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I have TMPGEnc version 2.58. When I encode a video the high action scenes are boxy. How do I prevent that from happening. I am using SVCD template with bit rates of 1700. I have tried VBR and CQ settings and both gave articrafts at high action scenes like blast or fire.
Well the reason why the Artifacts appear at high motion scenes Is because your Bitrate is Too Low, it is 800kbs below standard so there will be Blockyness, if the Motion search is set to "Medium" try moveing it to "High" which should help a Little bit But raiseing the Bitrate will help...
The bitrate is far too low for SVCD.
To get rid of the blockiness almost completely, do as minion suggests and use the CQ method of encoding then set the bitrate to:- Min- 1800 Max- 4000 Quality- 65
Reduce the audio to 160 and split the movie to 2 disks.
This will allow you to fit a regular movie of high quality of about 100mins on 2 disks .
Thankyou all for replying so quick. I have 120min. of movie. Would I still be able to set the minimum bitrate to 1800 to fit the movie on 2CDs. I already use 128 for audio.
Would CQ_VBR not improve the picture quality at high scenes still keeping the bit rate for slow scenes low.
Don't use '2 pass' or 'CQ_VBR' for VBR encoding use 'Constant quality(CQ)'. this is by far the best method for encoding most movies.
For a 2hour movie you would probably be better off encoding to MPEG1, but if you want SVCD then a min bitrate of 1200kb/s and max of 3500kb/s and quality 55 should just about do it, but you may need to overburn the disk.
Well you can't really, but there are ways of finding out roughly.
First of all 1800kb/s is the minium you will be able to go without noticible macroblocks being introduced.
To find out what max bitrate and quality you should set you need to encode about a minute of a regular part of the movie.
Multiply the resulting filesize by the number of mins in the movie and you will have a rough idea if it will fit or not. To make it more accurate encode a 5min test file and do the math.
This is obviously trial and error but it gives something to aim for. In time with experience you will instinctively know what settings to use for each movie.
Refer back to the previous post above for some good starting point settings.
It will be nice to see displayed the Completed Percentage when we minimize main window, so we don´t ever need to maximize to see the progress of our work. This is like Nero B.R does, take a look.
When converting AVIs to DVDs or VCDs I am often getting the error
"Illegal floating point decimal calculation Order."
DV AVIs from my movie camera are okay but AVI out put from Flask (using MS MP4) have the error a lot.
The same file does not error in the same place twice and often I can get through hundreds of megs before the error and sometime if I just geep trying I can get the whole file done. Considering that it takes about 4hrs to do these files, doing them 8 times is not fun.
Any work around for this?
Using win2k on a P4, tried XP and got the same error,
Just did a search of the forums and I see a lot of people have had this. Answers range though:
- Bad AVI Files (not in my case, happened with lots of types, many other people say the same thing)
- Disable some CPU options (helped some people and not others)
- Increase priority on Directshow (Helped some people and not others)
- Having another program install a plug in that needs to be disabled (many people didn't have that plug in
- Installing an older version of tMPGEnc (once again, helped some people and not others)
I think a propper FAQ entry needs to be added on this (first place I started looking) to show some of the possible solutions so far. Haven't fixed it here though but I never had the problem with the shareware version but that only allowed 30 (?) mpeg2 usages.
Definately an issue for the next build to look into, this error is not being caught properly
There is a Definate Fix for this error..But it makes the encodeing take MUCH Longer..Like So much longer that it isn"t worth useing this Fix.But if you want to try it go to "options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "CPU" and UN-Check the SSE and SSE-2 Boxes...then go to the regular Settings to "Quantize Matrix" and UN-Check the "Use Floating point DTS" Box, this will Disable the Floating Point so you Can not get the error..But like I said the Encodeing will Take a Lot longer, you 4 hour Encode might turn into a 24 hour Encode..You can also Try Frameserveing the File to Tmpgenc with Virtual Dub or AVISynth, Or use a Different Encoder on the Files you Can"t get encoded, There are a Couple of High Quality Mpeg encoders out there that are as good or better than Tmpgenc ,But probably not with all of the features of Tmpgenc or the Cheap Price..
I too have had problems with encoding, BUT ONLY on my machine... A friend and i use the SAME version of TMPGEnc, and have used this same version on the same file. On my machine, i will get an exception error steming from the TMPGEnc exe file, but he doesnt.
He's running a Celeron 366, 128Mb RAM, TNT2, Win2K etc as his encoding machine, while im running TMPGEnc on an old AMD K6/2 300, 128Mb RAM, S3ViRGE, under Win2K. Any idea why i would be getting failures? Should there be a setting i need to enable or disable due to the fact im running an AMD Processor?
hi there i need someone's help i used to have tmpgenc on my system for years but lately my system crashed by virus so i had to reformat the hard drive but when i redownloaded tmpgenc it doesn't work now all i get is " the avi file does not open or is not supported""" i get that in all avi files even the ones that used to work before so i don't know what's up it seems that i am missing something for it to work can anybody help plz???????
Did you Raise the Priority of the "Direct Show File Reader".....It might have felt like it was years that you had it on your Computer But Tmpgenc has Been out that Long, I think the First Beta Version Came out about 20 months ago, and the First actuall release was about 11 months ago...
I am having the same problem. I converted several AVIs with TMPEGen. I installed a couple other programs and now TMPEG won't open the very same AVI files. I have no idea where the codecs reside, and how to check for versions. I didn't see anything in the TMPEG directories. There is no real install with TMPEG, you just place the files in a directory.
Where can I get some help on tracking down the problems with the, I assume, codecs?
Thanks... I did install some other progs. Do the programs install the codecs? Is there a utility to manage codecs available? That would help us novices!
>i had the same problem after i installed Nimo Codec Pack Build 8. When i uninstallit everything goes fine...
If I multiplex audio and video, and then take the new file and de-multiplex it, while the source video and the demultiplexed video is the same, the demultiplexed audio file is shorter then the source one (eg. source is 112kb, while demuxed file is 104).
This could Just be Padding that gets added to the File while encodeing, if the audio file is still the same length then it is Just Padding that is Being removed Durring Multiplexing...
I don't know if this is affiliated with TMPGEnc but I was downloading a DVD-rip (it was in my last post too) and I found out it has no subtitles! The description in Kazaa said it does but I cannot find it. Anyway, is there an easy way to add subtitles and then burn the movie into VCD? I downloaded another version of the movie (but it is in very bad quality) with subtitles so I know what their saying. Or maybe I should just burn the non-subbed movie?
Also, there's something weird with the AVI file! When I play it with my DivX Player there is no sound. When I play it with the Windows Media Player (the old "mplayer2.exe"), the sound is great! I tried encoding it with TMPGEnc; when I selected the video source, the audio source tab is blank. Here are the filters in use for the source file:
Default DirectSound Device
ffdshow MPEG-4 Video Decoder
InterVideo Audio Decoder
Video Renderer
This file is 682MB so I might have to split it to 2 CDRs after all...:(
First I'll answer ur audio prob. This is likely happening because windows mediaplayer is using the WinDVD audio decoder to decode the Ac3 audio in the AVI. Your Divx player obviously cannot handle Ac3.
TMPG cannot handle Ac3, so u will have to extract the Ac3 from the AVI to a wav with AVImux.
If u can't work out how to do this search this BBS for AVImux.
You can add subs with Virtualdub. You will need to find a subs site (of which there are plenty) and download the right subs then use the Virtualdub subtitler filter to add your subs.
The subs need to be in 'Substation Alpha' format (.ssa) so you will need to convert any subs to this format with 'Subadjust'
Any sync probs can also be corrected with 'Subadjust'
I tried your AVImux but I don't get it. You said it extracts the audio to a WAV right? When I played the extracted WAV, it includes the video as well! Also, the source AVI file is kind of weird. It used to have a short opening credits but when I play it now, the first part of the credits is black. It might be because I have Kazaa open and is downloading but still...
Argh...another post. I hope I'm not flooding...the subs I downloaded were in a RAR archive. I have winRAR so I opened it. But I can't extract the subs within. A message box appears and in it says:
!E:sasubs.rar: Unknown method in Spirited Away - Part 1 [DVD, jap, ext eng sub].sub
!E:sasubs.rar: Unknown method in Spirited Away - Part 2 [DVD, jap, ext eng sub].sub
!E:sasubs.rar: No files to extract
After the E:, it's supposed to have a slash. You know, the opposite of /. \n
Sorry for another post. -_-" I managed to download another set of subtitles that works! And I successfully transferred it to SSA format. I am currently at the frameserving mode. How long does that take? It doesn't move... The Non-A/V Requests is at 10 while the # of Frames Served is at 1. THe Audio Segment delivered is still at 0...
After you have started the frameserver there will be a file with a .vdr extension which you have created somewhere. Load this into TMPG and start encoding.
As for AVImux.
Load the AVI into avimux. Highlight the audio then right click it. Choose 'Select compression' from the menu and select PCM. In the next box choose the default which should be 44.100khz, 16bit, stereo.
Click 'Output AVI' and name your output with a wav extension then click 'Go'
If you have audio problems such as the sound breaking up in the extracted wav set the 'Pre-roll' and 'Interleave' settings to 100ms.
i am currently running version
I have been using Tmpgenc for quite some time now for produciong standard VCD's @ 1150kbps. I have tried altering the bitrate (lower) to fit a 100min film onto one 80min cd. Ive looked at many websites through Google and have followed their recommended instructions. As encoding progresses the settings at the bottom of the window indicate that the resulting mpeg should be at 900kbps. Once encoding is finished information about the final mpeg show it to have a constant bit rate of the standard VCD! Does anyone know of any bugs in the above version? if so which version can you recommend that will do the job i want?
please email:
The 2.59 version have a Bug in it that won"t let the Bitrate go below the VCD Standard, it adds Padding to make the File a Standard VCD, you Can remove the Padding By Running the File through the Mpeg tools in an Earlier version of Tmpgenc or Use and earlier version to encode.Going lower than standard greatly reduces the Quality, actually anything below about 1600kbs is is unwatchable to me, But to each his own...
This board seems to be filled with sound problems when converting from Avi to (S)VCD. I posted my solution a few days back and people responded with posts stating that it did not work. Well I just finished the entire Band Of Brothers which was posted on Alt.binaries.movies.dvix. It worked just fine and has Ac3 audio. Now I'm not doing this to trash anyone just trying to help since there seems to be some misconceptions about this process and I can remember pulling my hair out when I started to do this kind of stuff. Here again is my required software and setting foe TMPGEnc.
1. install Dvix Pro 5.02
2. Install Tsunami Filter pack (Nimo will not work)
3. Install ffcshow and Xvid codecs (incase they are using Xvid codecs)
4. set the eviromental settings for VFAPI-plugin as follows
I'm currently using TMPGEnc 2.59 plus. If anyone would like to try this and has problems reply to this post and I'll try to help you out. I've set up 3 systems now all running XP one a P4, one a PIII and one a Celeron, all intels.
I'm having a problem with a movie I'm trying to's ok during playing of the movie until about the middle of the movie....then it goes WACKO OUT OF SYNC!! I've even re-encoded the movie in AVI format with virtual dub, THEN encoded it with TMPGEnc and it STILL goes out of sync at that particular spot. How can I fix this problem? I really want to have this movie so I can put it on DVD disk to play on my DVD player. By the way, I'm encoding it from AVI to MPEG-2 (for DVD format).I thought about frame serving, but I dunno whether that'll do the trick. Somebody PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Is the AVI out of sync???? If so then you should Fix the AVI sync before you encode it...If you can find the exact spot were it goes out of sync you can Cut the file at the exact spot it goes "Wacky" then use Virtual Dub(if it is AVI) to Sync up the bad part of the movie then join the 2 parts together after fixing it..But It is Really Hard to fix Files that suddenly go out of sync at a Sertain spot ....