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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Help i am a dummy willie 2 2002-05-05 08:41:14
Question TE25 Complete Newbie - Error msg at end of 7 hr encode dktenor 2 2002-05-05 01:36:44
Question TE25 DivX-.AVI to VCD or SVCD Gurre 4 2002-05-05 21:14:33
Question TE25 Simple De-multiplexing problem tanman 1 2002-05-04 23:56:23
Question TE25 AVI to MPEG for VCD Celicagray 3 2002-05-07 01:13:13
Question TE25 Illegal Floating Decimal point calculation order DJKristof 1 2002-05-05 03:20:48
Question TE25 SVCD Encoding not possible? tonyrayo 2 2002-05-05 13:54:10
Question TE25 Ashy....article 5928 reply willie 1 2002-05-05 06:27:51
Question TE25 "filexxx.mpa can not be opened" LustyLovers 2 2002-05-04 19:57:53
Question TE25 "Runtime error 216 at 00002f74" ?? Spawn 0 2002-05-04 16:44:28
Question TE25 No picture Joe 0 2002-05-04 13:49:47
Question TE25 DivX5.0 with Unknown Audio (tag 2000) hschmid 1 2002-05-04 15:51:01

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Question - TE25 - Help i am a dummy No.20586
willie  2002-05-05 00:02:28 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have successfully encode my first mpeg2. Now the trouble is splitting it. I split it and burned it with nero 5.5. When i played it in my dvd player the motion was scetchy and audio out of sync. I was not like this when i played it on my

Minion  2002-05-05 02:35:52 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

maybe the problem is with splitting it, I didn"t know that nero split files and I have been useing it for a long time,any way if you need to split a file in "tmpgenc" under "file" go to "mpeg tools" then to "merge and cut" and it is pretty self explanitory from there............

willie  2002-05-05 08:41:14 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i did split it with thpgenc. i only burned it with

Question - TE25 - Complete Newbie - Error msg at end of 7 hr encode No.20583
dktenor  2002-05-04 23:33:50 ( ID:3sf6j6wbv6h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am a complete newbie here. This is only my 2nd project. I just finished a 7 hour encode from AVI (captured in Studio 7) and want to create a DVD (MPEG-2). I am a registered owner (paid for it!) of At the end of the 7 hour encoding process I get a dialog box
"An error occured when audio was decoded".

I haven't yet burned the DVD, but played a minute or two of the MPEG-2 file on the PC using WMP and it seems OK.

Any ideas? I'll be glad to fill in more information, but I don't know what to tell you. I repeat --- newbie!!!!

Thanks a lot
doug kelner

Minion  2002-05-05 00:06:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

that error happens from time to time and sometimes the file works and sometimes it doesn"t,but if it plays fine on your cpu then it is probably fine to burn it to disk........

dktenor  2002-05-05 01:36:44 ( ID:3sf6j6wbv6h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I burned - and it seems OK. Would still like to know what the error is (for academic reasons)

Question - TE25 - DivX-.AVI to VCD or SVCD No.20578
Gurre  2002-05-04 23:13:20 ( ID:d.z2bgmtbrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When i´m converting a DivX/.avi to video-CD I get som problems. When trying to play the .mpg in computer or burn on a VCD the movie seems to stop for a ms every second. When i´m using TMPGEnc to rip strait from .VOB files theres no problem. Any idees? Thanx

willie  2002-05-04 23:51:52 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i get the same problem when doing that. I found i got to seperate the audio and video stream with virtualdub. There are full instructions at Then u have to encode the avi at the fps. that is very important.

Minion  2002-05-05 00:10:22 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you shouldn"t feed vob files directly in to "tmpgenc",there are a lot of reasons why,get dvd2avi to make a project file and use that to put in "tmpgenc"..

Gurre  2002-05-05 10:15:31 ( ID:d.z2bgmtbrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanx Willie, but what do you mean by "encode the avi at the fps."

ahh  2002-05-05 21:14:33 ( ID:j3gp3/ntytc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what the hell where do i dload it?

Question - TE25 - Simple De-multiplexing problem No.20576
tanman  2002-05-04 22:19:12 ( ID:w7.uqfjmavg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. I'm having problems identifying the video stream format on an mpeg2 movie. I need to convert it to mpeg1. When I tried to demultiplex, TMPGenc creates an mp2 file but no video file. Also tried the De-multiplex to force create the video file by itself. However, TMPGenc would not multiplex back the created video file.

Can anyone help?

willie  2002-05-04 23:56:23 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try to use a virtualdub and that will seperate the audio stream for u. There are complete instructions at

Question - TE25 - AVI to MPEG for VCD No.20572
Celicagray  2002-05-04 21:11:39 ( ID:ihq5avwalfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am a beginner with these kind of things. I am trying to convert an avi file to MPEG to vcd. This file------(smr)crouching_tiger_hidden_dragon-dubbed-dvd(2of2) ---- to MPEG to watch it on my DVD player. I've downloaded this program ---TMPGEnc Version and tried it to convert above file, however it doesn't even see the file in my folder. Can someone tell me step by step what I need to do?

willie  2002-05-04 23:55:11 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok this is a common problem i had. u have to go to Option>enviromental settings and then go to the VFAPI plug-in tab. In that tab zero everthing out and raise ur direct show to 2.

Minion  2002-05-05 04:48:35 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you might need the "smr" codec to get it to work...

Celicagray  2002-05-07 01:13:13 ( ID:ihq5avwalfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the help!!! It worked.

Question - TE25 - Illegal Floating Decimal point calculation order No.20570
DJKristof  2002-05-04 19:35:28 ( ID:3l845f.9bfg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It says: Illegal Floating Decimal point calculation order and then it don't start. What does this mean?

Minion  2002-05-05 03:20:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It probably means that your avi file is corrupt,you should put it through "virtua dub" and do a frame scan to see how many corrupted frames you have....bu to get around the error first go to your "cpu" tab and un-check everything there then go to the "quantize matrix" tab and uncheck the "use floating point" then you shouldn"t get the error...

Question - TE25 - SVCD Encoding not possible? No.20567
tonyrayo  Home )  2002-05-04 19:32:01 ( ID:vpj5alynpmw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Okay, I am really at my wits end here, so any help would be great. I have tried many methods of converting a divx movie to svcd using TMPG. Let me just give a runthrew...

First TMPG wasnt giving me a picture for the divx video in the preview, after a couple mins I relized I needed a different codec, installed it, and got preview. Then I went to encode the movie into svcd, and it didn't encode. The est time kept moving, but it didn't encode even 1 frame.

Then I decided to rip out the audio and try just using the video source from the divx and the ripped out audio. Yet again, same problem.

My last effort was to encode the movie into mpeg2 format, then try to add it with the sound. Yet again, it didn't move at all.

I have done everything I could think of including installing/uninstalling all the divx codec, uninstalling/installing powerdvd, but nothing has worked. Any help would be great plus more than worth 5$!! (this is truely driving me mad =p)

Thank you,

Minion  2002-05-05 04:52:10 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can try to encode your avi file to another divx format maybe divx4.12 it"s the one i use, then maybe it will work or you can try to encode the video with no audio, and later encode the audio and multiplex them together, just a thought..

tonyrayo  Home )  2002-05-05 13:54:10 ( ID:vpj5alynpmw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks, i'm going to try that now =)

Question - TE25 - Ashy....article 5928 reply No.20565
willie  2002-05-04 19:20:14 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I did run into a problem with the merging of the two mpeg2 files. When i add them in the order and hit correct the i get a message that says "automatically fix list to avoid errors". I then click ok and the second one is erased from the list. If this helps they are at 2 different fps rates the fisrt one is 14.985 and the second at 12.500. They were both encoded higher internally but i cant remember just what. They both have the same bit rate and everything else is the same also. Help me ashy, i believe in


Minion  2002-05-05 06:27:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashy hasn"t showed up yet,but I think you answered your question your self,I don"t think you can join two parts that have different frame rates.I think the specs have to be pretty much exactly the same for them to join properly....

Question - TE25 - "filexxx.mpa can not be opened" No.20562
LustyLovers  2002-05-04 18:36:37 ( ID:t0l.aeokiow )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Occasionally I will get this error while trying to use tmpgenc to create a vcd formatted mpg. I split the .wav from the .avi first, then use tmpgenc to convert to .mpg. I've tried everything I can find to get past it and never can. Any advice or suggestions?

Ashy  2002-05-04 18:55:11 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm a bit confused here.
You say the error is "filexxx.mpa can not be opened". This would suggest you are trying to open an MPEG audio file in TMPG yet you say the audio is a WAV.

How have you split the audio from the AVI and where exaxtly are you trying to load the wav in TMPG?


LustyLovers  2002-05-04 19:57:53 ( ID:t0l.aeokiow )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes we have split the .wav from the .avi using virtual dub. We then use the .avi as the video source, the .wav as the audio source, and set it to output as an NTSC VCD (in this particular example). I'd like to mention that we have converted probably 70 or 80 avi's this way to make VCD's; I'd say maybe 5 or 6 have really stumped us with the message we listed (which you are absolutely right makes no sense! ) Thanks for replying!

Question - TE25 - "Runtime error 216 at 00002f74" ?? No.20561
Spawn  2002-05-04 16:44:28 ( ID:kqeswzcpkao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I keep getting this message when trying to load the program. Is there a way can fix this? I have already uninstalled and redownloaded and installed again but I continue to get the same results?

Question - TE25 - No picture No.20560
Joe  2002-05-04 13:49:47 ( ID:bsiqr.xkkmn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there,

I am trying to convert an AVI to MPEG-1. I get great sound but no picture in my ouput file (preview is also black).

Source file is NTSC and I want an PAL output. Use XP.

Am I missing something essential?


Question - TE25 - DivX5.0 with Unknown Audio (tag 2000) No.20558
hschmid  2002-05-04 13:18:43 ( ID:l5epxtoxlmf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot convert the audio of an DivX 5.0 File. The audio information is
48000 Hz, 5 Channels (stereo), Compression Unknown (tag 2000)
What codec is missing ?

Ashy  2002-05-04 15:51:01 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The audio file you are trying to encode is an ac3.
You cannot use Virtualdub or TMPG to encode this audio.
Yoy will need to extract the audio to a wav first then use that as the audio in TMPG.

See this article.

Question - audio error No.20276


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