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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 9 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TPXC LCD Panel manuafcturer lcdpanel 0 2021-07-08 14:47:07
Question TAW6 What sources to use for multi-language DVD? Wouter van Doorn 0 2021-06-26 20:45:06
Question TVMW7 Install on Windows Server 2019 Cloud Instance 0 2021-05-25 10:30:36
Question TAW6 Trial version Paul 1 2021-05-07 15:02:46
Question TAW6 Why i can´t edit Blu Ray Templates? Kay 1 2021-04-20 17:27:26
Question TAW6 Iso or image file Mike Stehly 1 2021-04-20 17:31:41
Question TE25 Download link disabled SedaRay 1 2021-04-20 17:32:56
Bug report TVMW7 Severe slowdown when adjusting crop filter settings Michael Wong 0 2021-03-10 13:30:28
Question TAW6 x264 Settings for AVCHD Progressive compliant file MikeDVH 0 2021-03-10 00:19:53
Question TVMW7 video bit rate Timothy Oberlander 0 2021-03-08 13:49:56
Question TVMW7 Shortcut for splitting a video clip AndyOscarGoesTo 0 2021-03-06 21:54:17
Question TAW6 Adjust Chapter point Arthur.S 0 2021-03-05 20:51:30

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Question - TPXC - LCD Panel manuafcturer No.71773
lcdpanel  Home )  2021-07-08 14:47:07 ( ID:qya2s8vbmin )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

VIEWE is a national high-tech enterprise that integrates research, design, manufacture, sales and service of
industrial quality display and touch solutions: TFT-LCDOLED,touch panel,Optical Bonding,driver board
and advanced optic-electronic solution. Our production is widely used in PDA, AI device, IOT terminal, Smart

Home , etc.
◆ Industrial quality TFT-LCM、capacitive touch panel and optical bonding total solution
◆ Excellent customers experience and pre/after sales service
◆ Professional RD and process engineer team
◆ Strong produce and quality control ability
➢ Sensor+ CTP+ TFT LCM + OPTICAL BONDING total display solution
➢ Strict process and quality control to achieve High Reliability production
◆ Long-term cooperation with qualified suppliers

Question - TAW6 - What sources to use for multi-language DVD? No.71771
Wouter van Doorn  Home )  2021-06-26 20:45:06 ( ID:zv3qrh1veim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all,

My project is reaching authoring stage. I have a number of videos to put on DVD, with a mix of live audio and commentary. The commentary is available in various languages, each of them to be mixed with (edited) live sound.

At the moment, I'm still flexible on the file types I can create (audio with Audacity, video with ffmpeg). These are the possibilities I see as possibly useful, and let's assume an English and German soundtrack as an example:
- Video (mp4 or avi):
v1: video only
v2: video with embedded live soundtrack
v3: video with combined live soundtrack and one language commentary
v4: video with three embedded audio tracks (ffmpeg outputs):
a) Live
b) English
c) German
v5: video with two embedded audio tracks
a) Live + English (pre-ixed)
b) Live + German (pre-mixed)
- Audio (wav or mp3)
a1) Live sound
a2) English commentary
a3) German commentary
a4) Live sound and English commentary mix
a5) Live sound and German commentary mix

There are many possible combinations, and when I'm looking for 'best', I mean first of all: combinations that can be made to work (so that a menu page or language button on the remote control allows choice of audio for German or English - both always including live sound). But also: if there are multiple good options in that respect, which combinations would be the most efficient in disk space?

I am looking at:
- v1 + a1 + a2 + a3
- v1 + a4 + a5
- v2 + a2 + a3
- v3 + a3
- v4
- v5
There might be others combinations I have not thought of...

Does anyone have experience with this?

Question - TVMW7 - Install on Windows Server 2019 Cloud Instance No.71762  2021-05-25 10:30:36 ( ID:lydep.szncc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a graphical Windows Server 2019 in the Cloud and I would like to install TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7 on it.

However it says that the environment is not compatible? Do you have any tips to make this work?


Question - TAW6 - Trial version No.71755
Paul  2021-05-02 01:31:37 ( ID:lcyqaxq.42f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does the Trial version add a logo or alter projects in any way? I want to see exact finished products before committing to a purchase.


tkrave  2021-05-07 15:02:46 ( ID:bbqqhwqarjn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

These are the only limitations the website lists for the trial version:

Usable for 30 days after initial startup.
License screen appears at every startup.

Question - TAW6 - Why i can´t edit Blu Ray Templates? No.71744
Kay  2021-04-05 23:03:05 ( ID:xzjdm71h8/2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


There are so many beautiful Templates for Blu Ray Menu avaible - but why i can´t edit them,like i want? Everywhere at the used items in a template all files are locked and can´t change or modify - why ist it?

Thanks for your help!



tkrave  2021-04-20 17:27:26 ( ID:bbqqhwqarjn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think it's just a limitation of the software; the pre-made templates are always locked. I think the most you can do change some colors and fonts for editable text.

Question - TAW6 - Iso or image file No.71743
Mike Stehly  2021-04-03 07:10:12 ( ID:8jazisawjh2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can Authoring Works 6 create an ISO(Image File) to burn the video to Blu-ray with ImageBurn software?

tkrave  2021-04-20 17:31:41 ( ID:bbqqhwqarjn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The option is there to create an ISO, but it's been a while since I've actually used it. Should work though.

Question - TE25 - Download link disabled No.71742
SedaRay  2021-03-31 14:42:42 ( ID:mrrfbglgpyh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Download link for TMPGEnc 2.5 free is not working.

tkrave  2021-04-20 17:32:56 ( ID:bbqqhwqarjn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It works fine for me.

Bug report - TVMW7 - Severe slowdown when adjusting crop filter settings No.71735
Michael Wong  2021-03-10 13:30:28 ( ID:wruv5ykiiga )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to adjust the crop filter settings (top, bottom, left, right) on HD source material, the program slows down tremendously.

My video card is a Radeon RX570. My operating system is Windows 10 x64. The video driver is the latest version. I did not experience this problem with Video Mastering Works 6. I only started experiencing it after upgrading to VMW 7.

Question - TAW6 - x264 Settings for AVCHD Progressive compliant file No.71734
MikeDVH  2021-03-10 00:19:53 ( ID:wmewfdxywe. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am authoring AVCHD Progressive, using 1080 60p files that are from my camcorder, the Clip Checker shows that they are “High@Level 4.1 (HDMV Compatible) and is allowed to author file structure without re-encoding. All good.
If use files that are 1080 60p encoded with an external x264 encoder (not by TMPGEnc), I cannot get AVCHD Progressive compliant file, the Clip Checker shows a message:
“Does not meet the AVCHD Progressive PAL standard”:

What causes this problem?
Are there any specific x264 settings requires to follow?
What are recommended external, third party x264 settings to get AVCHD 2.0 (Progressive) compliant file that that Authoring Woks, Smart Renderer would accept and do not require re-encoding?

Question - TVMW7 - video bit rate No.71731
Timothy Oberlander  2021-03-08 13:49:56 ( ID:i0xirpepymk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How you i adjust the video bitrate in the MP4 template? I have been using TMPGEnc 5 and you can just type in the desired value.

Question - TVMW7 - Shortcut for splitting a video clip No.71729
AndyOscarGoesTo  2021-03-06 21:54:17 ( ID:ubpdnr85q7l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a keyboard shortcut for splitting a movie clip in Time Line mode? Wished there was this option, but can't find it in the menu. So maybe there is a hidden key-combination or something like that? Thank you for your help!

Question - TAW6 - Adjust Chapter point No.71728
Arthur.S  2021-03-05 20:51:30 ( ID:6ulddjzsjmj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I see that I can adjust a chapter point to a new position one frame at a time by right clicking on it and selecting 'previous frame' or 'next frame' but then I have to do the whole process again 10 times if I want to move it say 10 frames. Is there another way of doing this? Keyboard shortcut anyone? Otherwise it's quicker to recreate a new one and delete the old one, which seems a nonsense. In DVD Architect software it's simply a case of 'dragging' the marker to where you want it!

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