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I got quiet good with this software and am using it to encode mpeg2 from avi's. Works well.. Except for a slight almost unnoticable pause every 1 to 2 seconds.
I checked all the settings to no avail.
By the way the file being produced is an m2v file for Maestro later so alot of the setting are not your standard settings...
This Could be from any Number of things, Make sure that the Frame Rate is the Same in the AVI file as in the Mpeg file cuz Tmpgenc can"t convert Frame rates Properly, and Make sure you have the Field Order set correctly cuz improper Field order setting can cause a Jumpy effect, If you see this While Playing on your DVD Player then Make sure that you don"t have Bitrate spikes in the Mpeg file or the Bitrate is to high in the Mpeg file and the DVD Player skips trying to spin the disk, and Make sure you do not burn your CD-R"s at too high of a Speed Cuz burning to Fast can cause many different problems like Skipping..Well These are the Conditions that Can cause a skipping in the Video, I hope this helps a Bit....good Luck
If this pause is at regular 1-2 second intervals then it is most likely because you have changed the frame rate of the original source file.
TMPG does not do correct frame rate conversion. Either encode to the same frame rate or use one of the other methods you can use for altering the framerate with either AVIfrate for changing the frame rate of the AVI and then use an audio editing program to alter the audio length to match the video or use AVIsynth.
I am having problems with templates converting to Field Order B. I set Field Order to B on the Advanced Tab in Settings, however, the finished MPEG always seems to end up as a Top Field A file that has motion problems as a DVD. Does anyone have a template, or an idea on how to make sure that AVI2DVD files come out as a Bottom Field B compliant file?
You cannot use a template to set the field order.
You must set the field order manually after loading the template and make sure you set the field order AFTER loading the AVI then the template otherwise TMPG will reset the field order.
How are you confirming that the field order is incorrect, with Bitrate viewer?
If you still experience problems, which I think is still down to your error, you can download a program called Pulldown.exe and it's GUI to convert the MPEG to the correct field order.
When I load the finished file into Movie Factory 2 I can check the field order under the information tab. The thing that is making me crazy is the first disk that I created out of a multi-disk set, came out with the correct field order, B, for some reason I have not been able to repeat this for the second disk. I have tried numerous different combinations to no avail. All resulting files come out as Field Order A. As you know the Top Field seems to have motion problems when converted to DVD. I assume that I am doing something wrong but after 6 or 8 try's it is begining to become a bit frustrating.
How do you know the Bottom field first is the correct Field order???You can still get Interlace artifacts when the field order is correct, I know I do,..Did you Try what I sudgested?? Loading the file into Tmpgenc useing the WiZard?? Cuz if useing the Wizard the Field order gets set to Top field first then that IS what the field order is..But as Ashy sugested useing Pulldown.exe you can change the field order of the file without re-encodeing the file
I am going on the fact that TMPG sets the field order correctly, however, the tutorials that I have read tell me that I want to encode the MPEG 2 in Bottom Field for DV use. Perhaps what I am misunderstanding here is if I really need to change Top Field to Bottom Field for DVD production. Most of the successful DVD's I have created were encoded in bottom field. The ones I created using the original Top Field always came out with motion artifacts. I was under the inpression that I could encode the MPEG 2 in any Field that I chose by selecting under the advanced tab. Is seems that I hace been able to do that with other AVI files but perhaps I am mistaken.
I have not quite figured out how to set up Pulldown yet, is it a similar setup to Lame Layer 3 encoder? Am I able to change Field Order in the original TMPG encoding process?
You cannot set the field order to whatever you want. You MUST set it to the same order as the original. If the original is top field first then the output must be set to top field first and viceaversa.
As for pulldown.exe, what do you mean set up?
Theres nothing to set up, just download pulldown.exe and the GUI and put them in the same folder then run the GUI.
Demultiplex your encoded MPEG then load it into pulldown.
There is no re-encoding involved.
I am taking mpeg files from SVCDs and copying them to my hard drive. I want to merge them together to put onto a DVD+R disc. I can't open any of the mpeg files as my source; I either have to de-mulitplex or merge & cut the files. I merge the files and the output file works and plays great except for the fact that it's brighter. The video is widescreen and you can definitely tell that the generated output file is brighter. The top and bottom edges are grey, while on the original files, they're black.
When I only cut one file, the output file generated has the same effect. I've looked on this bbs and newgroups, but no one seems to have this problem except me. Thanks.
I've never heard of this one.
It could be due to the fact you are joining 2 incompatible MPEGs together.
Are these MPEGs the same resolution and format?
You could try MPEG2VCR or Easy Video Joiner to join these files.
This is a Strange One, Have never heard of the Merge & Cut ever Affecting the Video Quality, Well it shouldn"t cuz it doesn"t actually do anything to the Video data it just either seperates and/or merges the audio and video data or cut"s or joins the Data But doesn"t actually Change it as to effect the way the image looks, It could be that it just looks that way on your Computer Screen, What might be happening is if you have 2 different Mpeg decoders on your Computer one decoder might be decodeing the Unedited files when being played and another Decoder might be decodeing the Edited files when being Played and the Decoder can have a Bearing on how a Mpeg file looks when being Played..I had a Simular Problem when files were Player useing Power DVD the Image looked allmost White they were so bright but when player on Media Player they Looked Normal, this was because the Cyberlink decoder displayed a much lighter image when playing files were the Ligos Decoder displayed a Darker image....Just a Thought..Anyways Do what Ashy sugested and use a Different Editor Like Mpeg2VCR.....good Luck
I am having problems with templates converting to Field Order B. I set Field Order to B on the Advanced Tab in Settings, however, the finished MPEG always seems to end up as a Top Field A file that has motion problems as a DVD. Does anyone have a template, or an idea on how to make sure that AVI2DVD files come out as a Bottom Field B compliant file?
The Field order of your File is determined By your Source file..If you load your Source file into Tmpgenc useing the Wizard tmpgenc will analize the File and set the Field order to what ever the source file is..Most retail DVD"s that I have Ripped and encoded were Top field first but a Few were Bottom field ,mostly Pure NTSC non Teliclined Sources..But anyways if you use the Wizard it will 99% of the time set it to the correct field order depending on your Source file and it does not read the field order by the Source files header which is usually right but can also be wrong sometimes, It actually scans the file for the correct Field order..But with me for some reason I get Interlace artifacts even if the field order is set correctly, I get a Terrorable Combing effect when anything moves when watching on my TV Set(It stutters and jumps when the wrong field order is set)So now I use The Telicide Filter in AVISynth that grabs any Stray Fields and Combing artifacts while not affecting the Quality and it works great, Which might help you if you get artifacts after getting the field order correct...Anyways Good Luck...
It takes forever on my computer to do a conversion (with filter). Just wondering if the conversion can be paused & saved - e.g. if you want to convert in a few different sessions.
You can pause the Encodeing But you can not save a Project and start it back up like a couple days later from were you left off..You can pause it just by clicking "Stop" and when it asks you if you want to abort you just don"t answer then you can go and run something else or surf the net, and when you want to start encodeing again just click "No" and the encodeing will start back up again but you can not shut down Tmpgenc and start it up again and start were you left off...
What exactly do you mean????You can use Files encoded By Tmpgenc in Video-Studio 7, you can use Files Made by Video Studio 7 in Tmpgenc, there is even a Plugin out that will let you export Projects directly from the Timeline in Video Studio 7 to Tmpgenc to encode without haveing to render your Project in Video Studio 7, But is Tmpgenc compatible with Video Studio 7?? I guess it depends on What Exactly you mean by that....
I have the ame problem as Erica, but just downloaded the free version.......can't use it at all. help is no help. How do I use this program? Email me or send offline message. Thanx
This isn"t a Bug, well not in Tmpgenc, maybe in your system...Give more info on the type of file you are trying to encode and were the file came from, and any errors you might get, and what you have tried to resolve the problem..The more info you can give up the more info we can give you...
It is obvious you have read the post by Erika, so why have you posted this problem as a bug! DO NOT post personal problems on this BBS as a bug.
Your problem is *NOT* a bug and reporting it as one will just get up the authors nose and the other users as it makes it harder to detect real bugs.
Also considering you have read Erika's post and the replies to it, why have you made almost exactly the same mistake by not giving us any details or info of your problem.
We are not mind readers and my crystal ball isn't working at the moment, so posting messages like 'TMPG doesn't work' just won't be answered unless you are more specific about the problem.
I am new to the TMPEG....Downloaded an avi movie From KaZaA....Plays beautifully but is too large for a CD-R. Want to compress enough for this CD-R.
Reported as a "bug" because didnt know how to ask for assistance otherwise.Am sorry. Tried the "help", but not available. Do I need a DVD recorder to use this SW?
You will allmost allways have to put a whole movie on 2 CD-R"s in VCD/SVCD Format, even if you could get it on One CD-R the Quality would be encode it to Mpeg and split it in two...
I "successfully" converted a DivX + srt subs into a single mpg-1 file, using TMPGEnc combined with DirectVobSub.
The result mpg is perfect, except for the fact that sometimes the subs are missing.
When previewing it in TMPGEnc however, everything looks OK.
Has anyone else experienced this too ?
Please let me know and if possible, how to solve !
I'm trying to convert a movie on avi to mpg so that i can chop it in half and burn it onto two cd's (files too big to fit on one) i used tmpgenc to do the conversion which seemed to work ok but on the mpg version there is no sound (there is sound on avi)i dont know what i'm doing wrong, please tell me what i need to do
You need to extract the audio from the AVI file and convert it to WAV format, then use the WAV file as the audio source in Tmpgenc...You can use "Virtual Dub" or "AVI-MuX" to extract the audio..I think AVI-Mux is better for this But both should work fine...
Don't forget you may have to use full processing mode in virtual dub to get the sound out as a wav to cope with the VBR audio... and if its AC3 audio your gonna need to use an AC3 version of virtual dub and convert it back to a wav with AC3 to WAV
I agree with minion....if that suggestion does'nt work goto and download the proper audion codec for the file. This sw will tell you what the codec(s) are for the audio/video streams and suggest where you can goto download and install.
which was simple enough. But now as the program does the conversion, the following error numbers keep coming up and halting the conversion:
if I simply click ok, conversion will proceed but it is random and intermitten when this problem occurs and I can't sit there clicking ok for 7 hours of conversion.
any ideas?
Ps. I'm using an intel p3 800 w/384meg ram under win98se.
That means that for some reason Tmpgenc can not start the engine that resamples the audio to the correct frequency..If you are useing an external Sample Rate converter then done use it and use the Internal one that tmpgenc has ,and if you are useing the One in Tmpgenc than try an external Sample Rate converter like SCMPX or SSRC...You load the External Sample rate converter by going to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Audio Engine" and under "Sample Frequency Converter" put a Check in the Box and Browse for the External Sample Rate converter..But if not useing a external one then Make sure there is No check in the Box next to "External Samplerate converter" but only next to the "High Quality" or "Low Quality" boxes...You can find an external Sample rate converter like SCMPX by searching on something like "Google"...and if all else fails and reinstalling Tmpgenc doesn"t help then use something else to convert the audio to Mpeg audio...