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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 39 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TVMW6 Why I cannot copy, shrink or stretch mask on the timeline? Sergey 1 2015-11-11 03:28:31
Request TAW5 BBS gaps between chapters, or a new clip property GlennD 1 2016-01-16 11:20:42
Question TVMW5 BBS How to select all files in timeline mode at once Patrick S. 1 2015-11-13 06:56:39
Question TVMW6 How can I play video from the timeline with x0.5 or x0.25 speed? Sergey 0 2015-11-03 01:56:04
Question TAW5 BBS Smart Rendering Compliant Files - Slower than Re-Rendering TomLewandowski 12 2015-12-25 21:45:41
Question TAW5 BBS How to control the back buttons on a page? arkid 0 2015-10-31 04:07:48
Question TVMW6 Cannot load the software fully jamief 0 2015-10-30 20:41:06
Question TVMW5 BBS Can't encode Loco 2 2015-10-29 09:45:40
Question TVMW6 Need help "an error occurred communicating with the output process " groupdootv 2 2016-08-10 04:19:17
Bug report TMSR4 Intel Xeon vs decoder Intel media Sdk Software Deckard51 0 2015-10-26 04:15:50
Bug report TVMW6 Freeze encoding process when project not have sound Sergey 0 2015-10-25 03:00:10
Question TAW5 BBS Subtitles (subpictures) are too large a440guy 1 2015-10-14 11:50:44

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Question - TVMW6 - Why I cannot copy, shrink or stretch mask on the timeline? No.70023
Sergey  2015-11-11 03:09:57 ( ID:xufxt614d3m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why I cannot copy, shrink or stretch mask through mouse on the timeline?

Sergey  2015-11-11 03:28:31 ( ID:xufxt614d3m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I talking about mask range.

Request - TAW5 BBS - gaps between chapters, or a new clip property No.70021
GlennD  2015-11-09 10:28:44 ( ID:2anh/oesgcn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have some video scans of 8mm home movies.
I can make transitions at the split points, but all transitions
modify the source, on both chapters at the split point.

In a future version of TAW I would like to be able to insert a gap
(with default value of 2 seconds) at the end of the
chapter before the split point.
The default color should be black.
This gap would not modify any source frames.

Yes, I could insert a picture or a pattern,
but then that makes a new chapter and so the chapter numbers
are all messed up.

So maybe another possibility is to have a clip property
that does *not* increment the chapter number.
The property would be similar to this one:
"Do not display this chapter in the menu"
In this case, the clip would simply be merged with the previous one
into the same chapter.

Thanks for the consideration,

erickhc  2016-01-16 11:20:42 ( ID:fuvdg9fgx0j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had the same issue. What I did was create a black image with the same resolution as the track, and add it between the tracks, setting its duration to 1sec. Takes a little bit of time, but while there isn't such feature, it helps creating a gap. Problem is you'll have to turn off the image chapter (as it will be taken as a chapter alone) when building menus. Like said, it takes more time. :)

Question - TVMW5 BBS - How to select all files in timeline mode at once No.70012
Patrick S.  2015-11-06 07:31:02 ( ID:rdomyqtrxb. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


How to select all files at once in (timeline mode) that are in your timeline accros different layers?


if i delete a file from the time line there is a gap in the time line all files after the delete file need to be selected and move to the time where the file has been delete to get rid of the gap.

The way i do it now is hold CTRL and select every file that i want to move.
Is the also an other way? and is there a way so select al files at once?


tkrave  2015-11-13 06:56:39 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Easiest way to get rid of gaps is to right-click on the layer header and select the "Bring all clips in this layer to the beginning" option. This will remove all gaps in the layer.

You can't select all clips across all layers, but you can use ctrl+A to select all clips in the selected layer.

Question - TVMW6 - How can I play video from the timeline with x0.5 or x0.25 speed? No.69999
Sergey  2015-11-03 01:56:04 ( ID:xufxt614d3m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How can I play video from the timeline with x0.5 or x0.25 speed?

Question - TAW5 BBS - Smart Rendering Compliant Files - Slower than Re-Rendering No.69997
TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-02 20:50:22 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Almost all of my HD 1920x1080 30p read as fully SMART RENDERING compliant upon loading them into TAW5. In fact, I've even created a few HD videos by taking compliant clips, and re-rerendering them in TAW5 -- then reloading them into a new project. There are no flags, no indications that any clip is not SR compliant, and all the settings indicate the final product is prioritized to utilize Smart Rendering.

However, every time I start outputting the BDMV structure, TAW5 goes through an "ANALYZING" process for each video clip, except the menus (which also contain SR-compliant video backgrounds.) This "analyzing" process is soooo slow that I've given up waiting for it (over 24 hours for 4, 40-minute videos.)

If I simply re-render the videos by disabling Smart Rendering, the same project renders in a couple of hours. So, what's the deal with this extremely slow 'ANALYZING' process, and how do I get rid of it? I don't see any mention of settings for it in PREFERENCES, and the HELP in TAW5 doesn't really mention it.

I use the IBM HARDWARE SDK for encoding, though I've tried using TAW5's X264 encoder as well. I have all encoder settings set to NORMAL, 1-pass VBR, Smart Rendering Prioritized, MPEG-4 AVC (but have tried MPEG-2 SR-compliant files, too), all files in the track are SR compliant (not a mixture of FR and SR files). Even if there's only one file with no menus, and the file is 100% SR-compliant, the damn 'analyzing' begins as soon as I try to output the BDMV structure -- and it takes hours to analyze.

I've given up trying to use TAW5 with Smart Rendering enabled, and just end up re-encoding projects to a slightly higher bitrate, using the SDK Hardware Encoder; it's so much faster. Even when using a software encoder, re-encoding the project is so much faster than waiting for TAW5 to "analyze" each file.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

shinrabansho  2015-11-03 10:45:30 ( ID:q63jyagigco )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In my case, "ANALYZING" completes in the matter of seconds (or maybe minutes).

If I were you, I would uninstall the "the IBM HARDWARE SDK for encoding" to see if (1) the uninstall would eliminate the problem you refer to, and (2) TAW's own encoder is better or worse than the IBM SDK.

TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-04 05:07:59 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, I've disabled the SDK Hardware Encoder, selected TAW5's x264 Encoder, and it's no different. I tried this with a 30-minute HD (full smart render compliant), and "ANALYZING" appears. I let it run to see how long it would take, but gave up after just about three hours of v-e-r-y slow progress. I'm not sure how to access IBM's SDK encoder settings (there's nothing in Windows' Control Panel or Device Manager that I've been able to locate, but I'll check again. I'm hoping you're right and disabling IBM's SDK hardware encoder will resolve this issue. I'll let you know.

shinrabansho  2015-11-04 08:24:50 ( ID:q63jyagigco )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I do not know what your system looks like (mobo, CPU, memory, GPU etc) or how important the IBM SDK is to you but, if reinstallation of Windows is not an option for you, installtion of a virtual machine, e.g. VMWare Workstation Player (free), might be worthwhile to see if the clean and simple setup of Windows environment (without the IBM SDK etc) plus TAW only cures the problem. I have been using TAW for several years by now but have never had a case where ANALYSING took such a long time.

TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-04 22:21:50 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm running TAW5 on an Intel Core i5 processor, under Win7 Professional, 8GB's RAM, on a Acer Aspire laptop - Intel HD 3000 integrated graphic card. The SDK Hardware encoder isn't used by any other authoring software I'm using; just TAW5, so I might as well bite the bullet and uninstall the SDK support files. Think maybe I'll first try booting up in Safe Mode, and disabling everything I can that will still allow TAW5 to function. If all else fails, maybe do a clean Win7 install. I really would like to be able to use TAW5 without re-encoding.

I was hesitating on doing anything drastic only because I was hoping, Pegasys would release either an update, or upgrade that would include "end of clip" play options, and integrate some basic "copy and paste" or full "duplicate" menu and menu item features -- something that would seem to be a pretty basic BDMV authoring feature. But alas, they don't seem to be addressing these limitations.

TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-05 04:03:37 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was able to disable the Hardware SDK encoder, limiting my choice of encoding using the x264 software encoder. Didn't help. I'm using a one-video BDMV format with no menus, and still, when I begin the BDMV creation, the "ANALYZING" message pops up and creeps along very slowly.

I also uninstalled the current version of TAW5, and installed an earlier version, and disabled all other installed multimedia software from loading (via CCleaner's Start-up editor). Still, no change.

At one point (during the past year) after one of the program updates, I actually did have a very short HD video, Smart Render, but it hasn't done so since.

Almost all of my HD video files are recorded with a Hauppauge PVR 2 HD recorder, at 1920x1080 30p. These HD recordings load perfectly into NERO VIDEO and require no re-encoding; audio is AC3 5.1, recorded using an optical (toslink) connection. NERO reads both VIDEO and AUDIO as 100% SmartEncode compliant. I then export them from NERO VIDEO as m2ts BD files, where they will then read as Full Smart Render compliant by TAW5. Nothing is flagged as non-BDMV compliant.

Very frustrating....

shinrabansho  2015-11-05 06:03:01 ( ID:q63jyagigco )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Would you be able to upload (a part of) the video file somewhere so that I can check to see if the problem reproduces on my system as well?

TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-06 04:55:08 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks! I'll upload one or two 5-minute segments of SR videos to my server, when I get home today....

TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-06 08:13:56 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Here's two, 2-minute 1920x1080 (30i) .m2ts AVC/AC3 video files, both which load as Smart Render compliant in TAW5 ... and both first go through a slow 'analyzing' process when outputting them to BDMV format.

Please let me know when you've downloaded the files so that I can remove the files from my serever. And thanks a lot for the help!

shinrabansho  2015-11-06 10:39:44 ( ID:q63jyagigco )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. Thanks for the upload. I just downloaded the two test files. I then loaded them onto TAW5 ( and attempted to make a Blu-Ray disk out of them (using the default setting in TAW). The "ANALYZING" part took about 4 minutes, and the Smart Render process (yes, my TAW recognized the files as Smart Renderable) also took another 4 minutes resulting in a proper Blu-Ray disc image (am viewing it with Power DVD). Thus, contrary to my earlier suspicion, the files produced by your capture device seem OK as I do not see oddity when I check the files with MediaInfo. One thing I would like you to test is the field order of the interlace setting in TAW: What happens if you change the field order to "Bottom field first" in Track setting (you have to change Output setting to "Re-encode all videos as blow" (instead of Automatic (Smart rendering prioritized) first to choose the field order option)? Does TAW still take a long time in the analyzing part?

TomLewandowski  Home )  2015-11-06 23:41:09 ( ID:.t38jdbdulr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for checking the files. It appears you duplicated the same results I get -- so when Smart Rendering a BDMV with four, 40-minute videos, the "analyzing time" becomes ridiculously long....and re-encoding (via Hardware SDK) takes only a couple of hours.

Reversing the field order doesn't appear to be any different, since TAW5 re-encodes at the same speed on my system, no matter how the field order is set; there's no "analyzing" screen that appears when I use either Hardware or Software encoders. I'm currently trying a 42-minute video Smart Render, and the "analyzing" screen is present: It states the remaining time as, 12 hours, 17 mins, though the time keeps increasing as the video progresses.

I've found that Smart Render works for me with TAW's definition of compliant "PROGRESSIVE" (instead of INTERLACED) video files! My PVR is capturing in Progressive format (1920x1080 30p ~16Mbps AVC.) When I load the captured file into NERO VIDEO, it reads it as 100% Video and Audio Smart Render compliant, and doesn't re-encode it. However, the resulting .m2ts file reads as interlaced, after NERO creates it. Since it's not re-encoding the file, I don't know why this is happening. MediaInfo, TAW5, and even Windows 'File Properties' all recognize the original file as progressive, until NERO creates a BDMV structure.

TAW5 flags several parameters or these original recordings as non-BDMV compliant. I think I need to play around with some PVR recording settings to see if I can find one that TAW likes. I'm not sure how much I'm able to change, but I still can't figure out why NERO is tagging these files as INTERLACED...there would be no problem if it would leave the file data intact.

shinrabansho  2015-11-07 06:57:54 ( ID:q63jyagigco )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I do not use the capture device or the video editor you refer to so cannot give you much advice there. Meanwhile, I came across a message that might be relevant to you. I hope this helps.

Rick0725  2015-12-25 21:45:41 ( ID:gunkirozbqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I explained above. The manufacturer used an incorrect flag in the HARDWARE for capturing 1080. It does not stricly follow the DVD/Blu ray standard when you capture 1080. 720P works fine and will smart rendor because the plag is correct for 720P.

It was a simple correction. I brought up the issue with the programmers at the company, they were subborn, and they refused to fix it. Therefore 1080 files will not smart rendor in software that is strict to the DVD/Blu Ray standards. TMPgenc strictly follows the standards other software may not.

Long story short...Give up trying to make it work. Waste of time. I tried for about a year to get the issued at Hauppauge corrected. it would have worked fine if the file was outputted from the pvr as interlaced instead of progressive.

Question - TAW5 BBS - How to control the back buttons on a page? No.69993
arkid  2015-10-31 04:07:48 ( ID:awnbiyjiqso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

A simple question that seems hard for me to find an answer to. I have sub pages in my dvd for different short films I am compiling onto it. The issue is that the back button seems hard coded as a back to top menu button when I actually want it to go back to the film selection page. So how do I control what buttons do?

Question - TVMW6 - Cannot load the software fully No.69992
jamief  2015-10-30 20:41:06 ( ID:fq.r4ociy6l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When trying to open the recently bought sofware everything appears to load right up to the point where I get the following error message "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000ba). Click OK to close the application."
When I click OK the application opens and allows full functionality up to thefinal procedure when I try to encode the operation is aborted with the error message "The output process terminated abnormally (0)" Any help greatly appreciated. I have loaded the software on an alternative laptop running Windows 10 with no problems other than the fact that it is nowhere near as powerful as the Windows 7 machine I'm currently trying to use it with. Interestingly I'm having difficultly upgrading this machine to Win 10 and was wondering if the 2 problems are related?

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Can't encode No.69988
Loco  2015-10-29 09:34:38 ( ID:2hucjv5qcrn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Out of sudden my Avid files aren't being accepted by my beloved encoder. It crashes.

Loco  2015-10-29 09:37:27 ( ID:2hucjv5qcrn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It gives this error:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: TMPGEncVMW5.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 55a4caaf
Fault Module Name: ippvcg9-7.1.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 506563c9
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00036209
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1032
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Loco  2015-10-29 09:45:40 ( ID:2hucjv5qcrn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I sorted it out. I had install some codecs for QT and that was the problem. By uninstalling them it works fine. Thanks.

Question - TVMW6 - Need help "an error occurred communicating with the output process " No.69984
groupdootv  2015-10-26 18:42:10 ( ID:6yg5dg1zcb. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Firstly, I would say hello from Thaliand

As you can see that i am your big fan, also i do like and enjoyable currently version. Version5 was work very powerful and help me work out perfectly.

Yesterday, i've upgrade to Version6. It've been work great. But i've a problems.

Thing that i have never seen it before even i've been using Version5 for almost last 2years, but Version6 been show me after i did encode button "an error occurred communicating with the output process (6)". It happen to my all pc,which has been upgrade up to Version6, but it is not happen all the time. sometime errors, but sometime works fine.

Do you have idea how to fix it out?

Kind regards


Pc detials :

Windows 8.1 64-bit Version
CPU INTEL i7 4790 3.60GHz
CUDA function:
RAM size:
Memory size unit:
Hard disc free space available:

Hard disc size unit:
File system:
Software player name or DVD-Video player deck model:
Software generator:
Blackmagic media express
Capture system:
Intensity Pro
Input video file format:
Other input video file format:
Motion JPEG Video (MJPG)
Input audio file format:
Other input audio file format:
PCM S16 LE (araw)
Ouput format template:
MPEG-4 (H.264/AVC)
Other output video file format:

Output audio file format:
MPEG-4 AAC Main Profile (.aac)
Other output audio file format:

Selected encoder (MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC output):
Free text:

cubdukat  2016-04-04 11:00:43 ( ID:rxcqq.5ja2w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have had this same issue as well, with both TVMW5 and TVMW6. I wonder if it doesn't have to do with Out Process for VME being 32-bit...

Jason  2016-08-10 04:19:17 ( ID:k1mctlbhw32 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am also getting this error. Has anyone seen a fix?

Bug report - TMSR4 - Intel Xeon vs decoder Intel media Sdk Software No.69983
Deckard51  2015-10-26 04:15:50 ( ID:s69jffiswoh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Currently I have a Xeon processor E5 2687W V3 (lga2011-3)
After the change has stopped working decoder "Intel Media SDK Software"
Below, a screenshot of the error.

On the second computer processor i7-5960 does not have this problem
and decoder "Intel Media SDK Software" is working properly.
Can you fix the problem "Xeon vs Intel Media SDK decoder software"?


Bug report - TVMW6 - Freeze encoding process when project not have sound No.69982
Sergey  2015-10-25 03:00:10 ( ID:xufxt614d3m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have last TVMW6 full version.
I have problem with encoding process (in MPEG2 video system only) when project not have sound. About after 30 minutes of video length if I try encode this in MPEG2 I take freeze of encoding process without any error messages. If I try encode same video in MPEG4 - encoding finished successfully, but time of encoding in 2 times more than same encoding with any sound track.

One more: Please enlarge by height of Timeline Seekbar element in Timeline Mode !!!! I have a 27 inch monitor with WUXGA, but this Seekbar is very, VERY thin!

Question - TAW5 BBS - Subtitles (subpictures) are too large No.69972
a440guy  2015-10-14 06:21:08 ( ID:i6muj6mlveh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using the Trial version of TAW5. The subtitles as rendered into subpictures are too large. Is there a way to change the font size?

tkrave  2015-10-14 11:50:44 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the Clip Editor window, go to the Subtitle Edit tab and click on the Edit Menu button at the bottom-right of the window and select Layout Edit from the drop-down menu.

This will open up the layout editor where you can select the font and change the size. You don't select a font size, instead you change the resolution %. In your case, you want to lower the percentage to make the font smaller in relation to the screen size.

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