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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 TMPGENC won't start... The Rat 1 2004-10-13 00:06:40
Request TME1 Can set the source video bitrate manually pwong 0 2004-10-12 07:48:05
Bug report TME1 Incorrect video bitrate detection pwong 1 2005-11-08 01:34:23
Question TDA1 ORDINAL 3001 NOT FOUND IN MODULE PX.DLL ODDITY 1 2004-10-30 22:25:03
Question TME1 invald sample format error sleepyktty 3 2004-12-08 17:46:53
Question TE25 Help please Invert 1 2004-10-13 00:44:01
Question TE25 Add srt file pretpat 2 2004-10-13 00:04:17
Question TE30 Error Message - Invalid sample format 0x80048002 bizt 7 2005-04-14 01:46:51
Question TE25 mpeg error nimbus09 1 2004-10-09 09:53:57
Question TE30 TMPenc error - No quoted number of character-string '%.2f' bizt 7 2005-02-23 11:11:28
Request TE25 Putting two MPEG2 files together andreas-bw 1 2004-10-08 21:59:23
Question TE30 Pal mpeg1 output incorrect anton 1 2004-10-10 06:54:11

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Question - TE25 - TMPGENC won't start... No.42427
The Rat  2004-10-12 10:30:22 ( ID:litpulq2egc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi All,

I've got a problem with my beloved TMPGEnc-2.521.58.169-Free.

After some time..And I'm not sure that it's after a specific download, it just won't start. I can click all that I want on my shortcut, or on the .EXE directly, but all i'm gettin' is 3-4 sec. of hourglass, and then nothing...

Then I have to re-install my computer to use TMPGEnc - and that sucks..

System:Barton 2500+, All-In-Wonder 9000 GFX.

Anybody's got a clue ???


ashy  2004-10-13 00:06:40 ( ID:jkiwh9woisg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Delete 'TMPGEnc.ini' from the TMPG folder.

Request - TME1 - Can set the source video bitrate manually No.54293
pwong  2004-10-12 07:48:05 ( ID:9drwkttbm4l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sometime, TMPGEnc MPEG Editor cannot detect the correct video bitrate. It will be good if user can set the source video bitrate manually.

Bug report - TME1 - Incorrect video bitrate detection No.54291
pwong  2004-10-12 07:44:26 ( ID:y77qlefrx8m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have some clips which is 2300kbps mpeg-1 files encoded by Intervideo mpeg codec. But TMPGEnc MPEG Editor dectect them as 263kbps video. So when joining the clips, the re-encoded portion is very ugly.

dan witzel  2005-11-08 01:34:23 ( ID:nuppnkrtkfc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

fire up dvd2avi and start fram serving with vfapi so tmpeg just sees the raw frames and import the audio as a wav (dvd2avi will do that for you too)

Question - TDA1 - ORDINAL 3001 NOT FOUND IN MODULE PX.DLL No.49254
ODDITY  2004-10-12 03:24:32 ( ID:ghe7s8d8guk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Using TMPGEnc DVD writing tool in dvd author 1.5 or 1.6,
get the message "ordinal 3001 not found in module px.dll"
tried copying px.dll to dvd author directory and same thing.
Any ideas ???

wernerw  2004-10-30 22:25:03 ( ID:ao8bm1ope0w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had the same problem with TEMPGEnc Author 1.6 when starting burning a DVD;

I got px.dll Version from sonic solution and copied it into the programm folder of TMPGEnc and now it works fine (the dll in Windowssystem32 did not help!)

Question - TME1 - invald sample format error No.54287
sleepyktty  2004-10-11 22:46:41 ( ID:kij6u2qnmif )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to import my mpeg 2 4:2:2 file but i keep getting an invalid sample format error code 0x80048002. Does anyone know why its rejecting my video? I only have the trial version, as obviously, i want to see if it will work. I am using it to join compatible MPEG files into one file.

buti  2004-10-18 15:32:30 ( ID:v.4ff9nqgll )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I am trying to import my avi file but i keep getting an invalid sample format error code 0x80048002. Does anyone know why its rejecting my video? I only have the full version, as obviously, i want to see if it will work. I am using it to join compatible avi files into one file.

B_Racer  2004-10-19 17:44:40 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

MPEG2 4:2:2? That's HP@HL or 422P@ML, not MP@ML, maybe that's the reason

Me  2004-12-08 17:46:53 ( ID:vqqqwsoxx1g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I am trying to import my mpeg 2 4:2:2 file but i keep getting an invalid sample format error code 0x80048002. Does anyone know why its rejecting my video? I only have the trial version, as obviously, i want to see if it will work. I am using it to join compatible MPEG files into one file.

>I had this problem and fixed it by removing an ac3 filter.

I am using the Ace mega codec pack.

Using the ace dashboard, this is in the filter section, AC3 filter audio decoder 1.01a file

I got the file name from Gspot.

Remove it using ace or use Gspot to change the merit so that it wont be used.

You can use Intervideo,Intervideo audio decoder file or
Moonlight odio dekoda 1.26b4 file

Nero came with Nero digital audio decoder, file This also works.

Ace says that the moonlight is poor quality so I am using intervideo.

Question - TE25 - Help please No.42425
Invert  2004-10-11 19:21:21 ( ID:rqghnp3u6ul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just downloaded the trial version of TMPGEnc Version 2.521 and am trying to convert OMA audio files to MP2 I can do this but when i play the converted file the sound goes the file carries on playing. so i wondering if this is because it ia a triel version.

ashy  2004-10-13 00:44:01 ( ID:jkiwh9woisg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No it's a protection with OMA files. The OMA decoder will only decode the first 30 seconds of the file.
You need to convert the OMA to CD audio or MP3 with Soundstage first.

Question - TE25 - Add srt file No.42422
pretpat  2004-10-10 10:45:53 ( ID:01v1u4zds.c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How can i add an srt file into the mpeg so its saved as a single file

B_Racer  2004-10-11 08:51:51 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You want a Subtitle-Track?
In this case, you need a Tool like DVDLab PRO, DVDAuthor + DVDAuthor GUI or IFOEdit with SRTtoSUB.

Unfortunatly, TDA, the DVDAuthoring-Tool from Pegasys, is still not able to include Subtitles.

ashy  2004-10-13 00:04:17 ( ID:jkiwh9woisg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - TE30 - Error Message - Invalid sample format 0x80048002 No.53327
bizt  2004-10-08 22:24:20 ( ID:tog8xrrey/r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am getting the following error message when oupting files in Xpress 3.0:

'Invalid sample format 0x80048002'

Can anybody tell me why this is happening? Cheers


number51  2004-11-02 16:02:35 ( ID:dbad4zimemm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

had this same message.
does not occur using tmpgenc 2.5 plus.

lossy1  2004-12-14 14:13:01 ( ID:crnsc0xjagm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

same thing here.
Using TMPGenc 3 Express.
Was trying to output 2nd half of 2-part image.

Tall_Steve  2004-12-15 11:01:19 ( ID:zx1vilrrnpl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

look here for a possible answer -

RENO58  2005-01-11 06:30:58 ( ID:/opw.sinof. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I have same problem.
What is the deal with this software. I have yet to sucessfully encode and burn an AVI,Divx or Xvid to DVD with TMPGEnc express 3.0.
Either I get the same error as above , or the program just shuts down in the middle. Other programs (DVDSanta,WINAVI) work but I sure wish I could get my 50 bucks worth from this purchased software.
Hey support..... a little help please!

OldTimer  2005-01-16 04:32:50 ( ID:evuxpqb8m4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am still pretty vague on this stuff myself but I found an answer to this at the URL offered by Tall Steve. The problem is that the AC3 audio codec filter doesn't appear to be compatible with TMPGEnc 3.0 and the process halts with the error when TMPGEnc tries to write the audio layer. I also had problems with previewing the .avi files in TMPGEnc which is another indicator that a compatible audio codec was available. I downloaded the ACE Mega Codecs Professional pack and installed the audio codec I needed from that.

JNavas  2005-04-11 02:27:45 ( ID:zdpfeb4vy5n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The 'Invalid sample format 0x80048002' error looks to be caused by an audio codec problem when decoding a video+audio input file -- I've seen it happen with MP3 audio when ffdshow was installed.

To solve the problem, try the following:

Use Render in GSpot to find out which audio codec is being used, and then inhibit the use of that codec by uninstalling, disabling, or lowering its priority.

In the case of the MP3 codec in ffdshow, all that was needed was to use ffdshow -> Audio Filter Configuration to set the ffdshow MP3 codec to Disabled.

Russ  2005-04-14 01:46:51 ( ID:5mos9ek.rkc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have tried all that. ac3 is a caunsing the problem so i disabled it in ACE Codecs now I get this error.


Question - TE25 - mpeg error No.42420
nimbus09  2004-10-08 22:12:37 ( ID:mxme3kgpkno )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to re-encode a mpg file from a bin and cue set. The mpg plays fine in windows media but when I try to open it in the tpmgenc 2.5 project wizard it says that the file can't open or is unsupported. I have changed the showtime setting in the enviroment tab to no avail. I also downloaded and installed the ffdshow to no avail. I have no idea what to do now. Any help is much appreciated.

ashy  2004-10-09 09:53:57 ( ID:x30mq/laqi2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm assuming you have extracted the MPEG from the BIN.
Download the codec below and put it in the TMPG folder.

Question - TE30 - TMPenc error - No quoted number of character-string '%.2f' No.53319
bizt  2004-10-08 21:55:20 ( ID:tog8xrrey/r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am getting the following error:

No quoted number of character-string '%.2f'

I have read some of the other posts and replies and they mention stuff about disk space, FAT32/NTFS and cache settings.

I have 38gig free and my HDD is formatted as NTFS so it shouldnt be that. How do I alter the cache settings and what should I set it to? Cheers


epiovani  2004-11-01 20:50:39 ( ID:wnupevhfu4h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Same goes with me, and it started doing it this morning, with no modifications whatsoever... It worked fine last evening.

feste  2004-11-02 19:59:03 ( ID:dbad4zimemm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I also had this problem. I'm not sure what causes it, but I was able to work around it by using an avisynth script that refered to the the video source instead of using the source video directly. To try this, install avisynth ( open an empty text file and type:

AVIsource ("C: empSource[filename.avi]")

where c: emp is the drive letter/path of the video file you are trying to encode. Save the file with a .avs extension, and then open this file in Tmpgenc instead of the origional source file. Worked for me, hope it works for you.

Wilksy  Home )  2004-11-26 22:25:59 ( ID:q1x40jbusjr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

(hope this goes through)


youre wicked mate
without your kind offering of assistance on the net i wouldnt have been able to solve the same problem!

However I like to raise, for following opportunists, that the [ and the ] are not required in the link to the filename. Hence should read

AVIsource ("C: empsourcefilemane.avi"

Thanks a lot!

Wilksy  Home )  2004-11-26 22:32:10 ( ID:q1x40jbusjr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


AVIsource ("C: empsourcefilemane.avi")

for correction.


Sweet shell she is ;-D

Nice one Feste and site runners!

emale1975  2004-11-29 20:24:35 ( ID:0r/9uvsgqxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just had the same problem myself.

2 things I changed

# The filename - it contained a few extra unneeded chars.
# The location of the output file - a drive with more free space.

Take your pick which may work for you.


>I am getting the following error:
>No quoted number of character-string '%.2f'
>I have read some of the other posts and replies and they mention stuff about disk space, FAT32/NTFS and cache settings.
>I have 38gig free and my HDD is formatted as NTFS so it shouldnt be that. How do I alter the cache settings and what should I set it to? Cheers

Pict  2005-01-20 21:32:20 ( ID:agjyr3ajp3h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had this error and changed the drive I was exporting to. I changed it from E: (80gb with 45gb free) to c: (40gb with 15gb free) and it exported no problems. Weird

hallo  2005-02-23 11:11:28 ( ID:k4cdkzzymsw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Request - TE25 - Putting two MPEG2 files together No.42418
andreas-bw  2004-10-08 18:35:31 ( ID:yny6ksukmga )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do I put two MPEG2 files together´with TMPGEnc 2.521 free?

Need Help soon.


ashy  2004-10-08 21:59:23 ( ID:x30mq/laqi2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use the Merge&Cut feature in the MPEG tools.

Question - TE30 - Pal mpeg1 output incorrect No.53317
anton  2004-10-08 06:55:26 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when selecting video CD Pal template, it clearly states 352x288 however the resulting output is 312x288 and it displays black bars in media player. I have nos such problem with Tmpeg 2.5 Plus

the mpeg2 section works fine, no problems at all

anton  2004-10-10 06:54:11 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I solved that myself

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