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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 513 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 AVI Audio/Video KAJNC 0 2003-03-23 17:56:49
Question TE25 AVI Audio/Video KAJNC 1 2003-03-23 17:45:01
Question TE25 write error question no name 0 2003-03-23 00:50:49
Question TE25 Video cuts out midnight 1 2003-03-23 07:52:37
Question TE25 how to remove bad.... x22 5 2003-03-28 17:43:35
Question TE25 Viewing Problems when converted to VCD format Destiny 3 2003-03-27 22:59:49
Bug report TE25 Illegal Operation mcauburn 0 2003-03-22 19:53:54
Question TE25 Convert Error Dvix(Avi) -> Vcd(Mpeg-1) June 1 2003-03-22 21:37:07
Question TE25 S(VCD) header trick and sync problems Blinkonon 3 2003-03-23 18:00:21
Question TE25 Can NOT read back mpeg2 Philip 4 2003-03-27 17:51:01
Bug report TE25 Some times a Readerror Tomy 1 2003-03-22 16:00:55
Question TE25 Bitrate question... Asi Malki 1 2003-03-22 16:03:00

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Question - TE25 - AVI Audio/Video No.35719
KAJNC  2003-03-23 17:56:49 ( ID:/3jmzjik1og )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I took a AVI file with audio and video and put it in the wizard to create a mpeg file. TMPG askes to select both a video and a audio input, I select my input avi file and generate the mpeg. The output doesn't have any audio.

Any ideas?

Question - TE25 - AVI Audio/Video No.35717
KAJNC  2003-03-23 17:27:09 ( ID:/vrz0jvnjzm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I took a AVI file with audio and video and put it in the wizard to create a mpeg file. TMPG askes to select both a video and a audio input, I select my input avi file and generate the mpeg. The output doesn't have any audio.

Any ideas?

x22  2003-03-23 17:45:01 ( ID:.sesfvngmah )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try and extract the audio with VirtualDub before you use the TMPGEnc wizard, and then select the WAV file as your audio

only one i can think of :)

Question - TE25 - write error question No.35716
no name  2003-03-23 00:50:49 ( ID:tg0wp3tyfdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi im using the latest version of tmpg. Im decodeing a xvid avi to mpeg1 and when i hit start i get this error. write error occurred at address 004028a9 of module tmpgenc.exe with 008d270c

can anyone help.

Question - TE25 - Video cuts out No.35714
midnight  2003-03-23 00:50:38 ( ID:yjm1ovphqjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all. I have a problem converting a avi to mpeg1. The avi plays great but when I use TMPGEnc to convert to mpeg the video cuts out about 1/2 hour through. I have tried spliting the audio from the video using VirtualDub, and then bringing them together in TMPGEnc, but with the same result. The video I extract with VD plays ok. I'm not sure why TMPGEnc would cut out the video after 1/2 hour, and the audio plays on. Thank for any response....


minion  2003-03-23 07:52:37 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you tried Raiseing the Direct show????

Question - TE25 - how to remove bad.... No.35708
x22  2003-03-22 23:01:48 ( ID:.sesfvngmah )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi there

I just want to know if there is any way of cutting out the bad data/frames in an avi file

This is because of the reason that when I try to encode the avi file to mpeg1 for then putting on a vcd, it sometimes fails. I have found that the files that dont actually work seem to be the ones with errors in the file (i scanned it with some program that i found somewhere)

Anybody shed any light on this??

Cheers, ^X

minion  2003-03-23 07:51:42 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You use "Virtual Dub" to scan for bad Frames, then you mask the selected frames then you can either make a new File useing the "Direct Stream Copy" with the bad frames masked or you can use the Frameserver with the Bad frames masked, you should be able to find these settings in V-Dub...

Olli  2003-03-25 19:52:34 ( ID:5zujw0ub3q. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use this guide ...

x22  2003-03-27 11:57:23 ( ID:.sesfvngmah )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thx... but the link on the site doesn't work :(

could you possibly mail me avi efreezer program thingy pleaaaase.... or msn/DCC it on IRC or somethin

i could host it for more people to use then :)

but atm, i am stuck since the link doesn't work :(

Cheers, Chris.

Ashy  2003-03-28 17:41:33 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you never heard of a search engine? It's not to hard to find!


Ashy  2003-03-28 17:43:35 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh and by the way the link does work. Just copy the whole link and paste it into your browser. Direct clicking wont work because the last part of the link isn't recognized by this page.


Question - TE25 - Viewing Problems when converted to VCD format No.35704
Destiny  2003-03-22 22:30:31 ( ID:eeylgaggea2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I a currently have the following problem.

When I play a VCD Dics in my DVD player it comes out all Blocky (colour & sound seem to be ok). However when i play the dics in my PC is fine.

I currently use TMPG to convert Divx to MPEG then use Nero to conver to VCD format and burn onto Disc. Cany any 1 help me please.



minion  2003-03-23 07:49:29 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you saying that you are encodeing your files to mpeg then useing Nero to convert them again to VCD??? If this is so then No wonder you are haveing bad Quality movies, After you have used Tmpgenc to convert the files to Mpeg1 there is no More converting left to do, you simply have to burn the Mpeg1 file as a VCD, If nero is converting the Mpeg files again then you are not doing it right in Tmpgenc..Mpeg1 is the exact same format that VCD"s are so Nero should not be converting the files again, Plus nero is the Worst Mpeg converter there is..VCD is a Very Low Quality format anyways so even if you do everything correctly with Tmpgenc you can still end up with Low Quality movies ...

ILikeToast  2003-03-27 20:47:42 ( ID:kd2zomkafsw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nero is the worst software ever to plague the Earth. Not just with VCDs.

Ashy  2003-03-27 22:59:49 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What are you talking about. Nero is the best burning software there is. It's only simpletons who don't have a clue how to use it that complain about it.


Bug report - TE25 - Illegal Operation No.35703
mcauburn  2003-03-22 19:53:54 ( ID:romgemi1g4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When ever I try to convert I file to .mpg, there is always an illegal operation error when I click on the 'start' button to convert. I have downloaded the new version and this still happens. It doesnt matter what file type I try to convert.


Question - TE25 - Convert Error Dvix(Avi) -> Vcd(Mpeg-1) No.35701
June  2003-03-22 18:46:03 ( ID:q/czvvtpl6j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I changed Avi-> Mpeg-1 to see it in my DVD player which recognizes VCD format, but after encoding, I could not see anything but moving cube when I saw it by using viewing program in my compute, and my DVD player can not recgonize it.

Also, I can not see the preview during encoding, even I checked up the preview menu.

Would you please let me know what is wrong, and tell me the exact order to conver and manual?


minion  2003-03-22 21:37:07 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You might just need to Raise the Priority of the "Direct Show File Reader" to "1" or "2", and if you do not see the file while encodeing then there will not be a Picture in the file...

Question - TE25 - S(VCD) header trick and sync problems No.35697
Blinkonon  2003-03-22 17:02:15 ( ID:3oxeblvtt/o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm encoding and avi file to MPeg 2 and the audio can be either 44 khz or 48 khz. Then I multiplex using the Mpeg 1 (non-standard) heading. All works fine on the PC but on my stand alone DVD play the audio is way out of sync and gets progressively worse. Is there any way of correcting this problem or any suggestions I can try?

minion  2003-03-22 21:33:15 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Technicly speaking the Audio Can NOT be 44100hz or 48000HZ it Has to be 44100HZ for it to comply to VCD/SVCD standards...First make sure that the file is In sync before you Change the header..Then Try useing the "Merge & Cut" instead of the "Multiplex" to change the header, I have allways had better luch useing the "merge & Cut"....

Blinkonon  2003-03-23 16:30:14 ( ID:3oxeblvtt/o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Never thought of using Merge and Cut - I'll give it a try. Thanks

Ashy  2003-03-23 18:00:21 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I'm encoding and avi file to MPeg 2 and the audio can be either 44 khz or 48 khz

What do you mean by this? The audio HAS to be 44.1khz nothing else or there will most likely be problems.


Question - TE25 - Can NOT read back mpeg2 No.35692
Philip  2003-03-22 16:05:10 ( ID:qgapld9c3ma )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm new to TMPGEnc and just try this out: converting mpeg (VCD) to mpeg2 (SVCD) then try to read it back into TMPGEnc but the tool wouldn't recognize the new format file. Any idea ?

Ashy  2003-03-22 20:19:05 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG can encode to MPEG2, but due to licensing issues caanot decode it without a suitable MPEG2 decoder installed such as the m2v.vfp plugin


minion  2003-03-22 21:29:49 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

And there is absolutely No Advantage to encodeing Mpeg1/VCD Files to Mpeg2/SVCD files, it will Just degrade the Quality of the image and take up more disk space...

Tunak  2003-03-27 10:53:19 ( ID:lkqmxpkfjcr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Here is the latest m2v VFP Plugin :

Bye Tunak

Ashy  2003-03-27 17:51:01 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The latest is Ver. 0.6.28 and can always be found here


Bug report - TE25 - Some times a Readerror No.35690
Tomy  Home )  2003-03-22 14:18:48 ( ID:4.wrbmnpelm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some times at the end of encoding i receivt this error:
Readerror occurred at address 004395A8 of Module TMPGEnc.exe with 00000004
But the file is ok. ?!

Ashy  2003-03-22 16:00:55 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is *NOT* a bug. Please post your problem under the correct heading if you want help.


Question - TE25 - Bitrate question... No.35688
Asi Malki  2003-03-22 13:46:54 ( ID:y1wk/ciflia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does some one know how to go below 1600 Kb/sec of bitrate in the version 2.510.49.157 of TMPGEnc (The newest version)?
I got stucked there with the auto settings SHIT!!!
I tried to enable it and to disable it a lot of times but still, I cant change the bitrate, the file size or the percent of the CD...
Please help me.

Ashy  2003-03-22 16:03:00 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Load the unlock.mcf template then set your strean setting to 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard)'


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