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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 49 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE40 HEV1 or H.265 Tom 1 2014-12-05 11:18:22
Question TAW5 BBS 29.97 progressive (uncompressed) AVI to Blu Ray jrcasey1960 2 2014-11-28 12:47:37
Question TVMW5 BBS Please give us any clue when Divx HEVC will be implemented? greglip 3 2014-12-15 07:44:03
Question TAW5 BBS track playback end action vs chapter end action benoitm 2 2014-11-28 12:50:41
Question TAW5 BBS CUDA ks47 3 2015-06-25 11:28:21
Question TAW5 BBS Volume Adjustment Angie 0 2014-11-03 00:55:15
Question TE40 Activating NVIDIA CUDA problem tieutheluan 0 2014-12-02 18:57:15
Question TVMW5 BBS encoding multiple videos mike 2 2014-10-30 04:59:43
Request TAW5 BBS Allow subtitles import from external sources George 1 2015-03-23 02:48:09
Question TAW5 BBS Adding multiple files to a track Gary C 3 2014-10-31 10:49:58
Bug report TMSR4 TMSR 4.2. has become dog slow lately without apparent reason benoitm 5 2014-12-17 21:01:45
Question TAW5 BBS highlight fade in/out ovo 1 2014-10-19 08:42:26

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Question - TE40 - HEV1 or H.265 No.68826
Tom  2014-11-29 02:32:48 ( ID:w0heoc2iyxf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will support be coming for HEV1 / H.265 in TMPGEnc 4.0 Xpress or will it require say an upgrade to the next version

tkrave  2014-12-05 11:18:22 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You will probably need to upgrade since they are no longer updating 4.0 XPress. I would wait until they actually announce support though.

Question - TAW5 BBS - 29.97 progressive (uncompressed) AVI to Blu Ray No.68786
jrcasey1960  2014-11-20 00:23:25 ( ID:dlq7/fvpjl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm new to Authoring Works (5) and would like to create a blu ray disc from my uncompressed progressive AVI files at 29.97. I would like to encode with progressive sequential frames, not 1080i. Everything I try ends up as 1080i at 29.97 fps.

I've tried:
1) Output from Mastering Works as 29.97i upper field first BDMV AVC, then choose the 2:2 pulldown option. Still end up with 1080i.

2) Import AVI directly into Authoring Works and allow it to do the encode. As my file is progressive, I had to choose that upon import. Still got 1080i.

I think I even tried importing the AVI as interlaced (even though it's not) and ended up with 1080i.

Anyone know how to make a PSF blu ray with these programs from a 29.97 fps file?


tkrave  2014-11-26 09:52:30 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you changing the track settings, or are you changing the clip settings?

Changing the clip settings will not determine the output settings; clip settings are for setting what the input file should be BEFORE encoding (in case the header file info is wrong, for instance).

In order to change the actual output settings, you have to do that in the track settings. You can do this by going to the Source stage and clicking on the "Settings" button for a track on the left side of the screen. Each track can have its own output settings. This is where you can set the resolution, framerate, etc.

jrcasey1960  2014-11-27 00:51:35 ( ID:dlq7/fvpjl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the reply! I'll double check those settings and post back if I have any further problems.

Question - TVMW5 BBS - Please give us any clue when Divx HEVC will be implemented? No.68782
greglip  2014-11-10 16:06:46 ( ID:kx6cvy6ojbk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

will it be in the 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th quarter of 2015?
I hope 2015. Or maybe you will give us a christmas gift?

bullhead  2014-11-27 23:35:48 ( ID:43.7gwcotnh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hmmm ...FREEWARE(!) software HandBrake in new version:
"H.265 encoder
is now available through x265 1.4."
...hmm ...and pay software TMPGenc Video Mastering Works still nothing:-(

bullhead  2014-11-28 17:47:19 ( ID:43.7gwcotnh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

p.s. ...and in new HandBrake not only profile "main" for x265, but too profile "main10"(10bit colors)!

George  2014-12-15 07:44:03 ( ID:lbmrula6qim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I reckon it's not that simple for them to support new formats (like x264 10bit which is long overdue) because they also have to adjust/make compatible their list of included filters. Just a guess though - an official reply or public communication channel would be nice.

Question - TAW5 BBS - track playback end action vs chapter end action No.68775
benoitm  2014-11-05 19:07:06 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


In a menu with a single track and multiple chapters: all chapters have "back to menu" defined as end action, and General "play the next track (disc loop playback)" defined as track playback end action.
The result is that, when an individual chapter was selected in the menu, the menu is displayed at the end of the chapter, except for the last one, where the track playback end action takes precedence and playback resumes from the first chapter automatically instead of displaying the menu.

Is there a way to accomplish the following:
- Always display the track menu at the end of every chapter, when an individual chapter was selected in the menu, and
- Loop the disc (all chapters) ONLY IF the "play track" button was selected ?

benoitm  2014-11-05 19:15:50 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh and BTW, is there a way to have some kind of "play track" button which would loop only SOME OF the chapters displayed in the track menu ?

Or how should I arrange tracks / chapters to achieve the same effect (i.e. ability to play [one single clip / loop a subset of all clips / loop all clips] using different buttons ?), knowing that the project consists of individual unrelated clips, so I have full freedom to arrange them in one or multiple tracks, and each clip has only one entry point (chapter), but I would prefer to have all clips (chapters) accessible from a single menu page.

benoitm  2014-11-25 19:18:41 ( ID:whrqtudrlcm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Suggestions, anyone ?

Question - TAW5 BBS - CUDA No.68772
ks47  2014-11-03 12:57:38 ( ID:1pnnziy0ful )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm new to TWA5. How do you enable CUDA setting; it's greyed out. My computer is the last time I checked can be enabled. Thanks

Kuno  2014-11-11 14:05:58 ( ID:gawsbwaiyoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nvidia has disabled all CUDA functions in the latest drivers. They are trying to push NVENC now. We need to wait for the software to be updated to use this feature. For now your best bet is to roll back your drivers to an earlier version when CUDA was still enabled.

phylbert  2014-12-09 13:31:46 ( ID:ic9xaa6tab. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using a GTX670 with GEForce drivers v344.75 (18-Nov-2014).
The option to enable CUDA is available in TAW5 and all my other CUDA-enabled applications. TAW5 shows it is being used (right now, CPU 3.0%, CUDFA 97.0%). I can also see the GPU and Video ENgline loadings in GPU-Z. So it looks like support has been reinstated in a recent driver.

Persen  2015-06-25 11:28:21 ( ID:6tr/46zxmom )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just updated to version 353.30 for my GeForce 650. CUDA comes with this version also. So i have no problems activating and using CUDA in both TAW5 and TVMW5.
TVMW5 even asked me if i wanted to use it, when i loaded the software.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Volume Adjustment No.68771
Angie  2014-11-03 00:55:15 ( ID:7xjl1mxlmew )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sometimes after burning video movies and watching them on my television, I find that the overall volume is too low. I have to turn the volume all the way up and am still not able to hear some of the most quiet dialog. However, the sound effects at certain suspenseful points, are way too loud.

Using the Volume Adjustment feature of TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5, I'd like to increase the volume overall and tone down the special effects a bit. Which feature of the Volume Adjustment would I use: the Volume Adjustment, the Volume Normalization, or the Volume Uniformization. How would I make the required settings is the preferred option.

Thank you for your help.

Question - TE40 - Activating NVIDIA CUDA problem No.68763
tieutheluan  2014-10-31 03:23:19 ( ID:b7w8551wmzj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using the GPU NVIDIA GTX 760 but when i activate NVIDIA CUDA 2.0 it announced that
An error occurred during CUDA execution [cudaError...]
Can somebody help me with this because i bought the new gpu just to encode video

Question - TVMW5 BBS - encoding multiple videos No.68756
mike  2014-10-28 02:59:12 ( ID:phit3.9pscg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to do multiple videos but forget how. Can anyone help me please. TY

mike  2014-10-28 03:25:31 ( ID:phit3.9pscg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

nevrmind, figured it out :-)

Alkermes  2014-10-30 04:59:43 ( ID:l8l.we3au/c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Encode multiple video files?. With Batch Encode Tool... Clik on Add Batch button instead of Export button in Encode tab with each video file.

Regards, Alkermes.

Request - TAW5 BBS - Allow subtitles import from external sources No.68753
George  2014-10-27 02:10:44 ( ID:kijcek2xaql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Currently, it is possible to import and combine video and audio from DVD/BD's. For subtitles, this is only possible to do with the currently loaded video file or DVD/BD disc (only embedded subtitles and external srt files).

It should be easy to add import from external DVD/BD's since the functionality seems to be there already.

Kuno  2015-03-23 02:48:09 ( ID:w8pbgv0jjgf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Multiavchd allows you to use subtitles from mkv files and other sources. Use that instead to author your files.

Question - TAW5 BBS - Adding multiple files to a track No.68751
Gary C  2014-10-26 02:41:53 ( ID:6voze2jah/g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TAW to build blue rays and DVDs from camera files. I want to just dump 300-400 clips into TAW (100 per track) without any editing. It takes two clicks per clip to add each files

This takes hours to add all the clips especially when building a blue-ray. Can I just dump all the clips at once? Seems like I used to be able to do this on an older version of TAW

tkrave  2014-10-28 09:41:56 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, just add multiple files at once; it will then ask if you want to put them into the same track and if you want to open the cut edit window.

Gary C  2014-10-29 02:24:27 ( ID:6voze2jah/g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, but that takes two clicks per file...and when you have about 700 clips to load that takes forever. I don't see any other way to get this done so I am going to spend all afternoon adding these clips to tracks...

tkrave  2014-10-31 10:49:58 ( ID:resxbfmz4s2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean, per file? When you are choosing your files, select all of the ones you want in the file selector using ctrl + click / shift + click. Then press OK.

For example, if you have all 700 files in a folder, navigate to the folder, select all files and add them to the track. You can even drag and drop, I believe.

TAW5 will then ask if you want to add them to the same track or if you want to open the cut edit window. Then it will add all 700 files to the track. Done.

Bug report - TMSR4 - TMSR 4.2. has become dog slow lately without apparent reason No.68749
benoitm  2014-10-26 01:18:49 ( ID:v3dgvaadcnk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Lately I noticed that TMSR has become **extremely** slow (e.g. more than 1 minute to launch, or 40 seconds before anything happens when I click on "new project" !!!! This is Core i7 Q3740 (2.7 GHz) machine !)
Anything I do causes such a delay that makes the app almost unusable !
Last time I used the app a few weeks ago, everything was fine.
I just tried full deinstall / reinstall: no change !!

I also run TVMW5 and TAW5 without any problem !!

Could a recent Windows Update (e.g. a .NET Framework update ?) be the cause of this ?

Please help !

benoitm  2014-10-26 01:27:18 ( ID:v3dgvaadcnk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

update: while "waiting" for the app to respond to *any* action (Windows "hourglass"), Win Task Manager shows that the TMSR process is the only process eating CPU at that time, around 15% total (4 out of the 8 HT cores show high activity).

benoitm  2014-10-26 17:17:25 ( ID:ayxym0x3/gk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Update #2

On another Win7 system, with a much lesser and older CPU (Core2 Quad), there is no problem !

benoitm  2014-10-27 16:52:22 ( ID:3.ya.wwsstg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

just to be clear following the previous update: while TSMR works fine on my older system, the problem is still there on my main system, where it is absolutely unusable.

Thanks for any hint

benoitm  2014-10-27 20:11:39 ( ID:3.ya.wwsstg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Things are becoming hairy (and t'shooting very timeconsuming):

I tried uninstalling Windows updates to a date somewhat before I first noticed the problem: no change !
I tried deleting the TMSR key & all subkeys ni the registry (LOCAL_USER) before reinstalling TMSR: no change ! (but apparently the license info and possibly other settings are stored elsewhere since when reinstalling TMSR, it did NOT ask for my Licence key at launch).
I tried reverting to : no change !

Then I tried running TMSR from another Win7 user profile on the same machine problem !!!! So the problem source is NOT the hardware or the software on this machine, but some obscure interference with "something" in my main Win7 user profile, but what ??????
I can't remember of any significant change on my desktop environment lately, "process explorer" and "autoruns" utility reveal no problem. Virus scan was completed successfully (Avira Free 14)
My system is pretty well managed, no rogue apps etc.
This system has 2 GPUs, I tried with both the nVidia Quadro K2000M GPU and the Intel HD4000 GPU: no change.
(CUDA is disabled)

I am running out of ideas, please help !

George  2014-12-17 21:01:45 ( ID:eziith4xip. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

While I can work with TMSR4 without serious problems, I agree that is significantly less responsive and more sluggish than TVMW5 and TAW5. Hope they take care of this.

Question - TAW5 BBS - highlight fade in/out No.68741
ovo  2014-10-18 17:23:12 ( ID:qp4wq5bs/sc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ] it possible also make highlight fade out?????

RAB78  2014-10-19 08:42:26 ( ID:77jp5mmypzo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't think so. This is what i'm looking to do two questions down.
You can only delay the highlight from appearing. After that it stays visible until the end of the menu loop.

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