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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 448 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 MPEG2 Edit smash 5 2003-07-22 01:15:35
Free talk TE25 Encoding time using VBR giba 6 2003-07-22 08:01:17
Question TE25 unproper svcd format after encoding with TMPGenc? Kisoo Lim 6 2003-07-24 03:15:45
Question TE25 Muxing svcd with time option? Kisoo Lim 4 2003-07-23 12:47:35
Request TE25 Mole VCD yeppie 7 2003-07-21 22:31:50
Bug report TE25 2.520 - wrong link! bg 2 2003-07-20 20:08:30
Question TDA1 Menu problems Pirtorm 0 2003-07-20 10:58:33
Question TE25 audio from dvd THE WATCHER 2 2003-07-20 09:17:28
Bug report TE25 Error COLdGiN 5 2003-07-20 23:16:54
Question TE25 Aspect ratio question THE WATCHER 3 2003-07-29 18:30:11
Question TE25 TMPGenc on linux GS 3 2003-07-20 13:03:40
Question TE25 DVD backup THE WATCHER 1 2003-07-19 19:40:23

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 448 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Question - TE25 - MPEG2 Edit No.38194
smash  2003-07-21 20:06:37 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an MPEG2 movie file and at a certain point there's a small glinch and sound gets shifted. I no longer have the original... Is there any way to fix the file or should I just download it again?

Minion  2003-07-21 22:10:07 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well you Can Try to fix it But it might not work Depending on the Glitch...What you can do is Cut the File exactly were the Glitch happens then take the Out of sync Part of the File and De-Mux it, Then use a Program called "Mpeg2VCR" and use it to Mux the audio and Video Back together But use the "Sync" feature to adjust when the audio Starts and try to sync it up..It will take Some Trial End error to Get right But after syncing it back up you can Join the 2 files back together..The Problem with this is Mpeg2VCR isn"t free ..

smash  2003-07-21 22:43:12 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

yikes, forget it, it's not worth it.. thanx anyway

ashy  2003-07-21 23:00:10 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is an easy way to find the correct audio skew setting.
Do as minion says and cut the MPEG just after were it goes out of sync then load the part you need to re-sync into VirtualdubMod.
Click streams then select stream list from the menu. Right click on the audio stream and select Interleaving.
Where it says audio skew correction you can add a delay to the audio or remove a delay by putting a minus before the value you set. The delay is in milliseconds, usually around + or - 250 ms is enough to correct sync, but you can check it each time just by clicking the first play button. Once you are happy with the sync just use that value in BBMPEG which is free or MPEG2VCR when you multiplex the audio and video back together after you have demultiplexed it.

smash  2003-07-22 00:50:23 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, I've got to the point where I have the interleave value... Now how exactly do I "use that value in BBMPEG"? I don't see anywhere to put the value in

smash  2003-07-22 01:15:35 ( ID:cykzmkq4zra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Never mind, I downloaded the wrong program...

Free talk - TE25 - Encoding time using VBR No.38187
giba  2003-07-21 08:07:33 ( ID:294hlirfjqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I encode some avi files of say 80 minutes, via AviSynth2:


using Wizard PAL (TMPGenc Plus latest version) VBR (Highest quality (very slow)) fit to DVD 4.3 Gb (about average 6 mbs), the analysis goes on for 10 hours (remaining time) slowly up to almost 30 hours (remaining time) to stabilize after one hour. Then the first pass ends slowly after 15 hours which is correctly half the 30 hours predicted.

The good new is, the second pass goes flying by at the speed of the video, ie. a little longer than 80 minutes (instead of the predicted 15 hours).

This gives me a total of ca. 17 hours, and curiously, this is the time I needed with the trial version of CCE SP (1950 USD) using the nine pass setting.

Mind you, it is better this way, than the other way round, were the program tells you the encoding will be finished in two hours and the job's not finished after another seven hours.

Minion  2003-07-21 10:35:55 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is Strange Cuz for me the Pass is Faster than the Encodeing, Not By Much But still a Bit Faster...Just One Little Hint on your Script, You don"t Need to Use RGB32 as RGB32 is Exactly the same as RGB24 But RGB32 has 8 Totally Blank Bits, the Extra Bits do Absolutly Nothing accept Probably Take Longer to Convert from YV12(Or YUY2 if you are Useing a version of AVisynth older than 2.5)..So with RGB24 you will get the same Quality and Cut down on the encodeing Time....Cheers

giba  2003-07-21 11:40:03 ( ID:294hlirfjqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'll try RGB24 next time (I still have quite a lot of them to backup).
I made the same experience with a NTSC source of the same length.
I do not activate the preview as it takes a lot longer during encoding.
The sources are LaserDiscs (95% opera therefore not too much mouvements in the picture), captured with S-video with Director's Cut (firewire) and Pinnacle Studio 8.5 producing DV-avi. At the end, the DVD looks almost as good as the LaserDisc (sound has got down a little bit, I can live with that).
When encoding some VHS (or SVHS)I am usually satisfied with the High Quality (slow) motion search precision and have not observed the previously reported behaviour yet, I mean using the newest version of TMGEnc (2.520.54.163) which I managed to download last Saturday Morning (19.7.2003) through the pegasus site, (the tmpgenc site still has the old version (21.07.2003)).

giba  2003-07-21 13:28:28 ( ID:294hlirfjqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Forgot to mention: the avi-file is on drive H: (big firewire disc), TMPGenc workspace and additional swapspace sit on drive F: (HD of about 13 Gb, with 10 Gb free space), drive C: for the programs, swapspace and the encoded video (m2v + wav/mp2). The encoding (pass two) is really going on fast.
In the Environmental setting, under Cache Setting, the Saves analyzing result of multi pass VBR to cache is selected with a Create cache up to 8192 MB. I understand this cache of 8 Gb is going to the TMPGenc workspace on my drive F: but when I check with the performance manager, I cannot notice much. May be I am missing something there.
This cache buffer is supposed to save the analyzing result of the first pass (a bit like the feature in CCE, and the encoding process should be boosted by using the result at the 2nd (or later !) pass(es). Will there be more passes in the future ?

ashy  2003-07-21 18:40:06 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Jaysus theres nothing like overkill is there!

I really don't think it's necessary to have so many optimizations enabled.
For a start off 9 pass?!
Did you never hear that it's commonly realised in most encoding forums that you don't get any benefit at all with half decent sources after 4 passes. Even at 4 it's very much doubtful you'll see any difference from a 3 pass.

RGB32? I'm not sure about this one because as I understand it TMPG and it's filters work in RGB32, so using the ConvertToRGB32 command is ok.

Next the Highest quality setting in TMPG?
It is well known by most TMPG experienced encoders that there is no benefit over the High quality setting in TMPG except for doubling the encode time.

Anothert point is that 2 pass isn't always best. It usually Constant Quality(CQ) which gives the better results with good sources such as laser disk and seeing as you will be using a high bitrate anyway because you are encoding to DVD then using all the above is simply a waste of time.

When you have a good source and are encoding to a high enough bitrate all these optimizations aren't necessary and actually can sometimes make the result worse.
Don't ask me why because I don't want to go into a big explanation as to the reasons of why using something like the motion search precision on highest is not the best for some sources.

Do yourself a favour and cut some of these out and save yourself some time. Your results may look good, but you could probably obtain the same results with less overkill.
Remember sometimes less is more.

wcpaul  2003-07-22 00:48:37 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your "DV-avi" is probably a 4:1:1 color format and should be avoided.

Resampling 4:1:1 color to 4:2:0 during Mpeg encoding, results in a 50% loss of color samples. (Both have 4:1 luma-to-color sample ratios but the conversion ends up being 8:1.)

Capture using Huffyuv Lossless Codec which is 4:2:2. Buy an analog capture card if necessary.

A lot of magazines recommend running SVHS and Hi8 quality analog material through a DV conversion step but that just means they value ease-of-use over quality.

giba  2003-07-22 08:01:17 ( ID:294hlirfjqo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks, I will try all this.

Question - TE25 - unproper svcd format after encoding with TMPGenc? No.38180
Kisoo Lim  2003-07-21 02:18:26 ( ID:swlckd6hvao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I encoded divx file using avisynth script to add subtitle through textsub.

I prepared script and loaded with TMPGenc SVCD template.

Then encoding with subtitle ended succesfully but when I tried to burn it with Nero. It checked mpeg-2 stream and showed error message.

What is problem?



Minion  2003-07-21 10:27:00 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Probably Encoded The File as a 480+480/576-Pal Mpeg 2 file and Not a SVCD File, You can"t just encode the File as a Mpeg2 file that has the Same Resolution and Audio Format and Frequency as a SVCD, As that is Just a Mpeg2 file that has the Same resolution ECT..The Mpeg2 file also Has to have a SVCD Header on the File so if you encode the File as Just a Mpeg2 file with SVCD Charicteristics you will get an error something Like "The Stream was not encoded as SVCD" or Something Like that in Nero..When you encode the File in tmpgenc you have to make sure that the "System" setting is set to "Super-VCD" or it will Just encode a Plain Mpeg2 file..You can Easilly fix this By Loading the File into Tmpgenc"s "Merge & Cut" and Choose "Super Video-CD" from the Drop down Menu and Click "Run", This will Make a New File that Has the Proper Header for SVCD....

Kisoo Lim  2003-07-22 15:42:08 ( ID:s4eeculvaqc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks a lot!


Kisoo Lim  2003-07-23 03:30:19 ( ID:swlckd6hvao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I tried TMPGEnc mpeg-tool 'merge-cut' function to fix svcd format problem. It doesn't work for me.

Any idea?

ashy  2003-07-23 12:44:47 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, what is the error message you are getting?

Minion  2003-07-23 21:26:01 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well it is Probably because there is Something else wrong with the File, If the File is 480+480/576-pal and Mpeg2 and Has Mpeg1 Layer 2 audio at 44100hz has a SVCD Header and the Bitrate is Under 2500kbs for the Video then it should be SVCD Compliant..Yes, What exactly is the error that nero is Giveing you..Have you tried to Burn it anyways??

Kisoo Lim  2003-07-24 03:15:45 ( ID:swlckd6hvao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nero says 'it's not svcd' and doesn't proceed.

Question - TE25 - Muxing svcd with time option? No.38175
Kisoo Lim  2003-07-21 02:12:52 ( ID:swlckd6hvao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I'm using AVI2SVCD, TMPGenc, BBMPEG, etc to convert divx to svcd.

Sometimes I meet muxing problem with BBMpeg. Though I set max size of SVCD mpeg-2 file, it just stops at the end of the first file around 794Mbytes with error message 'Couldn't find user data at 3133 i-frame'.

Here are my questions;

1. How can I solve this problem?

2. TMPGenc has multiplexing tool. Can I give option with time or size of each Muxed mpeg-2 file(such as max 795Mbytes) in case that original source size exceeds 1.3g or time exceeds 1hr 30 mins?



Minion  2003-07-21 10:19:39 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No you can not set the Time or Max File size in the Muxer in Tmpgenc But you Can just cut your File in Half with the "Merge & Cut"...I do not Know any reason why you are Getting the error that you are, as I have never experienced it But Since Tmpgenc"s Muxer is Made For files encoded By Tmpgenc you will Probably not get the error with It...

ashy  2003-07-21 18:43:14 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use BBMPEG for muxing all my SVCD's and never have a problem.
Either you are encoding your MPEGs incorrectly or are not setting BBMPEG properly when muxing or maybe you have an older buggy version.

Kisoo Lim  2003-07-22 15:39:54 ( ID:s4eeculvaqc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have the latest version of BBMpeg for muxing consecutively into intended file size or time.

I wonder it has any any problem with my cpu...I use duron 1.2G.

May I have a set of parameters which I can use for svcd's from big sized video and audio file?



ashy  2003-07-23 12:47:35 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There are no special settings required. Just select SVCD as the 'program stream setting' and put '0' in the 'Forced mux rate' box

Request - TE25 - Mole VCD No.38167
yeppie  2003-07-20 22:29:17 ( ID:6i/xp0xzkjc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can the mole vcd (MVCD) templates ( become a part of TmpgEnc in the future?



ashy  2003-07-20 23:04:02 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Get real. Why in the hell should TMPG inlude third party templates?
I think you have little and no chance of this happening.

ashy  2003-07-20 23:12:48 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In any case what's so special about these templates?
Nothing except for a change in the bitrates as far as I can see.

yeppie  2003-07-21 09:15:36 ( ID:ih0d2stpmwc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How else can you get 3 hours of VHS quality movie on a 800 Mb CD?


Do you think people create a website when only the bitrate is different?
Perhaps you should take a second look. ;O)


Minion  2003-07-21 10:16:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

They Are Very Simular to those KVCD Templates, I have Tried them As I Like to Try anything That Claims to Get up to or over 2 hours on a CD-R(Never saw a Template that Gets 3 hours) They Use An Extended and Modified Gop Structure and Matrix, But Like anything that claims that they get 2(Or 3 in your Case) hours on a CD-r with VHS Quality is Usually overstated, as at 3 hours on a CD-R you would need an average Bitrate of 475kbs and No Gop structure or Matrix can make 3 hours look like a VHS Tape at 475kbs ,as a Regular VCD is Only VHS Quality Or Probably less, But I suppose a untrained eye on a Small TV Might Find it watchable..Pluss with the GOP structure that these Templates use they Have Very Few I Frames which Makes the VCD allmost impossible to Accurately chapter and Edit, and Not all Players will Play them especially with the Long Gop and Low Bitrate..But I"m probably Spoiled as I am a Quality Freek and Will Not(I actually Cant cuz it is so anoying) Watch a Movie that has even the Slightest Hint of Blockyness which with these Templates there is a LOT Of Blockyness especially when there is a Lot of Movement, even Regular Standard VCD"s Have to Much Blockyness for me...Cheers

yeppie  2003-07-21 14:48:23 ( ID:ih0d2stpmwc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've just done a conversion from 2x700 Mb Divx avi to 1 800 Mb VCD Mpeg-1 (Betty Blue, Editors cut- 179 min). And I'm a quality freak as wel. I'll take a look at those KVCD Templates.

The only thing you have to be cautious about is not to set the quality to high for a given bitrate. I use CQ 65 with 2250/270. I don't use 2-pass VBR.

I don't use MPEG-2 since not everyone can play that AVSEQ01.DAT file.

It's pretty good quality (depending on the source avi) and on 1 CD, playable on PC and DVD.

It's a tradeoff between quality, portability and convenience.

ashy  2003-07-21 18:15:22 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Look, what you may call good quality and what I call good quality probably belong to 2 different worlds.

There is no way I would ever put a regular whole movie on one disk never mind a 3 hour one.

All my movies are MPEG2 and split between 2 disks and the quality is excellant (near DVD).
For the sake of switching a disk half way through the movie is it really worth watching a bag of crap for 2 hours just because it's on one disk.
These templates my be ok for those that like watching garbage, but I'm a quality freak and that's what is more important to me. I'm the same as minion, I hate blockiness.
People are always impressed with the movies I create, but I doubt I'd get the same reaction using these templates.

I did many tests a long time ago with the very similar KVCD templates and found that regarding file size V quality they still couldn't beat a correctly tweaked CCE.

If you like 'em then use 'em, but I think it's very unlikely any kind of third party template will ever be included with TMPG because they are just not standard and could lead to compatibilty troubles.

Regarding the changes made to the actual templates, the ones I downloaded only had a change in the bitrates and a different matrix. There was nothing really special done to the GOP layer.

Minion  2003-07-21 22:31:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well I just wnnt and Downloaded the Newest MoleVCD 2.5 templates Cuz It"s Been a While since I have Tried them and Did a Little Test, and I was surprised that at such a Low Bitrate that The Quality was OK, But definately Not Good, watching it was Like there was a swarm of Mosquitos flying in Front of the Screen..and the Gop Is Made up of 20 P frames 1 I Frame and 3 B frames allmost exactly like the Kvcd templates with a Min Bitrate of 275kbs and a Max of I think 2750kbs, they even have a Mpeg1 720+480 template that Uses the Exact same Gop and Bitrates and the Quality of those Tests were Just awefull..But the Differance from these Templates and a standard VCD isn"t that Dramitic in Quality So I"d say that these Templates are Pretty Good if your Goal was just to get as Much on a CD-R, and I suppose for Most poeple they are Watchable But definately not for me....Cheers

Bug report - TE25 - 2.520 - wrong link! No.38164
bg  2003-07-20 16:46:01 ( ID:gd.kqjn4erl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Although 2.520 is posted as being available - the link still points to older 2.513. Please correct this!

ashy  2003-07-20 19:34:38 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Download here:

bg  2003-07-20 20:08:30 ( ID:gd.kqjn4erl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you. That worked.

Question - TDA1 - Menu problems No.48674
Pirtorm  2003-07-20 10:58:33 ( ID:y00rkardn2f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I make a DVD I can navigate the menu system ie: I can click on a film on the title page, then browse the chapters. But when I click on a chapter to watch the DVD hangs my player. This is only with my Matsui dvd110 player on to my tv not software on my pc (my pc works with the DVD fine). If there a problem with this program and a Matsui dvd100 or do other people get it. Is there a fix?

Question - TE25 - audio from dvd No.38161
THE WATCHER  2003-07-20 01:51:08 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have a dvd2avi project that i have loaded into tmpgenc, i just want to know if there is anyway to rip the sound to wav from the dvd, the reason being that i want this movie in 2 languages and i don´´t want to have to reencode the whole dvd

Minion  2003-07-20 02:39:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that is What DVD2AVI is For..If you Did it right DVD2AVI should give you a D2V file and a Wav audio file for the audio Track that you choose in DVD2AVI...

ashy  2003-07-20 09:17:28 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Look, for a start I already told you that you could rip the DVD to a d2v and a wav with DVD2AVI or do you not read the answers to your many other posts.
Which is my other point.
Please refrain from creating multiple posts about the same subject.
You could have just posted this question in the same thread as your previous post. You are breaking the terms & rules of this BBS and will not have your posts answered any quicker.
If you continue to multiple post you will find that the ones who can really help will start to ignore your posts, myself included.

Bug report - TE25 - Error No.38155
COLdGiN  2003-07-20 01:32:32 ( ID:jvufjskbx6c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When trying to convert an XVID to MPEG2 i get the error
"Write error occurred at address 77F83AED of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000"
I have the latest XVID codec installed and ffdshow. I an using TEMPENC version 2.513

Here is some info about my avi file:
Video: 627 MB, 1129 Kbps, 25.0 fps, res. 608*256 (2.21:1), XVID = XVID Mpeg-4, Supported
Audio : 72 MB, 130 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 chan., 0x55 = MP3, Supported

I initially see the error when setting the source range and then again as soon as I start encoding.

Minion  2003-07-20 02:37:37 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you Got FFDShow Configured to Decode Xvid?? as this error will Only happen if you are useing the XviD codec to decode, If you download GSpot and Load your File into it it will tell you what it is useing to decode the File, if for some reason you can"t get it to decode useing FFDshow then Get rid of the XviD codec..You can also Use Virtual Dub to frame serve the File to Tmpgenc which Should stop the error also...

COLdGiN  2003-07-20 05:35:30 ( ID:jvufjskbx6c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, I'm quite new at encoding. I downloaded Gspot. Where exactly do i see what is being used to render xvid once i load my file? (under the video heading in Gspot, in the name field i see Xvid) Is this it? Or under Direct show renderer, video path i see (S) --> AVI Splitter --> ffdshow MPEG-4 Video Decoder --> (R) How do i configure ffdshow to decode my xvid?


COLdGiN  2003-07-20 05:49:06 ( ID:jvufjskbx6c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I uninstall the XVID codec and now only have ffdshow on my system. I am able to watch my XVIDs in media player and windvd, but when i try to load it as the video source in TEMPENC, i get the error "cannot open, unsupported"

What do i do now?

Minion  2003-07-20 23:15:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Unsupported error can Usually Be easilly fixed By going to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Faise the "Direct Show" to "2"...This should work...

Minion  2003-07-20 23:16:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sory that is "Raise the "Direct Show" to "2"...

Question - TE25 - Aspect ratio question No.38151
THE WATCHER  2003-07-20 00:01:58 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

does the aspect ratio affect whether or not it will play in a dvd player?
the vcds i have created are all 1:1 which is just like a square, this looks good on a normal tv but i wonder how it would look on a wide screen tv?
also, how does a vcd look like in a 16:9 aspect ratio


Minion  2003-07-20 02:33:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1:1 is the WRONG aspect ratio To watch anything on TV, 1:1 is Mostly for Watching on your PC, All Regular TV"s Require that you use 4:3 Aspect ratio and if you are Not useing it then you are Not getting the Best looking Image as Displayed on a Regular TV..You can Watch 16:9 on a Regular TV But it doesn"t look Right, 16:9 Is Mostly for Widescreen TV"s...1:1 will Not look Correct on Any TV, and Some DVD Players will Not Play 1:1 Aspect ratio VCD"s and Will NOT Play 1:1 Ratio DVD"s...So I would Advise you to Switch to 4:3 as your Picture will Look Much Better Actually It will Look Correct as 1:1 is Not correct for TV...

ashy  2003-07-20 09:23:39 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are we talking about the input aspect ratio here or the output aspect ratio.
If it's the input you are talking about then it depends on the source you are using whether it should be 1:1 or not.
As for the output aspect ratio Minion is correct. All VCD's have to have an output aspect ratio of 4:3.

Tracer  2003-07-29 18:30:11 ( ID:as4qxzcqqln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Where do you change the output ratio?


Question - TE25 - TMPGenc on linux No.38147
GS  2003-07-19 20:53:24 ( ID:rihoxasgx3r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will TMPGenc ever be made for Linux?

Minion  2003-07-19 22:35:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

From what I have heard there are No Plans to make Tmpgenc compatible with Different Platforms, But I have heard of Poeple Running Tmpgenc under Linux..

ashy  2003-07-20 09:28:35 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Run can run TMPG under Wine.

ashy  2003-07-20 13:03:40 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry correction.
You can run TMPG under Wine.

Question - TE25 - DVD backup No.38145
THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 19:08:49 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been tring all day to copy my DVD "Robbie Williams Live At The Albert" into a VCD video as to save repeated playback of the original DVD.
I tried creating a project using DVD2AVI, I set the audio to
Dolby Surround downmix and the video YUV-RGB to TV Scale. This project saved as a .d2v file and a .ac3 file, but when i try loading this to TMPGenc it tells me that it is unsupported, I have the VFAPI plugin installed, I have the DVD2AVI.vfp file in the TMPGenc folder but it still does not work. I can however using the VFAPI plugin directly load each VOB file but then I get no audio and I will end up with a bunch of files instead of the one mpeg file i want.
Can anybody help me out?

ashy  2003-07-19 19:40:23 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Firstly you cannot load an Ac3 file into TMPG you must let DVD2AVI convert it to a wav.

Make sure that the DVD2AVI.vfp that is in your TMPG folder is the same as the one from the DVD2AVI version you used to create the d2v file and is located in the same place as the TMPGenc.exe

If it still doesn't work then make sure the plugin is registered and checked in the VFAPI plugins.
If it is try raising it's prority.

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