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I don"t think "Main Profile" "Main Level" supports resolutions that high..I think you have to choose a Differant Profile..and i"m not sure if the Demo version supports Resolutions that High But I might be mistaken...
What you are trying to do requires a fair amount of research on several levels.
For example, animation needs a different quantization matrix depending on how much it looks like "cartoon" style drawing. TMPGEnc does provide an example. Also, DCT precision probably should be raised.
Assuming you want DVD player compatible mpeg, the first step would be to resize to 720x480 (720x576 PAL). Again, for some styles of animation this is tricky and you might have to try several methods to get results without artifacts.
Hey dudes, thanks for helping me in advance... Got a problem: I convertet a .avi file into .mpeg. first of all, there's no audio. and then the movie is way longer than the original .avi one, cause there's a black screen after the "real" clip has finished... ok, i could cut it, but that takes time and isn't a fine solution. any tips??? please request here or, even better, contact me at :-)
This won"t happen with every File you encode so Just Cut the extra stuff out and hope it doesn"t happen again..This could have been a bug in the header in the Avi file telling tmpgenc it is longer than it really is...
I forgot about the Audio, you Probably just need to extract the audio to a WAV file with something like Virtual Dub Or AVI-Mux and use the WAV file as the Audio source...
Audio stream could also be ac3 format. Check the file information. You'll need to strip out the audio using VirtualDub, convert it to uncompressed wav using something like HeadAC3e, then use the derived audio strem for encoding.
I've been curious about this since version 2.58 came out and listed it as the primary decoder. Can anyone tell me what software the Sony MPEG2 decoder comes with?
Hello i am trying to convert some NTSC films To PAL at the moment without success as i said in my earlier post TMPGenc cant do this operation properly so i asked someone to suggest an alternative.
Avisynth was suggested to me but i need some help on how to use it please !!
Hi, There might be a Filter you will need and you will have to write a script, I have never used avisynth to convert frame rates But here is a Link to were it will tell you what script command to use and were to get the ConvertFPS Filter..Avisynth takes Quite a Bit to get used to and learn to use in a profeciently, anyway here is the Link: ,........
I did not get an answer or even did not get it, because I was too slow to read one ;o)) here is my prbleme:
I tried to ripp a AVI video for my DVD Player. I converted the half part and made a copy with the help of Nero V 5.5.10. Everything workes fine but I don't hear anything. There is no sound on the movie.
While watching the orginal Avi I have to commit that there is sound, but after the convertation I have no one.
Please help me and forgive me because of my bad english :o))
Bye an thx
Exactly. Set the audio to full processing mode, no compression. Then save as .wav file. Load the video into tmpgenc. Load the saved audio file into tmpgenc. Then process as usual.
Can I save my project and continue where I leave off in the event my computer crashes? I've tried several times and it asks me if I want to overwrite the file and starts encoding all over again. If so, how?
If you are encodeing a File and something happens like you get an error or Tmpgenc Crashes or the Power goes out and a hurricane hits then there is NO way to start encodeing were you left off, you have to start from the Beginning again, OR you can use the Source Range and set it to start encodeing a new file a few frames after were the first one ends then after encodeing the second file use the "Merge & Cut" to Join the 2 files together....
The M2V.vfp is not the Standard Mpeg2 decoder for Tmpgenc anymore...Tmpgenc now uses the Cyberlink and Ligos decoders to decode Mpeg2 files ,so to get these decoders you either have to have "Power DVD" Installed or the "Nemo" codec Pack with the Ligos Mpeg2 filters installed...But it is still best to use DVD2AVI to decode Mpeg2 files...
I converted a video with an .avi extension, which is probably a DivX compressed one, into .mpg with TMPGEnc 2.59. I have all the latest codecs, including DivX and the .avi plays perfectly in my Windows Media Player. But the .mpg that comes out of TMPGEnc has only audio, but no video at all. Just a black screen. The file is huge, bigger than the original .avi. So, what do you folks think happened? What should I do?
You are right -- there is no picture during conversion, so no picture afterward either.
Have tried again after raising the setting to +2 (and later, upon someone's suggestion in another forum to +4), but still no picture during conversion. I let it run for a short time and aborted the trials. The short clips that resulted also had audio but no video.
I converted an avi file to mpeg using TMPGenc, and when I play it on my player it has audio with a black screen. How do I convert the avi file correctly?
There has to ba a Picture in the Tmpgenc screen while encodeing for there to be a Picture in the File...Try this , go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"...This should work..
After downloading junk programs and waiting hours to convert to no avail, TMPGEnc is the first one to give support and convert successfully. Again thanks.
Greetings and thanks in advance for any help. I am new to this process and after reading lots of posts, I've come to the conclusion that I have no idea of what I'm doing. First off, the source for my avi files is usually an internet download. These downloads are generaly of such poor quality, that by the time I convert them to mpeg 1 using tmpgen, and burn them to vcd, they are hardly worth looking at. Where can I find better video files? Secondly, I recently downloaded the latest version of tmpgen, and now when i try to convert any of the avis' I have on my HD, I get the dreaded "not compatible or unable to decode" error message. Also I would like to know if converting to mpeg 2 makes a better quality movie? Sorry if I sound stupid, however in these matters I am, and I am only trying to educate myself. Any help from anyone will be trully appreciated. Dan
The Best Place to Get Files to Make VCD/SVCD"s is to make them your Self...Either Get a Capture card and Capture your Own movies from TV or VHS or Digital Camera or the best quality files come from Ripping DVD"s with a DVD-Rom..and Yes Mpeg2 is a Better Quality Format But the Thing that determines the Quality is the Quality of the Source File and the Bitrate used to encode that File to Mpeg...and Mpeg2 is the standard for SVCD and DVD and is not for VCD even though I use Mpeg2 for VCD"s all the time But there is a Trick to it.....if you want to find out about Makeing VCD/SVCD/DVD"s then go to "" here you will find allmost everything you will need to start makeing VCD"s....
I see some other people with a similar problem to mine, when trying to open a file it pops up saying "File "*.avi" cannot open, or unsupported". I have found that all the files that this happens with have the mp43 codec on them. Does any one know how to either make tmpgenc work for these or how to change the codec to something that tmpgenc can encode?
Is your DivX movie coded with DivX codec higher than version 4.12?
Check this out. To do that you can use Avi tag editor or simply check properties of the file.