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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report TE25 Incorrect text display for LARGE font ted 4 2002-07-01 17:17:17
Request TE25 convert seq AVI's to mpeg matthew 1 2002-06-28 10:40:52
Question TE25 Mr. Freeman 2 2002-06-28 10:41:22
Question TE25 2 questions thomas 3 2002-06-28 04:54:56
Question TE25 Advice? Dpw 1 2002-06-28 02:43:21
Question TE25 Using source range to split a DVD, TMPGENC closes rsg 2 2002-06-29 02:19:34
Question TE25 User Manual? Dpw 1 2002-06-28 02:23:00
Question TE25 unable to convert AVI 2 MPG(vcd format) foxx 2 2002-06-29 21:46:37
Question TE25 CBR versus CQ Stratyon 1 2002-06-27 22:11:23
Question TE25 Batch encoding mannaggia 2 2002-06-27 23:19:39
Question TE25 TMPGEnc TOO slow Imagine 2 2002-06-27 22:01:23
Question TE25 Problems with TMPG 2.56 and Windows 2000 Bremer,Sven 1 2002-06-27 21:56:21

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Bug report - TE25 - Incorrect text display for LARGE font No.24087
ted  2002-06-28 08:57:26 ( ID:8crcrg8aeja )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use Windows default options for a 1024x768 monitor with LARGE fonts.
However, text in several TMPGEnc 2.56 screens is not displayed correctly because too long lines are cut off. Any solution for this (apart from using SMALL font, of course)?
Many thanks,

ADEY  2002-06-28 10:13:41 ( ID:rqghnp3u6ul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What screens does this affect? Using large fonts only affects the actual OS windows windows, menu options, etc.The actual program fonts are preset so using large fonts does not affect application fonts. I have tried to recreate your problem using extra large fonts, and TMPGENC fonts remain exactly the same except for menu options.


ted  2002-06-30 14:48:19 ( ID:8crcrg8aeja )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Several screens do. E.g.:

Main screen: "Remaining time" is rendered as "Remaining tin"
"Source position" as "Source positi"

Environmental setting screen: General Tab: 1st & 3rd line are cut off
Canopus DV Codec: 1st & 3rd line
etc., etc.

I could send you screen shots in *.jpg format if you would be willing to give me your email address?

Thank you,

ADEY  2002-07-01 17:11:27 ( ID:rqghnp3u6ul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK. Now we're getting somewhere! First of all I apologise for not asking which operating system you use.If you are running XP the problem is easily solved,if not,it is a little more involved.In XP there are actually to ways to create large fonts:
1:Go to display properties / appearance /fontsize. (correct method)
2:Go to display properties /settings /advanced /DPI settings. (produces your error. creates 120 dots per inch which also changes size of most screen items.icons etc.)
In windows 98 if you select large font from the "settings" appelet it also increases the DPI to 120. To create large fonts without increasing the DPI of other items, use the "appearance" appelet and select appropriate font size for each individual item in the drop down list. eg."active windows","menus","title bar" etc. You may also need to change the icon spacing setting in this drop down list to accomodate for the larger font.
I'm not too sure about windows 2000, but i'll presume it's one of the methods above. If you need to e-mail me, just click on MAIL next to ADEY at the top of this posting. Good luck,

ADEY  2002-07-01 17:17:17 ( ID:rqghnp3u6ul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Also appologies to all of you who are saying that this is not really a question for this forum.Of course you are right,and in future I will re-direct to e-mail.

Request - TE25 - convert seq AVI's to mpeg No.24085
matthew  2002-06-28 07:00:22 ( ID:ki2p268qu7c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My capture card allows me to save DV footage over the windows 2GB limit with multiple sequenced AVI's. Will TMPG allow me to select these files as group and convert into a single VCD. If not whats the best way to achieve this?

ASHY  2002-06-28 10:40:52 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

According to the TMPG info it will only accept Canopus or Panasonic and I-O data DV GigaAVI codecs which have been used to create the AVI as sequential files.
If your DV file isn't one of these you would have to use Virtualdub to frameserve the files to TMPG using the 'append' function to join your files into into one.
The insructions on how to use the 'append' function with sequential AVI's is in the Virtualdub help files.


Question - TE25 - Mr. No.24082
Freeman  2002-06-28 02:58:06 ( ID:23osygntjqw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can't load "P3Package.dll"

Minion  2002-06-28 04:56:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the search at the top of this screen type in "p3p package"..

ASHY  2002-06-28 10:41:22 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - TE25 - 2 questions No.24078
thomas  2002-06-28 01:38:22 ( ID:066x17q6v8l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have 2 questions. Is there an easier way to join a sound and video file without having to encode the thing over again? And i have a video that is set for 640 x 272 resolution.... how do i keep it that way? the first time i tried it it came out stretched vertically because it tried to make it full screen. then i noticed that there is an expert button when setting up the video... i went to the advanced tab and changed the full screen to center (custom size) and typed in 640 x 272... this time the movie came out with the left and right sides completely cut off

Minion  2002-06-28 02:46:37 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You use the "fullscreen keep aspect ratio" setting and the movie will come out looking as close the the original as possible.......

thomas  2002-06-28 04:20:17 ( ID:066x17q6v8l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hm, where exactly is this setting? i see aspect ratio with alot of different ratios...

Minion  2002-06-28 04:54:56 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Under settings to "advanced" to "video arrange method" and select the "fullscreen(keep aspect ratio)".....

Question - TE25 - Advice? No.24076
Dpw  2002-06-28 00:43:19 ( ID:prmtit7h6tf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have about 25 minutes of video I want to burn to a Video CD. (I am using Roxio Video Pack to create the menu sytem, etc.) I have so much left over space on the CD. I was wondering if there was a way to increase the video quality while still keeping it compatable with all VCD players. The original files where output from Adobe pemiere to a microsoft AVI format using the indeo compression scheme. I have been using the generic Video-CD (NTSC)setting in the TMPGEnc wizard to convert the files to mpeg's. It works great. But can I use the extra disk space to make the mpeg's a higher quality (Forgive the redundancy.) Also which settings are best for output to TV. I have been using 4:3 525 line NTSC (aspect ration), interlaced (Video type) and top field first (Field order). Thanks again.

Minion  2002-06-28 02:43:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes and No, you definately make it much better quality and have it be complatible with probably 85% of the players(just a guess)that play vcd"s I actually never used a player that couldn"t play high bitrate vcd movies I do mine Really high and they look great,You have 25 minutes of video and a 80minute 700mb cd-r (can hold 800mb of vcd)you can put the bitrate up to 4250kbs and just fit it on a cd-r maybe make it 4000kbs to be safe.To raise the bitrate that high you will need to load the "unlock.mfc" template in the Extra Folder, your authoring software might give you an error saying the bitrate is to high but just ignore it..

Question - TE25 - Using source range to split a DVD, TMPGENC closes No.24073
rsg  2002-06-28 00:42:50 ( ID:j7iuyy9rh26 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have ripped a DVD's VOB files, and it is too big to fit onto a single DVD-R. I don't want to compress it so I decided to use "Source Range" in TMPGENC Pro to first select the first half then the second half. When I select the first half and try to encode (it selected Inverse Telecine by itself), after the inverse telecine TMPGENC just closes by itself. If I deselect Inverse Telecine and hit "encode now" TMPGENC just closes. What is wrong here?? Thanks.

Minion  2002-06-28 02:31:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How are you feeding the "Vob" files to tmpgenc ? are you loading them directly in or are you frame serveing it to tmpgenc?If you are loading them in don"t ,frame serve them from dvd2avi and then you can edit the parts in dvd2avi then encode in parts, I have had problems with tmpgenc at times with the source range or the edit or any feature were the movie has to be displayed...good luck

rsg  2002-06-29 02:19:34 ( ID:j7iuyy9rh26 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

By frameserving you mean creating the d2v files in DVD2AVI right? That is what I do.

Question - TE25 - User Manual? No.24071
Dpw  2002-06-28 00:25:10 ( ID:prmtit7h6tf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So far I am loving this program. I am new to video encoding. This program makes it easy. It also seems to output the clearest Mpeg video of all the encoders I have tried. I was just wondering if there was some sort of manual. There are so many options and I have no idea what most of them mean or do. I would love to be able to understand what they all mean. Thanks.


Minion  2002-06-28 02:23:00 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you click on the banner on the bottom or this page you can download (and or purchase)the "Plus Version" it has a fairly comprehensive explanation of all the features of Tmpgegc in the Help file,and the plus version is better than the demo version but the mpeg2 is only good for 14 days unless you buy it then it"s yours plus you get to have free upgade to the new versions.....

Question - TE25 - unable to convert AVI 2 MPG(vcd format) No.24068
foxx  2002-06-27 22:48:23 ( ID:ujv2ebjxawc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

does anybody know how i can convert an AVI format Video file to MPRG format video file with TMPG as it rejects the file selected.

Minion  2002-06-28 02:15:01 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You are probably getting a "cannot open or unsupported format" Error when you try to load your file, to Fix it , go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" then raise the "direct show file reader" to "2" by right clicking it and selecting raise priority,this should get you file loaded..

foxx  2002-06-29 21:46:37 ( ID:ujv2ebjxawc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks 4 your help minion it saved me alot of hassle
thanks again

Question - TE25 - CBR versus CQ No.24066
Stratyon  Home )  2002-06-27 21:41:12 ( ID:8atfyruo8eo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Which is better?
And how can I figure out what CQ bitrate/quality to use to fit a movie onto a cd?

Minion  2002-06-27 22:11:23 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

With CQ you can fit a whole bunch more on a cd-r while keeping good quality, but it is allmost imposible to figure out what the file size will be cuz it changes depending on the avi file you are encodeing ,but I have been able to fit 100min of OK quality vcd on a single cd-r, useing the standard vcd resolution with CQ with 5000kbs max and 950min with 85 quality, but you have to have the "system" setting on "mpeg1/vcd non-standard" and do not enable padding.....

Question - TE25 - Batch encoding No.24063
mannaggia  2002-06-27 21:39:41 ( ID:ep9rhaop4bo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have seen that you can make TMPGEnc run a batch conversion. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? Please bear in mind that I don't seem to have the help file loaded on my version so this is why I am asking this forum. Thanks in advance for your help!


Minion  2002-06-27 22:04:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You load each file in individually, do your settings then go to "file" to "save project" then repeat for each file then when your done the go to "file" to "batch encode" and then load the "tpr project files" into the batch encode window then click "run" then it will encode all your files..

mannaggia  2002-06-27 23:19:39 ( ID:ad8/qkszgcg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Minion, I'll give it ago with the last part or "Ali G - In Da house", beautiful DVD ripp I just downloaded....

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc TOO slow No.24060
Imagine  2002-06-27 21:14:26 ( ID:juaiox3aa9r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used TMPGEnc to convert .mpeg files I downloaded off the internet because they refused to burn, and I thought that if I converted them again, they would burn. Well, it turns out to take about 45 minutes to convert a 4 minute video while converting a 4 minute .asf file only takes about 11 minutes or so. Why is .mpeg taking so long?

mannaggia  2002-06-27 21:48:52 ( ID:ep9rhaop4bo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This application puts quality first, regardless of time. I know from experience that it can take many hours to encode movies, so 4 mins in 45 mins does not sound excessive for an mpeg file. Obviously, if you compare the speed of something like VirtualDub to TMPGEnc, the latter appears to be a lot slower, but you need to think in terms of what they are doing: VirtualDub is only converting to a different codec.


Minion  2002-06-27 22:01:23 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your MPEG files will burn to disk but the problem probably is that they are just mpeg files not vcd or svcd file what you have to do is attach the proper headers to the mpeg files, load an mpeg file into the "merge and cut" and choose your output directory and if it is a mpeg1 file then choose "mpeg1/vcd non-standard" from the drop down menu, and if it is a mpeg2 file then choose "mpeg2/svcd VBR", then click "run" this will make a copy of your mpeg file with the headers attached to the file so you can burn it to disk...

Question - TE25 - Problems with TMPG 2.56 and Windows 2000 No.24058
Bremer,Sven  2002-06-27 20:46:25 ( ID:q7eesjkxjvg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The new TMPG dosent work with Windows 2000 SP2 correctly, the problem is when you encode an AVI File to VCD, the Audio source Stream where not put to the Audio source !
If you select the Auio Source in Single there comes an Error Message "The Audio Source is unknown or not suportet"

Can you help me or is there an problem in the Software

Minion  2002-06-27 21:56:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The problem probably isn"t with tmpgenc the problem is probably that the audio format in your avi file is not supported in tmpgenc ,you have to extract the audio to a wav file with "virtual dub" and use that as your audio source file, but if the audio in your avi file is "AC3" then you will need a AC3 decoder...

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