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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 19 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TVMW6 Can you Crop and zoom with this software Rick0725 1 2018-12-21 04:05:52
Question TMSR5 Smart Rendering Analysis (Too Much Re-encoding) ukmark62 3 2019-06-06 05:32:05
Request TVMW6 Editing Tools in Timeline Mode dbestor 1 2019-01-20 08:02:24
Question TMSR5 Hownto use transition effects in clips? Hrollod 1 2018-11-09 16:25:40
Question TAW6 TAW6 - DVD directly from H264? JACQUES BRET 1 2018-10-17 17:56:38
Question TAW6 Mounting Blu-ray from an MKV file with 5.1 audio Carlos Toledo 0 2018-10-16 04:57:35
Question TAW6 montagem de Blu-ray a partir de um arquivo MKV 5.1 Carlos Toledo 0 2018-10-16 04:51:44
Question TPXC Are the mobile apps still in development? Alex Piñeyro 0 2018-09-28 03:40:28
Question TAW6 Authoring 4K Nick 0 2018-09-19 23:40:33
Question TVMW6 Smart Render Brendan Kennedy 3 2018-10-27 14:24:04
Bug report TAW5 BBS Authoring Works 5 and Windows 10 Pro x64 0 2018-09-14 00:11:02
Question TAW5 BBS AVI DV to DVD (PAL): field ordering issue benoitm 1 2018-08-22 02:07:00

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Question - TVMW6 - Can you Crop and zoom with this software No.71154
Rick0725   2018-12-17 22:08:19 ( ID:o.9ry2cyra. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can you Crop the picture and zoom to fill the screen with this software (without black lines) in effects

tkrave  2018-12-21 04:05:52 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In timeline mode, you can crop and then add a zoom effect.

Or if you just mean crop and resize, it can do that too with filters or timeline editor.

Question - TMSR5 - Smart Rendering Analysis (Too Much Re-encoding) No.71153
ukmark62  2018-12-16 01:50:45 ( ID:hr1m1ptj2qr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm comparing TMPGEnc SR5 with VideoRedo. Specifically, if I import a .ts file (DVB-T2 Freeview HD UK programmes recorded via USB tuner), and then edit out the commercials and any unwanted parts, VideoRedo only re-encodes at the cut points (usually between 10-20 frames for each cut point), then saving the file is very quick. However, with TMPGEnc SR5, the smart render analysis highlights many other places that will be re-encoded, even though those parts have not been changed in any way. The amount of re-encoding undertaken by SR5 varies for each video file I have, but VideoRedo is consistent in that re-encoding is only performed at cut points. Sometimes, SR5 re-encodes up to 20% or more of the file, even though less than 1% of it has been edited.

I really like SR5 but the amount of re-encoding it does compared with VideoRedo is a deal breaker for me. I can't find a setting to alter the amount of re-encoding performed by SR5, but the smart encoding section does appear to be unreliable and inconsistent vs VideoRedo. Any ideas out there??


tkrave  2018-12-21 04:03:58 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you have the latest version of TMSR5? They are version as of this post.

Did you actually output with TMSR5 or just use the analyzer?

Twyzle  2019-02-14 08:02:03 ( ID:nfq7o3ltmnr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have to concur with 'ukmark62'on his re-encoding observation. I too was very much surprised to see just how many frames were being re-encoded after a simple unfiltered cut; after all, in the advertising of TMPGEnc SR5, the implication is quite the opposite. In a recent edit of a 2 minute video, (where only 1 cut was being applied), I noticed that 300+ frames were due for re-encoding! The video is a 4K MP4 and runs at 25 fps; so what's that?.....12 seconds of re-encoding in a 2 minute vid...just say it need another cut and maybe another!
One work around I use is to do keyframe cuts only (which sort of defeats the apps purpose), another is to use 2 other freely available programs.
Another thing I've noticed is, if you fade the audio just at the video end - surprisingly, all the audio gets re-encoded.
Although it's not the one-stop quick-grab app I was hoping for; it still does a sturdy job of joining vids (Audio and Video are in synch every time!); it's never crashed and it's GUI is clear and intuitive. close!

rocknight  2019-06-06 05:32:05 ( ID:awjofucz/2j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a 4k video of near 2 hours, and I split it in 3 parts of 23 min., it says it reencode almost all the video! and says it takes around 4 hours, I aborted the process after 45 min.

What can be the mistake?

Request - TVMW6 - Editing Tools in Timeline Mode No.71110
dbestor  2018-11-12 16:12:52 ( ID:shzpzloywlw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Feature Request:

I really like the Timeline interface for viewing across multiple added files.

Could we get the Edit tools (mark in, mark out, cut, etc.) added to this Timeline interface so we can edit files in this view as well?


IndyGman  Home )  2019-01-20 08:02:24 ( ID:o4wogmk74ra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you double click on the video clip, you can edit the clip.
If that is what you want to know

Question - TMSR5 - Hownto use transition effects in clips? No.71097
Hrollod  2018-10-27 20:05:24 ( ID:eyrz3zd5ama )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, i love the program to trim files without quality loss but i have a question. I want to use transition effects to mask obvious cuts but i have no idea how to. Thanks!

tkrave  2018-11-09 16:25:40 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you looked at the help file?

Question - TAW6 - TAW6 - DVD directly from H264? No.71091
JACQUES BRET  Home )  2018-10-17 01:36:08 ( ID:1t8nbxvvjd. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

To create a DVD from an H264 file (HD mp4), the best solution is to re-encode in MPEG2 with Mastering 5, or to use the H264 directly in Authoring Works 6? With this last solution, can I set the bitrate before burning (the film lasts 1h26mn) on a support of 4.7 Gb, or the adjustment is done automatically?
Thank you for your reply.
Jacques BRET

Jacques Bret  Home )  2018-10-17 17:56:38 ( ID:1t8nbxvvjd. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Here is the answer of Tmpgeng services:

It is better to process the file directly on Authoring Works 6, the Bitrate will be adjusted automatically but if you want to do it manually please do as follows:
- on Source stage > Track settings > Video tag > Output mode: choose "Encode All Video Streams as Below"
then change at
you can change it, here is more info:

Question - TAW6 - Mounting Blu-ray from an MKV file with 5.1 audio No.71090
Carlos Toledo  2018-10-16 04:57:35 ( ID:olmcq7loyi. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm trying to produce a blu-ray from a mkv file with 5.1 audio, but when I add the file the program brings the audio to stereo, what do I need to do for the program to understand the 5.1 original audio. I'm with windows 10 v. 1809.

Question - TAW6 - montagem de Blu-ray a partir de um arquivo MKV 5.1 No.71089
Carlos Toledo  2018-10-16 04:51:44 ( ID:olmcq7loyi. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

estou tentando produzir um blu-ray a partir de um arquivo mkv com audio 5.1, mas quando adiciono o arquivo o programa traz o audio em stéreo, o que preciso fazer para o programa entender o audio original 5.1. estou com windows 10 v. 1809.

Question - TPXC - Are the mobile apps still in development? No.71079
Alex Piñeyro  2018-09-28 03:40:28 ( ID:sfcb5t64pb6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I really like this program, but want to ask if there is a way to make the pgmx player for android start with a file loaded instead of having to search for it first? I deliver my work to my clients on an android tv stick, and using an app, I can boot the stick directly into de pgmx player, but then my client needs to find the file. So I wanna know if there is a way to start playing the file i choose right away.


Question - TAW6 - Authoring 4K No.71074
Nick  2018-09-19 23:40:33 ( ID:x1zqs3.boqw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello! So when will there be a new program for authoring 4K video?
Almost all smartphones, camcorders and cameras shoot UHD 4K video ...

Question - TVMW6 - Smart Render No.71072
Brendan Kennedy  2018-09-16 04:21:20 ( ID:8s7qjiveapr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. My first post and newb to program. I have lined up a series of 1280x720 files to burn for a Bluray and they were all rendered slowly to 1080P.

Can someone tell me if this is normal? I thought this resolution was acceptable.

Thanks for any help, BK

tkrave  2018-09-18 03:56:49 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You may have bought the wrong product. TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works is a video converter and does not have smart rendering capability. You may have wanted TMPGEnc Authoring Works which is their Blu-ray/DVD authoring software.

Adriano  2018-10-24 01:46:12 ( ID:3ybr1imtx1a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I use Edius 9 Workgroup and I'd like to export from the Edius 9 timeline to H.265 HEVEC. If I buy TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6, is there iside the plugins for Edius 9? In other words while I install it Edius 9 get the plugins? Thnaks

tkrave  2018-10-27 14:24:04 ( ID:t7rw5rdz3jm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 6 does not come with plug-ins for EDIUS. EDIUS plug-ins are separate products. See

Bug report - TAW5 BBS - Authoring Works 5 and Windows 10 Pro x64 No.71071  2018-09-14 00:11:02 ( ID:kenjg45atlj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a licence for TMPGEnc Authoring Works 5.
I have installed it on Windows 10 Pro x64.

When I execute it, it works but when I load a video file (AVI, MKV, MPEG-2,etc)
the software suddenly quit.

How can I solve this problem?

I really need this software on my computer because I work with it.


Question - TAW5 BBS - AVI DV to DVD (PAL): field ordering issue No.71067
benoitm  2018-08-21 17:19:27 ( ID:mku67hms8dw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when authoring a PAL DVD from AVI DV (PAL), I get jerky playback. Am I supposed to override the default settings (re field ordering)?
I understand AVI DV PAL is BFF, while theoretically PAL DVD is TFF; by default TAW5 keeps BFF when authoring a PAL DVD from AVI DV (BFF) and this is confirmed by MediaInfo; normally this should not be a problem, but both VLC and a regular home DVD player exhibit heavy jerky playback playing the DVD, indicating incorrect field ordering.
Note: the AVI DV material was digitized from PAL VHS tapes, and playback of this AVI in VLC is perfect.
Should I override some settings in TAW5 ? Or should I first do a roundtrip to TVMW6 ?
Obviously I want to keep the video interlaced.

benoitm  2018-08-22 02:07:00 ( ID:mku67hms8dw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After having struggled with field ordering with TAW5 & TVMW6 I found out that by default the AVI DV decoder used on my system are the MATROX codecs; by forcing the DirectShow codec at file import stage, I get more logical results: video is no longer jerky.
However I am still a bit puzzled with the necessity to swap field order when going from AVI DV PAL (BFF) to DVD PAL (TFF, according to specs): TAW5 keeps the source field order (BFF in this case) when using the DVD PAL template: is that 'compliant' ? Will a BFF DVD play correctly on all players in PAL land ?

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