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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Newbie Question for the Experts Mechtrix 1 2002-10-04 22:04:43
Question TE25 audio but no picture shsims 2 2002-10-04 21:49:34
Question TE25 tmpg has encounterd problems and needs to close a]{uma 3 2002-10-27 15:31:32
Bug report TE25 Wrong Duration Display Jennifer Ma 2 2002-10-04 22:06:03
Question TE25 file size problem snowfrogg01 1 2002-10-04 10:13:32
Question TE25 MOV to (s)VCD lex 5 2002-10-05 21:29:58
Question TE25 Multiprocessor support Clueless 3 2002-10-04 22:34:03
Question TE25 pop up window everytime i open Tmpgenc Ironrose 4 2002-10-05 03:09:15
Question TE25 Save Settings to Project Wizard sneed 1 2002-10-04 03:23:44
Question TE25 Picture Fade In ? Terje Hoiland 1 2002-10-03 21:00:25
Question TE25 Quicktime no sound Josh 1 2002-10-19 23:01:37
Question TE25 SCRIPT ERROR????? joe 6 2002-10-04 21:37:52

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Question - TE25 - Newbie Question for the Experts No.28954
Mechtrix  2002-10-04 15:34:17 ( ID:nsaxjv/ogca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have only started messing around makeing DVD into VCD, I am currenly backing-up my dvd collection and I am on to my secound VCD. Which happens to be shrek.

I ceate an image of the dvd, then I create a project and Dolby surround wave (Shrek AC3 T01 3_2ch 448Kbps 44.1KHz.wav). I play the wave file using media player and notice like a stuttering for the first 20 secounds of the wave.

I convert the wave and project to an mpeg file, I play the mpeg and notice that where the stuttering is is in the opening credits of the movie. Which each stutter the currently disslayed credit changes to a different language. Once the credits finish the sound returns too normal but is out of sync with the picture.

I have since created a new wave file. This wave had one instace where the sound stuttered and and opening credit re-appered in another language.

Do these problems have anything to do with "Channel Format," "Dolby Digital," or "Mpeg Audio?" If so what are the best settign for these?

minion  2002-10-04 22:04:43 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have either Ripped the VoB files incorrectly or you have used DVD2AVI incorrectly...One Thing I did notice is that you are doing the sample rate conversion with DVD2AVI cuz in the WAV file name the audio frequency is supposed to be 48khz not 44.1khz..You should do the sample rate conversion with either Tmpgenc or a different audio encoder...Since I don"t know which version Of DVD2AVI you are useing I can"t really tell you what settings to use..But I"ll try..Under audio it should be set to "Decode" and "Dolby surround downmix" the chanell format set to "Auto select" and "48->44.1" should be "OFF" and usually Track #1 is english...This is all I can do without more info...

Question - TE25 - audio but no picture No.28951
shsims  2002-10-04 14:08:02 ( ID:fwf87wqv7il )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I,m trying to make vcds. when i converted an avi to mpg I got the audio but no video. what do i need to do to fix it

McAviti  2002-10-04 18:56:53 ( ID:bc1gsasouma )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey, i try the same (avi -> mpeg for svcd) and get video but no sound. maybe we should team up? (-;
During the encoding process i get a lot of little windows with error messages, just printing a number. I get the same when i try to access the audio track.

thanx for any hint,

ASHY  2002-10-04 21:49:34 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For info how to solve your problem type 'priority' into the search box and look for anything to do with the priority setting of the 'directshow multimedia file reader' under the VFAPI plugins.


Question - TE25 - tmpg has encounterd problems and needs to close No.28947
a]{uma  2002-10-04 09:42:57 ( ID:i5sescxfz3n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i try and open a asf i get this problem tmpg has encounterd problems and needs to close
and im using win xp? can anyone help me fix dis problem..

lupy  2002-10-04 11:19:14 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

try repairing the asf file using asf tools
also encode the asf audio to wave first (windows media audio) using dbpower amp Make sure u download the WMA codec as well.

a]{uma  2002-10-05 06:53:52 ( ID:i5sescxfz3n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ive tryed that
but it doesnt open when i try and convert it it say i got a illegal operation and it closes. .. with all asf files.. im using winxp operation system i never used to happen to me .. i know how to convert asf but not working anymore ..

thanks anyways...

Colin  2002-10-27 15:31:32 ( ID:ryugf.gdbx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

my problem seem as ...

script error: there is no function named "IPCSource( kt_sub.avs line1 )
kt_sub.avs >> IPCSource("kt_sub.mpg0")

My DVDx version 1.8
TMPGenc version 2.58
Download and install now AvisynthPackagev2_00

What's wrong ????

Bug report - TE25 - Wrong Duration Display No.28944
Jennifer Ma  2002-10-04 09:24:05 ( ID:gfjhjhsn1sn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I convert MPEG 2 files to MPEG 1, I get an incorrect display of the duration in the converted file. For example, if I convert a 15 sec MPEG 2 file into MPEG 1, it'll say the total duration of the MPEG 1 file is 30 seconds in Windows Media Player but in fact it only lasts 15 seconds.

ABS  2002-10-04 11:43:41 ( ID:tmdsptwfkem )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What parameters do you use in the encoding?

minion  2002-10-04 22:06:03 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the file plays fine then Don"t worry about it.

Question - TE25 - file size problem No.28942
snowfrogg01  2002-10-04 09:09:35 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i get a lot of finnished files with a negative file size e.g -2188236455, sometimes from single files sometimes from joined files, anyone know why this is, thanks for your time

a]{uma  2002-10-04 10:13:32 ( ID:i5sescxfz3n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

u got to extract the audio file from the video.. use virtual dub to do this
then the file size will be smaller..

Question - TE25 - MOV to (s)VCD No.28936
lex  2002-10-04 03:16:05 ( ID:xyjelgtogaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to make a (s)VCD for my friend who is internet-lacking and is in the hospital..he likes movies so I was planning on putting all the new trailers from on it. I used the thing at to let tmpg read mov files, and it does, but when it converts the trailer everything gets squished into fullscreen, even though the movie is in widescreen...HELP!!

minion  2002-10-04 03:33:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That has nothing to do with it being a MOV file it hs to do with the aspect ratio..and the Video arrange method..Try the 1:1 or 16:9 aspect ratio and try a few different Vidio arrange settings and the Clip frame settings...

lex  2002-10-04 05:20:58 ( ID:xyjelgtogaf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

each time I encode it again, it stretches out to fill the screen top to bottom...I tried it like that outta curiosity and when I treid to burn it with nero it said that mpeg2 wont work..

minion  2002-10-04 22:08:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can"t use "Mpeg2" files with Nero..You have to use "SVCD files"..I"m sure than Nero Didn"t say "mpeg2 wont work" I"m sure it use a more descripive term..

lex  2002-10-04 22:49:52 ( ID:hz675rcufwj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sorry, I have the issue resolved...anyway, mpeg2 IS svcd...vcd is mpeg1

minion  2002-10-05 21:29:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

NO ,Mpeg2 is NOT SVCD, there are distinct differances between a Plain mpeg2 file and a Svcd Mpeg2 file, a svcd/mpeg2 file has to have particular scan offsets in the stream header for it to be svcd compliant so if you just load a Plain Mpeg2 file into Nero you will not be able to burn it without re-encodeing because the header info is different than a compliant svcd file...

Question - TE25 - Multiprocessor support No.28932
Clueless  2002-10-04 02:07:48 ( ID:epku8msyksg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How well optimised for multiprocessing is TMPGenc ?
Asking as I have the opportunity of laying hands on a 8 way Xeon and wondering if it will make a difference.
And will using larger L2 cache ie 2 MB cache Xeons work that much better ?
P3 or P4 ?


minion  2002-10-04 03:29:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I"m sure it will Speed it up Considerally ..It would be easier and cheaper to use a Faster encoder...

Clueless  2002-10-04 09:08:12 ( ID:epku8msyksg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I run it on 3 dual Athlon 1.8 systems at the moment, will upgrade to 2400 but wondered if say an 8 way Xeon 700/2MB cache machine would be better, I can obtain one for similar money :-)

M.Bastian  2002-10-04 22:34:03 ( ID:s6.9e2ix8qw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Check my older posts regarding SMP performance ... sorry no time to explain again. Im moving right now

Question - TE25 - pop up window everytime i open Tmpgenc No.28927
Ironrose  2002-10-03 23:54:40 ( ID:vetkhcsnfyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used to have version 2.5 but i upgraded to the latest. now ever time i open the program i get this pop up that says
"cpu settings has been reset to default because cpu might be different from last time, or new command has been supported."

How do i stop this?


minion  2002-10-04 03:26:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it a Tmpgenc message? or is it a Windows message?...Does the program start after this message???

ASHY  2002-10-04 11:45:22 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is a TMPG message and usually happens if you have upgraded something on your PC such as the processor.
It has to do with the settings under the CPU tab under Options>enviroment settings which are being set back to default, but it's strange you are seeing this evertime as it should only happen once.
Are you running the program ok after you have seen the message?


POP  2002-10-04 12:16:58 ( ID:d4a5wuxiwpr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This MAY happen if the PC is unstable, or overclocked.

Ironrose  2002-10-05 03:09:15 ( ID:vetkhcsnfyc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yea its really weird, I don't have an overclocked cpu, and the program runs fine once i click the message. It keeps poping up everytime i run the program. Its just irritating cause i can't run batch files cause it waits for input.

Question - TE25 - Save Settings to Project Wizard No.28925
sneed  2002-10-03 23:44:00 ( ID:jpsh2mo4l5m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I can save my settings, but how can I make them appear as an option in the Project Wizard window?

minion  2002-10-04 03:23:44 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Can"t..The Wizard is for poeple who don"t know how to set up there template and do the settings correctly..Once you know how to Make a template and understand the settings you want then You have Graduated Past the newbie Wizard stage and you can use the program normally...All you do is load your file into the Main Tmpgenc not the Wizard then click the "Load" button then look for the Template you saved then choose it and That is it you just click "Start" then it encodes to the settings in your template...

Question - TE25 - Picture Fade In ? No.28923
Terje Hoiland  Home )  2002-10-03 20:26:18 ( ID:bcyeps/8f3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How can I keep the sound and just fade in the picture ?

Terje Hoiland

ASHY  2002-10-03 21:00:25 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

MPEG2VCR is able to do this, but TMPG can't.


Question - TE25 - Quicktime no sound No.28921
Josh  2002-10-03 19:44:52 ( ID:s5z0qtmg8gr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Installed TMPG ages ago, installed the quicktime fix of

everything works fine.

all of a sudden, it stop transferring the sound...

It's a pain as my camera records in Quicktime, but i can't email my short movies as some at their work can't get quicktime installed, it is blocked...

Did something change somewhere that stopped it from working?

I tried the mov2avi.exe, it's a command line it says, when you click on it, it opens for a second, what can i do with that...

Someone please help me send movies to family, thanks


ron flory  2002-10-19 23:01:37 ( ID:h.7iqq7wu26 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

mov2avi is a commandline program- don't click on it, open it from a command
shell (i.e. dos shell for windoze folks).

This program may or may not do what you want, my experience has been
that files are limited to 2Gm (only a few minutes).


Question - TE25 - SCRIPT ERROR????? No.28914
joe  2002-10-03 19:11:55 ( ID:x.rmf5quc.f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Script error: there is no funktion named "IPCSource" (C:movie.avs/line1)

Anybody have a clue what I am doing wrong. I get this after I set up my DVDx and start the TMPGEnc in big red letters instead of the movie.


minion  2002-10-03 23:00:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well there is something wrong with the AVS script that you are encodeing...and the error is telling you what the error is and were the error is..Open Up the "AVS" file with Note Pad and look at the first line of the script and edit the first line of the script to what it is supposed to be ..I don"t know what your script is so I cant tell you what exactly to do ....

joe  2002-10-03 23:35:18 ( ID:x.rmf5quc.f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks minion

well the avs script looks in notepad like this: IPCSource("movie.mpg0") and the avs file i created in dvdx is named movie.avs. Any clue?


minion  2002-10-04 03:18:19 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is not a Valid AVS file...Redo it and if it turn out the same script then There is something wrong with DVDX, I don"t know a single thing about DVDx so I cant help you there...And My Avisynth isn"t the best either but I do know that is not a Valid AVSynth script..

ASHY  2002-10-04 12:26:34 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't really know much about DVDx either, but the command IPCSource("movie.mpg0") seems correct.

This command tells AVisynth to connect to the Premiere export plugin and looks for the frameserver file with the name("movie.mpg0").
(You wont be able to see this file, but if the premier server is running it should connect to it.)

Is the framesrver running when you try to open the .avs file.
Also the command only works with AVIsynth versions below v1.0b6 and above v1.0b3 so check your version or download an earlier version and try it.


joe  2002-10-04 19:21:04 ( ID:x.rmf5quc.f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i give up, nothing seem to work.

Is there any other programs you guys recommend for making a DVD backup without needing 10 Gig hard drive???


ASHY  2002-10-04 21:37:52 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you only have a small hard drive and want to make DVD rips directly from your DVDROM drive then you can kiss your DVD drive goodbye soon.

Making DVD rips directly from a DVD drive puts far too much stress on the drive and will shorten it's life considerably.

Depending on how long it takes to encode, your drive could be in operation for anything between 2 hrs to 15 hrs and if it's more like 15 hrs then this is a hell of a long time for a drive to run and if you are making rips constantly then the running life of the drive will soon be reached.

Hard drives are specifically made to run constantly and will run for a long time before breaking down. DVDROM drives and CDROM drives are NOT designed to run like this.

Take my advice save up and get a bigger hard drive otherwise you will only have to spend the money on a new DVD drive instead.
Once you have done that you will be able to start ripping the right way with thev right tools.


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