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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 670 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 CKC STLR26 3 2002-10-25 18:23:17
Question TE25 program is hnging monaster 1 2002-10-24 21:08:16
Request TE25 Translations dodo 0 2002-10-24 11:42:21
Question TE25 ENCODING STEVE MERRELL 1 2002-10-24 21:22:32
Question TE25 Please help me with this troubles...!!!(widescreen) thuydinh 5 2002-10-25 21:29:15
Question TE25 avi to mpeg cabby 2 2002-10-24 08:17:09
Question TE25 How long do I need to wait? Krycek 0 2002-10-24 03:48:18
Question TE25 Can anyone guide me through the process of creating a VCD? BillyBob 1 2002-10-24 08:10:48
Question TE25 Multi-Pass (More than 2?) ads 1 2002-10-24 08:09:40
Question TE25 PAL.dll PBear 2 2002-10-31 23:04:10
Question TE25 ERROR while encoding .AVI into VCD DcP 0 2002-10-23 20:19:30
Question TE25 TmpgEnc version comparison test Andi2911 2 2002-10-24 13:47:04

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Question - TE25 - CKC No.29808
STLR26  2002-10-24 16:29:53 ( ID:jxqpi3dzfhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


lupy  2002-10-24 19:21:13 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sounds like u used hjsplit to split your mpg not tmpgenc

Minion  2002-10-24 21:55:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What is a "Master Splitter File"??and Explain your problem in more detail...

ASHY  2002-10-25 18:23:17 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think it's the first part of a set of split volumes which you need to join the volumes back together as one file. Such as like the split files Winrar creates.


Question - TE25 - program is hnging No.29806
monaster  2002-10-24 14:50:49 ( ID:j/ia5tdl3v6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After a good time of verry good running tmpgenc is not working anny more by various file's (mpeg) I want to looad. Also an other program (vcdeasy) does't work annymore. PLEASE HELP

ASHY  2002-10-24 21:08:16 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Whaat semms to bee tthe probblm. Wee nedd moore infoo.

Request - TE25 - Translations No.29805
dodo  2002-10-24 11:42:21 ( ID:lxmoupqcmir )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a suggestion to make to get much more people to use your software : making the software have translations !

Your program should provide the option to adapt its Interface to the native language of the user. You can use language files to change the language. You can ask the internet community to translate the program to their native language, they would simply take the English Language file (a simple text file), open it and translate every string in this file.

You just need to make the program use a separate (or not separated) text file to get all the text strings of the interface of the program, and then let the user choose the language in an option menu, or even better detect the language
settings of the computer automatically.

Many programs on the internet now make their program more use-friendly by translating it into the native languages of the users, here are some of them : Abiword (, Adaware (, Cdex (, Leechget (, LupasRename (, XnView (, ...

I hope you will apreciate this suggestion

Dominique V.

Question - TE25 - ENCODING No.29803
STEVE MERRELL  2002-10-24 11:19:10 ( ID:kjnwb8m1.gc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Could you please tell me if there is a method of encoding an mpeg2 file to incorporate Dolby 5.1 or DTS sound instead of stereo???

ASHY  2002-10-24 21:22:32 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not unless you are creating a DVD. SVCD and VCD does not support this type of audio.


Question - TE25 - Please help me with this troubles...!!!(widescreen) No.29797
thuydinh  2002-10-24 08:50:12 ( ID:enob4yszwt2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello friends,
Now I have the trouble as follow:
I have Mpeg2 encoded by LSX MPEG Adobe Premiere plugin, and want to burn widescreen dics. My video is 2hrs long. My Source is 16:9 resolution. I exported to 16:9 Mpeg2 file but when I test to playback in WinDVD, it's just full screen not widescreen as I want (must have the black bar on the top and the bottom)although I adjust some options to see widescreen on this player. I don't know why ?

Now I use DVDiT PE to burn but when I select make DVD dics, immediatelly the screen of movie stretch to full screen, not keep the same size as when I import it.
I have Ulead DVD Workshop is good but I don't see it make dics widescreen. If you have any advice, please teach me more about this ulead.
I don't understand much about widescreen anamorph and widescreen letterboxed, but I WANT THE WIDESCREEN WITH BLACK BAR ON THE TOP AND THE BOTTOM. If possible, please explain to me. Thanks for this.

If anyone can help give me a way to get out of my above troubles, I am much grateful.
Any advice or idea appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.


Minion  2002-10-24 21:52:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need a authoring Program that supports 16:9 Widescreen format ..the Ulead DVD Workshop 1.0" did not do Widescreen movies but the new 1.2 and 1.3 versions do recognize Widescreen format...So upgrade to the 1.2 version and you problem should be solved....

thuydinh  2002-10-25 06:32:44 ( ID:enob4yszwt2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your guide and I'll do it.


wcpaul  2002-10-25 18:41:53 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

WinDVD 3.0 (and probably earlier) does not recognize the 16:9 flag on mpeg file playback.

Version 4.0 works.

Also note that if you trim the beginning of a title in Ulead DVD Workshop, the 16:9 flag is lost.

A program called ReStream can be used to check and toggle the 16:9 flag on demuxed video stream files smaller than 2GB.

Minion  2002-10-25 21:06:01 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Can also Use "DVD Patcher" to Patch a New 16:9 Flag on the file and you can get it to put the flag at the begining of each GOP....

Trust Me Im A Doctor  2002-10-25 21:29:15 ( ID:hxjbfoabs7h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Hello friends,
>Now I have the trouble as follow:
>I have Mpeg2 encoded by LSX MPEG Adobe Premiere plugin, and want to burn widescreen dics. My video is 2hrs long. My Source is 16:9 resolution. I exported to 16:9 Mpeg2 file but when I test to playback in WinDVD, it's just full screen not widescreen as I want (must have the black bar on the top and the bottom)although I adjust some options to see widescreen on this player. I don't know why ?
>Now I use DVDiT PE to burn but when I select make DVD dics, immediatelly the screen of movie stretch to full screen, not keep the same size as when I import it.
>I have Ulead DVD Workshop is good but I don't see it make dics widescreen. If you have any advice, please teach me more about this ulead.
>I don't understand much about widescreen anamorph and widescreen letterboxed, but I WANT THE WIDESCREEN WITH BLACK BAR ON THE TOP AND THE BOTTOM. If possible, please explain to me. Thanks for this.
>If anyone can help give me a way to get out of my above troubles, I am much grateful.
>Any advice or idea appreciated.
>Thank you very much in advance.
>The reason u aint getting the black borders for is because it is in 16:9 format this only makes put in it in widesceen full screen mode but if u want it with black borders on top and bottom then u have to put it in 16:9 letterbox

Question - TE25 - avi to mpeg No.29794
cabby  2002-10-24 04:10:51 ( ID:e5exlq8s82j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i tried to convert an avi file to mpeg using the video cd ntsc format. When it completed encoding it had sound but no video. I had the setting set to system with video and audio. Not sure why my video is not converting. do i need to convert the pal to ntsc first? All the avi files i have downloaded seem to be pal when the wizard picks them up. How can i find out if they are pal without using the wizard? I have yet to create a vcd. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Freq  2002-10-24 08:08:18 ( ID:ujv2ebjxawc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Pal video has a fps (Frames Per Second) of 25 where if the video source is NTSC the fps will be 29,97 or 23,976.

As to your problem with sound and no picture, I have no idea as I am experiencing this problem to.

Minion  2002-10-24 08:17:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes..Pal are 25fps,NTSC Film is 23.9/24 and NTSC is 29.9/30..If the file is say 25fps Pal then you have to encode it as a Pal movie or use a seperate program to convert it to NTSC..Tmpgenc does not do proper Pal/NTSC Conversions so you will get Jumpy playback and the audio will go out of sync...You can use AVISynth to Do the conversion and frame serve the file to Tmpgenc, other programs that are good at Pal/Ntsc conversions are Canopus ProCoder and Advanced NTSC/Pal converter...

Question - TE25 - How long do I need to wait? No.29793
Krycek  2002-10-24 03:48:18 ( ID:goh397lctbc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I purchased TMPEG Plus last night thinking I would be able to use the full version right away, since my trial version is now expired. I have yet to recieve acknowledgement of payment or my serial number. I really respect what this program does, but am I the only one who finds this out of line? I have sent 2 emails questioning what is going on and have yet to recieve a reply. I would hate to action against this company, but if I don't recieve what I already payed for and was under the impressions I would recieve "shortly"...I will be forced to.

So I guess my question long did all of you have to wait to get your serial number?

This is getting ridiculous.

Question - TE25 - Can anyone guide me through the process of creating a VCD? No.29791
BillyBob  2002-10-24 03:45:08 ( ID:alsxdkqifng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am new with this program. I have many video files that I need to delete because they are taking up way too much space on my computer. So I am very confused with this process. Can anyone completely guide me throught the process of burning them on a CD? Thanks

Minion  2002-10-24 08:10:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Question - TE25 - Multi-Pass (More than 2?) No.29789
ads  2002-10-24 01:52:37 ( ID:szexppz3eor )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When will Multi-Pass more than 2 be added? its been so long. other programs do this already, and have better quality as result

Minion  2002-10-24 08:09:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Besides CCE what other encoders have More than 2 passes????

Question - TE25 - PAL.dll No.29786
PBear  2002-10-23 22:30:31 ( ID:iozgjkrw46m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been using TMPGEnc successfully for months with MPEG and AVI files. Today I tried loading a QuickTime movie (MOV) just to see what would happen. The movie loaded into the preview window, but an error message popped up from TMPGEnc saying something to the effect "Component missing -- PAL.DLL file not found".

Where does one find the file PAL.DLL?

Minion  2002-10-24 08:08:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you have the "Mov Quicktime plugin" for Tmpgenc???

PBear  2002-10-31 23:04:10 ( ID:uzyyst0/g3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, where do I get it?

Question - TE25 - ERROR while encoding .AVI into VCD No.29785
DcP  2002-10-23 20:19:30 ( ID:th5jgoq84y. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there, i just started working with tmpgenc. (I found it on
I tried a to encode a small avi file into vcd(PAL) But while encoding i continually keep getting errors.

-537403781 197008

I have no clue of what it means. When i watch the preview it is ok.

Does anybody know an explanation????

Post it or mail it to



Question - TE25 - TmpgEnc version comparison test No.29782
Andi2911  2002-10-23 17:12:32 ( ID:edy2s85aaw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why is the encoding quality in "highest quality" motion estimation search more worse than in "normal quality" Mode????

See the test report:


ASHY  2002-10-23 17:46:18 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not this again...
Don't believe a word of that crap. I have done the tests some time ago and cannot find any foundation for the claims.
Do some tests yourself and I'm sure you will agree with me.


B_Racer  2002-10-24 13:47:04 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hehe, this idiot does not have any idea, what Motion Prediction IS (or how it works)!
If you are encoding DVD-Source to (S)VCD, the best Settings are Motion Estimate or High, but never Highest.
The only Thing, Highest can be used for, is to encode Interlaced Video.
Why the Hell are some people to dump to do a simple Test with CQ and different Motion-Search settings and having a lokk on the resulting Bitrates? They will say erverything!

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