Pegasys Products BBS

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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 5 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TVMW7 AMD GPU ExoticAlphaUSA 1 2023-06-07 15:45:06
Question TDA2 dvd player problem Gege 0 2023-01-21 23:35:28
Question TAW5 BBS Quicktime needed for V5 but discontinued and vulnerable BOBC 0 2023-01-08 08:04:12
Question TAW6 Burning Blu-ray Discs Michael Stehly 1 2023-01-03 08:55:29
Question TAW6 Linking/Unlinking Clips miketaw6 0 2022-12-30 15:36:05
Question TVMW7 Post Output eMail Notification BobD 1 2022-12-04 00:44:27
Question TVMW7 TESt BobD 0 2022-12-04 00:39:18
Question TAW6 Length of video burned to a DVD in AVCHD Format Michael Stehly 4 2022-12-02 14:05:18
Question TAW6 TAW6 Project: How convert to TAW4 TheMaster1 0 2022-10-31 18:17:50
Question TAW6 Moving Subtitle button to top menu Andrey 0 2022-10-31 08:33:38
Question TAW6 Change chapter text font size for entire project MovieMan444 0 2022-10-29 21:11:00
Question TMSR6 right cut points buddhabas 0 2022-10-26 16:11:08

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Question - TVMW7 - AMD GPU No.71992
ExoticAlphaUSA  2023-01-24 13:13:13 ( ID:r3uilfayv4h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I'm new to TMPEG and encoding. my question is Having a complete AMD PC configuration that is a Ryzen 9 5900x CPU and a RX 6900xt GPU. When I start encoding it only uses the CPU and when selecting the encoding source I tell it to choose AMD Media SDK. but I don't see the option to select the card. My thought is that since the CPU is amd it already takes only him by default. If so, it should give me the option to choose between the CPU and the GPU. I previously had an i7 6850k and an RX 580 GPU and when I selected AMD Media SDK the card worked perfectly. Will there be some method of being able to select the GPU and not the CPU even though they are both AMD. Thanks to whoever answers me.

Redz  2023-02-19 23:35:53 ( ID:oaoomwqhlaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Radeon GPU's are not supported for getting GPU hardware acceleration.

There you need one of those with Nvidia's CUDA, but even there you need to get your hands on the correct several years older driver version for the specific GPU you have, because both TVMW7 and TAW6 does struggle with the support on a whole bunch of later driver versions.

Question - TDA2 - dvd player problem No.71990
Gege  2023-01-21 23:35:28 ( ID:r.gxu8arc1n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the following message:
"The code could not be executed because PX.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may correct this problem"
I reinstalled the program and I still have this message. Can you help me.
I have TmpGenc DVD Author 2.0 version
thank you
Best regards.
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Question - TAW5 BBS - Quicktime needed for V5 but discontinued and vulnerable No.71982
BOBC  2023-01-08 08:04:12 ( ID:tfcyoa98g5o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, reinstalling my TMPGenc Authoring works onto a win10 64bit pro PC and upon running it it says needs quicktime 7.7.4 or later installing.
I look for latest and see Apple no longer develop it. 7.7.9 last one due to vulnerabilities. Article elsewhere says avoid unless need for video progs, in which case untick all except essentials option.

so wishing not to have vulnerabilities with my new win10pc build, I am worried !

No I cant afford V6, build has left me totally skint, as well as Santander who halved my credit limit after I had to close the existing card as their application form didnt have an instruction box to do so, I even rang them asking them to do so, and they said they cant, must use the form to do so, but it had no box etc etc, so I nuked ut then applied for its replacement, then they tell me they cant carry fwd the credit limit I had, they never warned me beforehand ! So now I have no credit available. I cancelled groceries this week to try and cope. I rarely use TMPFenc, I wish to author not DVD's but files that when run show the graphical menus but avoid dumbing down to SD and burnind discs. So sticking with V5, will it do that ?


Question - TAW6 - Burning Blu-ray Discs No.71977
Michael Stehly  2023-01-01 12:10:29 ( ID:33szrzkcudo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a 16x Blu-ray burner that I use to burn Verbatim 16x Blu-ray discs. Authoring Works 6 shows the writing speed is 12x BD-R Maximum, not 16x.

Redz  2023-01-03 08:55:29 ( ID:3w72lqubacn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would not even suggest writing at these max speeds that any type of disc tells it has, because the higher the used writing speed is, the higher the chance is also for getting writing errors and all you then end up with is a so called Coaster.

Use much lower writing speeds than those max speeds they tell they have and that goes for any brand, even the very expensive ones.

Question - TAW6 - Linking/Unlinking Clips No.71976
miketaw6  2022-12-30 15:36:05 ( ID:2e4xuhlp1hl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a way to unlink added video clips? No matter what I do I cannot get multiple clips in a track to stop playing all together. TAW4 used to have a way to link and unlink clips so when one played you went back to the track menu and could play another. Does this version have that function? or are you just stuck with transitions no matter what? Thank you

Question - TVMW7 - Post Output eMail Notification No.71965
BobD  2022-12-04 00:42:00 ( ID:xuamkelj7wl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've always wanted to get some sort of notification when a project encoding was complete. There is not option in TVMW7 for this, so I wrote a simple DOS batch file that will email me once the encoding is complete. It looks to see if the TVMW7 encoding process is running, if not, it sleeps for 30 seconds and then tries again. If the encode process is not found, it use the SendMail program to send me an email.

BobD  2022-12-04 00:44:27 ( ID:xuamkelj7wl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For some reason when I try and include the batch file contents here, the post does not show up. eMail me at am_dew at if you are interested in it.

Question - TVMW7 - TESt No.71964
BobD  2022-12-04 00:39:18 ( ID:xuamkelj7wl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is this thing on?

Question - TAW6 - Length of video burned to a DVD in AVCHD Format No.71956
Michael Stehly  Home )  2022-11-02 13:00:41 ( ID:bw2z1svgm7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How many minutes can be burned to a DVD disc in the AVCHD format? I have been able to burn up to 40 minutes using Authoring Works 6. My research indicates you should only be able to burn between 20-30 minutes. Does it depend on the size to the video?

Redz  2022-11-26 05:06:37 ( ID:2oiuxu6k.aj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just wondering, why not use single layer BD-R discs instead and create the videos as Blu-ray?
Then there is almost no limits, because everything is based entirely on bitrates.
I have once squeezed an almost 5 hours long two part train ride documentary in 720p on a single layer BD-R disc, where i set the birate at just above 7 Mbps.

Michael Stehly  Home )  2022-12-01 11:43:47 ( ID:bw2z1svgm7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I will be burning all of my videos to Blu-ray discs. Adobe Premiere has a feature that lets my create a H.264 Blu-ray video. Authoring Works 6 does not reincode the video. It produces great quality.

Michael Stehly  Home )  2022-12-01 11:47:57 ( ID:bw2z1svgm7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I will be burning all of my videos to Blu-ray discs. Adobe Premiere has a feature that lets me create an H.264 Blu-ray video. Authoring Works 6 does not reincode the video. It produces great quality.

Michael Stehly  Home )  2022-12-02 14:05:18 ( ID:33szrzkcudo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I will be burning all of my videos to Blu-ray discs. Adobe Premiere has a feature that lets me create a H.264 Blu-ray video. Authoring Works 6 does not reincode the video. It produces great quality.

Question - TAW6 - TAW6 Project: How convert to TAW4 No.71955
TheMaster1  2022-10-31 18:17:50 ( ID:rttwbxzcqgo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just tried Authoring Works 6 for a month and trial expired but i'd like to stick with the version 4 for now. How can i convert the project to version 4 so i can use it in authoring works 4 ? Thank you !

Question - TAW6 - Moving Subtitle button to top menu No.71954
Andrey  2022-10-31 08:33:38 ( ID:m6e0wpj9zuo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to have the top menu with 3 buttons, play movie, special features (which then goes to a track menu) and setup (for audio/subtitles) but whenever I make the menu the play movie button goes to another page first. How do I move the subtitles button to the top menu, and have another button to play the movie directly from the top menu?

Question - TAW6 - Change chapter text font size for entire project No.71953
MovieMan444  2022-10-29 21:11:00 ( ID:jrc4z.twxef )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a project with 155 chapters (99 in track 1, 56 in track 2) and the font text under each chapter needs to be reduced slightly so they don't touch each other. Is there a way to change the font for all the chapters in one step or do I have to change them individually?

Question - TMSR6 - right cut points No.71951
buddhabas  Home )  2022-10-26 16:11:08 ( ID:cxzomxdzkfw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've got TMPGEnc Smart Renderer 6
I'd remove a little part o a video clip and join the remaining 2 parts.
What kind of frame type I have to cut? I, P, B ...

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