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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 17 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TAW5 BBS de interlacing BOBC 7 2019-12-27 15:00:42
Request TVMW7 Some problems kliffgomel 3 2019-07-12 02:36:53
Question TVMW7 mov format from iOS with Variable Frame Rate David Chandler 1 2019-07-09 16:55:55
Question TAW6 Triple layer blu ray rdavis 0 2019-07-03 02:24:33
Question TVMW7 Mastering works or Authoring works Ghost Rider 4 2019-07-10 02:45:28
Question TAW6 I like the product Ghost Rider 0 2019-07-01 02:04:31
Question TAW6 Add Chapter Points at Interval DVD Video No Menu adhaas85 1 2019-07-01 10:37:15
Question TVMW7 NET Framework problem Urk53 0 2019-06-27 18:26:05
Question TVMW7 Timelapse Marc_D 1 2019-06-27 08:46:58
Question TVMW7 Default Filter Template Kaito 2 2019-08-18 03:46:36
Question TAW6 Using on two computers? TrvisBckle63 1 2019-06-27 14:33:37
Request TVMW7 Some (Longtime) Feature Requests bobthegoat2001 5 2020-06-18 13:32:19

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Question - TAW5 BBS - de interlacing No.71333
BOBC  2019-07-21 19:16:59 ( ID:jxbzckanggn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have been searching for a modern flat screen tv that will display SD footage broadcast camcorder, tv recordings etc, with same definition as I see on my massive Sony Wega KD 32DX51U CRT two man lift TV, and have eventually found one, a Panasonic HD Tv, however any medium to fast movement displays a haircomb toothed edge along edges of the moving items.

I am told this is interlacing, the dvd player used in the shop was set to progressive, as these TVs are nowadays progressive.

I had fed it a dvd made using TMPGenc DVD Authoring Works and set to progressive, but am told just taking Interlaced and making a progressive disc isn’t enough.
Even footage on it recorded from Virgin Media Tivo box last year had the comb effect, surely that’s coming out of the tivo progressive as it presumes its going into a current flatscreen ?

I don’t see any comb effect at all on my Sony Wega CRT, just stunning detail not seen on any flatscreen until the one just found, which doesn’t better it, just matches it. CRT's were designed for Interlaced (or vice versa) I am told.

De interlace the original footage then make a progressive dvd disc again I am told to try.

Can TMPGenc DVD Authoring works 5 de-interlace my footage ? It first gets taken to PC via a dvd_ram disc then quickstream fixed in VideoredoPlus making it an .mpg then authored in TMPGenc.

I am not familiar with de-interlacing.



tkrave  2019-07-26 05:03:34 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Video going to a HD flatscreen can still be interlaced, and broadcast/cable TV might be interlaced from the source to save on bandwidth or because they are limited to a certain resolution/framerate, depending on what channel you're watching. So your footage from your Virgin Media Tivo Box can be interlaced if the source was interlaced.

Authoring Works 5 should be able to deinterlace your footage. In the Source stage, click on the Settings button for your track. Under the Video tab, change the Output Mode to "Encode All Video Streams as Below". You should then be able to change the Scan Type to Progressive.

You will have to repeat that for each track, if you have multiple tracks.

BOBC  2019-07-26 06:05:57 ( ID:jxbzckanggn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I had used TMPGenc to make a progressive and an Interlaced dvd, maybe I used that method, dont recall, but the progressive played with tooth comb effect on a current flatscreen played from a dvd player set to progressive.

was it that the dvd player should have been set to interlaced ?

was it that the TV was 1080p and I stand no chance of losing the combs unless I buy a 1080i ?

It gives SD quality matching the detail I see, and others can't, seen in SD using my Sony WEGA crt so I want to buy it as its the first current or not so current flatscreen plasma lcd etc technology that manages to give definition in SD as good as the WEGA, but I need to find out how big an issue its going to be with dvd's I make.

Can I fix the comb effect in the editing is my quest at the moment.


tkrave  2019-07-26 08:54:25 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If it was properly deinterlaced, the combing should be gone or minimized. Setting the DVD player to interlaced won't do anything, I would think.

I suggest trying to deinterlace a sample clip with Authoring Works and viewing the resulting clip on your computer to confirm that it is actually deinterlaced. If it is, then you can author your DVD without worry (at least, that part of the process won't be to blame).

A 1080p TV should be able to display a 1080i image as well, so I wouldn't bother looking for a new flatscreen.

BOBC  2019-08-11 05:28:15 ( ID:jxbzckanggn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot see where in TMPGenc dvd authoring works 5 I tell it to deinterlace a clip. in the clip settings I see option to re-encode output which makes selectable another drop down with interlace or progressive but I need to deinterlace then create a progressive clip. Furthermore to have a choice of a few deinterlacing options would be better as I see there are 4 methods according to another youtube video, some are not so good.

Just where is the deinterlace option to be found ?


tkrave  2019-08-13 15:09:14 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Progressive Scan means non-interlaced. I've run my own tests and setting the track to progressive deinterlaced the video; it will automatically deinterlace the video. If it is not working, change the option for Field Order.

Like I said, the best thing to do is to do quick test and encode a very short clip and then view the output files to make sure it is deinterlacing properly.

BOBC  2019-10-15 01:50:13 ( ID:jxbzckanggn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks, back at this on eve of buying TV, I can see those settings so will try that (though no choices given compared to what I see in handbrake such as yadif) or lossless in HD vid etc prog, and so to see how well TAW does I will compare to de-interlacing using another prog.

To that end, I have tested handbrake and also HD Video converter Factory 15.4 for de-interlacing to compare to TMPGenc's abilities, as certainly the HD etc prog I found gave a result matching original when I chose lossless, vbr, 25fps, PAL, and resolution as per the original (720 x 576). Handbrake on default settings turned a grass football pitch into a featurless woozy mess. Also it changed 16:9 to 1.728 whatever that was as well as altering 720 to 700.

When authoring a dvd I see the interlace or progressive option for each clip and select interlace, when authoring all my interlaced clips , and choose 16:9 (I dont mix 4:3 and 16:9 on same disc. Not sure if one can but I dont.) then comes menu then simulation then burn and nowhere do I see an option to tell it to burn an interlaced or progressive. I assume TAW sees all interlaced and knows it must not burn progressive., likewise if it has been told footage as added is progressive (my de-interlaced footage done beforehand) it will burn a progressive disc, AM I RIGHT ?

I hope this TV I am after doesnt require me to deinterlace all my footage as its going to take me years. If it receives broadcast interlaced it would deinterlace.


tkrave  2019-12-27 15:00:42 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The interlace and progressive setting for the individual clip properties is a flag setting and won't cause the clip to be re-encoded. It's editable in case the flag is wrong and needs to be corrected. This flag setting is read by the player so it knows what type of clip it is. A wrong setting might cause playback errors in some players, but I believe most modern players are smart enough to play the clip regardless.

TAW will not burn an entire disc as progressive or interlaced unless the tracks are set that way. Each track can be set as progressive or interlaced, and that is how each track will be burned to disc. However, I'm not completely sure it will automatically burn an all-interlaced disc as interlaced. If your clips are DVD-compliant, then they should remain untouched, but if they are not DVD-compliant, TAW will re-encode them -- possibly as progressive, but I'm not sure.

So the best option would be to manually set the track settings to interlaced to make absolutely sure it will remain interlaced. However, if your clips are DVD-compliant, you shouldn't have to do that. If your output is extremely fast, then your clips are probably DVD-compliant.

Also, you can put 4:3 and 16:9 footage on the same disc as long as they are in separate tracks. If you mix 4:3 and 16:9 footage in the same track TAW will add black bars to letterbox or pillarbox the footage that doesn't match the aspect ratio set in the track settings.

Request - TVMW7 - Some problems No.71327
kliffgomel  2019-07-10 20:12:22 ( ID:iusrjhaguer )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was very interested in the release of a new version of the program with support for 10-bit video with a high dynamic range. I did some test encodings and encountered several problems.
First, the program does not display and does not apply the metadata of the high dynamic range of the original video when encoding; these parameters must be obtained using other utilities and specified manually.
Secondly, my test videos after encoding are incorrectly reproduced on my new TV LG SM9800 (the TV does not detect the metadata of high dynamic range, the image does not match the original in terms of brightness and color). When encoding, the nvdec / nvenc codec was used, the metadata of the high dynamic range was set manually. At the same time, according to mediainfo, the output video file contains metadata of high dynamic range, which I set manually.
Thirdly, it is very inconvenient to work with audio tracks of a video file. When importing video, I can select only one track, while the program does not display its original parameters (language, number of channels, codec, etc.). It is impossible to save the original audio tracks (all or selected tracks) without conversion, even if the output container supports the codec of the original tracks.
Fourth, there is no dolby vision support.
I really hope that when updating a new version of these problems can be solved.

tkrave  2019-07-11 03:47:51 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You should contact support with these points. The HDR issues might be a bug and they would want to fix it. Your other points would also be helpful to them I imagine.

If you're using the trial version, you can probably use their pre-sales contact form:

kliffgomel  2019-07-11 14:10:38 ( ID:iusrjhaguer )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use the trial version of the program, it seems to have no user support.

tkrave  2019-07-12 02:36:53 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can't use the product-specific user support forms, but you can use the form I posted.

They're a business; they want you to buy their product. If you have questions or concerns about the product, you should ask them.

Question - TVMW7 - mov format from iOS with Variable Frame Rate No.71324
David Chandler  2019-07-09 10:44:28 ( ID:lzuwpbprafl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will Ver 7 handle video shot with variable frame rate as produced by the newer iPhones? I am hoping to convert this footage to fixed frame rate for technical applications.

tkrave  2019-07-09 16:55:55 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to say that it can, but I can't find where I read about it. If you have a sample file, you should download the trial and test it.

Question - TAW6 - Triple layer blu ray No.71319
rdavis  2019-07-03 02:24:33 ( ID:xpugfdtqfnc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Currently using Authoring works 6.0. My blu ray file >50 gigs. My burner supports triple layer, but when I create a file in Authoring Works it says since the file is >50 gig it will create a file that is not conformant to the BDMV standard. The file is created with no apparent errors, but will it burn to the blu ray disk correctly?

Question - TVMW7 - Mastering works or Authoring works No.71317
Ghost Rider  2019-07-01 02:14:32 ( ID:j5vig.rzsum )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not sure if I need both products.

I found Mastering works 6.0 to do most of what I want. I record gopro mountain bike videos. Most of the edits are simple cuts. I also like to add additional audio tracks mainly 24/96 music track and a 3rd mixed audio.

If I want to apply filters like to brighten it up or motion smoothing I have to do that in mastering works.

Can I do all of what I want to do in 7.0 or do I still need both?

tkrave  2019-07-03 09:08:30 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Mastering Works 7 should be able to do the things you want to do, so you don't need version 6 AND 7. I would download the trial version just to be sure it can do what you want.

Ghost Rider  2019-07-05 02:11:01 ( ID:j5vig.rzsum )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded the demo. I'm not seeing how to do the multiple audio streams. It may take some time to figure it out. Authoring works has a different layout and MW7 does not follow the same format for adding audio streams.

Ghost Rider  2019-07-05 04:42:17 ( ID:j5vig.rzsum )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Looks like more than anything I need Authoring works. For most stuff I don't need to use filters. If I capture a TV show and in Mastering works I encode to a TS file for Blu-ray I still have to use AW to complete the job. If I use MW the file becomes twice the size and a 1:30 hour video will not fit on a BD25 disc.The same capture using just AW is like 11gigs.

So I think for the long run I may get both. Looks like if I get AW first I can save a little on MW as a repeat customer.

tkrave  2019-07-10 02:45:28 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ah, okay I think I just got confused. You were thinking about just using Authoring Works 6 and wondering if Mastering Works 7 could do what AW6 could do.

The product names are similar so things get mixed up pretty easily.

Yeah, it sounds like AW6 is a better fit overall for you, and yeah, you'll need MW7 if you want to do the fancy filters.

Both programs can encode for Blu-ray but AW6 is better at adding multiple audio tracks, multiple subtitles, and of course you can create custom menus if you wanted to.

Question - TAW6 - I like the product No.71316
Ghost Rider  2019-07-01 02:04:31 ( ID:j5vig.rzsum )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

New to the forum and software. I demoed both authoring and mastering works. Most of what I want to do is done in authoring works. I make gopro videos of mountain bike rides and most require no editing beyond what I can do in authoring works.

A recent ride ended a sunset and some of the the video at the end is too dark I was able to use Mastering works 6.0 to brighten it up a little. Looks like I have to fully re-encode to a m2ts file and reopen in authoring works to add additional audio tracks and encode again to a BD movie disc/ISO.

Question - TAW6 - Add Chapter Points at Interval DVD Video No Menu No.71314
adhaas85  2019-06-29 23:26:15 ( ID:lt5wfgexufw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I had the demo of Authoring Works 6, I was able to add chapter points at intervals for my single timeline. The disc had no menu. I cannot figure out how to do this now that I have purchased the software.

Can anyone help me find where to do this?

adhaas85  2019-07-01 10:37:15 ( ID:lt5wfgexufw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Figured it out.

Double click on an imported clip, click the hamburger icon on the toolbar, select "Advanced Chapter Edit Tool", set your interval, click OK, wait, then click OK again.

Question - TVMW7 - NET Framework problem No.71312
Urk53  2019-06-27 18:26:05 ( ID:82mogdpflmf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, have being using TMPGEnc V.M.W. for years.
Updated from 6 to 7 and find it imposible install
Have tried diferent computers with 64 bit win8.1
NET Framwork crashes without message an the instalation terminates.
Have tried offline NET Framwork NDP462-KB3151800-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exeintalation and it gives me a message (the component store has being corrupted)

Can someone help me ?

Question - TVMW7 - Timelapse No.71302
Marc_D  2019-06-18 14:32:31 ( ID:x73f0fx0xkk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a possibility to add support to create Timelapse movies or give the possibility to change the lenght of showing a photo in Slideshow for less than 1 sec, so you can create a timelapse movie this way.


tkrave  2019-06-27 08:46:58 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can reduce an image's duration to .04 seconds in Timeline mode. To do this, when adding a clip, select "From files" instead of "From pictures as a slideshow". This allows you to reduce the duration of the image to .04 seconds after it's imported.

If you have hundreds of images you want to apply this to, put them all in one layer using the "From files" option (just add them all at once), then select them all in the layer. Navigate to the last image and hover your mouse over the end so an arrow appears. Drag to the left to reduce the duration of all selected images. It seems to automatically go to .04 seconds for me.
There will be gaps between the images now, so right click on the layer number area and select "Close Gaps in This Layer".

Hope that helps!

Question - TVMW7 - Default Filter Template No.71300
Kaito  2019-06-17 18:08:57 ( ID:zprdjesztt. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did I want to know if this option has been removed in version 7?

tkrave  2019-06-27 08:30:20 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It has not been removed, but it is implemented differently.
Go to the filter tab in the Clip Editing window, add the filters you want as the default and adjust their settings accordingly. Then, right-click on the filter list and select "Set Current Settings as Default".

Dennis Hartley  2019-08-18 03:46:36 ( ID:7.7nvfkobgc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've just read this as I was about to complain about the fact that I couldn't set 'Normalize' as a default for every project as previous versions did.
I'm very pleased that I still can but this wasn't a very obvious way of doing it !
Now, how about doing the same in Smart Renderer 5, please!

Question - TAW6 - Using on two computers? No.71299
TrvisBckle63  2019-06-15 02:50:38 ( ID:rdlzrzhzabk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can I use this software on two computers? I have a massive tape collection reaching into the several thousands at the moment I'm ripping tapes with Virtualdub as lossless files and then making DVD's but it's just too time consuming so I'm building another PC from bits I have lying around so I can rip on one and make DVD's on the other it would just be handy if I was able to have it on both for choice, I do also have version 5, Thanks.

tkrave  2019-06-27 14:33:37 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can only use a license on one computer. Using it on more than one might cause a license suspension and you'll have to contact Pegasys to unlock it. If you still have version 5, just use that on one machine and version 6 on the other.

Request - TVMW7 - Some (Longtime) Feature Requests No.71298
bobthegoat2001  2019-06-15 01:41:02 ( ID:eqqz3u/ujog )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I like TMPGEnc VMW because it's quick and easy to use. There are a few features that keep me from using it 100% of the time though. I do hope that some of these are considered for this new version. I'm currently on VMW 6, if these requests become available in version 7, I may upgrade.

* An option to -Not- re-encode Audio/Video.
There are many times that I would like to just edit Video, but leave Audio 'as is', it would be nice to just basically 'copy' the audio over. Other times I would like to just go from one container to another (ex. AVI to MKV) without re-encoding anything. Copying DTS-HD MA, Dolby TrueHD & Atmos would be nice also (I wouldn't mind if it couldn't re-encode those codecs, but copying would be nice).

* Cropping Presets
This would be really convenient when cropping video. Maybe an option to "Maintain Aspect", or other aspects like 16:9, 4:3, 16:10, custom, etc. Also the option for landscape and portrait for phones, etc.

* Output to the same folder of source file.
I like leaving the encoded video in the same folder as the original file, so that leaves me to browsing to it every time I want to encode something. An option to do this by default to the source folder would be nice.  2019-06-26 04:08:11 ( ID:vhmtdcttoqh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to add one other feature request:
*The ability to align to overlapping clips by syncing audio.
I'm not a professional, so I don't have cameras that are time synced. Cyberlink has this feature and it works very well. If Tmpgenc added this I would have no more reason to use Cyberlink.

bobthegoat2001  2019-07-25 12:07:03 ( ID:mbrxd3gvaff )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

* Another feature request I forgot to add was subtitle support. Sometimes videos will have a bunch of subtitles in them and I really only care about one or two. So removing the rest without re-encoding the audio and video would be nice.

tkrave  2019-08-02 03:22:21 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not re-encoding the audio has been a user request for as long as I can remember. Not really holding out that it will happen.

Lossless video editing is technically possible, but would most likely be limited to MPEG formats, similar to TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer. It's possible that Pegasys simply sees Video Mastering Works as a video converter first and foremost; lossless editing is probably not the focus of the software, in other words. Integrating the feature would, as mentioned, probably be limited to MPEG formats, and that might be too limited considering the huge number of formats that TVMW can handle; users might expect the feature to be available for all of these formats, which would probably be impossible. This would also increase the cost of the software, and I feel like Pegasys is trying to stay as close to $100 as possible. Those are just my theories as to why it isn't implemented.

Subtitles are supported, but if you add or edit subtitles, your video will have to be re-encoded since Video Mastering Works encodes the subtitles into the video itself. It is not like Authoring Works or DVD/Blu-ray authoring software, which uses a separate overlay to display the subtitles.  2020-06-18 10:38:18 ( ID:szcrqdpw5.l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Another feature request with subtitles would be the ability to resize the frame for ALL the subtitles at once. So, if on the bottom of the screen, I select the first subtitle, then scroll to the bottom and Shift Click on the last subtitle, then resize the frame, all the frames will be resized, not just the 1st one.
The idea is that I want my subtitles to appear just at the bottom of the screen, but centered vertically within that area, regardless of how many lines of text there may be. Right now, if I just select the subtitles to be at the bottom of the screen, the last line will always be in the same place, whether it is one line or three lines of text.

Vector1  2020-06-18 13:32:19 ( ID:nrp09m2aqdn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Another feature request with subtitles would be the ability to resize the frame for ALL the subtitles at once. So, if on the bottom of the screen, I select the first subtitle, then scroll to the bottom and Shift Click on the last subtitle, then resize the frame, all the frames will be resized, not just the 1st one.
>The idea is that I want my subtitles to appear just at the bottom of the screen, but centered vertically within that area, regardless of how many lines of text there may be. Right now, if I just select the subtitles to be at the bottom of the screen, the last line will always be in the same place, whether it is one line or three lines of text.
Try setting the [Vertical:] position to the Middle in the Text settings.

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