so darn expensive?

Besides, their software was not created for some one like you to be working with all the illegally downloaded Blu-ray rips of yours. It is mainly focused on working with home videos that people filmed using their own video cameras, where the typical audio in those are standard Dolby Digital 2.0 or 5.1

If you don't like it, feel free to pay the $500 to $2000 for the software to get your precious DTS and HD audio support. No one is forcing you stick with the software from Pegasys.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Manual No.70512
Philip Kruger  2016-11-04 15:34:22 ( ID:izeotlcwcv2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is there a pdf manual for tmpgenc authoring works 5, there are so many things that i dont know about it and all i am doing is asking support all the time to help me, a manual would be good, just lookup the index and goto the page of what you need and read a full description and follow the instructions would be great. I have had to purchase pinnacle 20 ultimate as they have a manual and it is step by step

Question - TAW5 BBS - What happened to support No.70510
Lloyd61  2016-11-03 16:42:49 ( ID:ybv5gfxz2rj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Over a month ago I started having issues with the CUDA aspect with regards to this software and another two TMPGEnc software packages. Initially they were very responsive and had several suggestions which I tried, in the end they had me delete a couple of files from each software package directories and this has essentially permanently disables the CUDA part.

Since then I have heard nothing more and they no longer respond to further requests in this matter.

Are they admitting defeat in that their software is buggy and by ignoring the issue it doesn't exist?

Given the money I have invested in this company over the years, this is very poor and makes me think twice on further support. Why should I support them if they turn their backs on me.

Persen  2016-11-14 22:19:09 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't know about your issues, but i have no problems with CUDA in TAW5 or TVMW5
The NVIDIA driver i use is 353.30 for my Asus GeForce GTX650-E-2GD5, where the CUDA was recognized immediately after updating to that driver version.
Have Windows 7 64 bit by the way, never wasted my time on 8, 8.1 or 10

Lloyd61  2016-11-26 16:16:53 ( ID:ybv5gfxz2rj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have updated the NVIDIA drivers several times now, but have not tried reinstalling each piece of software to see if it has been rectified.

The main issue is that support have hung me out to dry, don't even have the decency to say they have no idea, they now ignore any request from me for support on this matter.

I see that my comment here don't even invoke a response. thanks for your money, now shutup.

Lloyd61  2016-11-27 15:32:54 ( ID:ybv5gfxz2rj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As an update to this issue, I completely removed the offending applications and reinstalled them, the problem seems to have been resolved.

Thanks Support................not

Kuno  2017-04-28 09:18:17 ( ID:4b6hwlohank )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just so you know, all updated drivers have disabled CUDA for video encoding. Nvidia only uses NVENC now, which is the hardware on their cards. I know your post is 4 months old, but if you're still using CUDA, your hardware is ancient and should be replaced. NVIDIA stopped supporting CUDA for video transcoding 3 years ago.

Persen is stuck in a time warp, that is why their stuff still works. Old hardware, with old software and old drivers. All of us with newer hardware are waiting for NVENC support, as they have already offered it in Video Mastering works 6 and PGMX creator, but NOT for Authoring Works 5. Hopefully it's in 6, as VSO software has NVENC available in their bluray conversion software, and it costs considerably less.

Question - TVMW6 - Edius HQ HQX Files No.70500
Lou  2016-10-20 07:32:02 ( ID:dobdvdv/yoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6 full version support the import of Edius HQ HQX .avi files.
The trial version did not.

tkrave  2016-10-20 13:58:38 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you have the codec, then it might be able to work by selecting a different file reader when you open the file.

You can do that by selecting a different file reader in the file explorer window that appears when importing your file. There is a drop down menu next to the filename text area. Just select one of the "Force Reader blah blah blah" options in the menu.

Lou  2016-10-22 08:04:18 ( ID:dobdvdv/yoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks tkrave that worked.

Request - TMSR5 - Variable framerate of mp4 avc No.70499
Al  2016-10-07 18:46:07 ( ID:zgkmvrniufl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My mp4 avc videos from Sony SL smartphone have Variable frame rate: for example, frame rate 29.685 fps, minimum frame rate 14.847 fps, maximum frame rate 30.354 fps. When I edit this video in TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 5 it frame rate is constant 29,723 fps. The resulting video with sound desynchronizes(( I need output video with variable frame rate.
It is my wish to edit videos with variable framerate in TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 5. Thank you.

Ades  2016-10-21 15:39:49 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hopefully they take this to their wish list.

Question - TVMW6 - Audio No.70497
JonMoore  2016-10-04 18:32:22 ( ID:usx8jueclyw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to export 10 Channel audio from a quicktime and if I encode to 5.1 (channels are labeled correctly in ID) then the audio is phased.
I cannot export separate audio files either as audio has the same issue.

I am trying to convert 23.976 QT to 25 frame MPEG2 with multichannel audio.

Any tips?

Question - TMSR5 - Smart Commercial Candidate Detector No.70478
Dennis Hartley  2016-09-23 05:19:11 ( ID:jx7cm32mhm6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The software description implies that it can detect commercial breaks but trying with a mp4 video, that has a number of long (5 second) black parts in it, detects nothing! Am I missing something here? Do I need to buy the "TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in Commercial Candidates Detector" ?

tkrave  2016-09-23 16:58:49 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Commercial Candidates Detector is already integrated into the software I think. I'm not sure it will work on a 5 second black segment though, as I think it looks for segments that are the length of normal commercials (15 seconds, 30 seconds, etc.).

Dennis Hartley  2016-09-23 18:36:47 ( ID:jx7cm32mhm6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Other video editors that have this facility (VideoRedo for example) search for black frames and I assumed this worked the same way. This is how I'm doing it at the moment, using VideoRedo to find the ad breaks and Smart Renderer 5 to do the editing. I was hoping to be able to do it all in SR5.

Dennis Hartley  2016-09-25 23:19:30 ( ID:jx7cm32mhm6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Interestingly I've now used SR5 with some films with full advert breaks and it works reasonably well however, it does only seem to detect black or fixed frames on a few seconds long so I don't see why it shouldn't work with the programmes I had tried that had some simple black sequences of 5 seconds or so.

Request - TMSR5 - Enchancement of Smart Rendering Analyzer No.70475
Inapickle  2016-09-20 23:37:27 ( ID:vxxtzk3ivjo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Smart Rendering Analyzer, such as it is, is a helpful tool for gauging the extent of re-encoding that will take place, but I would find it far more useful if this feature could be enhanced so that those specific frames that are marked for re-encoding are identified and distinguished in some way (color highlight or similar) on the Clip Edit Window timeline.

Surely this is something that could be easily implemented, even it it requires 'refreshing' the smart analysis after editing ?

Would anyone else find this useful?

Inapickle  2016-09-20 23:54:54 ( ID:vxxtzk3ivjo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Further thoughts - maybe could make this an option in the Preferences, so that when selected the Smart Rendering Analysis is automatically refreshed when clicking 'OK' after editing in the Clip Edit Window. Sure you'd have to wait a bit longer for the analysis to complete, but the information gained would be far more useful than the existing representation.

Question - TAW5 BBS - avchd prog. 50p No.70455
julian  2016-09-13 01:26:24 ( ID:m4dinkdp1y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I crrated an avchd folder with Menü. Than I created an ISOfile og the folder using Imageburn. My WD mediaplayer goes to the menue but EhenI push the play button the Wd goes to the Usb drive routedirectory instead oft playing the movie

Question - TMSR5 - Split Mp4 video into clips seen as rescue No.70453
barbara Watson  2016-09-10 01:43:23 ( ID:.f6bprw0hzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to split mp4 recorded multiple movies videos into the different movies and everytime it lists the clips as rescue. Is there a way to fix this. I tried spliting a mpg and it split fine. I also tried with Mastering Works Trial and it split. I have the trial version of both to see what will work before buying.

tkrave  2016-09-16 14:05:11 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can try running the Smart Rendering Analyzer in the Format stage to help figure out why your clips will be re-encoded.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Can I encode part of timeline? No.70452
Meddle Earth  2016-09-08 14:38:40 ( ID:2peo/z8e9xc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a timeline project consisting of four layers. I made adjustments to each layer until finally being happy with an encoded mp4 result. But now I want to split that mp4 into four parts.
--> Is it possible to designate a part of the timeline project to encode, instead of encoding the whole thing?
--> If so, then I'd designate the 1st part, encode that part. Go back and designate the 2nd part, encode that part, and so on until I have 4 encoded parts instead of one total encoded video.

Question - TAW5 BBS - UHD BD authoring No.70451
Eugene157  2016-09-07 10:17:43 ( ID:acfwbxxufy6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will the future bring a version that allows UHD BR burning?

Ades  2016-09-15 14:47:00 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I guess they will take this as a request.

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