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Okay, I have a quick question. I have Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum, which allows me to burn VCDs (which play on my DVD player, I know this for a fact). Now, I have some VCD templates on TMPGEnc that set the Bitrate at 1246, but CD Creator doesn't like that.
How do I fix the bitrate so that Easy CD Creator accepts the mpegs that I convert?
i recently downloaded an avi file and plays fine with win media player 7.1....
i try to encode it into svdc or vdc and it gives me all the vidio, but only 12 seconds of audio. i go into the source range filter and it only recognises 12 seconds audio yet all the vidio is accounted for.
Try to extract the audio from your avi file to "wav" with "virtua dub" then use that as your audio source...and don"t play mpeg files with "media player" It plays mpeg"s out of sync and the audio cuts out all the time on some systems includeing mine use dvd playing software like "power dvd" .Try the dvd playing software first and see if it isn"t your media player then if that didn"t work extract the audio to wav.
Okay - this what I want to do - I downloaded a movie from Kazaa website and I can watch it on my computer through windows media player - what I wanted to do was put it on a cd and watch it on my dvd player that is attached to my TV. The instructions say to:
by the way I have a brand new Dell Computer - 1.9 ghz - 512 ram - cdrw drive - awesome fast computer so I know my computer is capable of doing this. I can program in Cobol mostly so this is brand new to me and this has nothing to do with programming cobol code!!!! So - I would like to just see if I can do this so below is the web page that has the instructions I am going by. So please look this over and let me know if this is not what I need to do and/or if there is something else I can do that would be a lot easier for me! I just want to get this to work!! Thanks so much and sorry the first post was so vague - I should know better than that!
I use a TV card which records AVI. The problem is that the audio setting is only PCM, 44100, 16 Bit stero at 172Kbs. When I use TMPGEnc to convert a program to MPG, it works okay except in MPG playback the audio portion lags behing the video.
I can seem to set TMPGEnc to the above (PCM) audio settings I am stuck with.
How do I make TMPGEnc convert the audio and picture in sync ?
What type of de-sync do you get? is it in sync at the begining it slowly goes out of sync over the course of the movie, Is it out of sync right off the start and stays the same de-sync through the clip or is it out of sync at the start and gets worse as the movie goes on or does it go in and out of sync at certain parts ,like high motion parts,or is it in sync on your computer but not on your dvd player?there are many different reasons that de-sync can happen and with captured movies it more often that not comes from the avi file ,so can you give us more info about your file and the type of de sync and we will try to help...
That is what i thought, it"s allways that way with captures,what is happening when you captured you dropped a certain amount of frames and that will make your audio track longer than your video track, to correct this is pretty tricky but possible. get a good audio editing program like "cool edit" and you can slightly speed up the audio track to it gets in sync with your video,the best way is to find out exactly how long your video is then how long your audio is then calculate the percentage of how much longer the audio is than the video then speed up the audio that percentage...I think you should be able to figure it out,if you need to find out were to get "cool edit" you can e-mail me and i might be able to hook you up with it......
Is the audio in sync with the original captured AVI?
If it is it may be TMPG's demuxer which is causing the problem.
Try this.
Open your captured AVI in Virtualdub.
Save the audio as a wav file.
Now save the Video only using 'direct stream copy' making sure you choose no audio.
Close Virtualdub and reopen it and open the AVI you have just created without the sound.
Now open the wav file by clicking 'Audio' and choosing 'wav audio'
Click the first play button to check your audio is in sync with the movie.
If it is then load both parts into TMPG and encode a small test file to see if it's ok.
If so go ahead and encode the whole thing.
If it isn't in sync post back and tell me whether the audio is behind or ahead of the video also play the separate AVI and audio in mediaplayer and note the lengths and post them here.
I don't know if this option even exists in your software,but make sure you have interleaving checked in your capture software this should avoid any sync probs with dropped frames when capturing.
i just spent a few days finding the perfect VBR settings for about 12 anime episodes (which i have already encoded btw). however the svcd author program i'm using only allows 29.97 fps, is there a way to convert this movie without re-encoding the videos all over again? (i tried using that program "pulldown", but it just didn't work...) - ANY HELP WILL ROCK!! =p
The easyest way is to get a different authouring program,go to "" and download "nero burning rom" this will burn your svcd at the frame rate you have........
First, which crap program are you using which doesn't allow burning anything other than 29.976 fps(I find this unusual to say the least).
Download NERO.
Secondly you should have converted the framerate to 29.976 using the 3:2 pulldown in TMPG. This would have converted your movies perfectly with whichever settings you choose.
To use 3:2 pulldown in TMPG you need to encode to MPEG2.
Under the 'Video' tab click 'Encode mode' and change it to '3:2 pulldown when playback'
Then change the 'Framerate' setting to 29.976 fps(internally 23.97fps)
Well, my question is becouse I have a problem with a film that I've encoded with tmpgenc; I forgot to divide the film and now it is so longer to copy in a CD, so I wanted to ask if there's any program o way to divide a film in two or three parts, I've Nero 5,5 but it doesn't do what I want to achive!
Please, if someone know what I can do, please, help me!
PD: this question includes all cain of archives (*.avi, *.mpg, *.mpeg,...)
You should look through the site first to get your question answered cuz this question has been answered many times...First go to "file" to "mpeg tools" then to "merge&cut" and there you can divide your file,it is one of the major features of "tmpgenc"....
did you get your avi through dv capture? or useing a dv codec?"Tmpgenc" is only compatable with certain types of dv.I think it only supports "open DML" and "video for windows" .I don"t do capture so I"m not keen on on the settings for it, but maybe someone elce knows,or maybe it isn"t a capture.....
I edited the file in Premiere and exported the timeline as an uncompressed movie. The compressor was listed as "Microsoft DV AVI (NTSC)". What is funnier is that if I open that exported movie in Adobe After Effects and save it with the same settings (uncompressed AVI), I can open it with tmpgenc. Any ideas?
i am having problem with audio gradually going out of sync with video on a dvd-r backup. Everything goes great, ripping dvd to hd, run dvd2avi, then tmpgenc plus for dvd ntsc template 4000 cbr, and authoring/burning with ulead movie factory. the audio looks to be in sync at beginning of dvd-r playback on standalone dvd player but goes out of sync as the movie progresses. looks like audio gets behind about two seconds with the video. Can anyone help me with this?
Sounds like you might have made your mpeg file with a different frame rate than the avi,but if that isn"t the case then see if your audio track is longer than your video,if it is you can use a audio editing program like "cool edit" to speed up the sound track so that it matches up with the video track ,and if your video is longer you can slow down the sound track to get it to sync up with the video, it is a tricky procedure but I have done it before.......