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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 How can i encode .ogm.avi files ? Sai 1 2002-08-26 01:21:28
Question TE25 Space taken by video on VCD. Super Play 7 2002-08-27 11:42:07
Question TE25 how to burn .mpg to DVD-R Kevin Jones 4 2002-08-27 17:45:41
Question TE25 Stream Reading Error Olafio 2 2002-08-26 14:12:33
Question TE25 TMPGEnc is buggy Jafar Gholampoor 1 2002-08-25 22:15:16
Question TE25 Problem getting chapters with SVCD Executioner 2 2002-08-25 22:43:41
Question TE25 BATCH ENCODE QUESTION dude 2 2002-08-26 22:14:27
Question TE25 What the heck's interlace/non interlace? Bella 1 2002-08-25 14:03:29
Question TE25 multiple cd's mckuip 1 2002-08-25 21:59:18
Question TE25 DVD2Wav rbornowski 2 2002-08-25 23:42:36
Question TE25 No seek impossible Sadri Alisik 1 2002-08-29 10:49:50
Question TE25 Black screen when encocing AVI to MPG1 Tom 1 2002-08-25 10:11:35

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Question - TE25 - How can i encode .ogm.avi files ? No.27073
Sai  2002-08-25 23:59:44 ( ID:1yqj.adu4rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i try to convert .ogm.avi files into mpeg i keep having "an error occured when ACM was initialized" can somebody help me plz ?

Minion  2002-08-26 01:21:28 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The ACM is the "Audio Compression Manager" so you probably have an incompatible audio format in your avi file, try extracting the audio from your avi file to a wav file with "Virtual Dub" then use that as the audio source..Tmpgenc does not like to encode compressed audio formats and sometimes causes errors if you try to encode a format that it doesn"t like....

Question - TE25 - Space taken by video on VCD. No.27065
Super Play  2002-08-25 23:34:59 ( ID:r.qszuxkgdk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am creating a PAL compilation VCD using TMGGEnc to encode the .Avi to .Mpg and nero to burn.

The problem: I have various files of similar length (Around 25 mins / 180MB) I can not understand why they take vastly different amount of space on the VCD.

An example of this is file 1 takes 25mins of a VCD where file 2 take a whole CD! The file specs look the same to me

File Properties from Windows XP

File 1 - Audio

Bit Rate: 128kbs
Audio Format: Mpeg 3

File 1 - Video

Frame Rate: 23 frames/sec
Date Rate:125kbs
Video Sample Rate:24bit
Video Compression: Divx Codec

File 2 - Audio

Duration: 00:24:09
Bit Rate: 127kbs
Audio Format: Mpeg 3

File 2 - Video

Frame Rate: 23 frames / sec
Date Rate: 122kbs
Video Sample Rate: 24 bit
Video Compression: Divx Codec

(Using AVI Info the files specs look identical too!)

If nero is used to perform the encoding both files take around 25mins on a CD.

I cannot use Nero to do the encoding as I need to reduce the video size slightly (as the videos are subtitles and if encoded at full screen part of the subttles are lost) Nero's scaling method "Scale and Fit" Produces a very poor quality VCD

Any Ideas?

Super Play

Minion  2002-08-26 01:38:02 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are useing the same bitrate and the files are the same resolution and frame rate and you are useing the CBR encodeing method and you have the "system" setting both on the same setting then they should be pretty close to the same size.. but if a 25 minute avi takes up a whole CD-R then you must have the bitrate set at about 4500KBS which is allmost high enough to make a DVD...another thing I noticed is that you are encodeing NTSC files to PAL format, this will cause Jumpy playback on your DVD Player and could cause the audio to periodicly go out of Sync with the video...And it might be possible that your audio could cut out cuz you are encodeing a compressed format to a Compressed format cuz Tmpgenc sometimes has problems encodeing compressed formats to mp2......

Super Play  2002-08-26 19:33:25 ( ID:vo6ylirnfah )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have cheked the bit rates and they appear to be identical. The settings in TMPGenc also look identical for both (Thanks for the tip regardig Jumpy playback) I have multiple files with the same issue.

I am Using TMPGenc Plus

File info from GSpot.

File 1:

Original .AVI

Size: 177 MB (181,976 KB 186,343,424 bytes)
Codec: DivX 3 Low-Motion
Aspect: 640 x 480 (1.333:1)
Frames/Sec: 23.976 FPS
Duration: 00h 24m 10s
Avg Bitrate: 894 kb/s


Video-CD NTSC (MPEG-1 352x240 29.97fps CBR 1150kbps, Layer-2 44100Hz 224kbps)

Movie info: 352x240 29.97fps / 44100 Hz Stereo/ 24min 11 sec
Average Video Bitrate: 1150
Audio Birate: 224
Estimated File Size: 241.74MB


File 2:

Original .Avi

Size: 172 MB (176,948 KB 181,194,752 bytes)
Codec: DivX 3 Low-Motion
Aspect: 640 x 480 (1.333 : 1)
Frames/Sec: 23.976 FPS
Duration: 00h 24m 10s
AVG Bitratre: 863 kb/s


Video-CD NTSC (MPEG-1 352x240 29.97fps CBR 1150kbps, Layer-2 44100Hz 224kbps)

Movie info: 352x240 29.97fps / 44100 Hz Stereo / 24min 11 sec
Average Video Bitrate: 1150
Audio Birate: 224
Estimated File Size: 725.26

Any More ideas?

ASHY  2002-08-26 20:24:15 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I wouldn't rely on TMPG to estimate the output size correctly as it's very often wrong.

No matter what the bitrate or the resolution of the source file as long as the two files are of same length and you are encoding using the CBR method with identical bitrates then the two files should be exactly the same length. There is no way that the last file is going to be that large. It is either an error or you have a dodgy copy of TMPG.
A standard VCD using CBR means 1min is equal to 10mb and that is constant for standard VCD so a 24min AVI should be 240mb in size.


Minion  2002-08-26 21:29:41 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey SuperPlay, your avi files are being encoded to the wrong frame rate, you need to use the "NTSC Film" Template not the "NTSC".....

Super Play  2002-08-27 09:10:56 ( ID:mkse6mcbzdw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After the note from Ashy regarding file size I encoded the file. TMPGenc did get the output size incorrect. the encodign was around 10mb/min

However the Encoding is taking around 10 times that of the other files I have and there is no audio on the finished product.

I am looking into this.

Thanks go to Minion (Top Tips) & ASHY (File Sizes)

Super Play  2002-08-27 09:41:37 ( ID:mkse6mcbzdw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


It looks like that TMPGenc could not handle the audio that was embeded in the .avi

I used avitowav (Link below) to extract the audio, then encoded using TMPGenc pointing to the extracted audio for audio source.

Super Play

Super Play  2002-08-27 11:42:07 ( ID:sj.ql7qzhew )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


It looks like that TMPGenc could not handle the audio that was embeded in the .avi

I used avitowav (Link below) to extract the audio, then encoded using TMPGenc pointing to the extracted audio for audio source.

Super Play

Question - TE25 - how to burn .mpg to DVD-R No.27060
Kevin Jones  2002-08-25 21:19:52 ( ID:8yfrh0k0y/a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok, so i rip a DVD then use TMPGEnc with the DVD template to reduce the size of the movie down but how on earth do i burn it to DVD-R so it plays on a set top DVD player using Nero??????

Minion  2002-08-25 22:26:18 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First off if you want the dvd to have the features of a DVD like "menues" titles" & "chapters" then don"t use "Nero" to burn it to DVD-R, pluss Nero isn"t a good dvd burning program and I don"t think that it will turn the mpeg into a "Video-TS folder"..There isn"t much use burning to a DVD-R without the DVD features ,you might as well do a vcd, if you want the features of a dvd and want to burn it easily then use something like "Ulead DVD Workshop" you can download a fully functional 30 day demo from there web site at "" but if you want it to look more profecinal then you can use something like "Spruce Up" or "DVDit"..which you might be able to find on the net if you look hard enough or kaaza......

laserfan  2002-08-26 03:55:03 ( ID:lkpdzmtqwoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nero is a fine DVD burning program, I use it all the time, but you need your file to be in VIDEO_TS form first, and for that you need a DVD Authoring program e.g. SpruceUp. DVD Workshop is a fine program but it will expire on you unless you want to pony-up $250 for it.

SpruceUp will allow you to set-up your program as a "First Play" item; you don't have to build menus at all if you don't want to. It's a great way to go for simple recordings.

Go over to for advice on authoring.

Minion  2002-08-26 11:06:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

But who needs NERO if you have an authoring program, and Ulead DVD workshop is a very inexpensive program you can get it for less than $50..but it is free on the net....

laserfan  2002-08-27 17:45:41 ( ID:lcvorlzbcvh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion, I would like to know where you can get DVD Workshop for $50!!! And if by "free on the net" you mean it can be readily stolen, well, why would you want to promote software theft here where Pegasys stands to lose from widespread acceptance of such behavior as well?

It has been my experience that Nero works more reliably than either DVDit or SpruceUp for burning DVDs.

Question - TE25 - Stream Reading Error No.27057
Olafio  2002-08-25 19:54:39 ( ID:ancrm7la4xn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


when i try to multiplex (MPEG-2 Super Video CD [VBR]) a mpeg2-file with an audio stram i always get a "stream reading error" at the same position (37%). When i multiplex it with MPEG-2 Program (VBR)-Mode everything is ok, but i cannot burn the file as SVCD. What could i do?


Minion  2002-08-25 22:18:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try this, after multiplexing it as a mpeg2/vbr load the file into the "merge & cut" with the "svcd" setting and name your output directory then click "run" and it should put a svcd header in the file, but this is a bug in the 2.57 version"s mpeg tools, try a different version, some authoring programs will let you burn a mpeg2 file without a svcd header on it,like "VCDEasy" and "Ulead dvd workshop"......

Olafio  2002-08-26 14:12:33 ( ID:ancrm7la4xn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

... with TMPGEnc 2.56 it's working ... thank you very much!

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc is buggy No.27055
Jafar Gholampoor  2002-08-25 19:34:38 ( ID:ap0ctyqzi/j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc has many bugs and this isn't cool for high time consuming job like coverting AVI to VCD, then plz fix bugs.

Minion  2002-08-25 22:15:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Explain your Bugs and maybe there is a solution for your problem...Most of the bugs I experience are in the "Mpeg Tools" but other than that Tmpgenc has worked flawlessly for me over the last 6 months......

Question - TE25 - Problem getting chapters with SVCD No.27052
Executioner  2002-08-25 17:49:37 ( ID:jnd0idpibzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been pretty good at making VCD's with chapters using Sefty's Guide. Last night, I wanted to make a SVCD of Lord of the Rings on 3 CD's. I'm uising TMPGEnc and encoded the movie in 3 parts, 750mb each, using CQ of 80, with the high bit rate of 2400 and a min of 900.

I used Chapter X Tractor to read the IFO and pasted the info into VCDEasy, but VCDEasy said "number of possible chapter entry points:1".

Is it because I encoded a non-standard SVCD with TMPGEnc?

Minion  2002-08-25 22:13:27 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t think it has to do with the mpeg being a non-standard svcd file, it is probably a bug in VCDEasy or an error in the chapter list, you can try to put them in manually but this takes a while...sorry i can"t help much here....

Executioner  2002-08-25 22:43:41 ( ID:jnd0idpibzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK thanks Minion. I've emailed the author of VCDEasy, and if I figure out what the problem is, I'll post a "I fixed it" thread. Thanks for your time.

Question - TE25 - BATCH ENCODE QUESTION No.27049
dude  2002-08-25 17:45:01 ( ID:f3zqer6llb2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been using TMPGE for some time now, and have an older version.

I have been hoping that the BATCH ENCODE feature would be improved upon eventually, where you dont have to create each "project" manually one-by-one to create a batch list- what I need to do is create a processing template and then just highlight or drag&drop a group of mpegs into the batch list to all by processed by the same specs.

Is this possible in the new version? I remember seeing a seperately written app for TMPGE that allows you to create the batch files- does anyone know where I can find a program like that that works well?

Minion  2002-08-25 22:02:34 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think you can find the "Tmpgenc batch file maker" at ""? or you can make your own template with the settings you wan"t all the files to be then you can load in each file and just load the template then save the projects ,it isn"t perfect but it is faster than doing all the settings manually for each file....

dude  2002-08-26 22:14:27 ( ID:f3zqer6llb2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I checked out that program, but it doesnt do what I need- its specifically designed for making VCD's which is not what I'm doing. I need something where I can set all the parameters to output to MPEG-1 and then be able to select a large group of source files to run through those settings and tell it where to plop the processed results, thus creating a TBE file for tmpgenc..

I saw a program that did this on an australian site, but it never fully worked- does anyone know of a prog for tmpge like this? They really need to add this feature into the program...

Question - TE25 - What the heck's interlace/non interlace? No.27047
Bella  2002-08-25 13:25:02 ( ID:g2ju.idwhkj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i wanna know whatis the difference between interlace and non-interlace and what is aspect ratio. thanx

POP  2002-08-25 14:03:29 ( ID:d4a5wuxiwpr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Question - TE25 - multiple cd's No.27045
mckuip  2002-08-25 13:04:09 ( ID:luxbwueqqzm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What to do to get 1 movie on 2 cd's? Does tmpg make 1 file and does nero puts it on 2 cd's or does tmpg makes 2 cd's? Let's say a 700 mb movie which has to be played in a stand-alone dvd-player, preferably on 2 cd's (quality). Can I set the prog to make 2 files of 800 (cd-size)??

Thanks you.

Minion  2002-08-25 21:59:18 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What you have to do is either use the "Mpeg Tools" to cut the file into 2 parts or you can use the source range to encode the movie in 2 parts, and get a bitrate calculator so you know what bitrate to use so you fill up bothe cd-r"s cuz it sucks haveing a whole movie that is say 1gb which you would have to put on 2 cd-r"s but only fill them 2/3ds of the way.....

Question - TE25 - DVD2Wav No.27042
rbornowski  2002-08-25 12:23:53 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone no of a fast and easy method for converting audio from a dvd into wav files but keeping them in there original tracks. So if a dvd that I wanted to encode had 24 tracks, I would end up with 24 wav files. Cheers.

Minion  2002-08-25 21:55:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The only way I know is to either use DVD2AVI and extract each audio track individually to wav but this isn"t very fast, or you can use DVD2AVI to "demux all tracks" then use a "AC3" Decoder to "batch encode" all the "Dolby Digital AC3" tracks to wav files, but if there are "DTS" audio tracks then there isn"t anything you can do with them as of now cuz I don"t think there is a "Dolby Theater Sound" decoder available to convert it to wav.....

rbornowski  2002-08-25 23:42:36 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ill give dvd2avi a bash ... thanks for the advice

Question - TE25 - No seek impossible No.27040
Sadri Alisik  2002-08-25 11:05:29 ( ID:ow44df.0q9h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have somtimes the Problem that its impossible to open VCD-Standard MPG filles with the MS Media Player, in the same time its also impossible to seek in the file with the TMPGEnc. Somtimes it opens the same file, sometimes not - not logical. Is there a solution?

B_Racer  2002-08-29 10:49:50 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc is using the MediaPlayer. If a Movie is working with MediaPlayer, it works with TMPGEnc too, if it is not working with MediaPlayer... say thank you to Microsoft! ;)

Question - TE25 - Black screen when encocing AVI to MPG1 No.27038
Tom  2002-08-25 09:21:45 ( ID:evcjzc5fbsm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried to encode an AVI to MPG1 (VCD-format), but already during the preview it shows nothing more then a black screen. I can normally view the AVI-file in the Windows Media Player. I installed the VFP-plugin and got the 5.0.2. DIVX codecs installed as well.

The final MPG does work, but has still the black screen + the audio.

I encoded several other AVI's without any problem.

Does anyone know what can be wrong.

Thanx for your info.


Minion  2002-08-25 10:11:35 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is the most common problem reported with tmpgenc..You need to raise the "direct show file reader" in the "vfapi plugins" go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "direct show" to "2"......

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