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Every time i try to encode an avi divx file to a dvd mpeg file it never lets me encode it into one file. It always splits it up into 2 files, an audio and a movie. Why does it do that? At the end of the wizard it has a check box that says "output video and audio as individual elementary streams" But it doesn't let me uncheck it. It stays checked. I think i need to uncheck that but it wont let me. Somebody please help...
i was using free version with no problems, then i installed the 14 day trial. Now when i start program the wizard open okay, but when i browse to the avi file that i want to split and/or convert the program shuts down, no warning or error codes, just closes completely.
can anyone help?
A common problem with this is that the audio being joined to the video file must be of certain specs:
44 KHz, stereo, 16bit
Many DivX movies, for example, are encoded at 48KHz, which invariably results in synching problems. Also, mono audio will have to be reencoded as stereo (or forced stereo.)
this is what I do to solve:
- rip out the track as a WAV with virtualdub or whatever program you want.
- use PCM/MPEG audio encoder s/a CDEX to reencode the file. CDEX is good because it never modifies header info on same-file-type conversions like WAV->WAV conversions.
- specify this new file as the audio track in TMPGEnc and encode away
I am really impressed with the results of TMPGEnc and especially with the asking price compared to others! Question I have though, is why is it three times slower than the Main Concept product and they seem to be rather close in MPEG quality? Is there any way of speeding things up without going crazy with multiple processors? BTW, I am running a P4 1.7Ghz with 512MB DDR RAM and writing to a 100GB 7200RPM Western Digital with 8MB cache.
Well for a third of the price Of The MainConcept You have to give up a Bit in Speed I guess...The new MainConcept Is one of the fatest encoders out there and the Quality is as good or better than Tmpgenc and it has some simular features, But it also costs 3 times as much.....
Thanks for the comments Minion. Just a real shame, as I have a ton of files to convert and could do with doing these all in a few days rather than over a week or so. I guess fingers crossed for some speed improvements on a future release which would make this product pretty damn close to the BEST on the market! :-)
What do you mean???...You don"t need any password to Use Tmpgenc,All you do is Download the Free Version and extract the files to a folder and run it, That is it...If you use the "Plus" version you can use it for 14 days then you have to Buy It, then you get a registration Number to register the Full Plus version....
I'm seeing some very strange problems on an IBM A20P (750MHz) laptop
running windows 2000 (with all available updates installed), when I
try to do source range editing.
The problem(s) have to do with the the video window, the audio display
window underneath, and the jog slider underneath that. It seems that
they don't coordinate properly, and you can get things so confused, that
the video window stops updating. The only way to move through the
file successfully is to hold the "Next frame" button down. Once you
use the previous frame button, or move the jog slider, you will confuse
things beyond hope and the video window freezes. If you cancel the window,
and bring it back, everything resets, but the problem never goes away.
In addition, as you hold the "Next frame" button down, the jog slider
indicator seems to go much too fast across the screen. If you let go of
the button, and start moving the jog slider, you jump to very far into
the source material, then the video seems to freeze.
i have recently been converting full movies with TMPGEnc which was taking 2-3 hours, i recently got a new hard drive and its now taking 7-12 hours, has anyone got any ideas why?
What is Possible is that the New hard drive is a Bad drive and isn"t writeing the Info to disk very fast..Try doing a Write test on the Hard drive to see what the sequential write speed is and if it as high as it is supposed to be for the type of drive you have....
What file system are you using on your hard drive? is it fat, fat32 or ntfs? i rec. fat32. Are you using alot of virtual memory? try changing your paging drive to another disk. or add more ram... or send back the disk. or wait maybe the drive is not in ULTRA dma mode. oh this stuff is so confusing...
Well the Frame rate wouldn"t cause this, But even if it did work haveing the frame rates being different will cause the Movie to play back really jumpy and will be allmost un watchable, So encode to the correct frame rate to avoid this..To stop the Movie from turning blank at the end then try raiseing the "Direct show File reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins"....
Not a solution, but in case you were thinking the message meant "illegal" as in "against the law", that's not what it's telling you. The format of the stream is just not something it recognizes.
Illegal says you have cut the movie on a point you should not do. For combining movie segments you must keep the structure of B,I and P frames through the whole movie. You have cut it on a correct frame, but the complete structure is not complete anymore. Thats the reason because it is very difficult to cut movies under MPEG2 compression.
i have tried to change the bitrate to reduce the size of the vcd file. I am doing the following:
1.Open the avi file
2.load vcd pal template
3.load unlock in extras
4.change bitrate to 1000 kbps
5.encode 2 minutes sample vcdm and the size remains the same as if i use 1150 kbps HELP!!!