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On one of my machines, When I encode I get no video in the preview pain, just a black screen. Consiquently the encoded video is also nothing but black. I can watch movies ok on this PC, but for some reason I get no actual picture when I encode them.
The process completes normally and takes the normal amount of time. You can see it counting through the frames etc.. just no picture. I get sound, but thats it.
i have a question, i'm trying to convert an avi file to mpeg so i can burn it. the first part of the movie went through perfectly without any problems...i started it when i went to bed, and when i woke up, it was finished and perfect. but i'm trying to do this with the second part of the movie now (it was over 80 two cd' two conversions). but now, when i start the encoding, i get a msg that says "run time error, program [tmpgenc.exe] abrnormal program termination". then it closes down, and says "tmegenc caused error in xvid.dll". i mean, it's the same movie, just the second part of it...can someone tell me what's up with it? how do i fix this? the one time i got it to go through, i later on got an error about a floating decimal point. please help.
This problem comes up yet AGAIN! Why is this happening? Last time, I fixed it but finding the error point (I forgot how) and then I used Source Range to record the first half right up to the second before the error point. It worked. Then I went to encode the point after the error point until the end of the video and it worked. Then I merged them together. The result was weird for one second but it was hardly noticeable.
Now for this disk, it's the same thing. I have wasted 4 hours and right at 99%, it closes down on me! My encoded file is corrupt and won't play. Yet it displays normally under VDub. What is the problem here?
Well, I just found out that when I opened the source video file in VDub, it had a VBR MP3 track. Does that change anything? The file with the same problem a while back had no VBR MP3. Oh well, I'll be sure to open VDub everytime now! :) Now let's see if it works if I extract the WAV...
An IRQ is an Interrupt Request line which is used by your hardware devices to send signals to the processor.
It seems like you have some sort of incompatibilty problem affecting IRQ1.
Usually reserved for the System Keyboard Controller.
Go to system information and check for conflicts.
I used to get this error when writeing a lot of data to my hard drive like when ripping a DVD, the Problem turned out to be a defective DMA Controller and had to get my whole motherboard replaced..Not to say that this is your Problem ,Just beware that it can be a symptom of a bigger problem and Not a problem with Tmpgenc...I would do as Ashy said and look for IRQ Conflicts and make sure that too many devices are not shareing the same IRQ...
i cannot open any file with tmpgenc because of the error message
"can not open, or unsupported".
this happens to captured mjpeg and mpg2 videos converted from pva with pvastrumento.
all these files can be played with the windows media player on the same machine without problems, so i've installed all necessary codecs to decode the stuff.
For the "Mjpeg" files and other Direct show format avi files you can usually get the files loaded by going to "Options" to "enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the Priority of the "Direct Show MultiMedia File Reader" to "2"..For mpeg2 files you need to have certain Mpeg2 codecs installed for Tmpgenc to decode them, you need either the "Ligos Mpeg2 decoder" or the "Cyberlink Mpeg2 decoder", installing "Power DVD" installs the Cyberlink Decoder and the Ligos decoder is distributed in various codec and filter Packs..I still Find it Much better to use DVD2AVI to decode and frameserve the mpeg2 files to Tmpgenc, it also demuxes the mpeg audio so you can just mux it with the encode mpeg file instead of encodeing it..This method seems Faster than letting tmpgenc do the decodeing......
when I try to open the mpeg file, in tmpegenc, a box comes up that says " cannot open file,unsupported file type"
It is an mpeg1 file, and it will open the other mpeg1 files, just not this certain one.
Are you sure it is a Mpeg1 file and Not an Mpeg2 file?? You can try raiseing the Priority of the "Microsoft Mpeg 1 Decoder" in the "Vfapi Plugins", if this don"t work and you are sure it is Mpeg1 then there could be a Problem with the file especially if you downloaded it off the net..You can also try Frame serveing it with Virtual Dub to Tmpgenc....
I have seen this problem too. I go to Merge&Cut and it opens it. I create another MPEG by selecting all, it then opens it in main windows. But, after some time this stopped working too. Now I can't open some mpeg files with the same error messgae. Anymore, ideas?
I am having huge problems running tmpeg. My sysytem dumps memory and computer restarts. I have a Micron, running 2000 server, 800 pentium 111 500mg Ram. Why does this happen? I am running the program in my G Drive the same drive that has the avi file, outputting to drive D. Someone please help me I am going crazy!!!!
I"m not sure that Tmpgenc supports running on the Server Platform, there was Talk a while back about them releaseing a "Server" Version of Tmpgenc, but since I haven"t heard much about it, I would sugest maybe if you can installing another OS on a different Partition and running a Dual OS System..
You can export a frame or a sequence of frames as single Jpg/Bmp/Tga files, it is pretty Easy..You load in your File then go to the "source range" and mark in and mark out the Frame or frames that you want exported as Jpg files, then just go to "File" to "Out put to" then to "Jpg/tga/Bmp" and give the frame a name and choose "Jpg" from the Dropdown menu then it will export the Frame(s) as seperate .Jpg images, .....
Ive been trying to encode the banger sisters, which is from dvd rip, and is set as progressive. I have tride everything encoding with the divx 5.3 as my medium for the avi, video is crystal clear, but it is extremely jerky. What can be causing this? Ive been trying everything!
Well Make sure that the Source Is Progressive, You don"t want to encode Interlaced Material as Progressive,And make sure you are encodeing to the same Frame rate as your Source file...
If you did a little bit of searching you would have Found that Many AVI files downloaded off of the net have Audio formats that are not supported By Tmpgenc, Like "AC3" and "VBR MP3", with these Formats you need to extract the audio from your AVI file to a WAV file and then use the Wav file as the audio source, you can extract the audio from the AVI files useing AVI-Mux...
Hi, I am making some VCDs and when I watch it in my DVD player I realized both sides are not shown in the TV screen. In the movie there is a web address at the corner, when its being shown on TV, a part of the word is off the screen.
I use : Full Screen (Keep Aspect Ratio)
Why is the movie still cropped? Is there anyway to fix it?
Sorry, I realized I made a mistake in title (I was replying an Instant Message), its supposed to be "VCD questions". And I tried to edit the post but I couldn't. Sorry
Yea, I thought putting it in Full screen (Keep Aspect Ratio) would not have that happen. I was thinking it will fill the rest with black bars (Like on the edges).
Sometimes I lost both side of the movies, sometimes I lose all the sides (Like a border). It is not really a big deal but if there are text near the edge, it will be annoying.
It is your TV's overscan which is at fault.
Your monitor is capable a displaying an image from pixel to pixel left to right. Your TV is not as it requires a certain amount of overscan which means you usually lose some of the image depending how much oversan has been set.
Just use Tomo's solution and put a small black border around it if it bothers you that much.
Hi, I am kinda new, I rather have Black border than lose any information, can you show me how?
Say I after I got the help from you and set it right, can I just use that everytime instead of using full screen?
Hey, is there a way for TMPGEnc to batch encode? I don't mean encoding one and after it finishes, another automatically encodes. I mean that both files encode at the same time. Is that possible? My encodes takes so long (3 hours at max) for just a 25 minute video!
Even if Tmpgenc could encode 2 files at once it would still take the same amount of time...If you want faster encodeing get a Faster computer or get a Faster encoder..Upgradeing your Computer to a Fast computer is Pretty Cheap these Days, I just upgraded a Friends computer from a 633mhz no name Brand CPU to a Athlon XP 2000+ with an ESC MotherBoard for under $100 US...