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Does anybody know if it's possible to reduce the size of a .avi or .mpeg when it exceeds the size of a VCD by just a few minutes ? (without cutting part of the film)
It would be a pity to be obliged to create a second VCD each time there is just a few minutes more than accepted on a single VCD.
I tried with virtual dub to reduce first the source avi file, but it does not work (or I can't make it work), and I tried to reduce the bitrate in TmpgEnc, but it does not allow it to me (perhaps is it due to the fact it is a freeware ?)
Reduseing the Size of the AVI file wouldn"t work anyways Because the size of the AVI file has no effect on the Size of the Mpeg/VCD File, what matters is the Length of the AVI file..And yes you can Reduce the Bitrate which will also reduce the Quality of the Mpeg file which will allready be Low because VCD is a Pretty Crappy Format for Quality in the First Place..But if you want to lower the Bitrate all you have to do is click were it says "Bitrate" in the Video settings then set it to "Unlock", Or you can Load the "Unlock.mfc" Template from the "Extra Folder" this will Unlock All of the settings..You will also have to go to "Settings" to "System" and set the Drop Down Menu to "Video-CD Non-Standard" if you don"t do this the File will not get smaller even though the Bitrate is lower....
PS: you would be better off getting some "700mb 80 Minute" CD"s and useing the "OverBurn" option to get the extra Minute on the CD cuz you would have to lower the Bitrate quite a Bit to get 81 minutes on a 74 minute CD-R which would make the Movie allmost unwatchable....
When I encode avi to mpeg there is a pink/purple color that creeps onto the screen, disappears, then repeats.
I have looked for the Angle codec, and can't find it on my system.
I have raised "DirectShow Multimedia File Reader" to Priority 2 (top priority) in TMPGE.
In Control Panel/Sounds and Multimedia Properties... the following Video Compression Codecs are listed...
Cinepak Codec by Radius Inc
DivX 5.02 Codec
DivX Codec 4.12
Indeo codec by Intel
Indeo video 5.10
Microsoft RLE Codec
Microsoft Video 1
On2 VP3 Video Codec
Xvid MPEG-4 Video Codec
When I try to delete any of them using the 'remove' button, they just reapear.
When I use GSPOT to check out the avi movie (which by the way plays fine using DIVX player 2.0) it says the Video Codec is "DivX 5.0". Under DirectShow Render it says it used "AVI Decompressor 0001 --> AVI Decompressor 0002-->Color Space Converter".
That's all the information I can think to provide. Thanks.
Used TMPGEnc to encode captured VHS to MPEG2 to author a DVD. Used aggressive TMPGEnc settings to get highest quality possible (2-pass VBR / 8000 max bitrate/ 6000 average bitrate, P and B values of zero, 10 bit DC component, highest quality motion search, GOP-IPB: 1/2/2, interlaced for TV playback. Although the images are quite clean, motion is jerky and bothersome to the eye. What setting(s) could I change to correct this?
There are a Couple Reasons why you can get Jumpy Playback, One Reason is if you have the Wrong Field Order set you will Just a Jumpy effect when there is any Movement on the screen, another reason could be that you have encoded the File to whe wrong Frame rate ,If the Source file has to have the Same frame rate as the Mpeg file you are encodeing it to, Meaning if you are Makeing a NTSC DVD you have to Capture the Movie at 29.97fps and encode it to that Frame rate and For Pal capture at 25fps and encode to that Frame rate...The Last reason I can think of that would cause a Jumpy Choppy effect while Playing on your DVD Player is then file is suffereng from "Bitrate Spikes" this Happens when the Bitrate Spikes higher than your DVD Player can Handle ,Tmpgenc has a Problem with this because it has Extremely Bad Bitrate controll, If this is the Problem it will Seem like the Video sometimes Plays slower that the audio and the Video stutters then the Video will seem to speed back up and be in sync with the audio again but will go out again when the next Bitrate spike happens, these Files will all seem to play Fine on your Computer But not on your DVD Player...Well these are the Only reasons I can think of...
I found similar question but this is a bit different. I had a avi file with almost 2 hours long and when I added subtltle and encoded it, it became 1.5gb.
I tried to split it two burnable files. It showed "Divide zero error"(not sure). And solution for this?
Well there are No Magic settings in the editor that will make it work when it doesn"t want to, so then Only Solution is to Use something else to Edit the Files, There are Freeware Mpeg1 and Mpeg2 editors out there, Like for Mpeg2 there is "Chopper XP" and "Mpeg2Cut" and for Mpeg 1 I can"t think of one But I"m sure you can find one...
First make sure that you have the Correct Codecs installed, and go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "direct Show" to "2"..This should get an image in the File, You will know if there is going to be a Picture if you can see a Picture in the Tmpgenc window while encodeing...
They Are Supported, If they were not Supported you would not be able to Encode them, I don"t think it is To much trouble to Change the File types to "All Files" to load the WMV files...Do you??
I tried to cut a small section of a mpg file (vcd and svcd). However the Audio only last 3.19 minutes and stopped. While the video goes fine.
If that section is under 3.19 minutes, it goes fine.
Please help.
I tried to cut a small section of a mpg file (vcd and svcd). However the Audio only last 3.19 minutes and stopped. While the video goes fine.
If that section is under 3.19 minutes, it goes fine.
Please help.
Is there a limit on the lenght of mpeg movie you want to cut??
I try to cut the first 5 minutes and the last 10 minutes of a 1 hour video to get a clean mpeg, but everytime i end up with 35 minutes.
Any1 knows a workaround or is this beacuse of the MPEG licensing stuff??
This is Just because the "Mpeg Tools" Just aren"t really the Best to use...There are Other Freeware Mpeg editors that can be used that will give you better results, Like "Chopper XP" and "Mpeg2Cut"...
tmpgenc crashes if the tools->cut function is used to split a file in two parts.
cut1: from 00:00,00 to 42:00,00 -> OK
cut2: from 42:00,00 to (Last) -> Crash
Is it possible to use TMPGENC with other MPEG2 decoders besides those mentioned in the faq. I'm looking for a free one to use so I can re-encode MPEG2 video at different res.
The Absolute Best way to Encode a Mpeg2 file to whatever in Tmpgenc is to Use "DVD2AVI" to decode and Frameserve to Tmpgenc, this is the Fastest way and will Probably produce the best Quality decodeing...But the Ligos Decoder Is a Free decoder, if you look on Google you should be able to Find it But DVD2AVI is still your Best bet...
Ok, I've RTFF. I've looked for, and didn't find, the AngelPotion codec on my hard drive. I've downloaded and tried countless templates. I've changed DirectShow to Priority 2. I've enabled the "Output YUV data as Basic YCbCr not CCIR601" option in the "Quantize Matrix" tab in Settings. Still those horrible, cyclic, pink/purple mosaics appear when converting to MPEG. I'm at my wit's end. Please, please, please, does anyone have any other ideas? I'd love to use TMPGEnc, but I've spent the last four days on this, and it's rapidly becoming not worth the frustration anymore. Unfortunately, I also can't find any other good conversion programs.
Many, many MANY thanks, just for looking at (and thinking about) this post.
Well the Angel Potion Codec will Not say "Angel Potion" it will Be Labeled something like "APMpeg4v3.dll" in you Device manager under "Video codecs"...If you are encodeing a DivX or XviD file you Should maybe use the "FFDShow decoder" instead of the Divx or XviD codecs to decode the File..This is about all I can think of...
Ack. Been up way too long with no sleep. The codec was there, but I missed it the first time through. In any event, simply uninstalling it didn't work, as the foul thing replicates itself as temp files and then reinstalls. I actually had to go into the registry and delete the Keys by hand (which really makes me realize what a hack this thing is...more like a worm than a codec).
Anyway, I now have nice, crisp files. Thanks to all you regular users who reply to others' are all helping far more lurkers than you realize.