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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 27 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TAW6 Menu page pictures and background. JeanPaulo 3 2017-06-07 13:30:27
Question TAW6 Can I really save a menu as a true template JeanPaulo 0 2017-05-22 21:30:31
Question TAW6 Cannot have more than one track on a screen pepegot1 1 2017-05-22 00:20:02
Question TVMW6 Multiple Tracks on a Single Screen Joseph Gotsens 1 2017-05-22 00:22:28
Bug report TAW6 Error Code 0x80048002 Carlyle Zamith 1 2017-05-23 20:53:29
Request TVMW6 Intel Quick Sync needs full range option and higher bitrates if possible Phil2017 1 2017-09-13 23:40:30
Question TAW6 Important Missing Features in TAW6 Tom Lewandowski 5 2017-06-02 17:16:58
Free talk TAW6 Upcoming English Version of TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 Development team 0 2017-05-11 13:15:21
Question TVMW5 BBS how to encode part of the timeline avidesh 1 2017-05-19 13:13:17
Question TAW5 BBS Converting .MKV files with subtitles Tazrulez 2 2017-06-12 01:08:50
Question TVMW6 Preferences - Reset to Default halfpipe 1 2017-05-19 13:18:41
Question TAW5 BBS Change Menu Requires Complete Re-render? hurricane51 1 2017-05-19 13:23:40

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Request - TAW6 - Menu page pictures and background. No.70732
JeanPaulo  2017-05-22 21:37:22 ( ID:jeltb9zrij. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Follows my first post:

I frequently use clips from TNT, where the most frequent for a 4/3 (standard) movie is to be inserted into a 16/9 frame, with lateral black bands.

Depending on the subject, I capture some images, and edit them to use as background for the menu pages.

Of course, I can create a picture in a 16/9 format, with or without bands.

But when I do have a good 4/3 image, if I paste it in the menu, I get WHITE bands instead on black. (This is very ugly on the TV)

There does not seems to be a way to change this ?

(I mailed those subjects to Support too)

Thanks for Help

phylbert  2017-05-24 16:51:53 ( ID:9lkhh.bmoo2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi JeanPaulo,

My usual work-around is to use the 4:3 image as an extra image on the page, rather than making it the actual background, and using a fully black image as the background itself...

1) Select any one of the standard 16:9 backgrounds, and from the "Effects for Background" tab, switch on the "Color and Pattern" option, select a black "Color/Pattern", and slide the "Opacity" control to 100%.

2) Add the 4:3 image you want to use, with the "Adds a picture or video menu item" button in the toolbar on the "Page Edit" tab. Double-click this image to open the "Menu Item Edit" dialog, and make sure that "Keep Aspect Ratio" is selected in the "Display Settings" panel, and the scaling is 100%.
Select "OK" to close the dialog.

3) Back on the menu page, select the 4:3 image, and drag the top and bottom edges out to the borders of the page. You will then have a 4:3 image, but the rest of the page will show the black background :)

JeanPaulo  2017-05-25 14:15:30 ( ID:jeltb9zrij. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, phylbert

Thanks for this good idea.

I tried it, and unless I missed something, I get a good image page, but all the other items for the menu are hidden by the picture. (transparency is not very nice either)

However, I find it simpler (as the capture is a .bmp that I usually convert to .jpg) to just add the necessary black band in the Photo program (like Paint Shop Pro). The only difficulty is to get the right 16/9 extension for the picture.

tkrave  2017-06-07 13:30:27 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can change the layer order of menu items just like in Photoshop or other image programs; that way, your image can be below the other items in the page.

In the Menu stage, look at the left side of the screen for the list of menu items. Select your image in the list and then drag and drop it higher up on the list in order to make the image appear underneath other menu items.

Question - TAW6 - Can I really save a menu as a true template No.70731
JeanPaulo  2017-05-22 21:30:31 ( ID:jeltb9zrij. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just upgraded from a recent V5 to V6, and this is still a mystery for me:

How to create a template (starting from existing ones) by using a completed full menu, with pictures and titles.

I tried, and was questionned about files that should stay there...

Any help, please.

Question - TAW6 - Cannot have more than one track on a screen No.70728
pepegot1  2017-05-21 06:27:47 ( ID:gqxvqgsafth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot produce a screen that contains several tracks, on thumbnails, that when clicked can go to the underlying chapters. Instead,I get a single screen that I must toggle through to get the next screen containing the next track to click on. This is not good. A single or multiple set of screens containing many tracks should be easy to create and from which clicking yields the underlying chapters. Maybe I am ignorant of the method, if it exists but, it certainly is not obvious as it should be.

pepegot1  2017-05-22 00:20:02 ( ID:gqxvqgsafth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got solution. Everything is OK.

Question - TVMW6 - Multiple Tracks on a Single Screen No.70727
Joseph Gotsens  2017-05-21 06:19:23 ( ID:gqxvqgsafth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot produce a screen that contains several tracks, on thumbnails, that when clicked can go to the underlying chapters. Instead,I get a single screen that I must toggle through to get the next screen containing the next track to click on. This is not good. A single or multiple set of screens containing many tracks should be easy to create and from which clicking yields the underlying chapters. Maybe I am ignorant of the method, if it exists but, it certainly is not obvious as it should be.

pepegot1  2017-05-22 00:22:28 ( ID:gqxvqgsafth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, wrong forum. I got solution.

Bug report - TAW6 - Error Code 0x80048002 No.70725
Carlyle Zamith  Home )  2017-05-20 06:37:46 ( ID:brv4b9ljnsl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In Start Output, at end , occors:

Invalid Sample Format Error Code 0x80048002

JeanPaulo  2017-05-23 20:53:29 ( ID:jeltb9zrij. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don't say what your source is. If it is .TS, I get the same message in different programs, like 'Smart cutter'. It always occurs when there is a bad paquet (transmission error). The only solution is to find where the error is (where the output stopped), and cut some frames just before and as much as necessary.

Most time, the result cut is invisible.

It can probably be the same with other sources. Most players (like VLC) may fail also, or just ignore the incident.

Request - TVMW6 - Intel Quick Sync needs full range option and higher bitrates if possible No.70714
Phil2017  2017-05-16 06:09:15 ( ID:hjhfyrchxt6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I've got MasteringWorks 5 and looking to upgrade to 6, so currently testing version 6.

With a new PC I'm keen to use Intel Quick Sync (Intel Media SDK), however this is lacking a full range option under Advanced settings, and currently is fixed at 16-235. As I understand it Intel Quick Sync does have options for indicating full range video, could this be implement please?

Also in my tests for 4K footage at level 5.2 the maximum bit rate I could set was around 65Mbps, is this a limitation placed by Intel or could that be increased?



Phil2017  2017-09-13 23:40:30 ( ID:hjhfyrchxt6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Excellent to see full range options are now support on Intel Quick Sync encoding on the latest version.

When encoding with Intel Quick Sync, is it still restricted to a maximum of 65Mbps bit rate? Unfortunately having used the previous version 6 trial which has long since expired, I can't use the new version in trial mode anymore to check myself.



Question - TAW6 - Important Missing Features in TAW6 No.70710
Tom Lewandowski  2017-05-12 07:09:55 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After familiarizing myself with the TAW6 ‘demo’, I’m unable to find two key features, which were missing in v5, and seem to also be missing in v6. Though, I haven’t ruled out my inability to locate these two features and I thought I’d check to see if anyone could help me locate them:

1. The ability to Copy and Paste USER DEFINED custom menu items, from one menu, to another. The “Copy” menu layout appears to still be limited to program item copy; not user images and text additions that have been added to a menu.

2. The ability to RETURN TO TRACK MENU as an end function after playing a clip (chapter) in BD Authoring mode.

After installing the TAW6 Demo, TAW5 would no longer load and errors with an “AppHang81" message. This policy of being allowed to use only ONE version of software you've already paid for is ludicrous! It's like owning two cars and only being able to drive one or the other. In any event, simply checking out this v6 DEMO requires a reinstall of previous versions of TAW, should you decide to not want TAW 6.

I haven’t noticed a significant difference, if any, in speed; the 32-bit TAW5 performed very quickly on my Intel i7/16 GB RAM/8GB VRAM system with Intel SDK encoding. Editing has always seemed to function quite well.

The new "Win10" look is more difficult for someone, like me (who has poor vision), to quickly locate things. Since I do a lot of multiple audio and subtitle tracks editing, I find the new "extra" menus to do these things to be a hassle.

phylbert  2017-05-13 18:36:54 ( ID:9lkhh.bmoo2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Tom, with regard to (1) above, do you simply mean copying and pasting free-form text and images you've created yourself?
I had no problem using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste between multiple pages of the same menu. The operations are also available on the pop-up menu when you right-click the mouse on a menu page, as "Copy User Added Item" and "Paste User Added Item".
I then opened a different project, and again had no problem pasting the same items into it. They even get pasted in the same position on the page, which is nice.

My install of TAW5 ( still works just fine after installing the TAW6 demo. I've even had both open at once.

Agree with you about speed; I haven't seen a noticeable difference, though admittedly I'm running an 8-core beast of a machine, and my K-Lite codec pack offloads the decoding work to the GPU, whether TAW6 requests it or not.
The CPU usage is a fair bit lower, so I guess machines with lower specs might see performance improvements.

Tom Lewandowski  Home )  2017-05-19 16:39:46 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks, Phylbert -- I'll search again for "copy user added item". I don't know how I've missed it; I've right-clicked everywhere I could think of, trying to find this option -- and I didn't think of simply using CTRL-C/V.

I wonder if by not choosing the default install locations for TAW 5/6 may have something to do with why the v6 demo wiped out my v5 install. A file from TAW5 was missing/deleted after installing the TAW6 demo. The retail version of TAW6 does allow for both version to run, simultaneously, for an additional $20.00.

Most of my BD authoring consists of episodic compilations -- television series, and so forth. I haven't been able to find a way to create menus that contain multiple clips (episodes), that allow the option to return to the track menu after a clip plays. To compensate, I've been using TAW for track and clip editing, and other software, which DOES allow return-to-menu after a clip plays, to master BD's.

phylbert  2017-05-24 18:50:09 ( ID:9lkhh.bmoo2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's odd.... I routinely create multi-episode DVDs and BDs of my favourite TV shows, and I usually hide the "Play All" button in favour of a return-to-menu design.

If you're creating the menu from scratch, the menu wizard has the options to select both what happens when you insert the disc, and what happens when a track finishes. I've always set both to "Return to Top Menu", and it's always worked for me.

In the left panel on the "Menu Screen", there's also a "Blu-ray Global Settings" button that lets you set the actions on disc insertion, track end, and menu button during playback. You can use these to play with an existing menu without using the wizard to start over.

Tom Lewandowski  2017-05-29 00:21:37 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have no problems with END TRACK ACTIONS -- it's the END CLIP ACTION I want to control. The DVD Authoring tools include an END CLIP ACTION, but that's not available with BD Authoring tools.

If I want to put each episode on a separate Track, that wouldn't be a problem. But I would like a TOP menu (such as a MAIN MENU), which then leads to separate sub-menus for, 1. EPISODES, 2. FEATURES, 3. SUBTITLES. Like the structure of most commercial DVD's. I can do this with authoring software like, NERO VIDEO. What I've been doing is using TAW to combine multiple audio and subtitle streams to my videos and create a similar BD structure as I use in NERO VIDEO. After I've created the BD files in both TAW and NERO, I copy the STREAM, PLAYLIST, META/DL, and CLIPINF directories from the TAW BD layout, to the NERO BD layout.

Everything works fine, except there's no on-disc subtitle and audio language support (and must be selected from the remote control.) TAW has much nicer and expanded options than NERO, so I'd rather simply use TAW for everything...but can't find a way to duplicate END OF CLIP (Episode) functions.

Using TAW and creating separate tracks for each episode requires a separate subtitle, audio and CLIP page for each episode, instead of a single menu to change audio and;or subtitles for all clips at a DVD layout.

Tom Lewandowski  2017-06-02 17:16:58 ( )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I now see how it's possible to highlight all user-added items on a Track Page layout, and copy/paste them to another Track Page. Why this isn't part of the existing "copy track page layout to another page" feature is beyond me.

In any event, it makes creating eposodic BD's somewhat easier. I've been working on creating COMMUNITY TV show BD's, with 8 episodes per disc. Each episode contains two audio tracks and two subtitle tracks, therefore, eight tracks are needed for just the episodes. Unfortunately, this 'copy layout items' feature only works on track pages, not subtitle or audio pages; it's still a pain in the butt to duplicate each of the 8 customizable subtitle/audio pages from scratch. So, I've decided to continue creating the layout as I did with TAW5; placing all eight episodes on one track.

I haven't tried using one of the dynamic frame options yet, which used to stop the background music from playing when another page item is selected.

The TEXT editing options have improved drastically! The nomenclature for some of the text styles is a bit strange, but I have to keep reminding myself that TAW isn't an Adobe product. The advanced highlighting feature is also very nice.

Free talk - TAW6 - Upcoming English Version of TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 No.70708
Development team  Home )  2017-05-11 13:15:21 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Build Your Own Authoriing Works.

Announcing the upcoming release of English version of TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6, the successor to TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5.

Preview trial version released today!
The download version will be released on May 18th(PST), 2017.

The last word product in DVD, Blu-ray and AVCHD Creation.
This software has been completely updated for the first time in about five years. In this time, significant progress has been made in the framework, processing speed, flexibility and more.
TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 is the best software to create a DVD, Blu-ray, or AVCHD project with high quality menus. It has the most powerful authoring engine which combines the best quality
encoding engine with the "Smart Rendering" function that allows ultra-fast output of standard complaint video with little to no loss in quality.

This version brings advanced fast editing and output to fruition by re-evaluating and optimizing all of the editing engines with their conversion into 64-bit native architecture. In addition to
the widely increased import formats such as H.265/HEVC, MXF, it implements new features such as "Track BGM", "Advanced Highlight" and more. It maintains the core concept that "anyone can create
without confusion", letting users go beyond their own expectations.

Completely Improved With New Features

TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 also features 10-bit 4:4:4 H.264/AVC, XVAC S, WebM and ISO File Direct Import support, and more newly added and improved functions. The editing functions and the interface
have been improved to save time with the newly added "Real-Time Output Format Conversion", "Enhanced Undo/Redo", "Free Subtitles Placing", and other functions. Furthermore, it features an easy-to-use
menu creation tool with over 90 pre-made menu templates and newly added functions for faster and more imaginative menu creation.

TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 is THE authoring tool for high-speed, high quality cut-editing and output for Blu-ray, DVD-Video and AVCHD authoring for both experienced users and beginners alike.

Start to build your own Authoring Works. Now!

Main New Features:
- Native Support for 64-bit Architecture.
- Enhanced Smart Rendering Engine

Format Related:
- H.265/HEVC Import Support
- MXF Import Support
- ISO File Direct Import and Editing Support.
- 10-bit 4:4:4 H.264/AVC Input Support.
- XAVC S Input Support.
- WebM/Ogg Input Support
- Animated GIF import Support

Editing Related:
- Further Polished Editing Functions and Interface
- Real Time Output Format Conversion
- Enhanced the Undo/Redo Adopted Range.
- Enhanced Title/Multi Stream Analyzing Support.
- Quick Properties and File History Functions
- Clip Sharing Support between Applications.
- QR Code Clip Creation
- Newly Evolved Cut Editing Interface is Faster, More Intuitive, and Precise.
- Instantly Cut at the Range Set - Quick Cut Function.
- Flexible Preview Control Focused on the 8K Era.
- CUDA(TM) and Intel(R) Media SDK (QSV) H.265/HEVC Hardware Decode Support
- AMD Media SDK H.264/AVC Hardware Decode Support.
- Multiple Title Addition Support.
- More intuitive and improved Subtitles Editing.
- Freely place subtitles in more positions than ever before.
- Supports batch change of subtitles.
- Picture Subtitles Addition Support.
- Ruby Character and Tag insertion Support.
- Enhanced the Track/Contents Settings.
- Track BGM Edit function
- Copy and Paste Track/Track Settings function
- Parental Control Support.
- More Improved Flexibility in Menu Editing.
- Over 90 pre-made menu templates.
- Further Enhanced Menu Effects function.
- Number of Thumbnails Fluctuation Support.
- Advanced Highlight Function
- Capable of using the Custom Menu Parts as that of Template Menu.
- Highlight Mask Function
- Evolved Simulation function supports full screen display and resume playback.
- Further Optimized Output Functions.
- The Smart Indicator function
- Advanced Output Size Analyzer.

- TMPGEnc Smart Tap Controller Support.
- Project Archiving function.
- Newly Added Dynamic 3D Transition Effects.

And more...

For more details, see the product page here:

Discover even more improved functions!
Test out the software for yourself!

Important Notice for TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5 Users:
TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 is only for Windows 64-bit OS versions, and cannot be used in a 32-bit environment.
The following functions which are included in TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5 cannot be used in TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6. Please be aware of these changes before
purchasing the TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 upgrade version.

- DV/HDV Capturing Function
- CUDA Encoding Function
- The Time Tone Reduction Filter in the Audio Denoise.
- TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in SpursEngine Support

Try TMPGEnc Authoring Works 6 today!

Question - TVMW5 BBS - how to encode part of the timeline No.70701
avidesh  2017-05-04 01:15:12 ( ID:ciousxmesrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, I have edited a long sequence of videos in timeline mode. However I would like to generate multiple videos from the single timeline instead of one. How can I do that?

tkrave  2017-05-19 13:13:17 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I usually make a duplicate layer, then edit any changes/differences I want. Then, I enter "Single mode" to select the layer I want to output (click the "S" button for the layer), then output.

To duplicate your layer, you'll have to select all the clips in the layer, make a new layer, then paste the clips into the new layer.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Converting .MKV files with subtitles No.70700
Tazrulez  2017-05-02 01:23:25 ( ID:qu9dvsfvvjh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have some .MKV files with subtitles, either .ssa or .ass subtitles, and it is not recognizing the subtitles. If I demux the subtitle and convert it to .srt it loses all formatting that the original had, and i have over 400 .mkv files. Is there a way I can keep the .ssa or .ass formatting and still import the .mkv files to TAW5?

Kuno  2017-05-07 16:08:05 ( ID:hukdtzb7abf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No there is not. If you want to keep the formatting I would strongly suggest using VSO ConvertXtoHD. They do have a trial available and it uses NVENC so your encodes will use NVENC hardware if you have a newer NVIDIA card. Your other option is to hardsub everything, through handbrake or mediacoder or another software package and then bring it in to author.

Subtitle support really blows.

Persen  2017-06-12 01:08:50 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For the future of others, then you can try to take a peak at Subtitle Edit.
It can extract and convert various types of subtitles, which also incl. DVB subtitles to various other subtitle formats.
Just remember to download the required language packs for both the decoder and encoder after having installed Subtitle Edit.

Question - TVMW6 - Preferences - Reset to Default No.70699
halfpipe  2017-05-01 00:48:45 ( ID:b826rhgdntr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Preferences - Reset to Default
Are all settings reset to default or just the selected line?

tkrave  2017-05-19 13:18:41 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It resets all preferences to default.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Change Menu Requires Complete Re-render? No.70698
hurricane51  2017-04-29 16:36:44 ( ID:wvlp3krcken )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a project with 5 HD video tracks. All I changed was the menu duration and deleted the Play All button. I made no chenges in source material at all. I assumed that it wouldn't require re-rendering on the complete project, but that's what happened.

My question is why? Surely the menu is kept separate from the rest of the content.

Now I'm looking at a 12-hour render, and that's with an i7-6700K cpu (4 Ghz).

tkrave  2017-05-19 13:23:40 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you output, it creates the entire project from scratch, so if your videos were fully rendered the first time, they will be fully rendered every time you want to output the project again.

What you could do, is create a new project and import the videos from your first output. Since they would be compliant, they should "smart render" and not take long to output. You'd also have to save your menu as a template, so you can load it much easier on your second project without having to recreate it.

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