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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Sound Sync. Frank 1 2003-05-13 05:50:21
Request TDA1 support for non-standard resolutions noname 3 2003-09-23 22:14:08
Question TE25 Avisynth al 1 2003-05-12 21:10:24
Question TE25 Which VFAPI for Microsoft Movie Maker 2 AVI Proch 6 2003-05-14 01:25:35
Question TE25 File Output Wreeves 1 2003-05-12 21:08:44
Question TE25 mov files support Lord 1 2003-05-12 21:03:47
Bug report TDA1 Audio/video not synchronised gjklasens 3 2003-05-19 20:01:05
Question TE25 Is it just me of does dvd2avi 1.77.3 no longer work with Tmpgenc Madtechnician 4 2003-05-14 12:26:21
Question TE25 stuttery or jerky video,sound ok harry 1 2003-05-11 21:31:18
Question TE25 subtitles frank 3 2003-05-12 01:45:48
Question TE25 Version 5.11 hangs Licensed user 5 2003-05-15 20:04:12
Question TE25 AVI 23 frames to SVCD PAL 25 frames? FourthPlanet 3 2003-05-11 21:22:34

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Question - TE25 - Sound Sync. No.36857
Frank  2003-05-12 21:39:05 ( ID:3xk75co6d0g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Am capturing tv input using ATI and saving it as a MPEG1 file (This gives me less frame drop). All (sound and video) works well and is synchronized on the original file. I then split the file into smaller (1 hour )segments using the TMPGEnc Project Wizard / Video NTSC. Sound becomes un-synchronized. I have added 500 mscs on the Audio Gap Correction. This seems to do nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

Minion  2003-05-13 05:50:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How are you spliting the File with the Wizard?? as the editor is Not in the Wizard it is in the "Mpeg Tools", and if you are useing the Wizard then that meant that you are Probably re-encodeing the File??Why if it is allready a Mpeg1 file??

Request - TDA1 - support for non-standard resolutions No.48541
noname  2003-05-12 20:46:41 ( ID:w7abekche82 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is it possible to allow other resolutions like 480x576, its very annoying to patch my dvb files before importing and patch them back again.
especially because this program is so useful for dvb captures because you can cut out the commercials with it.

MeAN  2003-05-13 10:14:48 ( ID:1lrdie/hhl. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I do agree with the request: giving the possibility to turn off the format check for power users would be a great enhancement.

Borgster  2003-05-13 11:24:58 ( ID:5uhceskba7w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree,

This would be an excellent feature!!!


Peter Palm  2003-09-23 22:14:08 ( ID:iqvawmpsdt. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree fully. I use Ulead Movie Factory 2 because I can "fool" it by patching the first MPEG header resolution entry. Doing so with Tmpgenc Author will result in a GOP error, using 480x576 (unpatched) will generate an error also at last step.
So it will be a very good idea to give the user an option like "Ignore resolution entries" or similar.

Question - TE25 - Avisynth No.36855
al  2003-05-12 19:56:46 ( ID:w29btrivx/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I recently upgraded to Premiere 6.5 has anyone tried using Avisynth frameserver to TMPGEnc. I was using this with Premiere 6.0 and it was working really well. Do i use the same Avisynth file to use for Premiere 6.5.

Minion  2003-05-12 21:10:24 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t see why Not...There is a Newer avisynth 2.5 that is Faster and Supports More colorspaces, that might be an improvement...

Question - TE25 - Which VFAPI for Microsoft Movie Maker 2 AVI No.36848
Proch  2003-05-12 19:23:07 ( ID:2hxxemsxtp. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What should my VFAPI settings be for encoding an AVI file made with the Microsoft Movie Maker 2 application on Windows XP? I'm having problems with my VBR audio track coming out choppy and I'm trying to narrow down the problem...

Minion  2003-05-12 21:05:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc does not Support VBR Audio as the Source audio so that is why you are Haveing Problems, You will need to use something else to Proscess the audio...

Proch  2003-05-12 21:18:34 ( ID:2hxxemsxtp. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, the source is a DV AVI file that comes from Microsoft Movie Maker 2. I'm am trying to encode to VBR (Destination)


Minion  2003-05-13 05:46:45 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is strange I have been useing Tmpgenc since it came out and on this BBS Forever and Have Never seen a Setting in or even heard of a Setting in Tmpgenc that Makes VBR audio..Can you please Tell me were the VBR audio setting is??? ThanX

Proch  2003-05-13 14:51:42 ( ID:2hxxemsxtp. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm just trying to make VBR video and the PCM .wav file that results is choppy and I can't figure out why. Last night I encoded the same .avi file in CBR mode, and the .wav file was still messed up in the same way, so it has nothing to do with VBR.

What VFAPI plug-in should be used for Microsoft Movie Maker? What are the optimal settings for the VFAPI plugins?

Minion  2003-05-13 21:54:32 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OHhhh the VBR you are Talking about Has absolutly Nothing to Do with the Audio, I guess when you said "Haveing Problems with my VBR audio Track" was some Sort of Typo?? Because the Video is VBR will have absolutly No effect on the Audio, and either will the VFAPI Plugin settings Accept for the "Wav File reader" and that only affects Wav audio as the Source audio..If you are Getting Choppy audio when Playing on your Computer then That could be from Poor Sample Rate Conversion, that is if you are Doing any Sample Rate conversion, if so then go to "Options" to "Enviromental settings" to "Audio engine" and Check the "High Quality" setting under "Sample frequency Converter"..The Built in Audio encoder in Tmpgenc is Not that good so you would Get better results if you Used one of Tmpgenc"s External Audio encoders like "Toolame" or SCMPX" or use a Total seperate audio encoder, the External audio encoder can be downloaded off of the Net for free and you can find them by doing a Search on Google for them and you install then in the "Audio Engine" tab in the "Enviromental settings"..The VFAPI Plugins that effect the decodeing of DV AVI files are the "AVI VFW Compatibility Reader" and the "AVI(OpenDML)File reader" depending on if the DV File is Type 1 or Type 2, if the Audio in the DV AVI File is DV audio then one of these Vfapi Plugins Might have an effect on the audio but if you are Getting Audio But it is Just Bad Quality then it Probably is Not a VFAPI Problem..Have you tried Loading in your DV File then going to "File" to "Output to " then "Wav" and extracting the audio before you encode the Video and see if the Audio Quality is any Different(Beter/Worse)??

Proch  2003-05-14 01:25:35 ( ID:dgetctoyl1o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi- Thanks for understanding and sorry for being unclear. I tried the File menu option to convert the .avi to a .wav and it worked well. This is a good workaround because now I can just replace the .wav that came when I did the video conversion. I was unaware of the menu option to be able to rip the audio without doing the video. For experiment sake, I'll try to turn up the audio quality and see if it works during a video conversion...


Question - TE25 - File Output No.36846
Wreeves  2003-05-12 16:44:05 ( ID:hvkxt.ccxhj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Guys, I cannot get the video to stream to a single finished mpeg file
when using the tmpg wizard to convert mpg or avi files to DVD quality.
The box that you uncheck on the last stage of the wizard is grayed out
and I cannot unselect it.

What gives?

Minion  2003-05-12 21:08:44 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What exectly do you mean?? Are you saying that you are Getting a M2v and a Wav audio file instead of a Mpeg file after encodeing??? If this is the Case then that is Normal, You are supposed to use your DVD authoring Program to Join the Audio and Video together and Format the Files so they can be burned to a DVD, You will only get a Single Mpeg file if you choose Mpeg1 Layer 2 audio as the Output audio format...

Question - TE25 - mov files support No.36844
Lord  2003-05-12 15:07:27 ( ID:qe6rr.5a8ka )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, guys when will be MOV Support ? MOV2MPEG MOV2AVI and AVI2MOV MPEG2MOV ?
program have very fast convert speed ! :)
but MOV Support missing :(

Minion  2003-05-12 21:03:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Mov files have allways been supported in Tmpgenc, You need the QT Mov vfapi Plugin for Tmpgenc to accept the Mov files, you can download the Plugin in the "Tools" section at ""...

Bug report - TDA1 - Audio/video not synchronised No.48537
gjklasens  2003-05-12 12:31:30 ( ID:0ue6vwhmujh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use the latest version of TmpgEnc DVD Author.
I am Importing 2 video streams (vcd format)and
than create a dvd folder.
When bruning it to DVD, the audio and video are out of sync.
I tried this with other DVD authoring software and no problems occured

noname  2003-05-12 20:41:29 ( ID:w7abekche82 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i can confirm this, the resampling from 44.1 to 48 khz causes desyncronisation.
if i convert the sound before with tmpegenc and then import it the sync is ok.

Robbie  2003-05-14 22:15:47 ( ID:d.bz3uyhxgn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So, which is the correct frequency to use ? 44.1 or 48 ?

noname  2003-05-19 20:01:05 ( ID:t.pdb7megpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you have to resample the audio to 48kHz before importing in dvd author.

Question - TE25 - Is it just me of does dvd2avi 1.77.3 no longer work with Tmpgenc No.36839
Madtechnician  2003-05-12 12:06:00 ( ID:djn.03fs6rk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just upgraded to 2.511 only to find that it is unable to open D2V files when using the VFP file that comes with dvd2avi 1.77.3 if i use the one that shipped with 1.76 all is fine. Anyone else experience this???

chris  2003-05-12 21:00:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You shouldn"t have a Problem as I have used the 1.77 version before without a Problem, Make sure that the DVD2AVI.vfp Plugin shows up in the Vfapi Plugins..But if you can"t get it to work then just use the 1.76 version, There is No advantage useing 1.77 over 1.76, because it is newer don"t mean it is better....

Ashy  2003-05-14 00:45:44 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Copy DVD2AVI.vfp into your TMPG folder.

Ashy  2003-05-14 00:47:50 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Also remember 1.77.3 is NOT compatible with Smartripper d2v files. 1.77.3 only works with it's own d2v files.

Madtechnician  2003-05-14 12:26:21 ( ID:djn.03fs6rk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't use smart ripper and am currently not converting Box but SVCD mpgs created using VCDGear 2.511 will also no longer open these mpegs. even though 2.59 does and they are both running on the same pc with the same settings and codecs availible to them.

Question - TE25 - stuttery or jerky video,sound ok No.36837
harry  2003-05-11 21:01:20 ( ID:ffpz1/7/9eh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i have encoded from avi to dvd the picture quality is very good but will stutter in parts. The sound carrys on as normal.Is there a setting to change to help this problem.Have raised direct show to 1.

Minion  2003-05-11 21:31:18 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Jurkey Video is usually from one of 3 things, (1) You have either encoded the AVI File to the Wrong Frame rate, You have to encode the File to the same Frame rate as the AVI file, so if the AVI File has a Frame rate of 25fps then the mpeg file has to have 25fps..or (2) You have the set Wrong field order, this will Give a studering effect when the Camera Pans or there is a Lot of movement on the screen..(3) You are experienceing Bitrate spikes, But this usually would not be a Problem with DVD Files...

Question - TE25 - subtitles No.36833
frank  2003-05-11 20:55:55 ( ID:sro//8ua1vw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a way to remove subtitles from a video?

Minion  2003-05-11 21:26:26 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the Subtitles are Part of the Video then the Only way to remove them is to Cut them out, you can use the "Clip Frame" settings for this....

frank  2003-05-11 22:09:30 ( ID:sro//8ua1vw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

how do i do this? Will this leave blank spots in the movie?

Minion  2003-05-12 01:45:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

NO..I guess you Didn"t understand what I meant By Cut them out, You cut Off the Bottom of the Screen were the Subtitles are Displayed, You do this By useing the "Clip Frame" setting in the "Advanced" settings..You click the "Settings" Button, then you go to "Advanced" then you Double Click "Clip Frame" and there are a Bunch of settings there that you can use to Clip off the Bottom of the screen, it is Very easy to figure out even a Monkey can do it ...

Question - TE25 - Version 5.11 hangs No.36827
Licensed user  2003-05-11 06:02:51 ( ID:bbm1hzpx4/m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Version 5.11 hangs during encoding, say after 300MB of successful encoding. It never happened with older versions. Anyone making the sam expereince?

Minion  2003-05-11 21:24:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does this Happen with every File you encode or Just a Certain File?? As the Problem is probably with the File as opposed to the new version of Tmpgenc...

Proch  2003-05-12 18:26:16 ( ID:2hxxemsxtp. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you by any chance have multiple CPUs or a Hyperthreading CPUs? I've been having hang problems too since I upgraded to 5.11. As a workaround, I've been turning off multithreading.

Vlad  2003-05-13 12:29:22 ( ID:g6aly3ubcq2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The same. It either freezes somewhere in the middle of the encoding (at different places) or pops up a message box "Read error at address xxxx". I have single AthlonXP CPU, nevertheless playing with the settings did not help. I use the program to convert PAL DV to PAL VCD.

Licensed user  2003-05-15 20:01:03 ( ID:jkokb6mvjak )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Does this Happen with every File you encode or Just a Certain File?? As the Problem is probably with the File as opposed to the new version of Tmpgenc...

It may hang with different files. Strange enough: If I restart the encoding a couple of times, the encoding may finally succeed.
(I do frame serving with Avisynth 2.08 and dvd2avi *.d2s project file)

Licensed user  2003-05-15 20:04:12 ( ID:jkokb6mvjak )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Do you by any chance have multiple CPUs or a Hyperthreading CPUs? I've been having hang problems too since I upgraded to 5.11. As a workaround, I've been turning off multithreading.

Windows XP home. Single CPU. Hyperthreading: not as I know.

Question - TE25 - AVI 23 frames to SVCD PAL 25 frames? No.36823
FourthPlanet  2003-05-10 19:25:04 ( ID:f2nze8xasvk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a DIVX AVI with 23 frames/sec.

I tryed to convert it to normal SVCD PAL (25 frames/sec) with TMPGenc Wizzard (CQ 75).
After TMPGenc was finished, i took a look on the result and every second 2 frames were repeaten. So the Movie can be only watched when i'm drunk enough for a enless repeat of 2 frames every second...

Is there an option to fix that and to keep audio/video sync?

thx and so long folks...

Minion  2003-05-10 21:27:14 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your File is Probably 23.97Fps not 23fps..There are a Few ways to go about this, you can use AVISynth to frameserve the file to Tmpgenc and get AVISynth to Change the Framerate, you Can encode your File to 25fps in Tmpgenc and just check the "Do Not Frame Rate Convert" setting in the Advanced Tab, But this will Make your Audio out of sync Because the Video will Be about 4% Shorter, so you would have to use a audio editor Like Cool edit or Sound Forge to shrink the File by about 4% or to the exact same length as the Video then when the audio has been adjusted you encode it to mpeg audio and then mux it with the Video..And the last option is to use a Program that can Do a Proper NTSC/Pal conversion like Procoder, or many Video editing apps can do it well also like Vegas Video 4 and Premier, either way you decode to do it you will need a Pretty Good understanding of How video works and how to use the Various Software....good Luck

FourthPlanet  2003-05-11 13:20:45 ( ID:f2nze8xasvk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

THX for the horror-scenario ;) .

1) Yes, you'r right, the fps is 23.9... not 23... means ntsc-film.
2) Ever heard of DVD2SVCD Bundle? Just check as input AVI, check the NTSC2PAL box, click on Go and after some hours i got a fine PAL SVCD with 25 frames and synth audio without double frames every second.

so long...

Minion  2003-05-11 21:22:34 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes DVD2SVCD uses AVISynth, Which is one of The Methods I outlined above...

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