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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TE25 Add Error recovery please!! NewtronX 1 2002-05-21 12:48:05
Question TE25 How to translate divx with ac3 sound to vcd ? K 2 2002-05-21 21:17:07
Question TE25 m phillips aussiemick 3 2002-05-22 02:52:07
Question TE25 Another Question Jeremy 2 2002-05-22 21:57:18
Question TE25 Can't use "Source range" option : Python 2 2002-05-21 16:07:54
Question TE25 Quicktime problems Enygma 2 2002-05-22 18:12:13
Question TE25 Cant convert video from AVI to MPEG 1 so that it can burn to VCD, I get error, PLEASE HELP Zhou_3 5 2002-05-24 17:26:31
Question TE25 dvd2avi wont produce a .wav file after ripping with smart ripper. dvd sound is DTS houseman 3 2002-05-22 03:26:03
Question TE25 batchencoding griffinmill 5 2002-05-22 01:40:31
Question TE25 PC Freezes while encoding - Help please abraxas 4 2002-05-30 05:28:48
Question TE25 DVD encoding/Proper framerate Rck60s 2 2002-05-21 16:59:02
Question TE25 conversion losing quality Rck60s 1 2002-05-20 21:52:59

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Request - TE25 - Add Error recovery please!! No.21696
NewtronX  2002-05-21 12:16:39 ( ID:blvxpewgwwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As Minion stated on 05/21 (Tu.) 01:28 "It seems that your file has some errors in it and "tmpgenc" is chokeing on it, what you can try to do is instead of moveing the slider to the part of the movie that you want to encode to ,just type in the frame number ..this has worked for me,"
This is a real world problem I my self have ran into several times when TMPGenc runs into a bad section or error in the Video file your trying to encode it chocks and either stops or errors out closing TMPGenc.
I suggest TMPGenc should have the ability to recover from file errors and or have an option under Tools to repair a bad Video file possibly by cutting the bad frame out. By the way TMPGenc Rules !! So keep up the good job Hori ~NewtronX

ffast  2002-05-21 12:48:05 ( ID:rq73n1voqvj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is quite difficult to support because of same reason why pause/resume feature can not be supported so easily.

However, I am not asking you to stop requesting, but just wanted to let you know.

Question - TE25 - How to translate divx with ac3 sound to vcd ? No.21693
K  2002-05-21 10:10:24 ( ID:.hy7wfji3wk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi ! I have a problem with a divx with AC3 sound.
I first tried to convert it with tmpeg but tmpeg didn t want to open the avi in sound source so I have extracted the audio with virtuadub to video.wav.
Then I have convert the avi video and the wav audio source to a mpeg vcd compatible but (I have the video without problems) there are errors in my final mpeg sound (like if some parts of the sound repeat a bit)
sorry for my bad english language
Thank you in advance !

K  2002-05-21 12:53:17 ( ID:.hy7wfji3wk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

oK I have find a way to convert AC3 Divx to vcd:
1- Extract the AC3 audio from AVI with "Virtuadub" (-> audio.wav)
2- rename your audio.wav to audio.ac3
3- Extract your audio.ac3 with "PX3sAC3->WAV" to audio_ok.wav
( or
4- Run TMPEnc with your AC3 Divx as video source and your audio_ok.wav as audio source
Now you have your mpeg video with a perfect sound !

Minion  2002-05-21 21:17:07 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is much easier get a program called "ac3 decode" you just load your file in and it makes a wav file out of your ac3 audio,"virtua dub" does not decode ac3 very well..

Question - TE25 - m phillips No.21689
aussiemick  2002-05-21 08:26:38 ( ID:eyqqaxrv40a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot remove motion lines out of tmpeg encoded video. I have played around with various settings, but still I cannot remove it from any parts of the video that move.I have tried highest quality motion but it is still there.In mpeg mode it is a blurr around the edge. Any clues. thanks

aussiemick  2002-05-21 10:56:51 ( ID:eyqqaxrv40a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

To make my original message a bit clearer.I experimented with various settings and nothing made the slightest difference. What I think I am getting is interlace lines.This happens wherever an movement occurs, transitions are marked by these 1mm thick lines that breakup the edge and the trasition looks like you are looking at it through bars.I do have the input and output interlaced.Wherever motion is detected this breakup occurs,eg. moving past a pole ,the pole breaks up into sections.The avi produced video that I use for the encoding is in perfect order.Sorry about the vagueness of my first message but I was not sure of how to describe what was happening.

Minion  2002-05-21 21:18:45 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There must be 2 dozzen de-interlace settings in "tmpgenc" im sure one of them will work.......

none101  2002-05-22 02:52:07 ( ID:wy.h0u1fvi. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the original video was ripped at smaller bitrate than what you encoded it at try using the original. if unknown just take it down and reencode until you get the desired effect

Question - TE25 - Another Question No.21686
Jeremy  2002-05-21 07:57:51 ( ID:mrhiosejanw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What capture software do you recomend?

Iv noticed the supplied program that came with my DC10+ cap card isnt gonna cut it. I think it can only capture in its own codec made by pinnacle. I did notice a section under make file which listed 12 others, example :Cinemac Codek by Radius, micrsoft RLE and H.261 and H.263 Mireo Video DV300. there were a others.

Iv been fooling around with Pinnacle Studio 7.13 but it wont let me capture more then 10 mins worth of video. I have like 14gigs free. Also the majore problem is it wants to capture around 27000 for high quality and 6500 for low quality. My max safe (and locked speed according to the program) is 6000 so I cant capture even low quality with it. Not sure why i have this problem. My read speed on the drive is like 25000 and my write speed was something like 13000. I would think a ATA-66 would run better. All cables are good and drivers are up to date.

btw Ashy thanks for the templates.

I just picked up Adobe Premier, will be playing with it later.

Minion  2002-05-22 03:24:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have adobe premier but it wont capture through a capture card it seems to only capture through a dv "firewire" card.I have been trying to get it to capture through my "hauppauge win tv" but no luck so if anyone knows the trick to get it to work let me know.....

Rob Wijs  2002-05-22 21:57:18 ( ID:jtbenlb3ygm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I had the same problem with studio 7 (7.13.5). I could not change the capture rate (it was set at 27000 while the dc10+ hardware only handles 6000 as maximum). While I was playing with the capture settings I changed PAL to NTSC and then I could change the settings. Then I changed the setting to PAL again and I could set the datarate (with 6000 as a maximum). Now it captures fine.

With win95/98/me there are several programs then can capture with the dc10+:
aviedit (i like the best) avi_io, and premiere 6.

Under Win2000/XP you can only capture with studio 7.


Question - TE25 - Can't use "Source range" option : No.21683
Python  2002-05-21 05:48:07 ( ID:x3/fon87r6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc opens the file good. But then when I want to use the source range option it doesn't "scroll" up and down the movie frames .. it just gets stuck and I need to close the service. Why is this?

Minion  2002-05-21 07:28:26 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It seems that your file has some errors in it and "tmpgenc" is chokeing on it, what you can try to do is instead of moveing the slider to the part of the movie that you want to encode to ,just type in the frame number ..this has worked for me, .....

Python  2002-05-21 16:07:54 ( ID:x3/fon87r6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'll give it a go :)

Question - TE25 - Quicktime problems No.21680
Enygma  2002-05-21 04:01:31 ( ID:6xcywbnjwim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the quicktime plugin, yet when i try to turn into an mpeg i get perfect quality, yet no audio, can anyone help me here ???

Thanks in advance


Minion  2002-05-21 07:31:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the audio in your mov file probably isn"t supported by "tmpgenc" you should extract the audio from your mov file and convert it to wav and put that file in to "tmpgenc" as your audio source...since I don"t do "mov" files i can"t tell you a tool that will extract the audio and convert it to wav but "db power amp" might do it..

NewtronX  2002-05-22 18:12:13 ( ID:0ysy.lkdema )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]
Total Recorder V3.4! (Get the Demo Email me if you have any questons ;o)..)Will record anything you can hear from your PC copy potection is even rendered useless!! Save the Audio out as WAV or MP3. I use it for stubborn WMV and MOV files. Do as Minion suggests seperate audio from the video then select those as sources to encode from!! ~NewtronX

Question - TE25 - Cant convert video from AVI to MPEG 1 so that it can burn to VCD, I get error, PLEASE HELP No.21674
Zhou_3  2002-05-21 03:50:08 ( ID:qyigjopwqhc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to convert a video file that is in AVI format to MPEG 1 so that I can burn it to VCD. But every time I try to have TMPGEnc open it(the avi file) so that I can convert it I get an error saying "File "G: he name of file.avi" cannot open, or unsupported." By the way I am using TMPGEnc Plus Version, Core Version 1.87.133. Also I am using the VCD NTSC Film template to convert the file. If you need more information you can e-mail me at Thank you. Below is the information on the video file and my computer.


Size - 181mb

Width - 352 pixels
Height - 240 pixels

Duration - 1:10:19
Bit Rate - 56kbps
Audio format - MP3

Frame Rate - 14 frames/second
Data Rate - 44kbps


Pentium III 1Ghz Proccessor
384mb of SD RAM
Windows XP Pro
All-In-Wonder 128 Pro video card w/32mb on board RAM
Sound Blaster Audigy MP3+ Sound Card
Sony SPRESSA CRX160E burner (12x/8x/32x)

Minion  2002-05-21 04:08:35 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

it is one of two things, you don"t have the right codec, or you need to raise your "direct show" plugin, to do this go to "options" the "enviromental settings" then to "vfapi plugins" here you raise your "direct show" plugin to "2" and lower every thing else to "0"....this should work...

Zhou_3  2002-05-21 07:14:33 ( ID:qyigjopwqhc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the advice Minion. My problem is solved.

diceman  2002-05-21 23:53:10 ( ID:bqwrxsewkk2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you also, I was having the same problem and that worked for me to...

mcarlo  2002-05-23 02:08:22 ( ID:/wmvgayoo9m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm getting the same error as Zhou_3. I'd like to use your solution to this problem, however, when I try to change my vfapi plugin settings I am unable to do so. Is there a trick to this or am I just missing something here? What should I be doing? Thanks.

ernesto  2002-05-24 17:26:31 ( ID:ifyhorqf6q2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

to change the priority you have to right click to the line to get a context menu

Question - TE25 - dvd2avi wont produce a .wav file after ripping with smart ripper. dvd sound is DTS No.21670
houseman  Home )  2002-05-21 03:22:46 ( ID:.jdgcw2cxww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

for some reason.... after using smart ripper successfully 19 times and dvd2avi 19 times and tmpgenc 38 times.. i cant seem to get an audio (.wav) file from dvd2avi for the movie From Hell... this movie's audio format is DTS . it is the first one i have tried in DTS audio format. does dvd2avi support this format. can someone clarify or help me with this please. thanks :)

Minion  2002-05-21 04:01:55 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First go into your "ifo" file that smartripper made,and check what track the english audio track that isn"t "DD" . then change the track number under audio in dvd2avi, then you will get a wav file...

houseman  Home )  2002-05-21 06:55:22 ( ID:.jdgcw2cxww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Minion  2002-05-22 03:26:03 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

no problem .I"m here to serve!!!!!!!

Question - TE25 - batchencoding No.21664
griffinmill  2002-05-21 00:40:22 ( ID:yqbbwszivra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

im wondering if you ca do a batch encode to do numerous files consecutivly with out manual intervention

ffast  2002-05-21 03:39:10 ( ID:rq73n1voqvj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you can.

griffin mill  2002-05-21 15:04:51 ( ID:p2woqkudplh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ] do you do it?

PHP  2002-05-21 15:10:21 ( ID:d4a5wuxiwpr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

MPEG tools > batch encode

griffinmill  2002-05-22 00:22:57 ( ID:yqbbwszivra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

there is no batch encode under MPEG tools

ffast  2002-05-22 01:40:31 ( ID:rq73n1voqvj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

file > batch encode

I must say, this is general question, which you can search net or the software directly. And asking/answering this kind of question may be violates "Term of use" on this BBS.

To moderator
If my comment is not appropriate, please delete it.

Question - TE25 - PC Freezes while encoding - Help please No.21659
abraxas  2002-05-20 23:29:36 ( ID:0dwshxbwuhc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a serious problem. I converted Avi to VCD many times with TMPGEnc. My system XP, AMD 1600+, 256 MB DDR.
Since two days the complete System freezes after 2-4 Min. of converting. I changed nothing remarkable. Is my system instable or whats the problem. I tried many files, I downloaded a newer version of TMPG, nothing works. Please help. (Answers in german are also welcome)

Adel  2002-05-26 17:18:58 ( ID:0ailudbijua )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have the same problem.
Tried different versions of TMPGEnc on different avi files. First started noticing it while converting avi file to DVD MPG2.
Running on WinXP, P4 1.7 MHz, 256 MB RDRAM, 40 and 60 GB 7200 rpm HDs..

johnmccly  2002-05-27 18:49:17 ( ID:cx2uaaxtaic )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem! amd 1700+ 512 ram winxp. The cpu usage for the program is running @ 99%. I did look at the know issues and created a new temp file for the output. I'll let you know if that worked.

johnmccly  2002-05-27 19:06:57 ( ID:cx2uaaxtaic )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No luck. Froze again.

jonnabj  2002-05-30 05:28:48 ( ID:3uzr28l/b2w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

me too can hardly get through a 800mb file to encode. whole system crashes. Real pain. 1400 512ddr XP.

Question - TE25 - DVD encoding/Proper framerate No.21656
Rck60s  2002-05-20 22:16:29 ( ID:ottpma61s8h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone tell me the proper framerate to encode for DVD? Is it 29.97 or 30fps...Also when you extract audio in virtual dub will the audio automatically synch when you combine and encode with TMPGEnc

Minion  2002-05-21 04:03:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is 29.97fps in "ntsc" and your audio should be in sync if the avi you used to extract the audio has the same frame rate that you are encodeing to....

Rck60s  2002-05-21 16:59:02 ( ID:ottpma61s8h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the framerate of the original is 25fps pal and I am trying to convert to 29.97 NTSC will the audio automatically convert as well

Question - TE25 - conversion losing quality No.21654
Rck60s  2002-05-20 21:35:27 ( ID:ottpma61s8h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello all....I have been trying to convert from AVI to Mpeg 2 without losing quality but it has been difficult...I can download a pristine copy of a film and when I go to convert to MPEG 2 so I can burn it to DVD I lose quite a bit of quality...Also after it encodes to DVD and I burn I get the digital blocking effect...Can anyone give me a hint as to what I need to do to retain quality ...

Minion  2002-05-20 21:52:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The higher the bitrate the higher the quality as a general rule,you should watch you encodes before you burn then so you don"t waste a dvd disk..

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