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The "cut" feature in "merge&cut" doesn"t work worth sh*t.I can get it to cut the first part but the rest of the movie won"t cut...does anyone know of a program that will cut a mpeg2 svcd...when I use "tmpgenc" to cut a movie it prosess the video and then the audio but freezes at the end of the audio..I have tried to cut the movie 18 times and it has taken me all day to realize that it is a hopeless situation.....does anyone have a Idea how to fix this or know of a program that will work......thanx
How can I change the format of MP3 files to something that can be played on a DVD player. I read something about doing this a while back on this message board, But I forgot how to do it.
make sure the video is an avi or MPEG1, use virtualdub to extract the wav and then you can burn this as ann audio CD and should be playable on yor DVD player, if your DVD player supports CD-R's.
Ever wanted to play Mp3's on your DVD player, but it doesn't have the capability.
Well here is a method which will allow you to create a similar cd using Mp2 audio instead of Mp3 with TMPGenc.
This will allow you to fit up to 8 albums in high quality on one CD which will play in any compatible DVD player.
To play the CD on your DVD player it must meet certain requirements:
1. DVD player must be able to play CDR or CDRW.
2. Must be able to play VCD
3. Isn't fussy about bitrate.
If your Cd player meets the requirements go ahead and give this a go.
Step 1. Download the templates below which contain all the required settings you will need.
This Zip contains two templates, one for PAL and one for NTSC. Use whichever suits your T.V. system.
Step 2. Convert all the audio files you want to encode into Wav files and put them into a folder.
Step 3. Load up the template into TMPGenc. Note: all the settings will be set ready for encoding, but you can change the audio encoding bitrate if you choose. Don't change the Video bitrate unless you need to as some players need a minimum bitrate of 300kbps, but bear in mind this will double the size of the resulting file.
Step 4. Using the Audio source Browse button find the file you wish to encode and then choose where you want to output the file.
Step 5. Create a folder called Project files then in TMPGenc click File>Save project and save it in your Project files folder.
Go back to Step 4 and do this for each file you wish to encode.
Step 6. When you have created all your project files from your audio files then click File>Batch encode. In the box which opens click the ADD button and add your project files you have created. Highlight them all and click OPEN.
This will add all your files to the job list. Once you have added them click RUN and all your files will begin to be encoded one by one.
Depending on your system it will take a while. On my Pentium 4 1.7 ghz a full albumn with about 10 tracks takes 15-20 mins.
Step 7. Once all the files have finished encoding you can then go head and burn them with Nero using the Video CD option.
Note: The encoding method will not work if you use any external audio encoders such as TOOLAME in TMPGenc, so disable these first.
*** Burning with Nero ***
If you wish to have a list of the tracks which are on the CD which will be shown when you play the CD in your DVD player.You can use the menu option in Nero to do this.
Step 1. Choose the Video CD option in Nero then click the Menu tab, tick enable menu. Leave all the options at default except the Header and Footer text. In these boxes type:
For the header text - Audio CD Track List
For the Footer text - Press keypad number button to play selected track.
Step 2. Under the ISO tab click these options:
Iso level 2(maximum of 31 characters).
ISO 9660.
Allow path depth of more than 8 directories.
Allow more than 255 charachters in path.
Under the Burn tab choose these options;
Finalize CD
Disk at once
4X write speed.
Then click NEW.
Step 3. Drag the files you created into the bottom window on the left then highlight all the files and right click and choose properties. In the box which comes up put O seconds for pause settings.
Step 4. Put a blank CD in your drive and click the Burn icon then click WRITE in the box which opens. Nero should then begin burning you VCD which you can then play in your DVD player.
Note: PBC may be needed to be set on your DVD player for the menu to work.
Hope this is helpful to some people. Please feel free to email me and let me know if you have any problems or if you have success with this.
Correction use this link. The file is in the my documents folder.
Sorry about this but bleeding Geocities wont allow direct linking.
If you're original audio source was an ac3 downmixed to a two channel wav then stereo would be best as joint stereo would kill the prologic information stored in the file.
How can I change the format of MP3 files to something that can be played on a DVD player. I read something about doing this a while back on this message board, But I forgot how to do it.
Winamp 2.78 or 2.79 -> Prefs (Ctrl+P) -> Plugins -> Output:
Select "Nullsoft DiskWriter"
Click configure
Checkmark "convert to format"
Click the little "..." button at the side
In the "sound selection" box, change the "attributes" to one of the 48Khz selections at the end of the list (choices between 48KHz - mono or stereo & 8 or 16-bit)
I have followed Technos instructions to the letter...Installed 4.11 codec, opened avi in Vdub, selected 4.11 in compression, saved file as avi, encoded it,loaded it in encoded BUT after it was finished and I went to check it IT WAS STILL A BLACK SCREEN...I had sound but no picture...I can't tell you how frustrating this is..I have been at this for 9 hours today.....Please can someone give me a walk thru that will work....I actually got it to work last night but when I burned it to DVD I lost sound...I guess this is why they call this a hobby.....Please help
I converted a divx .avi file over to mpeg-1 no problem. I can click it and it plays fine.
However, if I try to make a svcd (mpeg-2), when it's done, I can't play it. I get errors and only the audio plays.
Reading the FAQ:
MPEG2 file can not be played only by Windows. You need to install a DVD software such as WinDVD, PowerDVD, then you can play MPEG2 file with Windows Media Player.
I tried windows media player and others but nothing worked.
Why do I need to spend more money just to play the thing?
dvd software wont make media player play them,but the dvd software will play it,there is a free dvd playing software at "" but if you cant play it try burning it and play it in your dvd player,cd"s are like 50 cents each...there is a mpeg2 plug in for media player but I don"t know were to get it..if you just want to see if it encoded the video try the merge and cut and move the slider to see certain parts of your video.....hope this helps...
Since I can't play it without special software, I burned it anyways with Nero as a SVCD. It still didn't play.
I tried the Cut and Merge but when I click Edit, I get the pop-up error window:
Could not obtain the length of the movie with DirectShow. (0x80004001)
Details: <garbage>
Like I said before, I was able to do VCD with no problem.
Thanks Techno, I downloaded the .zip and I'll check it out.
As for the above problem, part of the problem was that I needed a DVD player that played SVCDs. I went out and bought a JVC DVD player from Best Buy and it plays Super VCDs great!
The next thing is to tweak the picture quality. I notice that there is a motion blur added during quick movement that isn't acceptable..
I have just downloaded Blade2 and want to put it as a vcd so i can watch it on my tv. The problem is that it is not that great quality. Is there any way to sharpen the quality at all?
under the "settings" there is a list of enhancements check the one you want and then double click it and a screen will come up with settings and your movie file will come up with a slider under it. move the slider till you get to a part of the movie with bad quality,and then adjust the settings can do this with all the enhancements,but it will make the encodeing take longer....but you can"t make a really bad quality movie look good ........
Ive been converting my avi files in2 mpg files, Im wanting to put them in 2parts so i can put them on vcd! Im can always make up Part1 but when i try to make up part2 it just keeps coming up "seeking file"!!!!! Can some1 please help me get rid of this problem!
you have to wait for it to seek the file ,depending on the size of your movie the longer this will take,some times 5-10 minutes..ypo see after you cut the first half of your movie and start to cut the second half,the program has to go through the first half of your movie till if finds were you want the second half to begin,be patient and it should start in a few minutes,it will do the same thing for the audio........hope this helps....sherlock
you can change it from wide screen to full screen,in the aspect ratio section choose fullscreen custom,and try adjusting the screen size,but it can give you a streched look,I dont usualy do this cuz my dvd player has a zoom feature that makes it full screen,there is probably a better way but I don"t know it but Thecno might....
ok thanks!! I got1 more problem! I waited for the file2 encode for part2 and it worked fine for the file and the audio! But it never showed up with the megabytes! hen the programme crashes! Can u help with this aswell?
It's not only /always a problem of cheap cd's but dust or somthing else on the
cd. I heard from different stand alone DVD-Players this probs also.
in my cases, a cleaning of the cds was helpful
i've converted part 1 of an avi fine,Then part 2 gets about 50% done.. then i get an error msg (Illegal floating decimal) Then It stops.
I've read some of the other post.. seeing if I could fix the problem..
I need help Please
And Thank You In advance
I've gotten the same error as Megan and will try the DirectShow changes - but I'm not sure what you mean by tick/untick all of the quantize matrix settings. Please simplify for the inept such as I: Should the boxes have check marks beside them when I'm done or not?
Techno means get rid of the check marks in the boxes,but one of the boxes is allways checked,but to un-check it you will have to un-check all the boxes in the "cpu" tab eg:mmx,mmx2,sse.This makes the program not use the floating point system so the "floating point error" should go away.If i"m wrong Techno please correct me........hope this helps......sherlock
Is it better to convert a Divx( MPEG4) avi to DVD or SVCD...Can someone tell me which will give you better picture quality and will both be able to be watched on a DVD player?
I have been reading about it a lot and the thing is this.
VCD is to poor quality for movies. It's oki for crappy stuff and so on and smaller file but for movies I prefer DivX (640*480, no less quality than that) or DVD movies.
The thing is that SVCD is in between DVD and VCD. A SVCD looks like a DVD movie, the sound is good and the quality of the picture on TV is verry good. (SVCD is for playing on TV not the computer).
The only thing with SVCD is that the sharpness you have on DVD movies will not be that good on SVCD. But on the other hand, CD-R's are so cheap you can spend a few (like 2-4 on movies) the quality is better than VCD and it's sharp enought compared to VCD.
A DivX in 640*480 converted to SVCD is allmost the same quality but the differens is that you can play it without problems on most computers, output it to TV or play it in a DVD player that supports SVCD. But with DivX you have to play it on a computer.
The reason why people is sticking to DivX is that you can fit a movie onto a CD where as SVCD takes up 2 cd's but who cares since it's so cheap to buy cd-r's anyway.
I have been reading about it a lot and the thing is this.
VCD is to poor quality for movies. It's oki for crappy stuff and so on and smaller file but for movies I prefer DivX (640*480, no less quality than that) or DVD movies.
The thing is that SVCD is in between DVD and VCD. A SVCD looks like a DVD movie, the sound is good and the quality of the picture on TV is verry good. (SVCD is for playing on TV not the computer).
The only thing with SVCD is that the sharpness you have on DVD movies will not be that good on SVCD. But on the other hand, CD-R's are so cheap you can spend a few (like 2-4 on movies) the quality is better than VCD and it's sharp enought compared to VCD.
A DivX in 640*480 converted to SVCD is allmost the same quality but the differens is that you can play it without problems on most computers, output it to TV or play it in a DVD player that supports SVCD. But with DivX you have to play it on a computer.
The reason why people is sticking to DivX is that you can fit a movie onto a CD where as SVCD takes up 2 cd's but who cares since it's so cheap to buy cd-r's anyway.
you can make vcd"s with svcd quality(or pretty close)if you make a svcd with a bitrate of 2250kbs and a vcd with 2250kbs the quality is allmost the same,accept the audio may be a little less in quality,this is what I have noticed on my system...