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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 32 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TVMW5 BBS How to display thumbnails properly when editting a clip? Rob Stow 2 2016-09-15 15:09:40
Question TAW5 BBS Subtitle Editing Tom Lewandowski 0 2016-08-14 19:00:00
Request TVMW6 HEVC x265 hardware encoder with AMD Fury Backbone 0 2016-08-05 14:47:38
Question TVMW5 BBS Menu question Janelle Jeffries 1 2016-09-15 14:53:48
Question TVMW6 Watermark via Filter ? ggo 1 2016-08-30 15:35:03
Question TAW5 BBS Dolby Digital 5.1 Creator/Maker? Tom Lewandowski 4 2016-09-30 08:09:10
Question TAW5 BBS No burner with work with Authoring Works 5 Brian -bwin- 2 2016-11-18 20:25:11
Question TAW5 BBS Importing Keyframes Mike 1 2016-09-15 14:26:43
Question TVMW5 BBS VSFilter doesn't start with TMPGenc Mastering Works 5 in Windows 7 Fernando 1 2016-09-02 16:26:53
Bug report TMSR5 AC3 audio not playing and Audio is RESCUE - NO audio in output Michael Wright 1 2016-09-02 15:18:05
Question TE40 A 720x480 mpg fills my screen but when re-rendered to mp4 doesn't... why? kxdude4 0 2016-07-02 07:20:47
Question TAW5 BBS Urgent: Blu-ray menu and audio stream choice benoitm 2 2016-09-15 14:19:11

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Question - TVMW5 BBS - How to display thumbnails properly when editting a clip? No.70433
Rob Stow  2016-08-24 08:05:18 ( ID:zffotrtbtjh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

A lot of CPU cycles are invested in creating those tiny thumbnails when you are editting a clip in the Cut-Edit window ... and then when the thumbnails are displayed they are overlapped so much that they are often useless. How do I tell TMpegEnc to show the thumbnails side-by-side instead of overlapped so that I can see the full thumbnails?

For example, on my 1920x1200 display, the thumbnails are about 60 pixels high. Thus for a 1920x1080 clip the thumbnails should be about 107 pixels wide ... but what I actually see is only about 60x60 because of that useless overlapping of the thumbnails.

If I could see the center 60x60 region of each thumbnail it wouldn't be so bad.

tkrave  2016-09-15 14:56:26 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can right-click on the main preview, then go to Display Settings, then choose a different setting in the third section.

You can also create your own thumbnail display settings in the Preferences-->Clip editing section.

Ades  2016-09-15 15:09:40 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i think you can setup a custom Thumbnail display interval,
try as this:
- on Options > Preferences > Clip edit > Thumbnail interval >
for ex.
User setting 1: setup the interval by "sec interval"
and choose "1"
- then on Cut-edit > make right click over the preview screen > choose Display settings >
and choose "User setting 1 interval..." option
Also you can choose other options such as
For short GOP MPEG
For standard MPEG

Question - TAW5 BBS - Subtitle Editing No.70424
Tom Lewandowski  Home )  2016-08-14 19:00:00 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There are a lot of limitations with TAW5 in terms of copy and paste (which doesn't exist at all), preference settings, subtitle editing, etc. For instance, you can spend a lot of time creating a custom chapter menu in TAW5 -- the program contains lots of tools for being creative; but there's no option that will allow you to copy the entire layout, including every user item placed on the page, and paste the identical page, elsewhere.This seems like a very basic and standard ability every authoring software would have.

What bugs the crap out of me is Subtitle Editing. I always use TOP and BOTTOM subtitle positions for videos (like TV shows) that display credits during the beginning of the video, usually at the bottom. I have to manually select each subtitle line, click a menu, and click to select each line's menu position. Does anyone know if there's a key combination (like SHIFT+CURSOR) that allows you to select multiple lines to apply the position setting to a selected group of lines? The HELP file is very limited in describing subtitle options and nothing I've tried allows me to select more than one text line at a time, to apply a subtitle layout option.

As far as I can tell, you're limited to editing one subtitle text line at a time -- you can't apply an option to multiple lines at once. Maybe I haven't found the option to do this?

Request - TVMW6 - HEVC x265 hardware encoder with AMD Fury No.70422
Backbone  2016-08-05 14:47:38 ( ID:gitjh0lg0af )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was looking to upgrade from mastering works 5 to 6 and saw that hardware encoding for x265 is supported for NVidia gtx 970 and up or intel whatever. Where is the support for AMD Fury-X? The Fury series cards have hardware encoder support for x265 yet nobody utilizes it. This is not just a TMPGEnc issue I know because none of the other multitudes of editors out there will touch AMD with a 10 foot pole. My frustration is that these fury cards seem to be purpose built for this kinda stuff and nobody seems to know how to implement it. The x264 solution is fine for most things but going forward please reach out to AMD and see if there is an API available for the necessary hardware calls for x265. Most likely the issue is AMD has no published data concerning the APIs that the developers need to implement support with. Until that happens I guess we all sit and scratch our heads while 8 gazillion stream processors with 9 TeraFlops of compute goodness does squat.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Menu question No.70421
Janelle Jeffries  2016-08-03 03:48:16 ( ID:gneml/welrm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

HELP! Is there a way to get the track menu to come up when you press stop instead of it going to the beginning of the movie?

Ades  2016-09-15 14:53:48 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

do you mean to Authoring Works 5?

Question - TVMW6 - Watermark via Filter ? No.70418
ggo  2016-07-25 20:45:46 ( ID:llbwl//mf42 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need to watermark between 2000 and 3000 videos.
I want to use a filter (so I can apply batch in normal mode), only thing thing that comes close is the Mask filter. By using a layer with transparent image.

But the settings of the Mask filter are not saved upon 'save template' :(
So the position of the image is not saved and the range should be set to 'entire file', instead of start and end frame.

This might be a bug, is there any workaround to add a simple watermark image to a bunch of files, using normal mode?

Ades  2016-08-30 15:35:03 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the watermark you need to attach is the same used for the other different videos i think you could add more layers with all the videos that require it, i am not sure the limit of layers with videos you can add but you can try the mas limit.
Then output as separate files each layer, the watermark layer should be in the top of the layers.
Try and let us know how was it.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Dolby Digital 5.1 Creator/Maker? No.70415
Tom Lewandowski  Home )  2016-07-23 19:59:46 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm curious what TAW5 means by it being a "DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 creator?" This feature has never worked for me.

Unless I originally recorded in Dolby Digital 5.1 format, TAW5 doesn't convert any of my 2-channel PCM audio sources to six channel audio. I have to use other software to do this (i.e. AVS Audio Editor, Nero Video, Corel VideoStudio), all of which will decode multichannel PCM audio I've recorded and output it to perfectly encoded 5.1 channel Dolby Digital audio.

TAW5 has never been able to do this with any of my PCM audio. Instead, when set to convert audio to 5.1 output, TAW5 simply creates six audios tracks, four of them which are empty. No audio. Only the front L/R stereo tracks contain sound -- with no audio routed to Center, Subwoofer, or Rear Surround channels.

Is there something else I need to do in TAW5. I haven't found any other settings that need to be enabled in TAW5 other than the "Track Settings - Audio - Re-encode all as below", and selecting "5.1 Channel surround".

Is this a bug? I wouldn't think so since there's been so many updates to the software that would have addressed this.

Ades  2016-09-15 14:35:35 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If your source file is in 5.1 ch from the
beginning then Authoring Works 5 can output and fill other channels with
such audio data, if not it will just output empty channels.
Import sources with already 5.1 ch as the beginning, I think is not possible to
create from 2 ch sources a 5.1 ch output.

Tom Lewandowski  Home )  2016-09-15 21:37:56 ( ID:a9hfhya1dg. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I often record digital (HDMI) PCM audio tracks that are downmixed from 5.1 sources. These downmixed PCM digital tracks contain 6 channel audio information that isn't restored by TAW5. As I mentioned, other Audio software and video editors I use DO separate the PCM 2-channel downmix back into all six channels, mixed properly as intended. TAW5 doesn't do this.

TAW5's use of the word, "Creator", would indicate that even 'analog surround'-encoded tracks would be output into 5.1 Dolby Digital channels. Therefore, TAW5 doesn't contain a "DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 CREATOR" option -- it simply supports Dolby Digital 5.1 input and should state, "DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 SUPPORT."

tkrave  2016-09-16 14:40:42 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think you are applying too much meaning here. Pegasys did not make this up on their own, it is simply a technology that Dolby licenses to hardware and software makers. For hardware, it allows recording in Dolby Digital 5.1. For software, it allows converting other audio sources to Dolby Digital 5.1; the technology does not support converting 2.0 audio to 5.1 in the way you are talking about.

Learn more here:

Persen  2016-09-30 08:09:10 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I guarantee no success what so ever when working with PCM audio.
I worked with Dolby Digital 2.0 which also contained Dolby Pro Logic.
I managed with full success turning this in to Dolby Digital 5.1

Question - TAW5 BBS - No burner with work with Authoring Works 5 No.70412
Brian -bwin-  2016-07-22 23:02:10 ( ID:r4zuvhmczik )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Having an issue where we cannot burn anything directly out of Authoring Works 5, it has never worked on this computer. Have installed latest update ( which did not work and uninstalled/reinstalled Authoring Works which also did not work. Have tried with 2 different DVD burners and 1 Blu-ray burner (different brands).

Currently we are creating a disc image/iso from Authoring Works and burning it out using ImgBurn. No other program we have tried has a problem with any of the drives.

In drive settings in the output tab, it allows us to select the drive and writing speed (maximum only). Underneath "Status:" it says "Please set a media." After we hit "OK" and try to start output a warning comes up saying "Please set a media in the drive you wish to write. When the access lamp is blinking, it indicates that the drive is recognizing the media. Please click [OK] button after the blinking finished." If you insert media into the drive at this time an error will pop up "An error occurred." Not very helpful. Hitting ok just keeps telling us to "Please set a media..." This occurs with DVD and Blu-ray media and we have tried multiple brands.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

Ades  2016-09-15 14:30:25 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

(see the compatibility drive list from this link)

You may need to use it over a compatible writing drive.

Try by another media brand, some disc brands are not so good
quality and some writing devices cannot read them and burn them correctly.
Try by different disc brand.

Check if you installed the newest firmware and driver of
your writing device and try again.

*If nothing worked it probably means that your writing drive is not
compatible with Authoring Works 5.

kittone  2016-11-18 20:25:11 ( ID:tr65rfzysl. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've the same problem too, BUT 'til yesterday the program worked. I've changed anything, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but it doesn't work. Any idea?

Question - TAW5 BBS - Importing Keyframes No.70398
Mike  2016-07-15 22:57:51 ( ID:svm6ornkdf. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible to import a keyframe list including the names of each chapter? When I import frames only it works, when I include the name of each chapter it says this is not an valid keyframe file. Any answers or workarounds. I'm using the german marker exporter from the Edius timeline and saved in notepad as a .keyframe file.

Ades  2016-09-15 14:26:43 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think this is because Edius may be uses other code to chapter naming, in other words I think it only supports *.keyframe files generated with TMPGenc software.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - VSFilter doesn't start with TMPGenc Mastering Works 5 in Windows 7 No.70378
Fernando  2016-07-04 22:26:35 ( ID:vugz2c68h5h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, guys. I would appreciate if you could help me with this one: I like to encode avi files with TMPGEnc Mastering Works 5, adding forced subtitles to it. In Windows XP, when I add the avi file to start a new project, TMPGEnc immediately recognizes the subtitle file (.srt) with the same name and all the codecs are started, INCLUDING VSFilter, which take care of the subtitles and allows TMPGEnc to add them to the output movie. In Windows 7, for any unknwon reason, VSFilter doesn't start with the same procedure. Any idea why? I tried TWA6 and the problem persists... Thanks in advance.

Ades  2016-09-02 16:26:53 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think this could be because the codecs you used in your Win 7 are not present aas they were present in your Win XP, you may need check o it and install such codec for the Win 7 version.
Aslo you may need to check on VSFilter forums probably this is realted to it.


Bug report - TMSR5 - AC3 audio not playing and Audio is RESCUE - NO audio in output No.70375
Michael Wright  2016-07-04 21:00:57 ( ID:.uuwvnctkua )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Need help. I have the new Mpeg Smart Renderer 5 and a TS file with ac3 (5.1 channels). When I edit this file, no audio is played back. The format window shows it as AUDIO RESCUE. Outputs from this file are without audio, but there appears to be an audio stream in my media playback software (Media Player Classic).

Interesting Fact: If I first run this file through an alternate video editor, the output from that editor has the AC3 audio still intact. Also, that output file can then be loaded into TMPG Smart Renderer 5 and it has audio (and no "RESCUE" noted). How can I help to fix this bug in the program? Thanks.

Ades  2016-09-02 15:18:05 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you already tried via the newest version?

Question - TE40 - A 720x480 mpg fills my screen but when re-rendered to mp4 doesn't... why? No.70372
kxdude4  2016-07-02 07:20:47 ( ID:/5kik.mwkcf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey All!
I have a bunch of media in mpg, 720x480 format and when I watch them, my entire screen is filled with the movie. BUT, if I re-render them to 720.480 MP4 format there is now a 2 inch border all around the movie. Why does it do this? They're the same size!!! And will do this in Windows Media Player as well as NERO and Windows Classic player... And I'm basically using all the default settings.
Thanks for any help!

Question - TAW5 BBS - Urgent: Blu-ray menu and audio stream choice No.70368
benoitm  2016-06-17 18:31:52 ( ID:v3dgvaadcnk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a BDMV project with a Top Menu and 2 Tracks with Track menus.
Each track contains a video stream with 2 audio streams.
The Top menu is configured to have each track played in sequence (linked).
However, the Audio stream selection button seems to be only available in the Track menu page, not in the Top menu.
As a result, if a user selects a non-default audio stream for playback in Track1, playback automatically continues with Track2 as expected, but with the default audio stream, not the one selected intially when launching Track1.
Is there a way to have the audio stream selection memorized across playback-linked Tracks ?

benoitm  2016-07-25 05:00:06 ( ID:qz1az3orgvo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Help, anyone ?

Ades  2016-09-15 14:19:11 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think the audio on the Track 2 also must have an Audio page to select the audio, try to make combination when setting your Menu to check if you can accomplish the Menu behavior you want.

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