Pegasys Products BBS

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This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 270 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Avisynth & DirectShow problem.... desnet 1 2005-08-29 15:33:47
Question TE25 PLEASE HELP!!! asap! toddprod 2 2005-08-29 15:43:13
Question TE25 Owner toddprod 0 2005-08-23 13:19:45
Request TE25 Using Nvidia GFORCE 6 features? Torque 8 2005-09-14 22:23:11
Question TME1 Changing the language settings Nigel 2 2005-11-17 17:20:25
Question TE25 CPU preferences not saved DannoXYZ 0 2005-08-22 10:04:43
Bug report TE25 No video boredcertified 2 2006-05-27 10:35:36
Question TE25 subtitle Frank 0 2005-08-21 17:04:42
Request TDA1 Dear users, please tell us your opinion! Pegasys team 3 2008-03-10 00:33:52
Request TE25 Dear users, please tell us your opinion! Pegasys team 2 2005-08-29 20:21:54
Request TE30 Dear users, please tell us your opinion! Pegasys team 2 2005-08-23 05:53:05
Request TME1 Dear users, please tell us your opinion! Pegasys team 5 2005-11-08 05:13:25

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Question - TE25 - Avisynth & DirectShow problem.... No.43399
desnet  2005-08-24 09:52:21 ( ID:rdmvqprh3g. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I find that I can't open avs files ... tried setting DS to a high priority, and even disable every thing else only to find DS is the one to blame... I can't even open Xvid avi files with only DS enabled... this is so weird, I've been using TMPG for a long time and it's the first time i came into this problem....

I have XviD-1.0.1-05062004, FFDShow-20050803, avisynth 2.55 installed

ashy  2005-08-29 15:33:47 ( ID:k9h6gdv/wof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you sure you've got AVIsynth installed properly.
Forget about using DS to open AVIsynth. It works better with VFW. Make the VFW plugin top priority in TMPG then enable VFW decoding for all MPEG4 codecs in FFDSHOW.

Question - TE25 - PLEASE HELP!!! asap! No.43396
toddprod  Home )  2005-08-23 13:20:57 ( ID:x0zvxs6d0cm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an urgent problem! Someone PLEASE HELP. I am making new MPEGs for my new customer. My clips are the same duration but the file size is almost twice as big. I've tried EVERYTHING to reduce them. What am I doing wrong? Here is the stats of the old and new clips.
PLEASE someone help!

toddprod  Home )  2005-08-23 13:30:41 ( ID:x0zvxs6d0cm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

(copy and paste the link since the brackets aren't being accepted in the link)

This JPEG shows the old clip on top, my new one on the bottom.
CBR or VRB doesn't make a difference. Changing the bitrate doesn't make a difference.
The old clip is: 421KB, the new clip is: 865KB

WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING WRONG?? Please someone help!

ashy  2005-08-29 15:43:13 ( ID:k9h6gdv/wof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Change the stream setting under the 'system' tab to 'MPEG1 system (automatic)'
You are attempting to create a standard VCD. TMPG will not allow the bitrate to fall below standard VCD bitrate and thus will 'pad' the video.

Question - TE25 - Owner No.43395
toddprod  Home )  2005-08-23 13:19:45 ( ID:x0zvxs6d0cm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an urgent problem! Someone PLEASE HELP. I am making new MPEGs for my new customer. My clips are the same duration but the file size is almost twice as big. I've tried EVERYTHING to reduce them. What am I doing wrong? Here is the stats of the old and new clips.
PLEASE someone help!

Request - TE25 - Using Nvidia GFORCE 6 features? No.43386
Torque  2005-08-23 09:10:27 ( ID:t0egpup234n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

According to NVIDIA their chips support MPEG ENCODING in hardware.

Since the GFX-Chips are much more powerfull compared to the CPU it would be
quite benefitial to take advantage of the encoding capabilities.

I read an article somewhere that there is some kind of development kit to incoporate this into own programs.

Any thoughts on this?

ashy  2005-08-29 15:57:09 ( ID:k9h6gdv/wof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why in the heck would TMPG want to incorporate hardware encoding into it's software???

The whole point of TMPG is that is uses it's own software encoding algorithms to obtain the quality it does.

Using TMPG to link to a hardware encoder would negate the whole point of TMPG. TMPG would simply become a front end NOT an encoder.

The quality of encoding that TMPG produces is it's bread and butter, it wouldn't make sense for it to use another encoders algorithms to create MPEGs.

TBH that's one of the daftest things I've ever heard.

Basically using an analogy to what you have said, it's like saying instead of using the perfectly good engine that's already in the car, put another one in the boot and use that one instead...pointless.

noone  2005-09-01 22:34:31 ( ID:xvtk1cangig )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, the latest NVIDIA Chips have programmable pixle and vertex shaders.
These pack some serious computing power and might be good to speed up the encoding process.

See here:

ashy  2005-09-02 21:20:07 ( ID:.xsmqj5fte2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Well, the latest NVIDIA Chips have programmable pixle and vertex shaders.

And what the dickens does that have to do with the encoding process?

noone  2005-09-04 22:17:24 ( ID:jf7fj9chhbm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My english isnt good enough to explain and honestly I dont care much if something like that goes into tmpgenc.
In short: The Shaders in an modern Graphics GPU are specialized in matrix operations the same thing tmpgenc and all other encoders need to do their job.

Torque  2005-09-13 09:55:00 ( ID:/qt/jgn9whm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>>Well, the latest NVIDIA Chips have programmable pixle and vertex shaders.
>And what the dickens does that have to do with the encoding process?

Sadly it seems you have no idea of what we are talking about.
It seems you tend to yell the more you don't get.
So before you call somebody daft, get educated on the issue.

Using the capabilities of Nvidia's chips would greatly shorten the encoding process. Since there are many Nividia chips out there, it would be beneficial
to a great number of users.
It's not about boats, cars, or motors!

TMPGenc would still use it's algorithms but outsource computing to the
Nvidia chip.

The whole disussion is fruitless anyway since the product is not really developed further.

UserX  2005-09-13 10:05:54 ( ID:/qt/jgn9whm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You've made an excellent point and I think certain people just don't get it maybe because they're simply too dumb. ;)

ashy  2005-09-14 22:19:27 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's funny you should say that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Seems strange I have been a member of this board for years and made thousands (yes thousabds) of posts. Many of which have helped the less experienced person with TMPG.

Just do a search clever cloggs with my name and you'll find a hell of a lot of posts thanking me for the 'Expert' help and advice I have given.

I was, and hope I still am, a respected member of this board, especially when it was a lot busier than it is now.
I don't get to visit this board as often as I used to however I do pop back to lend a little advice when I can.

So there is no need for your shirty attitude and your insulting attitude. You've made your point just don't get cocky when trying to make it.

I probably know more about the workings of TMPG and how it encodes than you could ever know.
Maybe I should have done a little more research before posting my remark, however that doesn't give you the right to assume someone is an idiot and become abusive.

ashy  2005-09-14 22:23:11 ( ID:tfphvynnlor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh and by the way. If I'd have known what an abusive prat you were I wouldn't have replied to your other post.

Question - TME1 - Changing the language settings No.54419
Nigel  2005-08-23 05:46:30 ( ID:ke/j9gd1g8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey guys I'm trying to get this program but when I go to start it it's all in Japanese. I use a Japanese computer but I need it in English. I went into the settings and hit the ENGLISH button but nothing happened. How do I get this program to be in my native language?



Nigel  2005-08-23 06:15:22 ( ID:ke/j9gd1g8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok I got it! I had to restart the program to enable the language to change.

sorry one more question.....

How to convert multiple AVI files into one DVD TS file?



anonymous  Home )  2005-11-17 17:20:25 ( ID:2tp85sbe5pf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How did you fix it? I have the same problem! Mine starts up in Chinese and if I try to change the language I get an error message I don't understand. Then, when I start up, it crashes.

If I reinstall and then just leave it in Chinese, it won't crash, but it's unusable. It's really too bad they don't let us pick our language.

Question - TE25 - CPU preferences not saved No.43385
DannoXYZ  2005-08-22 10:04:43 ( ID:h0jn79m.byj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I set the CPU preferences and turn on SSE. It works OK for the current session and doesn't crash or anything, so I assume it's using SSE instructions Ok. Then the next time I run TMPGencPlus, it brings up a warning dialogue saying "CPU has changed since last" and all the CPU settings are set back to defaults.

Is there an INI file or some registry-setting that's stuck?

Bug report - TE25 - No video No.43382
boredcertified  2005-08-22 03:25:43 ( ID:ccf/xclfo2r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When encoding avi files, the result has no video. The audio is fine but no video at all just a black screen.
Until about a month ago, Tmpg was working fine. Any suggestions.

ashy  2005-08-29 15:59:22 ( ID:k9h6gdv/wof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry it's not a bug. A search will sort your problem.

kevin  2006-05-27 10:35:36 ( ID:n0ks9p5hi8n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

search comment No.42841

Question - TE25 - subtitle No.43381
Frank  2005-08-21 17:04:42 ( ID:odboqpjkce2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there, I use TMPGEnc to make a DVD from a AVI-file, but I want to use also subtitles (I heard that TMPGEnc is suitable for this action). How can I do this? I have a .srt file with the same name as the AVI-file, but I don't see subtiles in the preview. Thanks for help, Frank

Request - TDA1 - Dear users, please tell us your opinion! No.49440
Pegasys team  2005-08-20 10:55:55 ( ID:lw6iwt3ogto )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear users, please tell us your opinion!

The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand
We are worried that it may have a negative impact on our customers,
due to the TSUNAMI that occurred last year, in Sumatra and the South East Asia.

However TSUNAMI is also the original name of the free software
TSUNAMI is a common word in Japan, because we often hear it in our everday life. But, in overseas, this name may directly be related to the
disaster of last year.

So we would like to ask you:

1) what is your opinion about this brand name?

2) and what do you think would be the general opinion, or the opinion of a newbie who
doesn't know the origin name of TMPGEnc?

Thank you for your cooperation.
Pegasys team

Joe Hecht  2005-08-22 22:23:02 ( ID:6ufgl7tnqqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Dear users, please tell us your opinion!
>The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand

I wish you folks would also ask for our opinions on the products and new features we would like to see added.

I have submitted many excellent feature requests to your tech support, only to be told they are not needed. Clearly, they do not listen to the users feedback, and I have stopped submittng ideas.

If I had a clear channel to the programmers, I would be happy to resubmit the ideas. BTW, I know the guy that started the TMpeg products, as I worked at the company that designed the compiler he used at the time (Delphi).


Kojo  2005-08-23 05:58:33 ( ID:wvxx7w020eo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1) TSUNAMI name is good. Keep using the TSUNAMI name, in remembrance of the victims. That would be a positive, in my opinion.

2) When I was newbie, I didn't know origin name of TMPGEnc. I looked name up. For Retail boxes, maybe it better to call it TSUNAMI MPEG ENCODER. Newbies will know "mpeg encoder". But old people that download it, know it as TMPGEnc. I would keep TMPGEnc name for the download version. It is popular name.

As Joe Hecht said in post above, we would like feedback from the developers. We submit bug reports and feature requests, but no one from Pegasys acknowledges requests.

DVD Author needs more features like...
1) Way to make preview screen larger. It is small on 1600x1200 monitor resolution. Should be able to maximize DVD Author window to full screen.
2) Correct the combined maximum bitrate you can use. Currently a warning pops up, that says "The combined bitrate can be no more than 9848kbps." This is wrong. Maximum combined bitrate for all DVD players is 10080kbps.
3) Way to download third party themes for backgrounds,buttons,etc... There are not enough pre-made themes.
4) Hot-Keys for all preview window buttons, including fast-forward, rewind.
5) Motion Menu selection of beginning/end frames, instead of just seconds.
6) Way to set a clip to "First Play" and hide the track menu completely. Can only hide chapters.
7) Built-in subtitle creation and support.
8) Ability to use "transition clips" to add transitions between main menu and track menus.
9) Add support for multiple audio tracks.

DVD Writing Tool needs a buffer, "underrun burn protection", and the ability to verify the burn.

rave  2008-03-10 00:33:52 ( ID:8xe.or5kcwf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The main detractor of your product for me personally is the lack of menu transitions. You would have an encore killer if you added menu transitions.

0. Unlimited audio/video menu motion

1. Menu transitions allow for a truly seamless user interface with the menus and timelines which can add enormously the immersiveness.

A. Add Custom or integrated transitions
B. The ability to fade in and out of transitions...etc
C. Transitions for chapter intervals...

2. The ability to adjust the (repetition) length of a video/audio clip for a menu automatically.

A. Depending on the length of the audio clip chosen.
B. Depending on the length of the video clip chosen.

To integrate a short video with a long audio track, you have to calculate the total video length vs. total audio length to know how many copies of the video are necessary to match. The problem is that we have to add the video "XX" times in TMPGENC Xpress to mix and match the mix properly. I would like to see a "match video to audio" and visa-versa.


Request - TE25 - Dear users, please tell us your opinion! No.43378
Pegasys team  2005-08-20 10:54:47 ( ID:lw6iwt3ogto )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear users, please tell us your opinion!

The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand
We are worried that it may have a negative impact on our customers,
due to the TSUNAMI that occurred last year, in Sumatra and the South East Asia.

However TSUNAMI is also the original name of the free software TMPGEnc (TSUNAMI MPEG ENCODER).
TSUNAMI is a common word in Japan, because we often hear it in our everday life.
But, in overseas, this name may directly be related to the disaster of last year.

So we would like to ask you:

1) what is your opinion about this brand name?

2) and what do you think would be the general opinion, or the opinion of a newbie who
doesn't know the origin name of TMPGEnc?

Thank you for your cooperation.
Pegasys team

Joe Hecht  2005-08-22 22:22:16 ( ID:6ufgl7tnqqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Dear users, please tell us your opinion!
>The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand

I wish you folks would also ask for our opinions on the products and new features we would like to see added.

I have submitted many excellent feature requests to your tech support, only to be told they are not needed. Clearly, they do not listen to the users feedback, and I have stopped submittng ideas.

If I had a clear channel to the programmers, I would be happy to resubmit the ideas. BTW, I know the guy that started the TMpeg products, as I worked at the company that designed the compiler he used at the time (Delphi).


spazlabz  Home )  2005-08-29 20:21:54 ( ID:mkrh4m59la6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't know about the areas where the tsunami hit, but i don't think in the US that any one will make a connection between the software and the disaster that occured.

Request - TE30 - Dear users, please tell us your opinion! No.53485
Pegasys team  2005-08-20 10:53:32 ( ID:lw6iwt3ogto )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear users, please tell us your opinion!

The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand
We are worried that it may have a negative impact on our customers,
due to the TSUNAMI that occurred last year, in Sumatra and the South East Asia.

However TSUNAMI is also the original name of the free software TMPGEnc (TSUNAMI MPEG ENCODER).
TSUNAMI is a common word in Japan, because we often hear it in our everday life.
But, in overseas, this name may directly be related to the disaster of last year.

So we would like to ask you:

1) what is your opinion about this brand name?

2) and what do you think would be the general opinion, or the opinion of a newbie who
doesn't know the origin name of TMPGEnc?

Thank you for your cooperation.
Pegasys team

Joe Hecht  2005-08-22 22:21:44 ( ID:6ufgl7tnqqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Dear users, please tell us your opinion!
>The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand

I wish you folks would also ask for our opinions on the products and new features we would like to see added.

I have submitted many excellent feature requests to your tech support, only to be told they are not needed. Clearly, they do not listen to the users feedback, and I have stopped submittng ideas.

If I had a clear channel to the programmers, I would be happy to resubmit the ideas. BTW, I know the guy that started the TMpeg products, as I worked at the company that designed the compiler he used at the time (Delphi).


Kojo  2005-08-23 05:53:05 ( ID:wvxx7w020eo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1) TSUNAMI name is good. Keep using the TSUNAMI name, in remembrance of the victims. That would be a positive, in my opinion.

2) When I was newbie, I didn't know origin name of TMPGEnc. I looked name up. For Retail boxes, maybe it better to call it TSUNAMI MPEG ENCODER. Newbies will know "mpeg encoder". But old people that download it, know it as TMPGEnc. I would keep TMPGEnc name for the download version. It is popular name.

As Joe Hecht said in post above, we would like feedback from the developers. We submit bug reports and feature requests, but no one from Pegasys acknowledges requests.

DVD Author needs more features like...
1) Way to make preview screen larger. It is small on 1600x1200 monitor resolution. Should be able to maximize DVD Author window to full screen.
2) Correct the combined maximum bitrate you can use. Currently a warning pops up, that says "The combined bitrate can be no more than 9848kbps." This is wrong. Maximum combined bitrate for all DVD players is 10080kbps.
3) Way to download third party themes for backgrounds,buttons,etc... There are not enough pre-made themes.
4) Hot-Keys for all preview window buttons, including fast-forward, rewind.
5) Motion Menu selection of beginning/end frames, instead of just seconds.
6) Way to set a clip to "First Play" and hide the track menu completely. Can only hide chapters.
7) Built-in subtitle creation and support.
8) Ability to use "transition clips" to add transitions between main menu and track menus.
9) Add support for multiple audio tracks.

DVD Writing Tool needs a buffer, "underrun burn protection", and the ability to verify the burn.

Request - TME1 - Dear users, please tell us your opinion! No.54413
Pegasys team  2005-08-20 10:50:40 ( ID:lw6iwt3ogto )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear users, please tell us your opinion!

The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand
We are worried that it may have a negative impact on our customers,
due to the TSUNAMI that occurred last year, in Sumatra and the South East Asia.

However TSUNAMI is also the original name of the free software TMPGEnc (TSUNAMI MPEG ENCODER).
TSUNAMI is a common word in Japan, because we often hear it in our everday life.
But, in overseas, this name may directly be related to the disaster of last year.

So we would like to ask you:

1) what is your opinion about this brand name?

2) and what do you think would be the general opinion, or the opinion of a newbie who
doesn't know the origin name of TMPGEnc?

Thank you for your cooperation.
Pegasys team

JLBooth  2005-08-21 01:35:53 ( ID:yy0ncampghr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Tsunami word does not bother me (in Austrlia) and if anything, the word makes it easier for me to recall the software, codec etc.

I am mucking around with a lot of codecs and software at the moment so I can hardly forget this one with such a name.
Negative impact= nil
codec/software name recall = 100%

This software codec is and has been constantly mentioned on other sites particularly help and tuition sites, best to leave the name intact or loose the benefits of past positive references.

Joe Hecht  2005-08-22 22:20:47 ( ID:6ufgl7tnqqr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Dear users, please tell us your opinion!
>The new version of DVD Author will be released under the new brand

I wish you folks would also ask for our opinions on the products and new features we would like to see added.

I have submitted many excellent feature requests to your tech support, only to be told they are not needed. Clearly, they do not listen to the users feedback, and I have stopped submittng ideas.

If I had a clear channel to the programmers, I would be happy to resubmit the ideas. BTW, I know the guy that started the TMpeg products, as I worked at the company that designed the compiler he used at the time (Delphi).


Mick  Home )  2005-09-29 10:13:04 ( ID:qyfqi88vfin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was wondering if you can editing into the program. I'm using it for scientific research and would like to cut out the boring bits of my research film.

dan witzel  2005-11-08 01:28:51 ( ID:nuppnkrtkfc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

remerge the cut/edit and multiplex/deplex engine found in tmpeg 2.5 so i can get rid of 2.5 and use only one tool for my need (i.e rip a audio stream out and re-encode it and re-multipex it back in so i dont waste 2 hours re-encoding the movie wht the video it self is fine)

Dan Witzel  2005-11-08 05:13:25 ( ID:tw.x7aiisao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

oops reqad the message wrong , the name seems fine. anyboy who goes to your webpage can easily tell of you companys home background and see you mean no harm with your name , and besides in the video editing world it is a established house name next to gneeral electric sony chevy,etc so dont change it

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