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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 22 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report TVMW6 reading incorrect frame rate 0 2018-02-04 09:36:25
Question TVMW6 multiple soundtracks file Meshal 1 2018-04-11 17:39:09
Question TAW6 Adding image tp the Menu background MrOctober77 1 2018-03-06 14:11:07
Question TMSR5 scene detection automatic key frames dima 0 2018-01-17 06:48:29
Question TAW6 Blu Ray Menue Roscoe 1 2020-01-01 23:23:18
Question TAW6 copy all keyframes to a notepad?. dblue 4 2018-01-19 23:41:47
Question TAW6 Menu Selection Items BlackLion62 0 2018-01-05 11:17:44
Bug report TVMW6 An error occurred communicating with the output process (6) erickhc 2 2018-01-14 04:05:09
Question TMSR5 meatadata transfer from Silicondust DVR Royce 0 2017-12-20 15:04:47
Question TMSR5 MPEG-4 HE AAC decoder required Hanush 0 2017-12-19 23:30:45
Question TVMW6 No progressive output in BDMV (AVC) PAL ? benoitm 2 2018-01-13 13:15:44
Question TVMW6 cant downoald new software anthony marlar 0 2017-12-18 05:25:31

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Bug report - TVMW6 - reading incorrect frame rate No.70965  2018-02-04 09:36:25 ( ID:ecysd5efz/. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when loading h264 video only, video mastering works 5 and 6 both report the frame rate as 47.952 fps when it is actually 23.976, other programs correctly report the correct frame rate ie. EyeFrame converter, I am just trying to mux with audio.

Thank you

Question - TVMW6 - multiple soundtracks file No.70962
Meshal  2018-01-30 00:59:41 ( ID:j.gyaemtqtw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is it possible to encode a multiple soundtracks video file?
i got a multiple soundtracks movie file and tried to encode it with both audio files but i couldn't fine away to do it.. can you help me with that please?

Mike  2018-04-11 17:39:09 ( ID:8idg3eh89b. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Yes its not possible, It would be fine if its supported laters.
Until this, use MKV Merge for Muxing a 2. audiostream.

Question - TAW6 - Adding image tp the Menu background No.70961
MrOctober77  2018-01-25 22:30:52 ( ID:vxkjb5gbqsk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In Version 4 and earlier, when creating the DVD menu you could add a photo to the background of each page of the Menu when you created the DVD. I do not see that option in Ver 6. Is it there and I'm just not seeing it?

tkrave  2018-03-06 14:11:07 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can't do it in the menu wizard, but you can edit the background of any menu page in the menu editor after you've gone through the wizard.

Question - TMSR5 - scene detection automatic key frames No.70958
dima  2018-01-17 06:48:29 ( ID:nuv8hjardzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a way to let the application run a scenes detection and automatically create a keyframe for each scene?

Also is it possible to let the application scan the whole video for thumbnails and load all of them, so when I scroll through the video, I don't have to wait for the thumbnails to load.


Question - TAW6 - Blu Ray Menue No.70953
Roscoe  2018-01-15 18:49:44 ( ID:kr.prcqakoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Currently have the trial version of Authoring Works 6. Would like to create a BD. This should contain two movies with individual chapters. Film 1 = 3 chapters, movie 2 = 5 chapters. The menu should now look like that: when inserting the disc first a main menu is displayed where you select the desired title, then jump to the appropriate sub menu where the individual chapters or all chapters can be selected. After selecting a single and playing a chapter it should be jumped back to the corresponding chapter menu after its end to select a different chapter.
Having spent quite a few hours making such a menu, I am close to despair. Neither with one of the included, nor with a user menu it is possible.
Question, I'm just too stupid or really can not do that. With other authoring software that works, but they all have either bad encoders, are extremely slow to render, or very expensive.
I'm grateful for every tip.

MDS  2020-01-01 23:23:18 ( ID:ylyfv4qia/n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This probably comes too late for you, but to have separate movies handled the way you want, you need to have each in its own track when you add sources. The first movie would go to Track 1, then create Track 2 and add the second movie to it. You then set the menu up with a title screen and then track screens for each movie.

I had the same problem initially, because like you, I'm used to the way other programs handle menus. This way makes sense to me and it allows flexibility my current software doesn't. I did create a disc this way with the trial version using 10 titles and 10 chapters each. An older Blu-Ray player had trouble with it, but it's a very early model. Another more recent model had no issues that I can see.

I don't think you're stupid. It just takes an adjustment of mindset, common when moving to different applications. Not always easy to do.

Hope this reaches you and that it helps.

Question - TAW6 - copy all keyframes to a notepad?. No.70949
dblue  2018-01-12 16:29:47 ( ID:ctlhilgs1em )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have to write all the keyframes number locations down manually. Is there a way to copy all keyframes to a notepad?

tkrave  2018-01-16 15:14:33 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can export the chapter/keyframe positions as a .keyframe file and just open it in a text editor. It's just a list of the frame numbers where a chapter/keyframe exists. Just hit ctrl + s when you're in the clip editor.

dblue  2018-01-16 21:15:18 ( ID:ctlhilgs1em )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So there's no way to get a list of the keyframes ladled like this?

And so on

Because this is what it says when I load it into notepad

tkrave  2018-01-19 17:17:51 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not through TAW6, I don't think. You can create a formula in excel to convert the framenumber into timecode, do a google search for "convert frame number to timecode" and you should be able to find some stuff.

dblue  2018-01-19 23:41:47 ( ID:ctlhilgs1em )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thx for your help ill check it out :)

Question - TAW6 - Menu Selection Items No.70941
BlackLion62  2018-01-05 11:17:44 ( ID:0yrjyxdr0ua )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Love the product. Thank you.
But I have a question: Is it possible to use a graphics file as a menu item highlight, instead of the frame, or underline, etc. it would be nice to use an animated gif as a highlight and select. anything from animated arrows to 2 underlines (if the selection is 2 lines of text on the background) or even an animated box, like a small theatre marquee.

again, thank you.


Bug report - TVMW6 - An error occurred communicating with the output process (6) No.70937
erickhc  2017-12-23 13:10:25 ( ID:hx5ylm8hism )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am getting the same error in EVERY program from Pegasys, since I upgraded to Windows 10. What the hell is going on? Can't output anything from Smart Renderer, or Authoring Works, or Mastering Works.

tkrave  2017-12-28 03:55:56 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you have the latest versions of the software? Is Windows up to date?

I haven't had any issues.

erickhc  2018-01-14 04:05:09 ( ID:hx5ylm8hism )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes. All up to date. Turned out I had to set another decoder for everything. Something is really messed up.

Question - TMSR5 - meatadata transfer from Silicondust DVR No.70934
Royce  2017-12-20 15:04:47 ( ID:th1ounjohao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After editing out the commercials and the beginning to a show or movie it will no longer show up in the DVR interface because the metadata was not transferred over to the new file. They use a transport stream with .mpg extension and the metadata is in the first 12032 bytes of information on the file. Is there a way to get this information transfered to the new file?

Thank you for any help.

Royce King

Question - TMSR5 - MPEG-4 HE AAC decoder required No.70933
Hanush  Home )  2017-12-19 23:30:45 ( ID:nv3lts7zrh2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Video file * .ts. in HEVC format, MPEG-4 HE AAC audio, opens in the program without audio. Audio is there, but the program can not decode it. An upgrade of the program is required?

Question - TVMW6 - No progressive output in BDMV (AVC) PAL ? No.70931
benoitm  2017-12-19 19:24:14 ( ID:5xytypi9twn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How comes there is no "progressive" mode available in BDMV (H.264/AVC) (PAL) output mode ? Only "interlaced" and "progressive (2:2 pulldown)" ????
The source video is 1080/25p MOV (DnxHD).

benoitm  2017-12-19 23:12:39 ( ID:5xytypi9twn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

....and then of course, how do I encode 25p BDMV H264/AVC streams without unnecessary (destructive) image processing ?

biberwesen  2018-01-13 13:15:44 ( ID:3dw.acyxojc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Bluray 25fps PAL has no progressive flag: it's not allowed. but if you set the input source to progressive and encode it as interlaced it will only be flagged as interlaced, but encoded with full frames without quality loss

Question - TVMW6 - cant downoald new software No.70929
anthony marlar  2017-12-18 05:25:31 ( ID:byfgb8hg5fn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been using mastering works 6 for a long time but for some reason now it wont allow me to access

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